
By Bina_Gallagher

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Lillia is forced to move across the country when her mom gets a new job in Miami. Growing up in a small town... More

Authors note
Authors Note
The Note
Full of Suprise
Crash and Burn
Second chances (new)
How it all turned out

The Dress

197 12 1
By Bina_Gallagher


         I was filled with mixed emotions of fear and excitement as I walked up to Becca's house. I waved goodbye to my mom and knocked on the door. Becca answered the door wearing a cute red dress and 4-inch heels.
"Wow, Becca, you look amazing!"
"Thanks, Lil, it's your turn to be dressed up." She said with a mischievous grin as she practically pulled me into her house.


"This is my home." I told Lillia on our way upstairs to my room. My house is the stained carpet, small fenced-in backyard and kitchen overstocked with junk food kind of house.
I led Lillia into my room and into my walk-in closet. "Pick a dress, any dress." I said laughing. "I like this black one." She told me pointing out a short black dress with and oped back.
"Uh, no that one is way too short." We continued to skim through all my clothes, and found nothing just right for the occasion. "Wait, my mom has an old dress that might just be perfect. Oh don't give me that look it's really cute." I told her after she gave me a disgusted face.
I went into my moms closet and grabbed the dress. It was a mint halter dress with white polka dots.


        "You were right, it is really cute!" I told Becca grabbing the dress eager to try it on. "You can change in my bathroom." Becca said as she pointed to a doorway in the corner of her room. I went into the bathroom and quickly put on the dress.
        I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. Wow. It fit perfectly and looked great. "Hey Lillia, are you done?" "Yeah." I turned to look at Becca as she walked into the bathroom.
        "Oooh! You look amazing!" I smiled at her response and we went back into her room for shoes and jewelry. As I put on gold earrings and a matching bracelet and necklace Becca handed me a pair of brown wedges.
        After we were both ready, we got in her car and started on our way to Katie's house, or should I say mansion. When we pulled up I could help but gasp. Standing in front of us was a huge, 4 story coliseum style, mansion.
"I know, it's HUGE." Becca said shaking me out of my frozen state. Together we walked up to the house where thumping bass could be heard coming from inside. Inside was over 100 people dancing and walking around, and that didn't even count the 50 people or more outside.
          "I don't know 99% of these people." I told Becca."Yeah, she also usually invites people from other schools too." We then set off to find our friends, who ended up being outside dancing. "Hey guys!" I yelled out over the loud music. "Hi!" They yelled back.
          We started dancing and I was actually having a great time. "Hey I'm going to the bathroom." I told my small group, and they nodded. I walked back inside and towards the bathroom on which was behind the kitchen.
         I was walking through the kitchen when I accidentally ran into a girl holding a bunch of drinks. "What the hell! You  Bitch!" The drinks spilled all over both of us staining her white dress and my mint one in brown soda.
         "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I told her as I started to pick up the dropped cups. "Well sorrys not going to get the stain out of this $500 dress. My mouth dropped open. $500? " I'm so sorry I can pay for a new one." I pleaded feeling awful.
        "No, you look poor and I kind of feel bad for you." She said with a smirk on her plastic-looking face.She stepped over me with her 6-inch stilettos and ran away in another directions.
        "Sorry, about Katie, she's a bit of a bitch." I am helped up by a short girl who was really pretty but was hidden by thick framed glasses. "I'm Bridget, by the way, I'm in your English class."
       "Thanks Bridget, do you know where I can get cleaned up?" I looked up with a thankful face. "You can come get cleaned up in my room." She said "I'm guessing you are related to Katie?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm her younger stepsister."
         Bridget's room was huge, which fit the house. " I'll go get some paper towels, real quick you can sit on my bed if you want." I thanked her and sat down on her bed as she left.
        She came back with the paper towels a few minutes later. "Here, you go. You can try to dry it but I don't think that stain will come out." I started dabbing at the wet brown stain on the front of the dress only making it worse.
        "I think I'm just going to go home since this dress is ruined anyway, I borrowed it from my friend and I feel horrible." But thanks again Bridget." I went to give her a small hug but she stopped me. "I'm not going to let you give up that easy. I have tons of dresses that my sister gave me that you can have."
         "What, really you'd let me wear one?" I asked her, dumbfounded by her act of kindness. "I never wear them anyway so if you get soda spilled on this one it's ok!" We both laughed and she went and got me a new dress.
She returned with a beautiful white dress with gold embellishments. "It's so pretty!" I said sounding like a 4 year old. Bridget just laughed and handed it to me. "Katie wore it once and then gave it to me. I've never worn it"
I went into her bathroom and put on the dress. It had a slimming effect and hugged my curves perfectly. I came out of the bathroom and showed Bridget. "Let's get back to the party." She said ushering me back downstairs. "I feel so bad about ruining this dress, I borrowed it from a friend." I told Bridget, feeling guilty.
We snaked our way through the the crowd of people and made it back outside to my group of friends and was faced with a frantic Becca. "Lillia, what took so long! Wait when did you change dresses, who are you?" I told Becca to breath before I answered.
"I accidentally ran into Katie, who was holding a bunch of drinks and it got all over both of us, so Bridget here, who is Katie's stepsister, let me borrow a dress." I was out of breath by the time I finished explaining.
"Wow." Becca said with a very surprised look on her face. "Wait I didn't know Katie had a stepsister." "She doesn't really tell anyone about me, because she doesn't think I'm pretty enough to be her sister." Bridget told Becca.
"Well I think you are very pretty, while she looks like a little kid from Toddlers in Tiaras." Becca said and we all burst out laughing. We danced more and ended up leaving at 1:00 in the morning, which was way past my curfew.
I waved goodbye when I got out of Becca's car after she dropped me off. I got in the elevator and walked the short way to our condo. I took out my key and unlocked the door, careful to be quiet so I didn't wake up my mom.
When I walked into our living room the first thing I noticed was my mom sitting on the couch with her arms crossed, and a disappointed look on her face. Uh oh.

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