Survivor (Daryl Dixon Fanfict...

By DestinyWriter94

53K 1.8K 449

"He was Broken, Abused & neglected. He was a SURVIVOR long before the Apocalypse." -Unknown I lived a simple... More

Chapter 1: Reckless
Chapter 2: Helping Hand
Chapter 3: Drama
Chapter 4: Flashback
Chapter 5: Learning And People
Chapter 6: Camp
Chapter 7: Profiled
Chapter 8: Frustrated
Chapter 9: Run
Chapter 10: Gettin' Ta Know Her
Chapter 11: Horrified
Chapter 12: Pain
Chapter 13: Grief And Guilt
Chapter 14: Plead
Chapter 15: Torment
Chapter 16: Attractive
Chapter 17: Psycho
Chapter 18: Hell In A Hand Basket
Chapter 19: Survivor
Chapter 20: What Goes Around Comes Around
Chapter 21: Decision
Chapter 22: Got Your Back, Sis
Chapter 23: Despite
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Diamond In The Rough
Chapter 26: Sidelines
Chapter 27: Diary
Chapter 28: Choices
Chapter 29: Life Or Death
Chapter 30: Self Saving Princess
Chapter 31: Demons
Chapter 32: Down & Dirty
Chapter 33: Accepted
Chapter 34: Best Accident
Chapter 35: New Ally
Chapter 36: Frustrated
Chapter 37: Great Man
Chapter 38: Problem
Chapter 39: Problems
Chapter 40: New Enemies
Chapter 41: Plan Of Attack
Chapter 42: Misunderstanding
Chapter 43: Just Don't
Chapter 45: For The Family
Chapter 46: Striking A Deal
Chapter 47: Enact Our Plan
Chapter 48: Half The Battle
Chapter 49: Stupidity
Chapter 50: Pyrric Victory
Book Trailer Inquirey

Chapter 44: Just Listen!

346 15 0
By DestinyWriter94

"Never speak from a place of Hate, Jealousy, Anger or Insecurity. Evaluate your words before you let them leave your lips. Sometimes it's best to be quiet." - Tony A. Gaskins JR.

Daryl's POV:

I was sittin' outside on the overturned bus, watchin' fer Des and Dylan, everyone else had come back an hour or so ago, it kind of worried me, but I didn't wanna ask anyone anythin' 'cause they'd probably just give me a lecture.
I was cleanin' my arrows, watchin' fer them, when Des and Dylan came through the gate's, that Rick had just opened fer 'em. She was carryin' three squirrels, two rabbits, while Dylan had two Squirrels and one rabbit.
"Here you go Rick, some meat for dinner and it Looks like I win Dylan, hand over that Snickers bar." She smirked, held out her hand, Palm up towards her brother with a smile of triumph on her face.
"Damn, knew I should've made impossible for you to win, fine here take it." Dylan pulled did backpack off, started rummagin' through it and finally pulled out the candy bar.
She held it in her hand, looked at it, unwrapped it and just ripped it I'm half.
"As if I'd be that cruel, you get half and I get half. However, mine goes to Carl and Sophia." She smiled, as she gave Dylan back his half, than broke her half into two's, so Carl and Sophia could have a piece.
She patted her brother on the arm, headed up the hill to the last gate, Carl and Sophia, stood there eagerly awaitin' her.
I slipped my arrows back onto the Bow, climbed down from the bus an' followed her up the hill ta see what she was up ta.
"Hey you two, did you guys behave and listen to Merle?" She asked them as she crouched down to their height and I sat down on the grass a few feet away, just outside the fence.
"Nah, they gave me hell like ya wouldn't believe." Merle spoke up and chuckled. Carl and Sophia immediately looked like kicked puppies. "Ah hell, I was jus' jokin', they did good, why Des?" Merle asked her as he leaned against the fence and she smiled.
"All right, here you go, thanks for behaving you two." She kissed their heads as she handed Sophia then Carl, her pieces of the Snickers bar.
"Wow, thank you Des, where'd you get this!" Carl asked her amazed as he tossed it into his mouth, closed his eyes and savored it.
"My Brother and I had a bet. Whoever killed the most walkers won the Snickers bar, he hit his half back and you guys got mine, I didn't really want it and I figured you two would enjoy it." Des pulled them into a hug and rubbed their heads.
She's really good with the kids, explains a lot ta them, why can't she do that with me? We both always get frustrated with each other and lately end up arguing with each other.
"Oh and ya owe me an apology Firecracker, look behind ya." Merle chuckled, as he pointed over Des's shoulder at me.
She stood up, turned around and she actually looked surprised ta see me here. "I can admit when I am wrong, so Merle, I'm sorry and thank you." She nodded at him and looked back at me again.
"Daryl, I want to speak with-" She was sayin' and I scoffed at her. I stood up, walked back down the hill and sat back on the bus.

"Hey! Damn you Daryl, I am tryin' to be civil here! Just Listen to me!" She growled and I could hear her climbin' up the bus.
"I won't let you be a Douchè-Tard Daryl Dixon!" She grumbled, then I heard her stomping towards me over the roof of the bus.
"If I wanted ta hear ya blabber on, I would've jus' sat there, so leave me alone." I Growled and sat on the chair, keepin' my back ta her.
Yeah, I wanted ta know that she was all right, but it didn' mean I wanted ta fuckin' hear her scold me.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me! Quit acting like a child! I'm done with your Shit Daryl, I've tried my best with helping you with it but I'm done with you storming off and done with your pointless yelling." She spoke in a level voice and stood in front of me with her arms crossed.
"Yer Done with My shit! Who's the one that's tryin' ta fuckin' play 'Hero', go ta Woodbury and leave me behind! Who's the one that's had enough shit huh?" I stood up, standin' nose ta nose with her and raised my voice.
"Whoa, don't do this again, Darlina--" Merle was saying when Des looked over at him, immediately silencing him with just a look, then she raised an eyebrow at him and shook her head.
"Stay outta this Merle, I started this and I will MOST certainly end it this time." Des said as she looked me. In the eye and silently challenged me.
I glanced over Ta where I'd heard Merle, only ta see him jump down off the bus and shove everyone back towards the prison.

I looked back at Des, ta see her pacin' around and runnin' a hand through her hair. "It's not like I'm the one CONSTANTLY cutting someone off Mid-thought! Why do you always assume the worst? I was just saying that Maybe we should leave two of our best Fighters behind-" She was sayin' and I jus' flipped her off.
I don't really know why I flipped her off, maybe ta shut her up, or jus' 'cause I didn' want ta kick the chair or anythin', but she looked livid when I did that.
"It's cause ya keep suggestin' ta leavin' Merle and I behind. Ya know him and I are the best fighters! Yer just being a bitch about sayin' it!" I Yelled at her and looked at her disgusted.
"You did not just cut me off again and do that." She said slowly and calmly. "Listen here Daryl and you'd better listen really good. I was saying earlier when you blew up at me, that I could leave you and Merle behind or Merle and Michone, but you never let me finish speaking, before you lose your Damn'd head." She was in my face and pokin' her finger in my chest.
"It's a freaking wonder that we've been together this long, when all you ever do is cut me off midsentence, especially when you don't wanna hear something." She shook her head and started pacin' around.
"You act like I actually enjoy talking and getting in arguments with you. Do you think I do this because I hate you or to hear myself talk?" She asked, as she looked at me and was rubbing her temple.
I looked down at my hands and started messin' with a hole in my jeans. Then subtly shook my head 'no' to answer her and hesitantly looked at her.
"Exactly, I hate talking this much, but I do it because I love you Daryl. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be standing here putting up with your mood swings and everything else that is you." She sighed and grabbed my hand.
"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't bother with making sure that you understand that what happened earlier, was one HUGE misunderstanding and that despite all that, I still love you." She smiled and looked at me, waitin' fer some sort of reply.
"Look, I just want you to know, that you don't have to be an ass whenever Merle is around. He's changing, he's becoming a better man, just like you have been, since before he came here. I know that your struggling with how to act, how to be and trying to figure out what all these emotions are." She sighed, softly ran a hand down my face and I frowned.
What the hell am I supposed ta say, I ain't good with this emotional shit, but she's goin' out of her way to help me understand, so I gotta say somethin'.
A good minute later, there was nothin' but the sounds of walkers and our breathin'. Hard ta believe that jus' a few minutes ago, we were yellin' at each other, but now we're jus' tryin' ta figure out what else ta say.

"I'm going to head Inside now, I'm pretty tired." She weakly smiled at me and patted my shoulder. "I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding Dare, please don't be upset anymore." Des sighed sounding defeated and started to climb off the bus.
I rubbed a hand down my face, turned toward her, grabbed her arm and pulled her toward me. I held the back of her head, tilted it just enough and kissed her.
Her hands were clenched into fists, on my vest, but she didn't pull away and her eyes were closed, so I wasn't pushin' her inta this, if she wasn't ready fer this.
I broke the kiss and laid my forehead against hers, her eyes opened and when I looked inta her eyes, I saw how much she loves me.
I knew then, that she was right and that she deserved an apology. I shouldn't have gotten that angry at her, but I did and now I had ta 'man up'.
"Ya know, I'm sorry fer bein' an asshole ta ya Des, I know that I was wrong. That my Pride and Ego ruled everythin' I said, I jus' don' want ya hurt." I admitted ta her, frowned and closed my eyes feelin' like a fool.
"I think I'm supposed to say it's okay, but...I'm sorry it's not. I admit that I'm incredibly thankful that your apologising, but I would greatly appreciate it if you would think about things before you talk." She sighed and laid her hand on my chest, over my heart.
"Because everything you said and did, no matter how cheesy it may sound, you hurt my feelings. I know I may act like none of this shit effects me, but that's only because everyone expects me to hold it together, so please just promise me, that you'll do your best to no assume things and I will do my best at being better at explaining things to you, sound like a deal?" She asked me while she smiled at me and her hands roamed across my face.
"Yeah, I suppose that I can try, I didn' mean ta hurt yer feeling's Des... Anyway, let's head inside, I'm dead ass tired." I told her with a frown, leaned down and softly kissed her again.
"Sounds good to me, thank you Dare, for listening to me, working with the group and working on being a better man, I love you." She smiled at me and I nodded my head at her.
I climbed down off the bus, then turned around and reached my hands up ta her. "Jump down, I'll catch ya." I told her and she shook her head frantically at me, Damn she's afraid of heights?
"Negative, I'll just shimmy my way down-" She told me, as she flipped onto her abdomen and slipped her legs over the edge of the bus.
I raised an eyebrow at the view she was givin' me and gave up on the idea of lettin' her get down by herself, she was bein' ta slow.
I grabbed her ankles and pulled back, until she lost her grip on the bus and fell into my arms. "I told ya, I would catch ya, I thought ya trusted me." I chuckled and she punched my chest.
"What the Fuck Dare! I swear I gained a few white hairs when you did that." She said and held a hand to her chest.
"it's not that I don't trust you, I just hate Heights and then I was freaking falling. A warning would've been very nice." She nervously laughed and draped her arms around my neck.
"Nah, I prefer you clingin' ta me fer dear life." I chuckled and she rolled her eyes at me.
"Whatever you jerk, put me down, I'm hungry, tired and now a little jumpy from that stunt you just pulled." She said with a smirk on her face and I reluctantly set her back on her feet.

We had finished dinner and we'd just gotten comfortable in our room. "I decided at dinner when I was talking with Merle and Michone, because they're okay with it, that they're going to stay behind." Des sighed, curled inta my side and laid her hand on my chest, over my heart.
"Oh that's what ya were doin', Yer by Merle and Michone fer a bit and it made me wonder. So who's all goin' now?" I asked her as I ran my hands through her hair and she laughed.
"If you're wondering of your still on to come with us, all you had to do was ask." She smiled and looked up at me through her lashes.
"Well, now it's just Rick, You, Caleb, Larry, Adam, Vincent, Robert and I. I figured it'd be best if there weren't too many of us, so it's going to be just the right of us instead of ten, sound reasonable?" She explained ta me and ran her hand across my chest.
"Uh-huh, a lot better then leavin' me behind and just takin' Caleb and them." I smirked as I wrapped her hair around my finger and looked up at the ceiling.
"Yeah, I know, it'll be nice to know that everyone has each others backs. The group will listen to Merle, because Michone will be working with him and everything should go pretty smoothly." She sighed on relief that she'd straightened everythin' out.
"Yep, now shut yer mind down fer a bit and get sum rest, we've got a busy day tomorrow." I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes.
I was a fuckin' lucky man ta have a woman like Des, she could've left me at any time when I was bein' an asshole ta her, but she didn't and I won't ferget that.

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