Change - (boyxboy)

By ZavierZ

55.5K 2.9K 1K

**Sequel to New** Will Evans is making some changes. He never wants to feel the way he did after the worst n... More

Chapter 1 - Out of Your System
Chapter 2 - Ecstasy
Chapter 3 - Talk It Out
Chapter 4 - What Are We?
Chapter 5 - OK
Chapter 6 - Prove It to You
Chapter 7 - Bets
Chapter 9 - Please Come Back
Chapter 10 - You Used Me
Chapter 11 - For Real
Chapter 12 - History
Chapter 13 - Failed
Chapter 14 - Always and Forever
Chapter 15 - Pineapple Pizza
Chapter 16 - One Bad Apple
Chapter 17 - I Don't Know
Chapter 18 - Bad Decisions
Chapter 19 - You Reap What You Sow
Chapter 20 - Friends?

Chapter 8 - We're Bad People

1.9K 126 56
By ZavierZ

A/N: Hey, I know it's been quite a while since the last update, sorry about that. But I'm back and should be posting regularly! Idk if people are still even reading or paying attention to this story anymore but I hope you like it :) xx

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, are you ready for today?" Will asked as they waited in traffic, common around here for the early morning. He had settled down mostly from his talk with the girls and was going into today with a calm and collected attitude, willing to go along with whatever way Oliver decided to go. He had been able to wrangle his selfish inner voice and subdue it, he didn't need that interfering with anything today.

"Uh, I think so," Oliver replied, a nervous lilt in his voice. To be honest, he was completely terrified. He'd been talking a big game for days, promising this and that to Will, how he'd proclaim his love for him from the rooftops and make everyone jealous of their relationship because they were so damn cute together. But reality had set in that morning as he stood in the shower, contemplating the day ahead. Now he wasn't so sure. 

He wasn't going to admit that though.

"You don't have to rush into anything, remember?" Will soothed the blonde, taking his boyfriend's spare hand and giving it a quick squeeze in comfort. "You can just leave it for another time, yeah?"

"No, no, no, I'm gonna do it. I'm definitely gonna do it. I said I would, so I will. I'm a man of my word, Will, so I'm gonna do it," Oliver blabbered, not sounding very convincing.

Will sighed, slightly annoyed. He really couldn't give two shits if Oliver told anyone today but the blonde had gotten it in his head that he had to, and nothing he could say would convince his boyfriend otherwise. To be honest, Will was more terrified of seeing Ryan, who he hadn't seen since the day he told him to get Oliver out of his system. He had been hopped up on pain meds then, but Will was sure that that probably wouldn't be the case today.

The two stayed silent in the car as the traffic crawled down the road before they could finally turn off into the school. "I'll see you later," Will said once Oliver parked the car, quick to try and get out as soon as possible.

"Why are you trying to get away so quick?" the blonde asked, reaching out and grabbing Will's arm to stop him leaving.

"No I'm not," Will retorted a bit too quickly, his boyfriend raising an eyebrow in confusion. "I-uh, I just gotta get to class, is all," he finished off lamely. Man, he was so transparent right now.

"What's the problem? Why are you angry at me?" Oliver questioned, seeing right his boyfriend's flimsy facade - not like it was that hard.

"Nothing, I have no issue with you," Will lied, not really feeling up for having this discussion, especially when class was about to start. But Oliver was persistent, repeating himself. Will, always the stubborn one however, just repeated himself in return.

The cycle went on and on until one of them finally cracked.

"Fine, alright," Will conceded. "I'm annoyed because you're the only one pushing for us coming out today, even though you're obviously not at all ready to. You're stressing yourself out. You're stressing me out. All for something that doesn't matter, a-"

"Doesn't matter? You don't think us being together matters?" the blonde cut in, interrupting Will.

"Let me finish," Will growled. "It doesn't matter if all the random people in school know or not. I don't give a shit about them. Honestly Oliver, the only person you should be telling about us today, if you really have to tell anyone, is Stacey. She's your best friend. She's the only one who deserves to know about us today," he continued to explain. "There really isn't any need to bloody rush. Just slow it down, Ol."

The blonde looked at him, processing what had been said. Oliver knew he was right. He'd been pushing himself for no reason at all. Man, he was an idiot... "Sorry Will, you're right," he sighed, head hung in defeat.

"Hey, hey, don't go beating yourself up, ok?" Will said, taking his boyfriend's face in his hands and lifting it up so he could look at him. "I'm always gonna be here for you, yeah?"

"Yeah," Oliver smiled before taking a quick glance around. When he saw that the coast was clear, he leant forward and gave Will a kiss. It was something he really needed at that point, and Will was happy to go along with it, moving his lips along eagerly.

They only pulled apart when they heard something crack against the front windshield. They both turned to look out and saw the windscreen covered in water, a plastic bottle rolling down the hood of the car, and Ryan hobbling away on his crutches.

"Fuck!" Will groaned, guilt settling in deeply as he watched his ex walking away, with his injury that was more-or-less Will's fault - both times. "He saw us, didn't he?" he asked, an overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry building up in his body as his heart sank to the pit of his stomach.

"Yeah," Oliver sighed in reply. His and Ryan's "friendship" had always been quite rocky, what with him wanting Ryan's boyfriend and all, but he was still feeling pretty guilty when he watched the crippled teen fleeing. Will had told him in bed the night before that outside of their bubble, they were "the bad guys" - he hadn't agreed then, but now he understood why the brunette would think like that. He definitely felt like the bad guy right now. He had been so focussed on trying to make Will his that he never really thought about who was going to get hurt in the process.

"We're bad people," Oliver muttered.

"Yeah, maybe," was all Will had to say in response.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Don't beat yourself too much over it, now shush, I'm tryna get laid, the text from Dale read. Will wasn't sure why he'd thought texting with Dale for comfort was a good idea. He was still feeling pretty shitty over the Ryan thing that morning and he hadn't seen either his ex- or current boyfriend since then.

The girls had tried to get some answers out of the brunette about why he was being such a downer but he'd been a closed book, just skating around the issue or just flat out ignoring the question. A bit rude on Will's part, sure, but he really didn't want to talk about it. With them anyway. It was a bit dumb of him to turn to Dale though, the man who had the maturity of an 8 year old most of the time.

Will was walking back to his locker to get his lunch, texting Dale back about how unhelpful he was being and that he hoped his dick fell off - followed by a lmao so he didn't look so harsh and bitter, obviously - when he bumped into someone he most definitely did not want to see.

"Ow! You stepped on my foot, you stupid idiot!" Mia yelped, slapping Will hard on the arm.

"Sorry," he apologised lamely, not actually all that sorry. Served her right for wearing that t-shirt. He might not be dating Ryan anymore, but that t-shirt is his.

"You'd think you'd hurt enough people already. Trying to get me on crutches too, you psycho?" she went on, hitting right below the belt. Will flinched, his heart clenching at the insinuation.

"Mia, stop," a voice ordered quietly from right behind Will, clenching his heart even more. Ryan hobbled past him to stand next to Mia, facing her and his back turned to Will as if he wasn't even there.

"No, this dickwad bumped into me. Doesn't care about other people but himself," she went off again, he disdain for Will's mere existence clearly evident.

"Mia. Stop," Ryan pressed again, a bit harsher this time. Will couldn't see but from the way Mia closed her mouth and the apologetic look - well, as much of an apologetic look a heartless bitch could muster - in her eyes, Ryan's expression probably wasn't a happy one.

"Fine," Mia sighed before turning on the spot and sashaying away, flipping Will off over her shoulder.

The two teens left stood in awkward silence, unsure how else to proceed after Mia's departure. Will took in a deep breath, deciding to just bite the bullet. "Ryan, I-I'm really sorry about this morning and everything else t-" he began but Ryan turned himself around and put a hand up to stop him talking.

"Just forget it, Will. I don't really want to hear it. Just don't bumped into Mia again 'cause I won't stop her next time," Ryan said before he shuffled back around and headed the same way Mia had gone.

That overwhelming feeling he'd felt that morning was building up again as he continued down the hall, wiping at his eyes in hopes that he wouldn't burst into tears. He wasn't sure if he could contain himself much longer, especially once he got to his locker.

Leant up against it was Oliver, swarmed with girls all chattering to him, trying to get his attention. Vanessa Ainsthropp was currently pressed up on his boyfriend - well her enormous tits definitely were - as she traced her manicured finger along Oliver's collar and shoulder flirtily as she
giggled. The blonde was look down at her - and probably down her buttoned-down shirt too, Will guessed - with a giant grin on his face like a pig in shit. 


"Maybe if you're free later, we can meet up later and have... some fun?" Vanessa said suggestively, sucking on her lollipop in a way no-one should when there was 10 other people around.

"Yeah, maybe we can," Oliver played along, his grin turning flirty.

What the hell is this asshole doing?!

Will could feel his anger bubbling the lake of tears built up in him, steaming up into his mind and making him see red. He growled deeply, turning on the spot and storming away, lunch long forgotten.

What a fucking shit day this is.

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