The Name's Clawdean

By forever_capturing

1.5K 60 29

My Story... My life started with a scream... A scream from a mother dying to a newly born me. Then a cry... ... More

The Name's Clawdean
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

121 11 8
By forever_capturing


Show me yo' love!!!



"Clawdean!" someone shouted right down my ear.

I moaned as light was blaring down on me even with my eyelids closed.

"Lemphs spehhs..." I mumbled burying my head in my pillow, enjoying the unusual softness of it.

"I said get up!"

A frown slowly found its way across my face as the person raised their voice to me.

Suddenly the covers were flung from over me.

I growled as I swung out the bed throwing the person on top of me on the floor. I grabbed their arms and twisted it round their back. Satisfied when I heard a whimper of pain making my hands tighten on their wrists. I then threw them away from me smiling slightly when I heard a muffled sob escape from them.


With that thought I climbed back into bed. I heard the sound of feet exiting the room and running out.

A hour or so of precious sleep I was awoken again to the sound of my door being ripped open. With no more sleep needed I was wide awake and sat up in my bed, my hair all over the place. I looked around the room as yesterdays events flooded through my mind.

I'm in, well nearly in, Moonlight pack now.

That thought brought a smile to my face which was quickly wiped off as I saw the Alpha Martin fuming at my door.

"Clawdean Styles you will follow me immediately to my office!" with that the Alpha walked away.

Confused at what was going on I followed quickly, forgetting that my hair was bedraggled and I was still in my pajamas.

I hurried down the stairs as I tried to remember the way to the Alpha's office.

I rounded the corner to find myself face to face with a familiar looking door. I hurriedly entered the room to find the Alpha waiting at his desk.

"I hope you know why I am so enraged?" The Alpha enquired.

"Um... I don't know..."

That probably was not the right answer as a frown took place on Alpha Martins face.

"Clawdean, this morning I sent in a 14 year old boy to wake you up for school and yo-"


"Yes, school"

"High school?"


As a rogue is always moving around I never really had the chance to settle down in school and so I made the decision to leave school half way through my first year of middle school. No one said anything because they just didn't care about education.

But I guess education is expected now that I'm part of a pack... and i'm not running around everywhere...

"Ms Styles are you listening?"

"Oh? Y-yes I am."

"As I was saying this morning I sent in the poor boy to wake you up before leaving for a meeting, I return two hours later to find him sitting there with a broken arm!" The Alpha shouted at me.

"WHAT? I don't remember any of this!" I shouted back offended that he accused me of hurting my soon to be pack member.


"Well... Someone did come in in my room in the morning... I think... But they ran out after a while... I don't remember hurting the boy" I said as I began to sort through the dream I had this morning and reality.

"I understand that you were raised as a rouge and are more accustomed to violent methods of getting rid of people which may irritate you but...

"Clawdean, you have clearly injured this boy and for that you must be punished. If you were an official member of my pack your punishment would have been far more harsh then what it will be already. You will spend the rest of the day cleaning the back house, I will have one of the pack women show you where all the cleaning equipment is and I expect it to be spotless by dinner" The Alpha said as his eyes grew unfocused, a sure sigh of talking to another pack member through the mind link that's shared between all of the pack. "Also I expect you to be up and ready by 8 tomorrow morning for school with a sincere apology to the boy and his family. Also do not forget that after dinner you must find a guide to the elders meeting area where you will be asked a series of questions about your past and future. You may leave."

Wordlessly I walked out of the room.

Boy, is this pack thing going to take some getting used to. I already feel rage building inside of me for someone ordering me around.

But the Alpha is putting way too much on my plate right now!

I mean, CLEANING somewhere that doesn't even belong to me, making me go to SCHOOL after 4 whole year without giving me time to settle, saying I have to APOLOGISE of all things... Now that was something my pride would refuse to do.

On top of that I'm going to be grilled for something that I'm choosing to leave behind.

Always thought pack life was a lot more laid back really...

"Er, thanks I guess" I said to the retreating back of a women who handed me the keys to the back house and cleaning equipment.

I swear I could feel the women's fear.

I mean, rogues aren't THAT scary.

Meh, who am I kidding. Shifted rogues are the deal!

I walked towards the back house. As it came into view I was surprised as it looked nothing like the grand pack house.

It was like a cosy cottage/ barn. It was painted white with unkempt flower growing around it. Despite its beautiful appearance it looked as if no one had been here for a while.

I walked towards a big white door and slid the key into the lock. The opened with a click and a creek. I pushed the heavy door open only to find that there was no source of light inside.

I guess I'll be cleaning with the door open then. I looked around the back house. It was a messy 2 floored barn with a ladder leading to the upstairs. This is going to take forever I thought to myself. Stupid pack... What the heck was I thinking! All these rules and taking care of everyone! Its a load of constricting bull!

My first task was to get as much light as I could in here, meaning that I had to find however many windows or door I could find and open them. I walked around the bottom floor and found a few windows which didn't seem to want to open. But eventually did.

As I neared the back of the first floor I found a smaller Door. Strangely enough it was open. Judging from the lack of webs I came to a conclusion that It was opened recently. I guess this place isn't as abandoned as thought it was.

Oh well I thought opening the door fully.

Now with the bottom floor somewhat flooded with light I set to work in throwing junk outside, chasing away rodents, and generally cleaning it.

I should clean more... Its really calming. Until there's too much to clean I thought angrily as I looked around the second floor. It took me 4 hours to clean downstairs and now the top floor is worse then the bottom one!

I hate cleaning!

At the top floor I came across a big closed window. I pushed it open.

It didn't budge. After heaving and slamming my self at the window it finally burst open blinding me with light.

The sudden movement caused a few boxes behind me to topple over with a a loud 'thwack' and a soft 'umph'.

Boxes don't go 'umph' I thought to myself as I stared into the direction in which I heard the boxes drop. I walked towards the boxes and began picking them up one by one curious as to what caused that sound.

I gasped as I got my answer.

Once again I was greeted by a smokey pair of eyes.

"You..." I began.

"I'm stuck" he said simply.

My heart warmed as I listened to his sweet and smooth voice. Especially since the last thing he said to me was heart breaking, hearing him say something so neutral to me made me very happy.

What are you doing to me?

I quickly cleared the rest of the boxes away from his to find his foot underneath an exceptionally heavy box.

Panicking I tried to lift the box but it wouldn't budge.

"Is your feet feeling OK? Is your blood still going there? Has it gone numb? Oh my god I can't lift thi-" I rambled on trying to desperately lift the box off his foot. The mere thought of him being hurt stabbed my heart.

"Calm down, I'm okay. Here I'll help you." He said in a reassuring tone. He slowly sat up in a sitting position. I took note of the fact that he wasen't using his left arm much and if anything he was being delicate of it. If something was wrong with it then his face was not giving anything away.

With a simple push the box was flying across the room.

I stood there with my mouth hanging open.

"Wha-wha. H-how did yo-" I stuttered pointing from him to the box.

"How did I what?" He asked getting up.

"N...nothing" I said as my eyes drifted to his left arm. A small trail of blood seemed to be escaping from the bottom of his black shirt.

I gasped as pain prickled my heart seeming his blood.

"Your..." I whispered reaching out my hand to touch his arm, to try and find out what had caused the injury.

"No!" He shouted causing me to flinch. "Don't touch me..." He said moving away form me,

"But your hurt. Please, let me help you" I begged him.

The fact that I cared about this stranger confused me. I'm not one for concerning myself with the well-being of another unless it benefits me in anyway.

This omega has nothing to offer to me... So why do I desperately want to help him!?

Somehow sensing my distress he stopped and stared at me with those enticing eyes.

Why is my heart racing faster than usual? Why do I feel like my hearts going to give out?

What is he doing to me? I asked myself silently,

I snapped out of my thoughts as I realised the guy was moving away.

He climbed down the stairs.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I asked after him as I followed him down the stairs and out of the back house.

"What are you doing?" He asked, abruptly turning around.

Realising what he was referring to, I stood shocked.

How did he know what the rules the Alpha set for me.

I know it wasen't obvious what he was referring to, but something told me he knew.

"I'm not allowed to talk to you..." I whispered as he turned around and began walking towards the forest.

"Then why are you talking to me?" He replied.

"I'm not allowed to go into the forest just yet..." I whispered once again,ignoring his comment.

"Then why are you following me?" He replied.

"I don't know..." I said as we both stopped at the entrance of the forest.

In a normal situation I would have bluntly blamed it on me being an ex-rogue and not wanting to be constricted by rules... But this wasen't a normal situation. I feel like I'm missing something big. That right now I'm supposed to be adding up all the clues and solving a big mystery.

The look in the stranger eyes seemed to be saddened at the thought that I didn't know what was going on but at the same time relieved.

Once again, I stood shocked as realisation hit me hard.

"But you know don't you?" I boldly asked. "You know whats happening to me and why I feel so weird around you!"

All he did was smile his heartbreakingly sad smile.

"Someone has come to see you Miss Styles. They are looking for you at the back house. You might want to hurry or you'll look suspicous." He said turning around and stepping into the forest. "Don't you you getting in trouble with the Alpha do we?" He said over his shoulders with a sly wink.

"Wait!" I shouted. "At least tell me your name!"

"Xavier" with that he disappeared into the forest.

"Xavier..." I whispered loving how the name rolled off my tongue.

At least the my stranger has a name now.

But like hell I'm stopping there.

With a satisfied smile I walked back to the barn house.


Aye!? So the mysterious omega has a name!?

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