Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Lov...

By awkwardwritinggirl

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"Feel the pain, don't show it. Don't let anybody know that it's there." -Luke. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 20

39 2 0
By awkwardwritinggirl


I sigh as I make my way to the cafeteria. I wasn't even going to go to school today. When I woke up, Karen said I didn't have to. I don't remember falling asleep last night, but I woke up this morning on the couch. I missed the first half of the day, but I needed to come here to talk to Kit. I need to make things right with her. So, the plan is to go sit next to them at the lunch table like I would any other day, and take things from there. I have to act as if nothing is wrong, which isn't a huge stretch for me. A small smile appears on my face as I spot them. They're all holding their heads and looking down at the table. This is perfect, they're hung over. I take the bottle of pills I have in my book bag for when I come to school with a hangover and I set it down on the table as they all look up at me.
"God bless you, Luke." Ashton says as he takes a pill from the bottle and passes it around the table. Kit was hesitant to take one, but ultimately she ended up giving in.
"Have a seat!" Michael says.
I go and sit next to Michael rather than my seat next to Kit. "What were you idiots doing getting wasted on a school night?" I ask.
"Don't you do it all the time?" Calum asks.
"Yes, but it's different when I do it." I reply with.
"How so?" Ashton asks.
"Because I know how to handle a hangover." I tell them. "Little tip, and I know it sounds strange, but if you feel like you're about to puke, lay down on your back and let one leg hang over the side of your bed. It sounds mad but I swear it works."
"How'd you know that we were drinking last night, anyway?" Michael asks.
"I got like three invites." I tell him.
"Why didn't you show up then?" He asks.
I look over at Kit with a small frown. "Anyways," I say desperately trying to think of a way to change the topic. "About the trip to New York, can I bring my x-box or do is there one in the hotel?" I ask, I could have changed that conversation a million different, better ways, but of course, I resorted to the most stupid thought I had.
"I'm bringing mine." Michael says. "I don't know if the rooms have one and I'm not taking the risk."
"What about going outside and exploring the new city we're in?" Ashton asks as everyone turns to look at him. "You guys make me sad. Kit you'll go adventuring with me, right?" He asks. Kit just nods. Ashton looks over at her sympathetically.
"Why would I leave the hotel when I can steal everything out of the mini bar?" Michael asks.
"Well, maybe because you can't legally drink in America." Calum mumbles.
Michael just shrugs. "Drunk fifa matches, Luke." He says. "Do we have a deal?"
"Sounds good to me." I say with a smile. My smile drops when I look over at Kit. She is trying to wipe a tear or two away before anyone notices. But, everyone does.
"Are you okay, Kit?" Calum asks as he takes the seat beside her and starts rubbing her back.
"Yeah." Kit says and shakes her head. "Fine. I'm just really hungover is all." She says. "I get emotional when I'm hungover. Nothing to worry about."
"Why don't you take another pill?" I offer her, trying to hand her the bottle, but she just smacks my hand away.
"Take the fucking pills and shove them up your ass." She says, a little loud, a few people look over, and Ashton, Michael and Calum look over at her in awe. "I wouldn't have needed to get drunk if you didn't give me something I needed to forget about. If you would pull your head out of your ass for five minutes, you'd see that there are more people around you than just yourself." She says, getting louder and louder. Soon, everyone's attention was on us. "You want to know the worst part?" She yells as she stands up. "Even with countless shots into me, you were still all I could think about. So take them pills and shove them, before I shove them for you." She says as she looks around to see everyone staring at her. Her face turns even redder as she runs off.
"Kit Kat, wait!" I yell. She stops running, but doesn't turn around to face me at all. "Come back, please don't run. I want to talk to you!" I practically beg.
"There is nothing to talk about, Luke." She says, her voice shaking. "And stop fucking calling me that name. I hate it so much. " She says before continuing to run off.
I fall back into my seat with a sigh. The room is almost completely silent. All we hear is people talking about us. "I knew it wouldn't last." One kid says. "Yeah, no shit, that kid ruins everything." Another one says. "It's probably for the best though. He'd just use her then throw her away like the rest of the girls." I put my head down on the table, trying to drown out everything they're saying about me. But, they just continue, the comments getting worse and worse.
"Why don't you ignorant fucks go back to your lunches?!" I hear Michael yell. I look up to see that he is standing up. People just look at him and laugh than continue talking. "You any of you guys know the whole story?" He yells again, this time the room goes silent. "Exactly. None of you do. Hell, I don't even know the whole story!"
"Then why don't you shut the fuck up and stop defending that fag?!" Some kid yells then laughs about it with his friend.
"Hey, don't call him that!" Michael yells. "If you guys don't shut the fuck I'm going to go over there and defend my friend."
"Calm down, dude!" One kid says, I can tell that he's a little scared of Michael.
"Stop talking shit about my friend and I will!" Michael says. Everyone just ignores him and goes back to the conversations they were having.
"Thank you." I say to Michael before getting up. It's been long enough, I need to find Kit Kat. Class starts in about five minutes anyways. I know she won't be going to class. Not all worked up like that, so all I have to do is find her and talk to her. I have to try to make this all okay again.


My mouth goes dry as I realize what I just did. Not only did I loose my shit to Luke, but I did it in front of most of the school. I feel my face start to burn even more as I see all of the eyes staring into me. Before I loose it even more than I already did, I start running. He calls my name telling me to stop, even though I don't want to, I do. I listen to what he has to say. But I just brush him off then continue running, I don't really care where I end up. I really don't know what worked me up so much. Maybe it was just seeing him. I know that him offering me pills isn't what set me off. He was trying to help with those.
As I keep running, I soon see where I am bringing myself. I'm going to the music room, where Luke and I have spent so much time together. Everything about this room reminds me of Luke. As tears continue rushing down my face, I go take a seat in the chair that Luke and I cuddled each other in the day that he broke down. I try to wipe the tears away, but new ones take their place.
I sink into the chair more as the bell for class goes off. There is no way that I am going to that. I can't. I'd probably get myself calmed down long enough to have another break down when I see Luke again. I can't see him. Not right now. I sigh as I pull my binder out of my book bag. I get a pencil out and flip over to my blank pieces of paper as I pull up to a table. I need something to distract myself.
I wipe my face off one last time before I put my headphones in and start drawing. It is something that has always distracted me. It doesn't really matter what I'm drawing. As long as I have music in, I can forget the world, little by little, than all at once. It's so easy to let everything slip my mind as I watch my pencil glide across my paper. It doesn't take me too long to figure out what I was drawing, but it doesn't matter. I just continue drawing. I tuck my hair behind my ears as I start working on the smaller details, using my hand to smudge the right places so it will be shaded to my liking.
I blow on the paper as I finish. I hold it up and smile. "Perfect." I say as I look down at the time to see that it only took me about fifteen minutes to do. I sign my name at the bottom with a sigh.
"Whatcha doing?" The voice I most and last wanted to hear says to me, causing me to jump. For a second, I think I'm hearing things. But, I look behind me to see Luke standing there, his face is expressionless. I really don't know what he's feeling right now, that's probably exactly what he wants.
"I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to talk to you." I say. I'm way too embarrassed to talk to him right now. He probably thinks I'm a huge baby.
"Now, Kit Kat." He says as he comes and hugs me from behind. "You know I never do what I'm told." He says before resting his head on my shoulder and kissing my cheek. For a second I hugged him back, but ended up pushing him away. Being in his arms again felt too good to waste my time wishing to stay there forever.
"Luke, stop it." I say. "And I told you to stop calling me that." I tell him.
"I've been calling you Kit Kat since before we were friends." He says. "I'm not going to quit now just because we've hit a rough patch."
"Really?" I ask. "Because as far as I knew giving up when things get overwhelming is what you were best at."
He looks down at his shoes, I can tell I hurt his feelings a little with that one. "Kit Kat, I'm not perfect." He says, I just scoff. "No, listen to me. I'm not perfect. I know I fucked everything up. I let what lives inside my head control what happens outside of my head. I know that it's not the first time that's happened, and I certainly know that it won't be the last time it does. I'm not perfect."
"I never said you were, Luke." I say and roll my eyes.
"Why are you calling me that?" He asks, as he looks up at me. He looks defeated.
"It's your name." I say.
"Yeah, but not to you." He says in a small voice. "You have always called me Hemmings. Why should that stop just because you're pissed at me?"
"Because it symbolizes all of the good times we had together. Those times are over now, and so are our stupid nick names." I sigh. "Are you here for a reason? Or just to rub the fact that you shut me down in my face?" I snap.
"I came down here to talk to you." He says.
"Don't bother." I say and sigh. "If you're here to talk to me, just go back to class, I'm not interested."
"Kit Kat, please!" He says. "This is me begging you to just hear me out. If you don't like what I have to say, I'll leave you alone and drop the nickname, I promise! But I need you to listen to me. I need you to hear what I have to say."
"And If I say no, you'll leave me alone?" I ask. "Promise?" I ask.
"Promise." He says.
"You have five minutes. Spit it out." I say with a sigh.
"Thank you so much!" He says as a smile forms on his face. "Okay, I have to be quick about this, so here it goes. I was wrong." He pauses. "Wrong about everything. Wrong about shooting you down, wrong about what I said about love. Wrong for only seeing the worst case scenario and wrong for saying that I don't want to be in love." He says, quickly. "For the longest time I saw love as the worst case. But, again I was wrong. The worst case is not having you. I need you. I didn't think I did for awhile, but it didn't take me long to realize that I need you more than I've ever needed anybody. I mean that. You're the only person that really knows how to handle me, through everything. You can handle my good moods, my bad moods, you even know how to handle my standing there crying like an idiot." He says with a smile. "No matter what I do, I find myself tracing back to you. I know that I ruined everything, okay?" He asks. "I know. I haven't been able to live with myself. I went home and took a sleeping pill to forget about everything, and I ended up crying on Karen's shoulder. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I'm questioning wither it's what I've been dodging all of this time."
"W-what do you mean?" I ask. That's all I can get out right now.
"I mean, I know that I'm hard to put up with. Some days I'm happy and full of affection. Then other days there is nothing I want to do more than say fuck the world and stay in bed alone all day. Sometimes I'll get angry over the most stupid things, and won't want to talk to you. Other days, I'll think that you're the most perfect person in the whole world. But, please don't give up to me. I know I'm not easy to be around sometimes, but I'll always come back to you." He spits out and starts biting on his lip ring, nervously. "If you still want to, there is nothing I would love more than to be with you. I don't care about how scared I am. I'm even more scared of losing you."
"Seriously?" I ask as I feel my heart grow three sizes.
"Seriously, Kit Kat." He says. "What do you say?"
Against my better judgement, I run into his arms and hold onto him tightly. Never wanting to let go. "Yes. The answer is yes. It always be yes." I say as he holds onto me just as tight as I am him. He starts taking a few steps back, still holding onto me, so I just go with it. He stops walking when I'm up against a wall, we kind of bumped into it. He looks at me with a smile then pushes me up against the wall, picking me up to his height before smashing his lips onto mine. The kiss intensifies as we go on, but we don't stop like we usually do at this point. We keep kissing, our lips moving in sync as we run our hands through each other's hair. I stop kissing his lips long enough to kiss down his neck, but eventually make my way back up to his lips again. Kissing him has always felt right, but not this right. Now that it's okay to kiss each other all of the time, I never want to stop.


While I'm kissing her, everything that is wrong in the world, suddenly seems right. To say that I got over myself and let myself ask her out is huge for me. And the outcome is so much better than I could have ever imagined. I told her some things I didn't even know were true until they came out of my mouth, but I meant every single word of everything I said.
With her legs wrapped around my torso, I pick her up, making sure that I wont drop her and carry her over to the table and sit her down there, the kiss not breaking for one second. When she's sat down, she takes one of my hands and puts it under her shirt, with one of her hands on top of mine, she lets my hand travel from her stomach all the way up to her bra. Much like the night she was drunk. Accept now I can let my hand move without being guilty because she was drunk.
She puts her arms under my shirt and up my back so she can take my shirt off. That's when I pull away, though I really didn't want to. "We can't do this here, Kit Kat." I say, wiping off my mouth.
"Why can't we?" She asks, a little out of breath. "It's not like anyone comes down here anyways."
"We're at school." I say. "What if a janitor walked in? We could kiss our New York trip goodbye." I saw, out of quick thinking. Truth be told, I don't want her to see the scars on my legs, so I need to think of something- anything to get her to stop.
"Nobody will catch us, Hemmings." She says. "I know you want to. I can see that you do!" She says with a laugh and looks down at my pants.
"Shit." I say as I go take a seat, placing my binder on top of the raging hard on I didn't even know I had. "Seriously, Kit Kat." I say as I feel my face go red from embarrassment. "Janitors lurk these halls all the time, you never know when you'd run into one. I really don't want to ruin the New York trip for us, we're going to have so much fun together."
"Yeah, you're right." Kit says with a sigh as she comes over and pulls a chair up beside mine and rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm so excited for New York. Epically now, because we're going to have a taste of the real world together."
"Exactly." I say and let out a sigh of relief. "What were you doing when I came down here anyways?" I ask, making sure to change the subject. "You we're so concentrated, you didn't see me standing in the doorway for about five minutes.
"Oh, I was drawing." She tells me. "It helps me forget all of my troubles, even though what I drew was the cause of why I needed to check out for a few minutes."
"What were you drawing?" I ask.
She jumps up with a smile on her face before getting her binder from the other end of the table. "I don't know how good it is but.." She says as she hands her binder over to me. I look down at her drawing, to see a surprisingly detailed picture of me.

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