Chapter 7

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2 weeks later

"Hail Hydra!" My teeth clench at those words. How pointless. They're the words of murderers and liers ones who have no life and need to have violence in their lives.

My arms are bound behind my back with ropes of twine. Cuffs hang from my wrists holding back my powers and making me almost useless, besides my martial arts knowledge.

The cell around me is warm enough to burn my hands if I touch it. No Windows, no bars and not even a door. Their is just a small wall that moves above in my roof which drops plates of food and water bottles that melt when I finish it, so I can't kill myself.

Every precaution is taken to keep me alive, but keeping me sane is out of the question. I have no idea If Steve is safe, if my family is safe.

"Having fun in the Red rooms, Agent Fury?" The voice of Baron Von Strucker makes me glare at a wall with fury. The only anger is shown from my face as the rest of my body is relaxed.

That is until a fierce pain is unleashed upon my body.

Two weeks before.

My internal alarm wakes me up ever so sweetly. I yawn, stretching my body and groan as my eyes open and close because of the bright morning Sun.

The aroma of fresh pancakes fills my nose and I definitely know that Tony is the one making them... he's doing better, judging the amount of smoke in the air. I once had to lock myself in my room while it was frozen, along with Bucky, Steve, Emily, Emily Jr and then the twins just because it was terrible. My ice blocked the smoke and Emily could keep us warm.

I have no idea how to manages to have the smoke penetrate the many different levels of the tower we're in.

"Tony!" I shout as I walk into the kitchen where everyone is walking into the room. "Step away from the stove." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Who's going to make me?" I place my hands on my hips, glaring as Emily actually arrives last.

"Anthony Edward Stark!" She barks out and his body stiffens. It's terrifying how scary she can be. "Step away or you're gonna be responsible for giving everyone, and I'm mainly talking about my children, second hand smoke. I'll also have Alice place lock down on your lab and you know as well as everybody in this toward does... that I can and will bloody well do that."

Everyone in the room stops and stares at her while Tony steps away. I smirk and walk up, depositing everything he touched, either in the trash can or the sink. I grab a fresh box of Bisquick and chocolate chips, along with fresh fruit from the fridge.

"I'm making breakfast so what kind of pancakes would you like?" I grin at Emily Jr. Runs forward and tackles my waist in a hug.

"You're an angel." She breathes making everyone laugh and I fake a laugh though. There has only been one other who said that...

"Now what kind of pancake would you like?" I ignore the compliment and crouch down in front of her. She purses her lips in thought and then grins at me.

"Surprise me." I raise an eyebrow and shift my gaze to Emily who shrugs.

"Give the girl what she wants." I grin, it's not evil but slightly terrifying. "Might as well surprise the rest of us while your at it." She knows what I'm planning, that sneaky Stark... or we'll Barnes, but she'll sometimes be a Stark to me.

"Alright, everyone out and Bucky can you grab cups and the Orange juice from the refrigerator. I'll deliver these to the big table for us all to have breakfast together." Bucky nods and glances at Steve. They both silently agree to do it together, Bucky getting the juice and some water while Steve grabs the glasses and kids bottles.

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