Chapter 2- Holy Crap

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A/N Short chapter sowwy!

Chapter 2

Phoenix P.O.V

"Are you ready?" I look over at Emily with a slight glare and nod, ready to get my fake smile on. I don't get why we had to do this for the Avengers, but I'm seriously going to murder myself if this takes more than ten minutes. "Phoenix, those threats are going to get you killed someday." I give her a confused look.

"Did I say that aloud?" She nods and makes sure her scar is covered up and her eyes don't appear gold to the public. They always criticize her on them and she's a little self-conscious about them.

"You're going out in two." Happy walks over and we both nod, fidgeting slightly before we remember we're or were agents and you shouldn't show emotion. Our shoulders are squared, postures straight and we don't look like we have sticks up our butts. We're good.

Emily managed to get us both to wear pencil skirts and white shirts that show off our curves. Pepper did our make up so we don't look like fools. You'd think that since we're or were agents, we'd know how to do our makeup, but we're both clueless. I notice her stretching her fingers and I see a little bulge of a gun under her skirt.

The doors open and we walk out as Happy introduces us. Our postures are confident, our faces blank and our eyes soft with no emotion. Emily walks out first and I follow behind her, she was always one to go first between the two of us.

It's not that I wasn't confident and that I wanted her to get hurt in dangerous occasions. My

dad assigned her to go first in our first mission and it's stuck like that ever since. I don't really mind though. She finds information out and it's relayed back to me so I'm ready for anything. There's only been a few missions where I've went first.

Emily steps up to the podium and I stand by her side. We both scan our eyes over the surroundings before she begins speaking.

"Most or all of you know my name. You've watched through these past years as I've joined the media world known as Tony Stark's daughter and then getting married to an Avenger. A lot of you have notice that gold suit flying from Stark Tower, especially when it fell and I was caught on video jumping out before the level was crushed.

I'm not an Avenger, it doesn't matter. I've turned it down plenty of times. I'm not a hero, I've declined that title as long as I can count. I work on and off with the group and you've seen this past years as Loki has destroyed Manhattan twice and Hydra has tried taking over the world." She pauses and looks to me and steps back and I step forward.

"We're not here to tell titles or describe battles. We're both here on behalf of the Avengers. There has been a lot of miscommunication and we've been sent to make it clear for you. Yes, The Avengers are going to be here to help the world, but we... or they are not able to go to ever bank robbery.

Ours and their mission is to save the world and each and every one of us should know there are hidden pieces that never get mentions, but are there and we deal with them. Through rain, snow, hail and the barren heat of the desert, they'll get the job done. Not just for America, but the world." I looks over at Emily and she gives me a nod. "Thank you." I step off the podium and we stand there for a few pictures for the press, before turning and walking into the tower.

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