Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Lov...

By awkwardwritinggirl

1.4K 80 4

"Feel the pain, don't show it. Don't let anybody know that it's there." -Luke. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 26

24 1 0
By awkwardwritinggirl


We have been home from New York for about a week now. I'd like to tell you that Kit and I have been fine ever since and that Harper learned her place in Kit's life, but she hasn't. Kit and Harper have been together all week and I haven't talked to Kit since we've been home. At school, she ignores me and doesn't sit with us at lunch anymore. The class that we do sit together in she just looks straight ahead the whole time, even though I've tried talking to her. And in the other class, she just sits with Harper. I get that she's pissed off at me for what I said to Harper, but I've said worse to her that she was willing to forgive. But, I guess when I say what her friend needs to hear, that's what's unforgivable. I have been losing my mind without her. I've tried calling and texting her, but she never answers. Harper is probably directing her not to answer me and that I'm no good. I really hope that Kit can see past all of Harper's bullshit soon. I really miss my Kit Kat. Even though it seems like she couldn't care less.
I sigh as I remember that I left my phone downstairs after dinner. I texted Kit and I really don't want to be late texting her back if she decides that she has the time for me. Though, I'm not too hopeful.
At the very least, I can go down there and I can talk to Karen. She usually knows what to tell me to do. She seems to always know the answer, if it wasn't for her, I probably would have lost Kit long ago due to how selfish I was. I guess I still am pretty selfish. But, not being able to talk to her is hurting too much to not think of myself a little bit. I start walking down the stairs with a sigh as I put a fake smile on when I see my dad sitting in the living room, all dressed up. There must be a party at his work or something. He never dresses up, and I can tell by the expression on his face that he's not enjoying it so much. I go and stand in front of him after quickly getting my phone off of the table. "Where is Karen at?" I ask.
He smiles up at me. "In our room touching up her makeup I do believe, why?" He asks.
"I was just wondering. I need to ask her something." I explain. "Since when does she wear makeup?"
"Tonight is date night." My dad says. "Her idea not mine. We are going to a get together her friend is having. Apparently it's important that we dress up."
"Lucky you!" I say. "I'm going to go find Karen before you have to leave. It's kind of important." I tell him as I run upstairs. I quickly knock on my dad and Karen's room door.
"Come in." She says.
"Hey." I say before going in and sitting down on her bed. "I know you're busy right now, but I was hoping not too busy to talk to me for a couple of minutes before you and dad go out."
"Never too busy for you, what's up?" She asks before coming and sitting next to me on their bed. "Is it Kit again?"
"How did you know?" I ask.
"I know you better than you think." She says. "I can see the change in your mood when she's not around. Plus, I've literally noticed that she hasn't been here. Why is that?"
"I don't know. We're not on good terms anymore, I guess." I say with a sigh. "She hasn't talked to me since the airport in New York when I gave her the cold shoulder. I don't know what to do, I text her, I call her, but nothing is working. I've even tried talking to her at school. She just looks straight ahead or walks away to go be with Harper."
"Sounds to me like Harper is toxic." She says. "Everything was seemingly good between you two until her and Harper got close."
"I thought she was nice for a little bit, just extremely awkward, but when we got to New York, she became a bitch. She told Michael that she hates me and that I'm not good for Kit, then demanded to come into my hotel room so she could tell he the same thing. Then tells Kit about how childish I am."
"I'd tell that one to go fuck herself." Karen says with a slight smirk.
"I have." I say and sigh. "She's just a person that I can't handle."
"Well, she's trying to steal your girlfriend away from you." Karen says. "You have every reason not to like her, but also if her feelings for Kit are real like you say they are, she also has every reason not to like you. But, she needs to respect that Kit is taken and get someone that makes her happy the way you make Kit happy."
"Or at least the way I used to make her happy. The way she still make's me happy." I say and look down.
"She makes you happy?" Karen asks. I nod. "She's not doing a very good job at that right now, it appears." She says and wraps an arm around me. "I'm telling you this because I care about you, Luke. You can't put your happiness into someone else's hands. Ten out of ten times that they will mess that up one time or another and you're going to get crushed. Even if things get worked out, you can never put your happiness into someone else's hands. What happens if that person isn't around one day? Things don't always work out."
"I know." I say. "But, this isn't like every other situation. I wasn't happy before she came around. It's hard not to put your happiness into the hands of the person that makes you happiest."
"Honey, we have to go soon!" My dad calls from downstairs.
"You'll figure it out." Karen says as she gets down off the bed. I do as well. "I know you will. You need to talk to Kit, really talk to her, than go from there."
"Thank you." I say as we start walking downstairs. "You always know what to say, and I don't know what I would do without that."
"Any time, Kiddo." She says with a smile as she walks up to my dad with a smile. "Well don't you clean up well." She says to my dad.
"I would say the same for you, but you look just as beautiful now as you always do." My dad says.
"Smooth." I say, a little louder than planned.
"Just because I'm getting older, doesn't mean I've lost my game." Dad says to me with a small laugh. "Take some notes, Kit will love it." My dad says with a smile. I see Karen try to signal to my dad to shut up, but he doesn't catch the drift. "Speaking of Kit, I haven't seen her around for awhile, invite her over tonight, you can use the house for a date night."
"Thanks dad." I say in a small voice.
"Troubles in paradise?" He asks.
"Something like that." I tell him.
"You guys will work it out." He says. "Now, not to rush you, but we're going to be late." He says to Karen
"Have fun, guys!" I tell them as they head for the door. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
They laugh at me as they walk out. When I hear the car drive away, I let my fake smile drop and I let out a long, loud sigh. I know that chasing after someone that wouldn't do the same for you is stupid, and I promised myself that I wouldn't ever do that. But, I need to talk to Kit. I hate to sound desperate- but at this point, I am. I pick up my phone out of my pocket, finally gathering up the nerve to check to see if she got back to me. But, to no surprise, nothing. I sigh as I unlock my phone and dial her number. As I figured, she didn't pick up. But, I decide to leave a message.
"Kit Kat, it's me Luke. Look, I know that I've pissed you off, or hurt you. But, there isn't just one side to this. Maybe leaving a message is the only way for you to hear what I have to say, or maybe this is just a waste of my time, but I can't say that I didn't even bother trying, so, here I go. I'm ninety percent sure that you're most angered about what I said to Harper, but you should hear of all the stuff that she says about me to other people. But, I don;t want this to be about Harper." I let out a shaky breath. "I want this to me about you, and I want this to be about me. I want to talk to you so we can work this out. Please, Kit Kat. I miss you so much.You clearly don't know just how much I love you, but I do, a lot. Anyways, please just call me back, or maybe pick up next time I call. I love you. Bye."
I hang up my phone and look at it for a couple of minutes. She would have heard it by now. I hope she actually listened. I really wish that she'd call me back, but as a couple more minutes pass, she still doesn't get in touch with me. I decide to try one more time before giving up for the night. After I dial her number, I nervously press talk. Not expecting an answer, I put the phone up to my ear.
"Hello?" She answers with, almost right away.
"Kit Kat!" I say, unwillingly excited. "You answered, did you get my message?"
"Yes I did." She says and sighs. "Don't make me regret this. What do you want, Luke?" She asks.
"I want you to talk to me." I say. "I want you to come over to my house and talk this through with me. Nobody is home, so we don't have to worry about anyone prying in on our conversation, and I want us to both have an open mind going into this. Please, I miss you so much."
"I don't know." She says. "Every time we talk, it ends up being a fight, and I don't want that."
"And you think I do?" I ask. "Please just come over." I say as I swallow down the lump in my throat. "This hurts so much, please just talk to me. Please." I ask, my voice getting smaller with every word.
"Fine." She says with a sigh. "I'll drive over now. I'll see you in ten minutes, please just don't cry."
"I'm not crying." I say. "And isn't it usually the guy that says that to the girl?"
"Yeah, but I can tell that you're about to. And, I've seen you cry once, you've seen me cry countless times, including when we watched a certain episode of Rugrats. You crying is the hardest thing I've ever had to sit through. So, please just don't cry, okay? If you cry, I'll cry. We don't want it to be that kind of conversation."
I laugh a little. "Whatever you say, Kit Kat." I say. "Just please get here so we can go back to the way things were before all of this bullshit."
"Okay, Hemmings." She says. "I'll see you soon."
"I love you." I say to her.
"I love you too." She says before hanging up.
I decide to go wait outside for her. I walk out and take a seat on my doorstep. Waiting seems like it's taking forever. It always does when you're waiting on something that is important. But, I distract myself by trying to count the stars in the sky. I come up with that there are too many after losing my count for about the third time. I look down at my hands as I hear a car pull into my driveway. I jump up as I see Kit's car. When she gets out, I go up to her and wrap my arms around her. "I've missed you so much." I say to her.
"I missed you too, Hemmings." She says as we let go and walk into my house, I close the door behind us. "I want to get straight to the point. Where are we doing this?" She asks.
"I didn't really think it mattered, we have the whole place to ourselves. We can talk about it wherever you want to."
"Let's go sit in the kitchen." She says before walking out and taking a seat at the table. I sit across from her. "I'm going against everything Harper has been telling me by coming over here tonight, so you know." She says.
I can't help but roll my eyes a little at the mention of Harper's name. "I said I don't want to make this about her." I say as polietly as I could.
"But, she's the reason you have an issue with everything." Kit says. "Just admit that you don't like her."
"I never tried to hide the fact that I don't like her." I say. "That's but she's not the sole reason that we're having this issue right now. Yeah, she's an obstacle, but you and I are just as guilty."
"What do you mean by me and you are guilty?" She asks.
"Well, it wouldn't have killed you to make more time for me on that trip that we were supposed to make about ourselves." I explain. "But it wouldn't have killed me to be more calm about the situation. We both should have been more thoughtful."
"Luke, you were a control freak the whole week we were there. It was your way or the highway. We got to go on one date, which is one date in a week. Some couples don't get that much. First come first serve, she got to me first."
"And you couldn't have said that you wanted to spend a little time with your boyfriend?" I ask, starting to get a little annoyed with how she's seeing this. "Or did you not want to spend the time with me? Why do I always have to be the one to book the plans with you? Why couldn't you have given me a call one night?"
"Because not everything is about you, Luke." She says. "I don't wake up in the morning and say to myself 'Hm, I think that I'm going to go out of my way to make sure Luke doesn't get pissed off at me over something so stupid today.' You don't need to approve of every little thing that I do."
"Okay, where have you been all week, when you're ignoring my calls?" I ask.
"I've been with Harper but-."
I cut her off. "Exactly. And how many times were you going to answer the phone until she talked you out of it?"
"That's not important. It's her job as my best friend to make sure that I don't let you walk all over me." She says.
"Yeah, but what you don't see is that she's the one walking all over you." I say. "She's the one manipulating you, making sure that you're brainwashed just enough to see that she's the one that you should be with."
"I'm not brainwashed!" She says.
"Bullshit!" I say. "But, I said I don't want this to be about Harper."
"Than stop making it about her." She says.
"You're fucking kidding, right?" I ask. "You we're the one that brought her up!" I say. "Don't pin that on me!"
"I brought her up, but you were the one that drug the fucking conversation on!" She says, getting loud.
"I did no such fucking thing! You brought her up, I said that I don't want to talk about her, than you started a new conversation about her!" I say, matching her tone. "I respect that you like her, and you need to respect that I don't."
"You don't fucking respect that I do like her!" She yells. "You think that her friendship is a waste of my time!"
"It doesn't matter what I think." I say. "I don't get to chose your friends, I get that. But, you shouldn't be okay with a friend that constantly brings your boyfriend down. You know that I'm not all of the things she says I am. This whole thing is so unnecessary. I just wanted to spend time with you."
"You're probably just upset that you only got laid twice when we were there." She says in a cold tone. That hurt.
"Do you really think that that's all I care about?" I ask, looking down at the table. I can't look at her right now. "You really think that I've put up this much shit about it just because I wanted to fuck you some more?" I say in a calm voice. "Because if that's what you think, she has you further gone than I thought."
"What else would you be so pissed about?" She asks.
"I genuinely love you, Kit Kat." I say. "With everything that I possibly have. I love you so much that it hurts. I love you so much I want to actually spend time with you, regardless of if I get laid or not. We could go give distant relatives hair transplants and I would like it just as much because at least I get the time with you. Don't you dare sit there and try to say that I'm only pissed because I didn't get laid a lot. I'm pissed because you haven't spent any real time with me in about two and a half weeks and you couldn't care less. I'm pissed because you think it's okay to ignore me." I say, getting a little loud towards the end. I'm so pissed that she thinks that I'm like that.
"I'm aloud to have more friends than just you and your friends, Luke." She says. "You aren't the only person I have to socialize with."
"If you'd listen to anything that I've been saying, you'd know that I just said that you're aloud to have other friends." I say and feel a strike of anger rush through my body. "But, why don't you get a friend that other people besides you can stand if you're going to drag them everywhere you go with us? None of us can stand her. Not one of us. I get that you like her, but that doesn't mean I have to. It also doesn't mean that you get to completely shut me out!"
"I get that we're dating, and I do love you, I really do. But, not everything I do has to be at your convenience." She says, almost yelling, but not quite. "You're so fucking childish, Luke."
"I never said that it did!" I say, loudly, but not out of anger, even though I am angry. I said it loudly due to frustration. I don't know how many ways I can tell her the same fucking thing. "But, I do need you around at least sometimes. We haven't seen each other in over a week. I've tried calling you, I've tried calling you, I've even tried talking to you in person, but you just ignore me than continue to carry on and call me childish. I miss you, Kit Kat. I miss us, the way things used to be, but it seems that you couldn't care less."
"Just because I don't want to spend every waken moment with you doesn't mean that I don't care. Just because I have a friend that I spend a little more time with than you doesn't mean that I don't care. Just because my whole fucking life doesn't revolve around you doesn't mean that I don't fucking care!" She screams. "Maybe I like hanging out with Harper more because she is easier to put up with. I know how to put up with her. I love you, Luke but your mood swings aren't easy to put up with. So yes, I like hanging out with her a little more."
"You knew going into this that I wasn't easy to put up with sometimes. You don't get to use that against me!" I say. "If you want to be with Harper all of the time instead of me, that's fine. It's your choice. But, I can't be with someone that has no time to spare on our relationship. If you're never going to want to see me, just do us both a favour and break up with me."
"Fine." She yells. "If you're going to make me choose between you, my boyfriend and her, my best friend, I choose her. I choose her because she would never make me choose. Your wish is my command, we're through. Goodbye, Hemmings." She says before getting up without even looking at me and walking out of the kitchen.
I stand up, as I feel tears running down my face. I'm such a fucking idiot. I should have paid closer attention to how I worded that. The last thing that I ever wanted was for her to break up with me. She's all I have. I love her so much. Even if she can't stand me sometimes. Before stopping to think about it, I run outside after her. I love her too much to let her go, even if it would be the smart thing to do. I can't do that. I can't watch her walk away, knowing that I could have tried harder to make this right. "Kit Kat, wait!" I say in a weak, shaky voice. She turns around, I see tears running down her face as well. "Don't go. Please don't go. I didn't mean that. I love you so much. I can't lose you too. Please stay. Please let me make it right. The last thing I wanted was for you to break up with me. Please just lets talk this through some more. I love you."
"I love you too, Hemmings." She says before coming up to me and wrapping her arms around me. "I love you too much to just walk away when you're over there asking me to stay. Let's talk some more."
"Okay." I say as I bring her back into my house, with an arm around her. I sit her down on the couch beside me. I wipe under my nose as I try to get myself to stop fucking crying, but it's no use. "If you need week long breaks from me sometimes, I understand why. I wish I could get away from me for weeks at a time too sometimes, but please just tell me when you need those breaks so I'm not left wondering why you appear to hate me."
"Okay. And if you don't like my friend, please don't treat her like shit, and don't worry, I'll be having the same talk to her. It's not fair for her to treat you that way either, and I'll make sure she knows that."
"I don't have to like her, but I can be nice if she's nice too." I say. "I'd be willing to put up with her for you. Just please don't break up with me over her."
"I won't, but don't bring up breaking up every time you get pissed off." She says. "Even though I get where you were coming from. I do need to make more time for us. Even on your bad days. You need to know that I still love you on your bad days, I just don't know how to handle them sometimes."
"I can show you how to put up with me on those days." I tell her. "It's really not that hard."
"We have a deal." She says with a smile as she wipes a tear off of my face. "Hemmings, why are you still crying?" She asks.
"I don't know." I say as another tear falls down. "I just can't stand the thought of losing you."
"Would right now be considered one of your bad days?" She asks as she grabs a hold of my hand.
I nod. "I just need time to calm down is all." I tell her.
"Show me how you calm down, Hemmings. So I know."
"Okay." I say and shrug as I get up and start walking upstairs, with her not far behind me. I go up to my room and open the door and open my window. She walks in and closes my door behind her. "I usually have a smoke first." I say and light one. Taking a few puffs off of the end of it. I smoke it rather fast, like I usually do when I'm upset. Than I go over and I lay down in my bed. "I usually sleep it off." I tell her. "I usually take about an hour long nap, no matter what time it is."
"That's the secret, huh?" She asks. "You sleep your pain away?"
"That's the secret." I say with a half smile.
"Got room for one more?" She asks.
"Of course!" I say and lift my blanket up so she can come lay down next to me. When she does, I cover her up as well as she cuddles up next to me.
She wipes the tears off of my face and kisses my wet cheek. "I hope you feel better when you wake up, Hemmings."
"I'm sure I will, If I have you here, Kit Kat." I say and close my eyes.

"Hemmings, wake up!" I hear Kit say as she nudges me on the shoulder. I open my eyes and wipe them off. "It's been three hours."
"Shit, sorry." I say with a yawn.
"Feel better now?" She asks.
"Better than I could have ever imagined possible." I say and kiss her cheek.
"I'm glad." She says. "I have to go home. My dad called me and said that he needs me for something or another."
"Okay, let me walk you to your car, Kit Kat." I say before getting up and walking downstairs with her. "Tonight was nice. Minus the being broken up for five minutes and me crying like an idiot for about a half an hour." I say and bring her into a right hug. Hugging her feels so good.
"I love you so much, Hemmings." She says before planting a kiss on my lips.
"I love you too, Kit Kat." I say. "Come back over tomorrow if you want to. We can do something that is actually fun like Netflix instead of falling asleep for a couple of hours."
"Sounds good, Hemmings. I'll tell Harper that I'm booked tomorrow." She says before walking to her car and getting in. I wave goodbye to her as she pulls out of my driveway.
When she's out of sight, I walk back into my house, this time with a real smile that I didn't need to drop when I was alone. I'm so happy that Kit and I were able to work this out. It was too stupid to be taken as seriously as it was. After a few minutes, I decide that I'm still tired as hell, so I go upstairs and lay down on my bed. I grab my phone off of my night stand, and decide to give Kit a nice text to read when she gets home. I quickly type "I love you so much, my precious Kit Kat."
But, right away she responds back with. "I love you too, Hemmings."
I decide not to reply to that, because her habit of texting and driving is one that makes me nervous, even when I'm not in the car with her. I decide to put my phone back on my night stand and try to get some sleep.

I jump up to the sound of my phone ringing. I see that it's Kit calling me. I smile, even though it is two in the morning. If it were anyone else calling me, I'd be pissed off. I answer as soon as I could. "Hello?"  

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