The Truth Comes Out

By TheBestiesDuo

101K 1.9K 546

It's a normal day at Henry's house Charlotte and Henry were studying and eating nachos till Piper takes thing... More

Revenge of Piper Hart
Things Get Weird
Expect The Unexpected
Bianca Spreads Gossip
Staying At Henry's House
Remebering You All over Again
How much I love you
Be my Hero
An unwanted Sickness
Were Having
Moving Day
Old Memoeries Remebereded
An Invisible Return
Nursery shopping
The Nursery
A Night To Remeber?
A/N Update
The Curse Of The Rain

I Need You

4.6K 93 34
By TheBestiesDuo

2 months later

"How are you feeling char"  "I'm good but tired"  "Piper is coming home today"  "Oh I don't want to deal with her"  "I can't stop her from coming but I don't  want to deal with her either"  Piper comes in slamming the door "IM NOT OKAY!"   Charlotte putting her face in her hands "OH NO!"   Piper walks into the kitchen with an angry tone   "Hey Piper"  "Your not going to believe what Marla did!"  "OH NO WHAT!"  Henry said in a sarcastic tone.    "She posted a pic of me without my permission  and it looks horrible!"  "That's terrible!"  "Yeah I know!"

"You should get revenge" "I never want to see her again!"  " well maybe you should go call her in your room and tell her off"  " Maybe I will!"  Storming off upstairs to her room.   "There I got rid of her for a while are you happy now"  " yes"  "So char what do you want to do today"  "Sleep my back hurts already"  Henry chuckling "well your welcome to lay on my bed all day but you can't sleep all day"  "why not!"  "Cause you won't sleep tonight  and it's not Practical"  " your right"  getting up and stretching.   

"At least if your gonna camp out on my bed all day change into different clothes"  "I will" walks upstairs to Henry's room and changes her clothes after she changes her clothes she sees her bump in the mirror and starts examining it with her hands
Henry comes in with his arms wrapped around  her stomach and head on her shoulder
"Hen am I getting fat ?"  "No you look beautiful "  "But I feel fat cause I'm growing a bump"  " Your growing a bump cause your carrying a beautiful baby  inside you"
"But doesn't that make you uncomfortable" "why would it make me uncomfortable "

"Cause I'm getting bigger and my stomach is getting bigger" "I don't care you still look very gorgeous" "really? But I'm going to get super big" "I still don't care char" "Are you really sure your not uncomfortable with my body changing" "I will never be uncomfortable with you char" "Awww when did I deserve such a sweet guy like you "I love you char" "I love you more but I'm still worried about my stomach" "Why"
"Everybody at school nothing the size of my stomach and then Bianca flirting with you and then. Threatening me because I'm pregnant with your baby when she says our baby should be hers with you not you and me" "Ignore them there just jealous cause you look so beautiful with our baby"

" But I don't feel safe carrying the baby at school " "No one can hurt you at school"
"Uh have you been around Bianca lately she's been threatening me more and more"
"What does she say char". "She says things like Henry should be mine and so should that baby! I will get you I'm warning you go back off!You think Henry loves you because of that stupid baby your wrong!" Charlotte crying  "I'm so scared Hen"
"Don't listen to her char I've  always loved you even without the baby"  "But she says she's gonna keep on doing it until we're not together anymore! I can't defend myself anymore"  "She tried hitting me the other day"  "What!?"  "Yeah but you weren't when I needed you to be" crying harder.  

"I'm so sorry char" "she's gonna hurt the baby and I "  "I won't let that happen to my family"  "but how every time she attacks me your never around  how am I supposed to trust you"  "I guess I'm not good enough " Henry starts crying  Charlotte's thoughts
"I-I can't do this anymore "  "How am I supposed to be pregnant if when I try and share my feelings with Henry but he  just cries and runs away"

"What should I do to help you char I'll do anything "  "does he even care about me and his child anymore" Charlotte was thinking  "char?"  "Like where is he every time Bianca attacks or threatens me ! I thought he said he'd always be there for me!"   " Charlotte please trust me I want to protect you!"   "Well I guess I was wrong cause I'm probably gonna lose our baby" Charlotte was siting  on the floor in front of Henry's mirror staring into space " I promise I will protect you"   Charlotte doesn't respond and keeps staring  off into blank space then Henry sits  beside her staring at his lap

10 minutes later
"Charlotte please answer me"
5 minutes later
"H-Henry" "Charlotte" Charlotte goes over to him hugs him tight and cries in his shoulder    "Henry please don't leave me" " I'm never  ever going to leave you char or our baby"  "Just help me protect our baby and don't let Bianca kill me or him or her"
"I won't I won't I promise char I will protect you and our baby  with my life " "How do I know you'll protect me with your life" "Cause I love you" "Then prove it"
"On Monday I want you near me and not Jasper your gonna hide and then when Bianca starts getting violent your gonna prove yourself to me" "I won't disappoint you char"

"You gotta swear you'll keep your promise" "I swear" "What do you wanna do now my handsome boyfriend" "Do you wanna watch tv and cuddle" "I'll do anything with you" Henry and Charlotte on the couch " Hen I'm kind of cold what about you" "me too"
"I'm gonna go grab a sweatshirt" "Do you want me to come too or wait for you here"
"Hen going upstairs to get a sweatshirt is harmless not dangerous" "I promised to protect you" "Still if your worried about me going to get a sweatshirt that much then you go upstairs and get it" "okay then I will" Henry goes upstairs.

6 minutes later
"Alright I found one of my sweatshirts cause I know you don't like wearing yours" " thanks Hen" "You want anything else sweetie?" Charlotte suddenly drops her phone in fear "Charlotte what's wrong ?!?!" Charlotte: H-Hen someone knows my number but I don't know there's " Charlotte starts having an anxiety attack

Henry grabs Charlotte's phone and reads the message
"Hi Charlotte I still see your with my Henry, you better watch your back especially that baby and leave Henry forever or else I'm gonna get you"

Charlotte panicking more " I bet this is Bianca but how does she know your number"
Charlotte shaking "I-I d-don't k-know" Henry hugs Charlotte tight " I promise she isn't going to going to hurt you" "IM SCARED!" "Shhhh I'm here don't worry" Holding her tightly  "B-but s-she k-knows w-where y-you l-live" "you want to go to the man cave cause Bianca doesn't know where that is" "but she knows how to contact me she could trace my location and number"  " Then Let's get rid of your phone"  " I can't live without my phone I need it" then Charlotte gets a strong pain in her head

"OW!" Holding her head  "I will get you a new phone char and are you okay!?!"
" my head hurts really bad and I feel like I need to sleep"  "char stay with me"  picks Charlotte up bridal style and carries  her  to the man cave
At the man cave
"Ray!"  "What's wrong!?"  "Can we stay in the man cave for a couple of days"  " what's wrong with Charlotte "  "she's in a panic state"  Charlotte moaning in pain  "what's going on!"   " I don't know!"  "Why do you need to stay in the man cave" " cause Bianca is threatening Charlotte" "About what?" " Charlotte being pregnant "  "Hen I don't feel so well" ( Charlotte starting to lose consciousness )  "I need to sleep"  "well what's the big deal with Charlotte being pregnant to Bianca"  "she's jealous" " that's so stupid"

Charlotte starting to space out  "Ray please help me!"  "Well what do you want me to do!"  "OW!" Holding her stomach in pain.   "Your a superhero!"  "So what am I supposed to do I'm not a doctor why don't you help Charlotte who's half conscious "
"I would but I don't  know what to do" "fine just go put her to bed and get her hydrated" "Okay" "H-Hen" "what is it char?" "I can't stay awake anymore or my head will explode and I feel sick" Henry gets a cold wet towel and puts it on Charlotte's forehead.
Then Charlotte tries to stand but almost starts to fall "Don't move char" " but I have to go to the bathroom" " I'll carry you" "no it's fine I can make it" then Charlotte takes another step and starts going  down Henry catches Charlotte

Charlotte moaning in pain again "I'm taking you to the hospital " "no I'm okay tru". Then before Charlotte could say another word she passed out "CHARLOTTE!"
"Henry what's wrong!" "Charlotte passed out" " we gotta get her to the hospital something could be wrong with the baby or her" "let's go!" Picks up Charlotte
At the hospital
"What happened". "My girlfriend just passed out" "how long ago did this happen "
"About 10 minutes ago" "ok" pushes call button Paramedics come out with a stretcher
Henry freaking out "it's okay Henry calm down" Ray said hugging him while Henry cries in his arms while the paramedics take Charlotte away "I need her to be okay ! What if she's not I'll never forgive myself" crying harder "Shhh Charlotte will be okay she's a fighter" "what about our baby I don't want to lose him or her" " there going to be okay just have faith" "I feel like this is all my fault " "Henry look at me this is not your fault "

"Then why did it happen I thought  I was protecting her" "you were" " well then I didn't do a good job at it cause she passed out right in my arms Ray ." Doctor comes out
"Is Charlotte and our baby okay" "Charlotte is under a lot of stress which is really dangerous during pregnancy"  "Is the baby okay?"  "The babies are fine but Charlotte were concerned about" "What's wrong with her?!!?" "Charlotte has extremely high blood pressure which is a high pregnancy risk factor especially during twin pregnancies .So we've given her some medication to help her chill out"  "Can I see her"  "yes she's in room 245 on the left but she's under a lot of stress so no stressing her out because we're trying to calm her down"
"Got it" then Henry walks down to Charlotte's room and opens the door quietly while Charlotte is still asleep

Henry walks over to Charlotte's bed and pulls up a chair and sits next to her grabbing her hand .   "Hey char its me"  " I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you,  I messed up again"
"But I promise you things will get better because I love  you and I will make sure of it"
Charlotte's eyes flutter open.  "H-Hen?"  "What happened and where am I ". "You passed out" "oh is the baby okay please tell me the baby's okay" starts crying
"Don't cry sweetie our baby is okay" Henry said wiping  away her tears.  "Thank goodness I was worried thee for a moment!"  "But how did I pass out I don't remember anything really"  "you had a very bad headache"  "why did I get a headache"

"You got super stressed out" trying not to stress her out.   "I'm Hungry"  "char you just woke up you need to rest "  " oh okay"  "so how are you feeling sweetie"  "I'm okay my head hurts a bit but  I'm fine" "well that's good to hear "  I'm tired" yawning.   "Just go back to sleep I'll  be right here by your side you need to rest"  "okay" then Charlotte closes her eyes and falls asleep"  "my baby" Henry whispered with a hand on her stomach.

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