Chapter 9-Freedom

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Chapter 9

Phoenix P.O.V

Waves of heat flood my senses and I slowly opens up my crusted eyes, moving my hands I feel bands on my wrists and I look down at them, not seeing anything but darkness.

It takes me a few seconds, but I realize I'm not blind. In fact, I don't seem to have anything wrong with me. Feeling along my body to where I was shot, I feel no puncture wound and no scar. They shot me with a freaking sedative that stung like a bullet!!!!

Trying to stand up, my legs feel weak and I let out a grunt, trying to take in a deep breath while oxygen seems to be low in wherever I am. Looking around, my first reaction is fear because that is what darkness brings. My hands shake, as my breathing picks up slightly. My thoughts go haywire, zipping in and out.

I try to control myself, biting my lip and closing my eyes as I tilt my head to the ceiling of wherever I'm locked in.

Maybe I can find a door along the wall...

Crawling on my hands and knees, my body still slightly shaking, I reach my hand out in front of me, I expect to feel some cold cement wall holding me inside this... cage?

Touching the wall, I let out a scream at the extreme heat and I stumble back, more than I expected because my back hits another wall, making my scream louder and I jolt forward, not daring to move an inch as my hand sears with raw pain, incredible pain and I let out loud gasps and whimpers.

"Ahh!" My left hand clutches my right wrist as I rock back and forth, feeling dizzy. Clenching my jaw, I feel tears rise but I manage to blink them away.

A creak above me makes me and I look up, squinting as light enters the room.

"Ahh, look at our little prisoner." A voice seems so happy at my captivity that when my eyes adjust to the sudden light I scowl at the familiar face of Baron Von Strucker. He'd been on S.H.I.E.L.D's watch list for a few years and had moved up the ranks as he became a suspect of multiple Hydra occasions. "She looks perfect." He comments to someone near him.

"She does." A few voices agree.

"Oh and if you haven't gotten to the point yet, don't touch the walls, you'll only get burned." He chuckles and I keep a passive face, trying to hold back most of my emotions. The door slams and I cringe, daring myself not to move so I don't irritate my back

Something floods the room and I cough before my eyes close and I'm guessing darkness, but I'm already shrouded within darkness.

When I awake again, I'm back in the cell and my cheeks hurt for some strange reason. My lips feel dry and I stick my tongue out to wet them, but it catches on wires and I immediately lift my hand, feeling my mouth is sewn together. Something shifts against me and I feel a small hand wrap around my waist.

My hands trail along the arms to meet a face, my hand meeting lips that are also sewn shut with a wire. A small whimper escapes the figure and I know it's a kid.

Running my hand through the kid's hair as he whimpers again. Trying to let out some comforting sounds, I scoop them up into my lap and they stiffen up, but I caress their cheek softly and run a hand through their sweaty and greasy hair. My hand feels better than last time I was here and I don't feel any pain in my back.

The kid curls up in my arms and I take a deep breath, feeling the urge to protect the little person in my arms.


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