Why I am (Book 5)

By racefunhorsess

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Phoenix Fury has been through more than she ever could imagine. After joining up with her best friend, Emily... More

Information Desk
Chapter 1- Diamonds
Chapter 2- Holy Crap
The Author asks you questions!
Chapter 3- Giving in
Chapter 4- You knew?
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9-Freedom
I've got a question...

Chapter 5- The Questioning

262 13 21
By racefunhorsess

Dedicated to Sarcasm_Intended for the following book Red Star is mentioned a few times. 

A/N I had promised a chapter to Blue_Keyed_Piano and here it is. I hope you enjoy it and I did have writers block, but hopefully it's over. 

Hail Hydra, Mortals

Chapter 5

Phoenix P.O.V

The stars in the sky, twinkle brightly. My hands grip onto the steel railing that stops me from falling down seventy floors. Lights gleam from Stark Tower out onto the balcony. My raven hair blows in the wind and my eyes flicker above the tops of the buildings next to us.

The song let it go floats through the windows. Christmas in July and also because Tony's latest addiction is to the movie Frozen.

"You come here often?" I let out a chuckle and look over at Captain America, who's leaning against the wall near the door.

"Is this your attempt to become modern, Mr. Rogers?" He stands up straight and begins to walk over to me with a smile on his face. "Or is it you trying to become another Mr. Stark?" His face turns to a frown and I chuckle, turning back to the midnight stars.

"You know what-"I cut him off.

"Yes, I do know you're easy to tease." I glance at him from the corner of my eye. He bumps his shoulder with mine playfully. "So what brings the First Avenger out onto the balcony?"

"Someone looked a little lonely. Though they might want to talk." I read between the lines and find the double meaning. He's talking about what happened between my Dad and I, also the Hydra problem. I haven't told anything else about that day.

"Talking won't do no good, Steve. It will make me relive it and trust me, you don't want to know what happened." I feel his hand on my shoulder and he slowly turns me to face him.

"I'll listen to everything you say, just tell me when you want or need to talk." He voice is low, not with sympathy or pity, it's just low and soft almost as a comfort. Like a song that's soft and soothing. I smile at him and nod. It seems to go silent, before I make the first move and wrap an arm around his waist, before moving the other one and hugging him.

He hugs me back and to his chest tightly. Before I realize it, I feel tears flood from my eyes and they're definitely unwanted. I know he feels them, but he doesn't comment. He just lets me cry, into his chest and I close my eyes and try to burrow myself closer to him.

As I take deep breaths, I inhale his cologne and it makes me sigh. Why does he have to smell so good! I feel like a creep, so I pull back and avoid looking into his eyes.

"Thanks, Rogers."

"Don't block me out like that, Nix. It's not Rogers, not Mr. Rogers or Captain America. It's Steve for you." He stands close to me and gently tips my chin up and our heads slowly begin to move closer before our lips conne-

Beep, beep, beep!

My alarm blares out and I groan in annoyance. Somebody is going to die today. Who the heck set my alarm?

I grumble again as it continues and gets louder by the second. I slam a fist down onto it and I hear it crack, along with the table beneath my fist. I snarl as the beeping continues and I realize it's my phone.

I turn over in my bed and grab my phone, holding it in front of my face and wincing as the light shines directly into my eyes. Oh holy honey bunches of oats it's five am! Code red... that word repeats in my head vigorously before I realize it's one of the codes about missions. It means something is coming our way.

I literally shoot out of bed, no not with my gun, but my ice. I slip over to my door and open it, running to the door of Emily and Bucky's. I decided to just have a room here, while I try to find out what I'm going to do since S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't employ me anymore.

I pick the lock to their room with the help of Alice and I walk over to their bed, where I see Bucky with an arm around Emily. I lean down and poke Emily's arm. I poke her again and she rolls, over trying to stop the poking. I only poke harder into her shoulder.

"Stop." She groans and swats my hand away. I just shake my head and gently shake her shoulder. Her eyes pop open and I hold up the phone making her flinch back and wince as the light hits her eyes. As she sees the code red, her eyes widen and she pops out of her bed and somehow in the process she doesn't wake up Bucky.

"When'd you get this?" She whispers.

"A few minutes ago." She nods and gets to her closet.

"Wake up Bucky and when you're done continue on with the rest of the Avengers." She pulls out a cat suit and I nod. I walk over and grin, knowing this will be mean but my other ways probably won't work. With all my strength I roll his heavily muscle frame off his side of the bed and he lands on the floor, coming up a second later with a gun.

"Where the heck did you get a- Never mind! We've got a code red! Get up and suit up!" I yell, only to see him faintly nod before I jog out of the room. I kick open everyone's door on their levels yelling at them to wake up before I walk out into the main floor. I get a glimpse of Hydra agents, before I fly back past everyone who exits the elevator, flipping through the air. I land on my knees though, without a sound.

"My patience is sometimes something you don't want to deal with." I just randomly say, forcing ice across the ground and it rises up. The person dodges and I jump up, sliding down the ice I just created and to the person.

They swing a stick in their hand and I duck, dodging and sending out a punch. The person doesn't even stumble. Two other people come out and they both have similar sticks. They glow a neon red and my symbols that line up that side. I back bend under a stick headed for my head and kick my feet up, making them stumble back.

I flip up onto my feet and nudge one of the sticks over near the wall since one of them lost it. It lost its neon red glow and just lays there as a silver stick. As I kick it over, I don't notice a stick coming my way.

I fly back into a wall with a groan. Pain spreads across my body, but I ignore it the best I can. I watch as boots step towards me and I hear Emily murmuring that I've got this, but I can't be too sure. When they get close enough a plan pops in my head.

I pop up like a kernel of popcorn and grab onto the light above us and wrap my legs around their head. I spin and they move unsteadily, I know I did the move correctly and I let go, back flipping with my legs still around their head and making them front flip, landing on their back with a thud.

I spin to find myself now fighting... me? Same exact outfit too. We're both wearing a tight fitting under armor tank top with a pair of S.H.I.E.L.D. shorts. We spin in circles and I notice she dropped the bar for hand to hand combat.

"Who are you?" I hiss as we spin in circles.

"Who are you?" She hisses back at me. I know Mystique is nowhere near here and there is only one other person who I know could try and be me... I trained her.

Agent 33

"Well, well, well. My own trainee Agent 33." I smirk and she smirks back.

"You're agent 33." I shake my head and realize she's trying to play the Avengers.

"I've never been that amateur." I smirk as anger flashes in her eyes. "You can't play down Phoenix, but only yourself." I smirk again and she charges. I dodge, but she manages to grab my arm. She tries to swing me into a wall and I jump up, kicking it and flipping back, slamming her into the wall. "Is that all you got?"

She slams an arm into my stomach and I step away as she tries to round house kick me. I slide between her legs and she randomly charges, shoving us back into the kitchen. She grabs a knife and I grab a towel hanging from the oven.

She swings and I wrap the towel around her wrist, raising it and kicking her stomach. The knife falls and I spin her around wrapping the towel around her neck and then grabbing at her face, pulling up the Nano-mask on her face, revealing Agent 33 otherwise known as Kara Palmas.

"Phoenix." She greets now that she reveals her real self.

"Kara." I smirk. "You're a little better, you're punches are weak and you seem to struggle on which side you're on. I mean you were me." During that time, I wrap a meat mallet in the towel. She charges and I swing, hitting her hard enough in the head to knock her out. "I would've taken it easier if you were fresh meat." (Get it??)

"Ma'am, there are intruders coming up the stairwell." Alice announces and Emily nods.

"Bucky, why don't you and Emily get the children to a safe room? We can handle this." I look over at him and he nods at me. I walk around the corner to the elevator and notice the sticks on the ground. I crouch down, looking closely at the symbols until I realize this as something S.H.I.E.L.D. had collected.

The Berserker Staff

The elevator doors open and it reveals Hydra agents. I put up a wall of ice and sigh. I know what's going to happen when I touch this.

"I wouldn't advise you to do that, Lady Fury." Thor announces and I look at him.

"It's the only way." He nods at me sadly. The Berserker Staff lives up to its name. If brings anger and makes you go... well berserk. "If something happens, knock me out." He nods and I close my eyes for a second before reaching out hesitantly.

When my hand wraps around it, it glows neon red. Anger flows through my body and then I grab onto the other stick. I growl out as pain and anger fill my body at once. It makes a powerful force together. I grab onto another stick and close my eyes in pain. I connect them before reaching out for the third piece and connecting them also to make the staff.

Rage fills my body as I look over at the Hydra agents. I pull myself up, energy, pain and anger fill my body. Rage consumes my mind and the Hydra agents look over at me with frightened eyes.

"Bring it on." I growl and they charge. Tony stays behind up we all begin to fight. Arrows fire, bullets fly and I swing the staff, making agents fly back into the walls with force. I feel a few eyes on me as I make agents fly back into walls.

When Steve's shield flies into an agent, knocking him out and leaving me with the last one, I spin and kick my foot out and just knocking them into the temple lightly enough to knock them out. The staff in my hands, I survey the agents piled on the ground before I toss the staff in the air and freeze it into a block so it's never used again. No one can feel the rage I felt or deal with the visions that had threatened to plague me.

I stare at the now silver staff in my hands. It holds so much anger within it. I don't ever want to feel like that again.

"How'd you do that?" Thor asks and I look down at the staff.

"I see it almost every day." I whisper and twirl the ice colored staff in my arms. "So Hydra is still out there and the somehow the staff got out of the Fridge. Which means we either lost it or..."

"Or then we've still got traitors inside S.H.I.E.L.D." I nod in agreement.

"Bruce and I would like to check out the staff." Thankfully Bruce had been out, but somehow arrived during the fight. Tony kept him from getting angry.

"Not gonna happen, Stark." I snap and he looks taken aback.

"And why not, Fury. Director's daughter instincts popping in?" He smirks and I narrow my eyes at him, stomping forward with the staff in hand.

"No, it's agent instincts. You know the last people who got their hands on this? They were taken down by the Calvary because they believed they were Gods. This staff doesn't only give super human strength, but it gives rage. Images of the past and if you touched this or Bruce did it would be disastrous. You wouldn't know how to handle it." I stare him down and he narrows his eyes back at me.

"How then would you, Phoenix?" He hisses.

"Because the visions, the rage that this give is something I deal with on a daily bases. You see my powers are almost like the hulk. Releasing them can come on pure anger or I can let them out. Then the visions, they also give me rage. You don't know what The Red Skull did when he captured me and you don't know what they did when I was captured by Hydra. It was madness, trust me we all have dark sides. Depends on whether you choose to show it or not."

He stares at me for a minute, while I remain impassive and he knows that I'm not joking and this is completely serious.

"You're serious?" His eyebrows raise at me.

"Until the day my body lays dead and cold in a coffin." He flinches back at my voice and avoid eye contact with me. "No if you excuse me boys, this made me utterly exhausted." Which that, exhaustion actually passes into me and I fall to the ground. Let's just say I can literally sleep almost anywhere.


My fist meets the punching bag over again, until it takes a break and I smash my foot into it. No, anger doesn't push me on. I don't feel rage as I hit it, it's just my mind is clouded with thoughts.

Emily sits in the corner of the room reading a book called Red Star. I swear she reads faster than anyone I know. It's amazing just to watch her finish off a three hundred to four hundred page book within a few hours. No she didn't gain that with her powers, she just always had the ability.

Warrior by Nina Sublatti plays through the speakers of the room and it's a comfortable song.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming to collect the staff today and I'm still questioning how they managed to get it out of the fridge. It'd be dangerous if they still had somebody inside S.H.I.E.L.D. and if that happened then we're in deep trouble again. How the heck would my dad not notice the staff being stolen even if Hydra was still within S.H.I.E.L.D?

"Well he's been distracted recently." I look over at Emily who looks up from her Red Star book. "You said that aloud."

"How has he been distracted?" I raise an eyebrow and she sends me a deadpanned stare with a raised eyebrow. "What! I'm not a mind reader!" I throw my hands up in the air and she just rolls her eyes at me.

"You, you dipstick." I just roll my eyes at her. "His daughter disowned him and his best agent just left the agency. You just killed off any chance of his already arranged Black Ops missions of being completed." I look over to see her smirking. "You screw up his chances big time, you my dear Nix are a one of a kind agent."

"But he has the Avengers." I turn my full body to her waiting for her response.

"Yes, they're Avengers. There is a difference between the Avengers and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nobody can replace the Director's best agent. Which just so happens to be..." She pretends to think, twirling her fingers around before they land on me. "You."

"Me?" I burst out laughing. "You know, you're funny. I'm not the best agent, the agent that always topped me in the Directors and even my father's book was Agent Coulson. There was no way I could beat Steve's fan boy. He was the right hand man, best strategic planner in S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Not true!"

"Very true! You didn't see them. The only time he talked to me as a father was on my birthday or when he was around you after I turned fourteen. Then it became agent speak to me, first it was training. Every night I'd come home, I could barely walk. The mission before you were sent out as a soldier, he came to me. There was no be safe, no love from him. He just gave me the file and left." Without realizing I had started to punch the bag again. There were a few minutes of silence besides my fist hitting the bag.

"Bugs." Turning to her, my eyebrows lift.


"There were bugs in your apartment. Since nobody knew you were the Director's daughter, he couldn't let them know that you were his daughter. Hydra had actually been the ones of bugged it, but back then we didn't know. When I didn't get to you and you we injured, I knew what the situation had been when it was bugged before, the director didn't like that I had been one of the best and you had been injured because of me. I had been sent out because you were injured under my watch. It was his way of saying her loved you."

"She's right. From the sounds of what Emily said, he may have treated you like an agent but he loved you." I look over to Natasha who leans against the door.

"Keyword there is loved. You always say love is for children. How-"She cuts me off.

"Why are you so hesitant to believe us? Yes, I do say that Love is for children, but we are children at times and that was forced into my brain at a young age." She pauses walking into the room. "Look, I just came down here to tell you that Tony ordered KFC and dinners upstairs in the main level, this was just something I thought I could help out in."

"Thank you Natasha. Glad I just finished chapter sixteen on this Red Star book, it is really amazing." Emily pushes herself off the floor. Yes, she did actually announce that she was pregnant once again after I freaked out earlier.

"You're going to have to let me borrow it sometime." I smirk and she nods. "Emily, do you think we're ever going to fix the family relationship between my father and I, like you did?" It seems right to question her, because of what she and Tony went through.

"Look Phoenix, it's still a little rocky between my father and I. He can be some idiotic moron at times, but he is still my father. He probably didn't know me when I was young, but he still loves me as much as he probably would've. He's like an overgrown child, things are rocky between children."

"Speaking of children, how's my little God children. I haven't seen them today." Rebecca and James are just the cutest babies in the world.

"They're fine, I just hope these little guy in my stomach doesn't somehow want a twin too. That'd be a nightmare." We both chuckle and I sling an arm around her shoulders.

"Yes, but think of the fun they'd have! I can't wait till James and Rebecca get older." I grin thinking of it.

"Just wait till you have your own." She nudges me and moves her mouth near my ear. "Perhaps with a certain super soldier." Choking on my own saliva, we walk out of the room. Oh great times, I just hope nothing happens to disrupt the peace.

Did you enjoy it???

Question: What do you like better?

Movies with Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan? 

My answer: Chris Evans all the way. I just saw The Losers and Snowpiercer, I do not recommend Snowpiercer before bed though. Haha

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