
By Alexdaily

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Jesse Glynn Reigns. The undefeated 42-0 junior division boxing champion. She dominants making sure no one get... More

Jesse Glynn Reigns


585 4 0
By Alexdaily

"You ready? "

Dad asked and I nodded. We all went getting in the car. He started it and drove to the gym. We got out and I got my bag from the boot. We walked in. I unzipped my bag and took the title out. Parker turned and looked at me. He raised his eyebrow.

"I want to train."

He smiled.

"Lets do it champ."

I smiled and walked towards him. He gave me a hug. I sat down my bag and title. I went and got the tape wrapping my hands. I went and pulled out my gloves. Dad looked at them. I put them on and got in the ring.

"You ready?"

Parker asked.

"Lets do it."

I put in my mouth guard and we started.
Roman's pov
We watched as Jesse Glynn was in the ring sparring with Parker.

"Doesn't even look like she ever stopped."

Melanie said grabbing my hand.

"She doesn't have alot on her shoulders. Now she can focus."

I said.

"I can't believe it."

I heard Jacey said. We looked and Bianca walked through. She stood up.

"You have some nerve to be here."

"I'm not doing anything wrong."

Jacey balled up her fist.

"Woah hold on."

Parker said.


He pointed behind me. I looked and Jacey was there with Bianca and she looked mad. I got out of the ring.

"What's going on here?"

I said looking at Bianca.

"I decided to come see an old friend."

"Your old friend is dead. You know the rules. You're on my turf get off of it before an ambulance has to take you."

I said walking closer to her.


Parker said pulling me back.

"Bianca go."

He said and she turned walking out.

"Why was she here?"

I growled.

"I don't know she just showed up. I haven't talk to her for months."

Jacey said while we both looked at the door.

"She trains here."

Parker said.


I spun around.

"It was legal. No one knew what your predicament was and she was a candidate to train here."

"Do you train her?"

"No. Ben does."

"He's gonna teach her the striker. "

I said and pulled off my gloves.

"How do you know that?"

Jacey asked.

"He's the one who taught it to me. Then I started training with Parker. He's hated me ever since. Do you know how many boxers he's trained to get to me."

I said getting water. Ben has been working here for a few years. He's 18 and one of the youngest workers here. Since we were so close in the age range when I first started training here I worked with him. He taught me basics and then he taught me the striker. I made up the name and he liked it. I use to have this big crush on him, but I never told him. Well I started training with Parker once I turned 14. He was more experienced and he helped me improve alot of my skills. Well Ben started hating me then. I never did anything wrong. He's the one who agreed to Parker training me. I groaned.

"Look don't worry about it. You're champ. You'll always be champ."

I nodded. I put my gloves back on. I went and got back in the room.

"Blow off some steam."

Parker said and I nodded. I got in my stance and we started sparring to the max.
"Alright hold on."

Parker said.

"I need air."

He said breathing heavily. I smiled. I took off my gloves getting the tape. I rewrapped my hands. The door opened and I looked and Ben walked in. I rolled my eyes. I sat down.

"Alright one more time then you're done."

I nodded. I got up and put on my gloves.

"Now take it easy. I'm getting old."

"You said it not me."

I laughed. We started. I got him down and hit him with the striker.


He said and I let him go. I held out my hand helping him up.

"What did you not get by old."

I laughed.

"If you train like that you can be back in the ring in two weeks. "

"I need water."

I got out the ring and went into the locker room. I wasn't paying attention and I was pushed to the wall.

"What the hell!"

I looked and Ben had me pinned down.

"Get off of me."

"What the hell Jesse."


He looked me up and down. I tried to move, but he pushed his body on mine.

"Why the hell are you training her?"

"Why do you care?"

"You're sleeping with her aren't you?"

"Hell no. Who knows what she has."

"Guess you have a point."

"Why did you train with him and he's the one who signed the paper for her to train here?"

"That doesn't mean you have to train her."

"Like I had a choice."

"Whatever. You've been trying to get to me ever since I started training with Parker. "

He let out a growl.

"No I haven't."

"Yeah right."

I said rolling my eyes.

"Get off of me."

He stepped back and looked at me. I turned walking out. I went and got my bag.

"You okay?"

Jacey asked.

"Yeah. Boys are dicks."

I said walking out. I put my bag in the boot and got in. Dad started the car and drove home. I went upstairs taking a shower putting on Nike pro shorts, a muscle tank, a pair of elite socks.

"Woah dad you two look just alike."

Jacey said eating her sandwich. I looked and dad was wearing a black muscle shirt, grey basketball shorts, and his hair was down wet like mine.


I said sitting down. Mum sat a fruit salad in front of me.

"Thank you. "

"You're welcome."

I started eating.

"Jesse your practice was awesome!"

Brody said and I smiled.

"Thanks buddy."

My phone buzzed. I picked it up. I unlocked it and it was a picture message of Cody kissing Bianca!


Jacey said. I sat the phone down.

"I get to punch you. "

I said eating my salad.

"Are you not upset?"

"Nope. Why he's just a guy."

"Good job baby girl. Don't cry over some guy."

Dad said and kissed my forehead. I finished my salad and washed my bowl. I got a water bottle out of the fridge. I went in the living room and turned on the tv see that E news was on.

"Tonight on E news Jesse Glynn Reigns cheated on once again."

"Oh come on!"

I yelled at the tv.

"The sixteen year old boxer was first dating teen wolf star Dylan Sprayberry for two months until they broke up due to him cheating on her with former BFF Bianca Hill. The last month Jesse was seen out with teen wolf star and star of The Fallen Star (movie Jacey did) Cody Saintgnue. The two dated for four weeks until a picture was posted on instagram with the Fallen Star Cody lip locking with Bianca Hill the farmer bff."

"But you have to realize these two use to be so close until Bianca spread the rumors about Jesse. The truth this makes Bianca look bad at the end of the day."

"You've met Jesse Glynn and Jacey."

"I did I met the entire family at the premiere of the Fallen Star and they are all so genuine and sweet as can be. Her little brother Brody he is such a character."

"Is it true what everyone says about Jesse and her looks."

"Yes 100% Jesse Glynn looks exactly like her father. Who is WWE superstar Roman Reigns. They look exactly like twins. During the premiere Jesse Glynn wasn't able to talk due to her boxing match, but she carried around this little notebook so she did answer questions."

"Do we have a picture from the red carpet. There it is. This was absolutely amazing. Jesse Glynn slayed that night. The attention to her sister Jacey completely went to Jesse Glynn. "

"She doesn't like attention either."

"No. She's never liked attention or liked being called famous. When she first started professional boxing she was here and did an interview with her sister and she said she didn't like fame. She didn't want the fame so she keeps her personal and family life out of the public eye. She's so kept to herself. "

"Many people shipped her and Cody more than her with Dylan. That was their power couple."

"I know, but sources tell us that Jesse Glynn isn't heart broken about anything. She's focusing on her training and hopefully she'll be back in the ring soon. She's spending time with her family."

"I hope she can find someone to be with that makes her happy."

"So do I. Whish her the best of luck. "

I cut off the tv.

"At least they wished you luck."

I turn around and Jacey was standing there.

"Cody's been calling."

She handed me the phone and he called again.


"Jesse Glynn babe please."

"Don't babe me."

"Can we please talk."

"Yeah we can I go first. We're done as in over, no second chances, finished so don't call or text me ever again."

I said hanging up and blocked his number.

"That is how you do it little sister."

Jacey said sitting down by me.

"I need a run."

I said going upstairs and got my running shoes.

"Where you going? "

Mum asked.

"I need a run. Clear my head."

I got my phone putting it in my workout pocket sleeve. I got my headphones plugging then in and turned on my hip hop playlist. I put my headphones on and went out the back door. I went to the path and started running.
I stopped catching my breath. I had sweat dripping down. I took off my muscle tank wiping my face with it. I took of my headphones and put them around my neck. I was then tackled on the ground. I was trying to fight my way out put they pinned me down.

"Stop struggling. "

I looked up and it was Ben.

"What the hell Ben what is wrong with you!"

I said trying to sit up.


"No. I have dirt in my hair."

He got up and pulled me up and pinned me to the tree.

"What are you doing? "

I asked.

"Something I should have did a long time ago."

He said and smashed his lips on mine. I stood shocked. What is going on. He kissed me deeper and I kissed back feeling the sparks after we first met. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. I pulled away looking at him.

"Jesse I love you."


"I've loved you ever since you came to the gym and I started training you. I couldn't ask you out because we aren't allowed to date the people we train. When you started training with Parker I was happy because I could ask you out, but it made me mad because I couldn't spend time with you like we did. I saw how happy you were with Parker and I got angry. I went out and slept with random girls trying to get you out of my mind, but I couldn't. "

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"Because even when I did it. I always thought about you. I imagined you laying there under me. You moaning from my pleasure, getting to kiss you, hold you, and hug you whenever I wanted. I never hated you, I just couldn't stop loving you. I thought if I was cold towards you then you would hate me so much, but you just went on with your life. I knew you would roll your eyes and send glares, but you never said anything to hurt me. I'm sorry that I was cold and mean to you. All I ask for is a chance."

I looked at him.

"Ben ever since I started training at the gym I had the biggest crush on you. "

"You did?"

"Yes! I thought you were so cute with your perfect looks, your skills, your funny jokes even if some of them were corny, but you still made them funny. Ben you were my first love. I did everything to impress you all the time. I only trained with Parker because you agreed to it. I didn't know why."

"I knew it would have been better. See where you are now. You're undefeated 50-0 junior division boxing champion Jesse Glynn Reigns."

"Yeah, but I could be undefeated 50-0 junior division boxing champion Jesse Glynn Reigns with you training me."

"But if I was training you I wouldn't be able to do this."

He said kissing me. I smiled kissing him back. He pulled away smiling. I smiled back.

"Ben wait. "

"What's wrong? "

"I'm not ready for this. Both of my exes cheated on me with Bianca Hill. You're training her."

"I already told you I would never fuck her. She may have something."

"Not only that, but what about the age."

"It's only two years. "

"I know, but you're gonna be 19 and it's gonna be illegal. We wouldn't be able to, and I don't want to just jump into another relationship. I just got out of one an hour ago."

He nodded.

"Jesse Glynn you've known me for years now."

"I know, but Ben you know as much as I do that I like taking things slow."

He nodded.

"Please baby I'll show you how much I love you. I'll take it slow. As slow as you want me to. Just give me a chance. I won't be 18 for long."

"Next year."

I said and he nodded.

"As soon as January 1st gets here."

He said.

"So what. We would date for a year and then just breakup?"

"Only if you want to. Jesse we can be together if your parents allow it."

I nodded.

"I know, but my dad."

"He may not allow it."

I nodded. He rubbed my cheek.

"Only way we'll know is if we try."

I nodded.


"Okay? As in you'll give us a chance?"


He smiled kissing me. I kissed him back. He pulled away.

"I have to go."

I said and he nodded.

"Meet me here tomorrow same time?"

I nodded and smiled. He smiled and kissed me. I turned around and he smacked my bum. I gasped looking at him.

"Sorry baby but that ass is fine in those shorts."

I blushed. He smiled.

"Wait. I need your number."

He said and I pulled out my phone giving it to him. He put his number in it.

"There. I text myself so I could have yours."

I nodded. I looked at the text message and he called himself a sexy beast.

"Last time I checked you weren't a sexy beast."

"Girl please. I'm sexy as hell and you know it."


I smirked. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into his chest.

"Did you just Ehh me?"

He asked raising his eyebrow. He moved his hand down to my bum giving it a squeeze. He then started kissing my neck.


I whispered in a moan.

"I wouldn't do that baby. I know your not ready."

He moved his arms from around me.

"It's getting late. You need to get home."

I nodded. He kissed my forehead.


"Tomorrow. "

I said and turned around walking away.

"See you tomorrow baby."

I heard Ben say. I turned looking and he was smirking. I blushed and started my music again. I took off running back home. I walked in covered in sweat. I took off my headphones pausing my music.

"Good run?"

Mum asked.

"Yeah. "

"You have dirt all over you."

" I tripped over a limb."

I lied.

"Alright go shower dinner is almost finished. "

Mum said and I nodded going upstairs.

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