A Little Pain

By PhoebeP46

241K 7.9K 1.8K

Goku and Nana meet and fall inexplicably in love with one another. At the time they meet, Chi-Chi is cheatin... More

Timelines- Not a Chapter
Bitching out....
Why Couldn't I?
Cute Girls in Baggy Hoodies and Neon Pink Shorts
Party Life
Drunk Desire
Reality Hits
Yamcha's Lucky Day
I Want You!
First Impressions
Nights Into Mornings
I got this!
"Couch Crashing"
We had Chemistry, like the class?
It's Just Me
Don't Go!
The First Goodbye
F.H.T. (Female Humanistic Thinking)
Here It Begins
I'll Find You
Back To Work
Power Inside
Nice To Meet You
Do I Distract You?
Warm Fuzzy
New Clothes
Scouters and Radiant Eyes
The First Fallen...
"You. Shall. Be. Mine..."
The Second Fallen...
The Third Fallen...
Waiting For A Door..
Promises Are Meant To Be Kept
Naughty Nappa
Flight Heights
End of the Saiyan's Reign of Terror
Tests and Good Results
A Step Forward
Say Hello To The Ginyu Force
Ginyu's Force
Vegeta and the Pleiadians
Transformation Pt. 1
Transformation Pt. 2
Memori (1/3)
Memori (2/3)
Memori (3/3)
This Fight Is For You!
The Showdown Begins
Turning Tables
That's What I Call Spirit!
Continue To Live
A Change In Heart
'T' for Trunks
Prelude to the Dog Race
Ganta VS Shiro
New Year. New Fear.
The Web You Weave
Brink of Madness
No One Likes A Know-It-All
A Message To Hear
Stay With Me
Unadulterated Rage
The Lookout
Tensions with the Radar
Deciding Factor
Ceremony of Tears
Author's Note
Pinky Swear Under The Heavens
Identified Weakness

Training (Lemon Warning!)

6.1K 119 113
By PhoebeP46

~~~A/N~~~So this is the infamous chapter with the Lemon (Sex-Scene) I made a big warning right before it happens and right after it ends, so if you do not wish to read, you don't have to. Onward with the show! Enjoy!~~~A/N~~~

After a good battle, Goku decided it would be best if we did separate training. "If we keep going at this pace, I might hurt you." He sighed, wiping sweat off his forehead. "Maybe you could train on your own or help me train?"I nodded and watched as he laid on his stomach, getting in push-up position. I gently positioned myself on the middle of his back and sat crosslegged as he began to count; I slipped into a meditation. "1...2...3...4...5...."

I awoke to my darkened, starry skies and raced around, looking for Enlightened. I found her, sitting on a log, looking at the Moon. "Hey let's train!" She cracked a smile at me and nodded, attacking me. We exchanged attacks, blocks and bouts for a while until she lunged at me, tripping me with her foot and knocking me to the ground.

She stood above me, her maroon hair picking up in the wind. "Nana, you're getting stronger, but you need to focus more. Try getting angry and snapping like you did during the battle with Vegeta."

"But that was you that snapped."

She sighed and ran her fingertips through her hair as I stood up. "No. I fought with Nappa. You're whole little thing with Vegeta where you started fighting with him and controlled him, that was YOU, Nana. There's a power deep inside you, that's not related to me, that's strong and waiting to be awoken."

I looked up to her, matching her eyes. "Can you help me then?" She nodded and we sat together; where she taught me how to heal more effectively and how to channel more energy attacks and unleash them.

When our training session was done, I woke up on Goku's back. "7,000...7,001...7,002..."

I quickly jumped off his back and ruffled his hair. "You're working so hard." I looked around the empty space. "I know, I'll go and make some food for you."

I saw his eyes light up at the mention of food. "Haha, sure....7,010..."

Once downstairs, I searched through the huge refrigerator and the floor-to-ceiling cabinets and started dragging out various food items. "Might as well start somewhere." I attempted to put back a bag of potatoes and this caused the whole cabinet to come pouring out all over the floor, knocking me over in the process as the content of the endless shelves spilled. "Of course!" I huffed, standing up and shoving all the food back into the huge cabinet. I looked around and found a sticky note and a pen. I placed it on the door and smiled.

Open at your own risk.

I started cooking and baking various foods for the Kirby upstairs. I heard Goku scream out "10,000!" I laughed at his excitement. Well he reached his goal. Some of Goku's food was done and others still had miles to go, so I found a black box and decided to make him a homemade bento box, grabbing a fork and heading upstairs. Goku was doing lunges around the ship.

"Hey, I figured you wanted to train up here, so I made you a bento box." His eyes watered at the black box in my hands and he started to lunge towards me.

He winked at me. "You know, Nana, you're going to make the perfect wife one day." My face turned bright red as he stood straight up in front of me, gently taking the box from me. "Hopefully you'll be my wife." He whispered in my ear as he leaned in and stole a quick kiss from me. My knees went weak under me and I stumbled backwards, causing me to almost fall down the stairwell. Goku's eyes flashed to high alert and he quickly pulled me into him by an arm, the other hand holding the bento box. My heart was fluttering and thudding inside me, causing me to lose control of my breathing. Why can't I ever act cool around him!? He pulled me, and his precious bento box, to the middle of the training level, away from the danger. "My clumsy little Wifey." He grinned, kissing my cheek.

I blushed even brighter and hit him, covering my hot face from his view. He cocked his head at me, confused. I back away and started towards the stairwell, to the safety of the living unit. "I'm going to go back and finish cooking and shadow box or something..." I looked at the bento box in his hand. "If you need more, there's plenty down there."

He reached out towards me, his eyes whispering his worry to me. "Nana..."

I brushed him off, scratching the back of my head and slowly heading down the stairs. "It's nothing, I'm fine. See you later!" I dashed down the stairs, leaving him in a cloud of mystery. It's not that I was mad at him or anything, but I was flustered and shy and embarrassed.

Piccolo made sure that both me and Gohan knew how to fight in hand-to-hand combat, especially for me because most of my attacks took a lot of energy to produce. -- "What if you can't use your energy one day? You need to know how to fight by hand. Knowing this can help you both in the battlefield," Piccolo's eyes met mine, "And in a social aspect." Gohan and I both nodded at each other and listened as Piccolo continued to train us.--

I started shadow boxing imaginary opponent. This person had white smooth skin, small red beady eyes, a black line that ran from the middle of the lower eyelid all the way down their cheek to the chin, purple adornments on the head, shoulders, chest and appendages, a long white lizard-like tail and small dark colored lips. I sent jabs upwards and blocked oncoming hits to my head, sending a few uppercuts into the person's stomach. I began thinking while continuing to shadowbox. I remember reading once that whenever you meet someone or see them, your brain stores their face in your mind; its how 'random people' appear in your dreams...and I've always been shadow boxing this person. I wonder if I've ever met them, like in real life. I am apparent a Pleiadian from Planet Erra or something, and who knows if I was even born on earth anymore...maybe I met this person as a baby on Planet Erra or something. I sent a kick high into the air and made contact with something hard, snapping back into reality.

"Ow!" I whimpered as I withdrew my leg and looked up to see Goku standing in front of me, a small red mark starting to appear on his cheek. I blushed immediately and bowed as he placed the empty bento box on the counter. "I am so sorry, Goku! I didn't mean to hit you! I didn't even sense you come down! I was so wrapped up in the music and the shadow boxing and--"

He cut me off and pulled me into his arms, squeezing me tightly. "You are so cute!!" He shrieked. I shook my head at his juvenile actions and hugged him back, vaguely aware of how sweaty we both were.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked as he pulled away to fill up on the mountain of food on the counter, that awaited him.

"Um, honestly yeah. It hurt more than I expected it to." He stated, as he gently brushed his hand up against the red mark across his cheek.

"You saying you think I'm weak?!" I growled, dropping into fighting stance.

He laughed and carried his mountainous plates to the table and began stuffing his face. "No, Nana, not at all. I know you're strong, I just didn't expect you to be training at full speed and full strength in the middle of the kitchen." I laughed, scratching the back of my head and imagining how foolish I must have looked, and sat on the bed, near the table as Goku ate a few feet from me. His eyes went back and forth from his food to me and he swallowed hard, looking at me with an intense yet curious gaze. "Have you eaten?" I shook my head. "Eat." He commanded.

"I, um, wanted to make sure you got enough, first."

"Nana, I'm not going to say it again." He cut his eyes at me, sending a shiver down my spine.

I sighed and grabbed something to eat, sitting across from him at the table. His eyes smiled and we carried on a normal conversation as his mood lightened as well.

I wonder, if things had been different, would this be our life? Training, spending time together, being happy? If I had met him earlier in life, would I even be a psychologist? Would I have decided to take a different path, maybe one that meant spending more time with him?

My mind went onward to a tangent of when I first saw Goku, at the World Martial Arts Tournament, when I was 16. -- It was pouring in the rain and I had run across town, still in my work uniform, which was a ruffled brown and white dress, trying to make it to the Work Martial Arts Tournament that Bulma wanted me to come to. "It'll be so much fun! Also there's someone I want you to meet!" I ran into the entrance and called Bulma, seeking shelter from the pouring rain under a little building. She didn't answer for the first few times I tried calling, so I waited a few minutes. I looked around and noticed the looks I got from the men around me, checking me out in my lolita dress. I blushed and played with my short cropped hair, trying to will Bulma to call me back. I looked over and saw a cute boy with spikey hair standing near me, starrring out into the rain. 'He's cute!' He looked over at me and smiled then walked back into the building, towards Yamcha. 'Yamcha!' I rushed over to him and he laughed, leading me out towards Bulma, who had saved me a seat. I watched a majority of the Tournament, only to see the cutie I smiled at propose to a girl with long black hair that was also fighting in the Tournament with him. "That's cute!" I said to Bulma, who just shook her head. "Not really. They don't even know each other." I blinked at her, confused and attempted to smooth out my uniform, a nervous tick I had developed for awkward moments. I heard my phone start to ring and pulled it out, seeing my Manager's number. "Shit, it must be 6 already." I turned to Bulma. "I have to go back to work. I'll see you at home. Thanks for the awesome time!" I kissed her on the cheek and took off back to work. I never learned that boy's name and as with everything else, he slipped into the background of my mind, fading into darkness.--

If I had had the courage to go and talk to him at the Tournament, instead of just smile at him, how much different would things be? Would it have been me instead of Chi-Chi? Would Gohan have become my legit son? Would I have been married to Goku by now?... A blush spread across my face as my thoughts trailed off into an endless abyss and our conversation, as did my food, went the same direction.

We cleared the pile of dishes together and he asked if I would like to join him in training. I agreed and we took off, racing up the stairs, and ready to attack. We both sent hit flying at one another, in our 20X gravity, as we dodged incoming attacks. Goku sent a hit flying past my ear, and once he was close enough, I sent an uppercut into his stomach. He growled and hit me, in defense, sending me flying into the air. From my position, I sent a blast at him, which he dodged and responded with a Kamehameha. The blast hit me and I collapsed to the floor, annoyed and exhausted.

"You done?" He taunted as he stood above me. I growled at him and he laughed, outstretching his hand to pull me up; when he pulled me into his arms, a funk wafted over me and I gagged. He cocked his head at me and I pushed away from him, a safe distance from the stench that was seeping from his underarms.

"You. Shower. Now!" I gagged and he took a deep breath of his odor and gagged as well.

"I am so sorry." He whispered as he headed towards the stairs. "You know, the harder you train, the more you smell."

"Go!" I hissed as he disappeared, leaving me to find an aerosol spray, to de-funkify the room. Once I could breathe again, I decided to train by myself, remembering the attacks that Enlightened had taught me.

I flew high into the air and concentrated myself. "Midnight Blast!" I screamed as I released a sparkly midnight blue energy attack from the palm of my outstretched hand. The blast circled around the room, waiting for me to tell it to hit something, which I decided should be myself. As the blast hit me, I realized how it's shape mirrored that of Goku's Kamehameha. The blast hit me and I collapsed, shrieking as it sent electric shocks and pain through my nervous system. I slowly sat up, still hearing the water running, and sighed. "That was intense. That should definitely be able to knock Vegeta on his ass." I laughed and stood up, ready to try out my other attack.

I focused myself, again, and outstretched both hands, feeling them heat up. "Shadow Bomb!" I cried as two dark orbs flew out from my hands, racing around the room and growing bigger as they picked up fragments from the shadows on the ship. They energy began to chase after me, making small explosions as they made contact with something. Damn this attack is fast! I kept flying around in circles, trying to out run my attack when it backfired and the shadows split up into two, getting me on both sides. I collapsed once again as the shadows took their original form.

"Hey, it's your turn." I heard Goku's voice and decided to sit up as he ascended the steps. "What the hell happened?" He asked, seeing explosion marks covering the ship.

"I got carried away with my new attacks." I laughed as I stood, shakily, to go and take my own shower. Goku just shook his head, laughing softly as I walked past him, towards the shower.

I entered the room with the seperate shower and clawfoot bathtub. Shower or bath? Hm, it wouldn't kill me to pamper myself. I grinned and filled the tub with water and a pink bubbly soap, which foamed high, falling onto the white tiled foam. I sank into the warm water and began to relax. I rinsed off my body and after what felt like an hour, got out of the tub, released the water and dried myself off in a fluffy towel. I looked around frantically, realizing I had forgotten to bring in any clothes. A hot blush overcame me as I cracked open the door, towel wrapped tightly around me. "Goku..."

"Look at the table by the door." He hollered back. I glanced to my left and saw clothes for me. He must have known. He's so sweet!! I quickly grabbed the clothes, shut the door and heard Goku laughing on the other side. I sighed and looked at what he grabbed me. There was a black tank top, fluffy pink shorts and white lacy underwear. I blushed even harder. OhMiGod! I took a deep breath, relaxed my breathing and got dressed, beginning to towel dry my wet, stringy hair and stepped out.

Goku was laying on the bed, shirtless and only in his boxers. I blushed at the sight but couldn't look away either.Goku's chest was big and prominently ripped, even in his relaxed state. His arms and thighs were also toned and defined. He moved his arm and a muscle flexed, sending goosebumps down my skin. Kami, he could make any girl weak. He looked up at me from his position, moving away a little lit controller from his face.

"Your dad sure does love you."

"Huh?" What is he talking about?

He flashed the controller at me. "It's a music controller. It's got a list of music on it, all your favorites, I'd assume."

I walked towards him, sitting on the end of the bed. "Are you talking about Dr. Brief?" He nodded. "Why do you keep calling him my dad?"

He stuttered, looking around. "I mean I know Katashi is your real dad but didn't Dr. Brief sign as your guardian or something?" I nodded. "Then isn't he your dad?"

"No. He's been a father-figure to me but he's just Dr. Brief to me." He nodded, finally understanding and pressed a button on the controller.

A slow melodic tune came over our little living unit. "Travel to the moon..." I blinked a few times, trying to contain my fangirl love for the song, A Little Pain by Trapnest. Goku smirked at me and pulled me up higher on the bed with him.

He laughed as he inhaled my hair. "You know Nana, we made out in your room to this song." We did? The memory came back of that early morning in my bed, surrounded by my plush comforter as we confessed our feelings to each other, in my drunken state. He leaned into me. "I guess this is our song now."

I smiled to myself, soaking in every second of this moment with him, Reira singing A Little Pain, the other members of Trapnest playing for their princess, and the memory of Goku on my birthday. "Hey...maybe you could reenact that day in my room?"

He smirked down at me, pulling me in closer to him. "With gusto." He pulled me into his lap, where our lips met; in a hot lust.


The next four days were like that; Wake up, eat, train, train some more, eat again, train even harder, eat, shower sleep.

Well they were like that except for the day that Goku went out on to the ship to fix a panel and ended up gluing his boots to the roof. We had gotten knocked off course a bit because of the panel breaking and we were heading into a star or something and this fool decided to spill the glue everywhere and get stuck in it, so he couldn't escape. Luckily he was able to Kamehameha us away from near death.

Also during those four days of training, we had gotten a call from King Kai and the others. It was so good to hear everyone had made it to his planet okay. Goku, Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu all talked happily through King Kai and I smiled hearing Piccolo grunt at my hello. Being able to talk to them reminded both me and Goku what we were fighting for, which made us train harder.

I was making breakfast when I heard a loud thud come from upstairs, where Goku was 'warming up'. Then another thud. "Ah, Nana!" He groaned. I turned off the stove and flew up the stairs; finding Goku laying on the ground while a set of dumbbells were scattered around the room.Goku had a bloody nose. "Can you heal me?" He whimpered, sniffling his bloody nose.

I shook my head and sat next to him, pulling him into my lap. "What did you do?" I asked as I quickly swapped our energies.

He got up. "Thanks!" He kissed my cheek and did a handstand. "Can you put those on my feet?" He asked, nudging his head towards the scattered dumbbells. I nodded and did as I was asked.

"Breakfast will be ready soon." He nodded and started doing a modified version of a push up. I headed back down the steps and finished cooking. "Goku! Foods done!" I hollered as I heard another thud. After a few seconds, Goku was in the kitchen with me, bossing me around and wolfing down the food.

After stuffing down a mouthful of food, Goku's intense onyx eyes met mine. "Since we're so close to Namek, can we train extra hard today?" I nodded, wondering what gravity level we would be training at. We had been rapidly increasing the Gravitron and we had both been rapidly getting used to it; at this point I was faster than Goku, himself, but he was of course way stronger than I could ever be. "Good. I want to be able to train with Enlightened, today." Ha! Good luck with that! She taunted as I laughed.

We started with our usual work out. First we ran around the ship and raced each other for an hour, warming up. Then we both did 10,000 sit ups and 10,000 push ups; cheering each other on.

"9,991;" I felt myself cry out as my stomach ached and the fire inside raged on. I'd take a Piccolo Beating over this any day! I sat up again in the 50G. "9,992;" I heard Goku grunt next to me.

Repeat. "9,993;"

Repeat. "9,994;"

Repeat. "9,995;"

I let out another cry, my body feeling on the verge of an explosion. "I can't. I can't! I can't, Goku!" I cried, feeling tears bubble against my eyes.

We were both laying on the floor, breathing hard; if we outstretched our arms, our fingertips could touch. He extended his arm towards me and I brushed his fingertips with mine. "Nana, we only have five more to go. I'll even count if you want."

I shook my head, tears falling down my cheeks. Piccolo and the others...Gohan...they're all counting on me. I have to fight. "I'll count." He nodded and we started up again. "9,996...9,997...9,998...9,999...10,000!"

We both collapsed; aching, panting and sweaty. "Great job, Nana! We're making great process! I think we stand a chance against Vegeta and that Frieza dude." Goku said, smiling and breathless.

Right, Frieza, that dude who's super powerful and on Namek with the others; the same dude who Goku won't shut up about. Something interrupted my thoughts and I heard King Kai's voice.

"Goku, Nana. You cannot mess with Frieza. You do not know what you're up against."

I blinked over at Goku as he complained and whined like a child. "But King Kai..."

"Noo, Goku. I repeat, you must avoid Frieza at all cost! Do you hear me!? Do not cross his path or interact with him!"

"He sounds like quite the big shot." I muttered.

"Nana, you have no idea. Keep everyone else, especially Goku, away from him, at all costs!"

"Aye aye, Captain." King Kai departed with us, saying something about Tien and a monkey. After a few moments of silence, Goku and I both stood and stretched a bit, as the Gravitron was set back to normal gravity. "Wanna eat real quick?" I offered; Goku's eyes bubbled and within seconds he was gone and raiding the fridge in the living unit. I giggled to myself, hearing him ruffle through the contents of the cabinets and drawers; I sent a quick prayer upward, asking for everything to be okay in the end. After we stuffed our faces with delicious food, we headed back upstairs to continue training.

I ascended the steps and found Goku at the Gravitron control panel. He pressed a button and a rope fell from the ceiling. I didn't question the rope, just stared at it and continued to the control system and the cabinet under it; grabbing a weighted jump rope.

"Grab me 50 lbs dumbbells, please?" I handed them to him; he smiled. "Also could you help me with something?" He pointed to the rope, giving me an innocent smile. "Tie me up?"

My heart thudded and my face ignited with fire. Goku's into BDSM!? I nodded unsure, knowing that his intention wasn't sexual but my thoughts were definitely in the gutter. I flew up to the rope with him and tightly tied the rope around his boots, as he hung upside down; I didn't want to cut off his circulation but I wanted them tight enough so he wouldn't slip out.

Once all tied up, Goku started to do suspended sit ups; I began to work out in the comfortable 60G.

I was getting so much faster these days; I was really impressed with myself and I knew even Piccolo would be impressed. When I was being trained by Piccolo, I had noticed improvements but they weren't that big because Piccolo was really just whipping me into shape. I had noticed, whenever I went to take a shower or passed by the mirror, how much I had physically changed. When I was first kidnapped, over a year ago, I was what Bulma called 'thick', which she swears was a good thing. Then my thighs were full and my butt was big, which complimented my large chest and smallish waist. Now since I had lost excess chub, I looked completely different. My thighs and butt were thinner and more toned; my stomach was flat-ish, hard if hit and squishy if poked; and my breasts were smaller than they were when I was kidnapped but they were more muscular now, not just completely filled with jiggly fat. Now I was what my teenage self always wanted to be.

I glanced up at Goku, who was counting is curl ups, and noticed how much he had even changed in these past few days. He was so much stronger now. This arms and legs were so much thicker now and full of muscle and even though they were hard to the touch, they were so warm and inviting and made me feel so safe at night. He was what Bulma might call 'swole'. His pectorals and abs had become more defined and damn was he fine!

I tripped, lost in thought, on the rope and landed face first onto the tiled floor; unable to get up. "Ahh..." I glanced up and saw Goku hanging from the rope, struggling to sit up as well. Why can't I move? I heard a loud thud and looked up to see Goku's 50lbs dumbells rolling towards me; I flinched as they rolled over me, hitting me on my head and leaving me dizzy.

Goku groaned in pain. "What's going on, Nana?"

"I don't know."

We both watched as a TV screen descended from the ceiling, behind Goku. Dr. Brief's face appeared, along with Oolong the Pig and Puar the Cat; they all seemed genuinely concerned. "Why are you two training in 100G?"

"We're not!" I shouted, feeling an almost unbearable weight come over me and crush me.

Dr. Brief started typing something and mumbling to himself, then he looked at us seriously. "It seems you two have stumbled upon an electric storm that's messing up the gravity controls. Unless you can find a way to turn off the machine, you'll just have to endure it for the next hour or so."

I groaned and heard the TV turn to static and once again Goku and I were alone and suffering. I tried standing or moving but because the 50 lbs jump rope, that now weighed 5,000 lbs, was on top of me and crushing me into the red tiles beneath me. I cried out; overcome by pain and frustration.

The Gravitron was fluctuating.

Goku started to swing himself around in circles, probably trying to break the rope or my knot. He was almost ree when the ship started to jerk around, causing him to start flailing around, dangerously. I watched, in horror, as he reached upwards and grabbed the rope, but his hand slipped and I saw blood rain down to the floor.

"Goku!" I screamed, hoping his hand wasn't messed up too bad.

"Nana, help me out here. Shoot an attack at the rope. I'll do a Kamehameha." I nodded and struggled to outstretch my hand towards the rope.

I aimed an attack at the rope above his suspended torso. Ready; Aim; Fire!

"Shadow Bomb!"


I watched as both of our attacks backfired. His Kamehameha wave hit him head on and left him bloodied; My Shadow Bomb decided to seek me out instead and explode against my leg and lower back. The pain radiated upward and I stifled a scream.

"Shit!" I whimpered, looking up to see how far I was from the control panel. I started attempting to crawl the 10 feet to the panel; while Goku recovered and started to swing around again. He screamed, releasing his Kaio-Ken attack as I reached the panel, struggling to reach the 'off' button. Goku collided with the ground, hard, but free of his suspension. He had more than likely broken a few bones in the fall but he was free. My finger was right about the button when the ship lurched, sending me flying onto my face. I kept fighting and after a few more minutes, I got the button and waited as it slowly powered down.

I regained feeling and use of my battered limbs and sighed of relief as Goku crawled over to pop a Senzu in his mouth. I sat upright and started to heal myself as Goku began jumping around the ship, like a school girl. "Nana!! That was amazing! We need to train in 100G everyday!"

"No. Not today please? My lungs like expanding. Maybe tomorrow?"

He groaned but agreed. "Well after all that, I'm hungry. Want me to make you something?" I nodded and he was gone.

I continued to heal myself and after all my wounds were gone, I stood and stretched my aching muscles a bit. "100G is a bit too intense for me. I guess I'm not a pain junkie like Goku is." I decided to join my Kirby downstairs where I was met with a mountain of food. We started eating together. "Hey, Goku, let's play around in 1G for a while? Let's see how much we've improved since we first got here." He grinned, accepting the challenge. Once all the dishes were cleared and cleaned, we rushed back up to the training level, where we started to instantly attack each other.

We started off with hand-to-hand. I sent a hit at him; he returned it with an uppercut into my sore stomach. So I roundhoused him; he caught it and threw me into the railing of the stairs. He charged towards me and I ran in the other direction, top speed, only focused on escaping him. He almost caught up to me when I tripped on that damn jump rope and face planted into the ground. Goku fell with me, in a giggle fit, crying; once his laughs had calmed, he came over to me, to try and help me up. Being in fight mode and embarrassed, I blasted him away. He flew up and powered up an attack.

"Ka-Me-Ha-Me--" I transported behind him and put him in a headlock. He lost the beam and struggled against me, where we began to fight in mid-air for the next hour. We sent an array of attacks towards each other, hits and kicks.

Goku caught me off guard, hitting me into the ground, but I was able to throw a Shadow Bomb upwards towards him. The blast hit him and he fell on top of me. I giggled as he slowly propped himself up, shaking his hair free from debris. He pushed off the ground, his hands on either side of my head, pinning me down.

He stared into my eyes and we both shared a nervous laugh and truthfully something changed between us. The air between us became more comfortable and romantic. His eyes softened and he leaned down, his lips softly caressing mine. I dropped my guard and kissed him back; my heart began to flutter on the inside, in time with the butterflies; as he deepened the kiss, entangling his fingertips with my hair.

We broke after a few heavenly moments, panting in time together, and his eyes bore into mine, asking me an inaudible question, to which I gave a slow nod. Goku slowly stood; picked me up, bridal style, and carried me down the steps to our bedroom.

~~~~~~~~Lemon Warning~~~~~~~~

He gently set me on our bed and I looked up at our sky window, seeing the flurries of stars that passed by. Goku crawled ontop of me and started to gently kiss me. I laced my fingers through his thick, sweaty hair and he caressed my cheeks with his thumb.

Goku pulled away, after a while, and threw off his ripped shirts; causing me to swoon in the process; they landed on top of my music controller, bringing it to life. A lovely sound flooded in as Reira's vocals joined up with the rest of Trapnest's accompaniment. I wasn't sure if Winter Sleep, Shadow Of Love, Starless Night or A Little Pain was playing but it was a heavenly tune, and it set the mood for us.

Goku moved, in time with the music, trying to remove my clothes; kissing and biting my skin along the process. After a few blissful moments of attempting to remove each others skin, smiling and gasping in the process, we were finally in our underwear.

Then I realized what was actually going on and blushed, squirming away from him. Goku noticed my shyness and laughed, breaking our passionate silence. "Don't act like you're new to this." He joked. I stared at him, feeling out of place and self conscious. He blinked at me. "You have done this before, right,, Nana?" I shook my head, suddenly embarrassed. His jaw dropped. "What? How!? You're gorgeous, Nana! How...?"

I shrugged. "I dont know. I guess I've just never found anyone good enough to give it to." My voice was weaker and more nervous than I had anticipated.

"And...you're okay giving it to me?" He asked, nervously.

I nodded, shyly. "Yes..."

His eyes met mine. "Oh, Nana." He moaned, his lips meeting mine. I melted into his touch and within seconds, his fingertips trailed up my thighs; sending goosebumps spreading throughout me. His fingertips edged at my panties, asking for enterance. After I didn't resist, he slid his hand in and I gasped, from slight pain and surprise. He just softly laughed, pushing me back onto our bed. "Relax, Nana." He cooed. I nodded and closed my eyes, letting him take control of me.

After a few agonizingly pleasurable moments, Goku started kissing me again. I noticed his absence inside me. My eyes dizzily opened, blinking and questioning him. He gave me a genuine smile. "It's okay." He reassured, pulling me into his arms, struggling to unhook my sports bra.

I blushed and coughed a few times, getting his attention; he cocked his head at me. "It's in the front."

He blushed brightly and scratched the back of his head. "Right..."

He kissed my cheek and pushed me back against the plush bed; unhooking my bra and my breasts sprang out of their compressor. My face burned and I tried to swallow down my nervousness. This is it... Goku started to gently tug down my panties, leaving me completely naked. I studied his gaze, which was fixated on me. He looked in awe.

"You're perfect, Nana." He moaned, causing me to shiver in delight at the sweet sound that escaped his full lips. He began to trail his fingertips up and down my exposed skin; goosebumps arose and joined in my shivers as he smiled, reassuring me with a gentle yet ferociously hungry smile. He cupped my breasts in his hands and his lips came down on them, sending shock through me. I threw my head back due to the stimulation; catching a glimpse of rushing stars above me. After a few breathless moments, his hand returned to its previous position, leaving me panting and wanting.

He's too much for me! I squirmed away from him, unable to handle both his mouth and fingertips at the same time. He stopped and gave me a questioned look but nodded, knowing what was wrong. "Too much?" He whispered, his voice raspy and breathless. I nodded and backed away from him, finding myself unable to handle his lustful eyes either.

He extended his arm to the nape of my neck, pulling me back to his eyes and bumping our foreheads softly together. "Nana, are you sure you want this?" I nodded, still panting and he smirked. His lips met mine as he laid me flat on the bed, under him. Our lips were locked together in an intense exploration that was so demanding that I almost couldn't feel him kick off his boxers, positioning himself and gently spreading my thighs. My heart skipped and thudded in my chest; butterflies piled up and started flipping around in my stomach; and I fought to control my shaky nervousness. He broke the kiss and our eyes locked in an intense stare.

"Talk to me." He whispered as something sharp and warm penetrated an almost indistinguishable area of my body. Pain quickly radiated through me, shattering my thought process, leaving me blank; I was just overcome with pain. I threw my head back and choked back a whimper. "Nana, talk to me." He insisted, his voice almost breaking. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "No...it hurts...Stop! Stop moving!" He stilled and trailed kisses on my neck and collarbone, trying to make me feel better.

"Tell me when." He whispered, gently sucking the skin on my neck and chest.

I nodded and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the foreign object and the ripping sensation it created. After a few moments, I squeezed his naked shoulder and he slowly continued. He got through a few pumps but stilled, only to wipe away the tears that gathered in my eyes

"Nana..." His voice sounded broken.

I shook my head and covered my face with my hands. "I'm okay..." I could hear the concern in his strained breathing. I ignored it, trying to accept the fullness inside of me. "Just work with me, please." Goku slowly nodded and I pulled him in close; edging him inside farther, expanding the balloon of fullness inside, but also allowing me to hug him. "I want you, Goku." I moaned into his ear. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, bit and kissed my neck, and continued.

The aches and pains dulled with time as he kept on, pushing me farther and farther to my limit. This act was so intense yet intimate. Goku moved at a slow and rhythmic pace; I followed my natural desire to meet him on every stroke and for my reward, he bathed me in kisses and love. The longer we were together, the more he pushed himself and I to the limit, the more I could feel something start to bubble up inside.

We both climaxed together.

I threw my head back; my eyes moving from his loving gaze to the star window above us. The stars span and danced for us as my vision whirled in sensation. I let the darkness and sparkle from the infinite sky above us bathe us as we relaxed in each others touch.

Goku was panting and threw himself to the side of me, snuggling up next to me and holding me in his sweaty but safe and structured arms. I was breathless but I could breathe in his scent and it overwhelmed me, making me even more dizzy than the sensation a few blissful moments ago had.

Goku kissed the top of my head. "Forever," He whispered into my ear as my eyelids grew heavy.

"Forever." I mumbled.

He must have noticed my spent state and threw the covers over us. We both fell asleep, tangled in each others bodies, surrounded in an aura of love.

~~~~~~~~Lemon Ending~~~~~~~~

I awoke to breakfast in bed, made by the one and only homeboy himself. "Goodmorning, Nana!" He cheered. I went to sit up and was overcome with a sharp soreness. "Careful getting up." He smiled, setting a tray of hot food in my lap. I glanced up at him, seeing him wearing only his sweatpants; he was padding around the living unit barefoot and shirtless. I looked down at my clothes and saw a different outfit other than my birthday suit. I was wearing one of Goku's blue shirts and a fresh pair of panties. Maybe he dressed me? He pulled out a chair and sat facing me as I ate. "How do you feel?"

I shrugged, taking a bite of my toast. "I'm sore, like really sore."

He nodded, satisfied with my answer. "When we go to train, I'll help you stretch out."

I nodded and we made small talk, brushing over last night's events, like it didn't even happen. We were talking like we usually did, a light and happy conversation.

It's almost like it didn't happen. Did I dream it? I mean I could be sore from almost being crushed by the 100G. How would Bulma handle these types of situations. How do you act after the first time, hell just after seeing someone naked?! Ahh...I blinked at him, choking on a piece of food, my face going red. Is he seeing me differently now?

He must have noticed my introverted thoughts because he laughed. "You know, Nana, last night wasn't a dream." Ah, why can he read me so easily!? I covered my face with my hands, attempting to hide my blush. Goku laughed even harder but tried to pry my hands away. "Hey, it's okay. Why are you blushing so bad?" I blushed even harder as he tried to console me, which made him laugh even harder, tears forming in his eyes.

He sighed after a long while. "Really Nana, last night was amazing and I'm so glad I got to be your first." He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "I would have been so mad if someone else had gotten that privilege; but Nana," He kissed my exposed cheek. "I want to be your last." My heart stopped for a moment and my face exploded with fire. He just laughed.

"Also, I'm really glad that these past few days your anxiety has been under control. I don't like seeing you so upset like that." Me crying last night must have reminded him...

I put down my hands, uncovering my face; move the empty tray of food off of me and threw myself into his arms, hugging and inhaling him. He held me tightly, entangling himself in my long, wavy and , more than likely, untamed hair; breathing me in. We held each other until I pulled away. He kissed my forehead and took the tray from the bed.

"I'm gonna go warm up. Maybe you should take a shower?" He winked at me and we parted ways.

As I showered, a million questions began to bubble up. I thought about asking Goku about them but felt uncomfortable about it. Maybe I could ask Bulma? But she'd freak out when she finds out I had sex with Goku. What should I do? I dressed in a black and pink outfit, trying to appear as feminine but fierce as possible. I climbed the stairs to the training level and was forced to duck as a Kamehameha wave flew above me.

"Goku!!" I yelled as the beam hit him. He stood, smiling and not a spikey hair out of place.

"I'm not even phased!" He cheered, rushing to the control panel. "Alright! Let's go to 75!"

I rolled my eyes and him and carefully laid down, getting ready for our 10,000 ab workouts. The weight was almost unbearable, just almost, and I thanked Kami that I was laying down at this moment. I looked up and over at Goku, who was standing next to me, his hand offered towards me.

"We need to stretch you out."

I groaned and whined. "Can't we do that after our workout?" His eyes darkened and he whispered my name, causing me to shiver and stand, deciding it would be better to do what he says. After a long and strenuous stretching session, we laid down together for our ab workouts. They were exhausting and honestly. I wanted to cry but fought like a soldier through it.

"10,000!" Goku yelled, jumping up with high energy. I stood as he raced to the Gravitron.

"Oh no, you don't."

"But Nana, 100G...." He shyly whispered.

"And what use will I be to you when the weight crushes me like yesterday?"

"Fine, fine. Attack me then." So I did and he deflected every hit.

"Nana, you're not trying. You can do better than this." My happy-go-lucky Goku was gone and was replaced with douchebag-trainer Goku. I growled and hit him, sending an uppercut and a kick at him. He blocked all of them and smirked at me. "I guess I really must have taken it out of you, last night, huh?"

I blushed madly, something snapping inside of me, and hit him straight in the jaw, knocking him back a few feet; I then hit him with a Lavender Lotus. I stood above him, glaring, and restrained him with the mist. "If doing that with you was such as issue, Goku, you could have just said so! It seems like all you want to do is tease and embarrass me. Honestly, if this is how it's going to be, I wish I had never done it with you!" I yelled, fighting back tears. I released the mist and he sat there, a bit stunned but looking up at me with an intense stare. I glared at him, turned on my heel and flew downstairs, away from him, throwing myself on the bed; looking up at the dark sky above me that was dotted with tiny specks of light.

A deep sadness penetrated into my soul as Goku started yelling and training on the floor above me, by himself. "He's so stupid." I mumbled as I felt a tear drip down my face. "Why should I care what he thinks? I shouldn't! I've always been by myself, I shouldn't rely on him to help me." I could feel my heartbeat start to quicken and my world started to close.

Shit! I lost feeling of the bed under me and the world around me. All I could hear was the sound of my raspy breathing and my heavy, erratic heartbeat. My eyes started to water and I had trouble breathing. No, please. Why is all of this happening? My vision began to darken. Ride it out, Nana, ride it out. I tried to internally sing to myself, in an attempt to calm me down. After what felt like forever, all my senses came back to me and I clutched the pillow next to me, tightly, and started to sob.

Nana, go apologize to Goku. Enlightened cooed to me. I sniffled and got up slowly, flying up the stairs.

The gravity could have crushed me. Goku was shadow boxing and his aura reeked a fading red color. He's mad... He sent an uppercut into the air and turned, slightly, allowing me to see his tear stained face. I took a step towards him but fell to my knees, my world beginning to fade again. No! Goku noticed me and turned towards me. I couldn't see him, all I could see where the broken red tiles under my fingertips, which were slowly growing darker. I could still breath but my heartbeat pounded in a deafening manner.

No, I have to get to...

I stood and bolted into his arms, sobbing.


He sighed and embraced me, stroking my hair as I cried and apologized to him, over and over. Once I had calmed down a bit, he pulled away, examining me. "You had another attack; didn't you?" I nodded and his eyes became sorrowful as he kissed the bridge of my nose. "Your eyes get so wide and scared. It breaks my heart." I looked up at him and he shook his head, smoothing out my long hair with his fingers. "Nana, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I was just trying to push you to your limits and make you snap, which you did beautifully. I didn't really realize how I hurt you." He gently pulled my chin up to meet his eyes. "Nana, last night was wonderful with you. It meant so much to me. No. You mean so much to me, so much." I leaned in and kissed him, him kissing back. Once our kissfest was over, we stood, ready to train.

"Youre handling 100G pretty well." He commented, getting into stance.

"Maybe it's because I've been in it for a while."

He smirked. "Well, let's train our asses off then! We're supposed to land on Namek around noon tomorrow." I internally cheered and sighed at the same time. We started with situps, and pushups, planks to jump ropes, shadowboxing and then hand to hand combat. I was exhausted and sweaty but knew this training was important for our friends. "Let's try some energy attacks!" Goku cheered, getting into position. "Just no Shadow Bombs or Spirit Bombs, okay?" I nodded and flew into the air, away from him.

I shot a blast at him, he sent one up, which I deflected back towards him. He flew up towards me and started to charge up an attack. "Ka-Me-Ha-Me--"

"Lavender Lotus!" The mist encased his hands and disabled the attack. "Try it again." I taunted, dropping the mist.

He smirked, a devilish idea hiding behind those gorgeous onyx eyes. "Kamehameha!" He yelled, releasing the blue energy wave.

"Midnight Blast!" I yelled, releasing the sparkly dark blue energy wave towards him.

Both waves passed us and each other and started to circle the ship. This doesn't look good... Both of the blue hued waves circled and circled until Goku yelled, causing both of them to attack him. What!? He stood, once the dust cleared, bloody and torn but remotely okay. He fell to his knees and looked up at me. "Can you heal me?" I nodded and descended from the air. I healed him with ease, not even needing to dispel any of the negative energy.

He smiled and jumped up. "Woohoo! That was awesome!" He glanced up at the clock the read 2:30 a.m. "We should get some sleep." I nodded and we both headed down the steps.

I heard Goku running a bath and decided to get out a pair of pajamas. He opened the bathroom door, wearing nothing but his boxers, offering his hand out to me. "Care to join me, my love?" A hot blush overcame me and before I could refuse, he was pulling me into the bathroom with him, starting to undress me.


"Relax Nana! Let's take a bath together. It'll help relax your tensed up muscles." He winked at me, kissing my cheek. I glanced at the clawfoot tub next to us that was bubbling over with warm, pink bubbles. It feels so nice in here....oh what the hell? Soon, after giving each other massages in the hot bathroom, we were knocked out under the shine of our sky window.

I woke up at 9 and decided to make my snoring warrior a feast, considering we had both only eaten breakfast the day before. He was obviously drawn by the overwhelming smell of food; because one minute he was sleeping, the next he was sitting at the table, ready to roll.

After we eat we decided to meditate together, getting hyped up for any battles to come in our future. After a bit of sparring, energy release and legitimate meditating, in a conjoined domain, we stood together to get ready.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, pulling my long, thick, mane of maroon hair into a high ponytail. I stared into my russet eyes. "You're gonna go out there, Nana, and kick ass; wish everyone back and bring everyone else home!" Goku's laugh caught me off guard as he stood in the doorway, listening to my pep talk. I stuck my tongue out at him and pushed past him, going to get dressed.

I decided to become one with TeamGoku. I was sporting orange, baggy Gi-like pants, boots similar to his, a midnight blue tank top and my bright neon orange, high endurance, sports bra. I even had a pair of neon orange panties to match, so you know it was going to be a good day! I glanced up at Goku, who was in his usual get-up although this uniform wasn't ripped or bloody; it was crisp and clean.

We both ascended the stairs together, when I got a funny feeling. He noticed me. "What's up, Nana? You're pale."

I began to look around, frantically. "Something's not right, Goku..."

"Everything will be fine!"

I could feel it, something was aching inside of me; then a flash came; Gohan. "Gohan! It's Gohan! Something must have happened to him!" I whispered, slamming my fist on the landing button, forcing us to land faster than expected.

"Nana!" Goku yelled, falling over due to the speed.The ship stilled after a few unbearably rocky moments. I felt myself beginning to panic. No, I can't lose Gohan! Goku grabbed me by my shoulders. "Nana! Relax! If you remain in his panicked state, you can't help anyone, even Gohan!" He studied me. "Breathe, baby. Breathe." He kissed my forehead.

"Okay..." I blinked, releasing my pent up breathing. "Okay...I'm okay. We just need to hurry."

"And we will." Goku sighed and fastened the bag of Senzu beans around his belt loops. The door to the ship slowly opened, and he grabbed my hand, a fierce seriousness came over his eyes. "It's time, Nana. Let's go." I nodded, following him out of the ship and into the bright sky.


Hey everyone, hope you liked/loved this chapter! I would have posted it soon but my other computer crashed and the one I'm using is slower. Also I was writing apart of the ending, which you all will love. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this.

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