The Ugly Dare

By imkindaofficial

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《 A truth may embarrass you but a dare will put you to the test 》 Calista Winters, a big mouth, queen of pran... More

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By imkindaofficial

Enjoy :)
I went to sleep after having a crying fest with my mom. I feel bad for reminding my mom of that day. It didn't affect her as much as me but it still took a toll on both of us. We lost someone that day and we will never get them back.

Now it's Monday, the day I dread the most. I don't feel like facing anybody at the school. They probably will still remember the events from Friday. I definitely don't want to talk to Tyson. He is the one who is screwing up my life right now.

Acting like he is all high and mighty. You can't just force someone to tell them their story. It doesn't work that way. Tyson just has to get it through his thick skull that I'm not spilling anything anytime soon.

I get up and get dressed for the day to come. Honestly I don't even care what I look like today. I just throw on a sweatshirt and sweatpants grabbing an apple on my way out the door. I forget that Papaya was picking me up today so I was startled when I heard a beep of a horn. I jump in the passenger seat and is startled once again when I see Jackson in the back seat.

Honestly I forgot he even existed since he was technically losing Papaya to Westley.

I say hey to both of them and Papaya starts driving to school. The car ride was silent other than Jackson trying to make small talk but failing.

When we arrive at the school I rush out the car not waiting for anyone. I do catch a glimpse of Jackson putting his arm around Papaya though. I sigh as I walk to my locker. I open my locker and get my books for the day. When I close my locker I see Betty standing right next to me. I jump.

"What do you want Betty? I'm really not in the mood." I say facing her.

"Oh I'm not hear to really bother you, I came to say thank you." She says.

"Thank you?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I guess what ever stunt you pulled on Friday led Tyson right back to me. He came over my house Saturday night and things happened. Now I'm officially his girlfriend. So thanks for being a let down to him." She says walking away smirking.

I grip my books and frown. I shouldn't really care about what Tyson does but I do. He had to ask her out on Saturday, the day we went to the lake. The day we went behind the waterfall and I refused to tell him my story. So he went to Betty since I wouldn't tell him!

That was just low.

I walked to my first period class and sighed. This day is not going to get any better.


Lunch time rolled around and I got my regular. I went to sit with Papaya and Jackson but I saw someone else at the table to. I saw Westley sitting across from Papaya and Jackson holding a scowl next to her. They seemed to be talking about something interesting.

I took my seat and waved to all of them.

"Hey guys what's up?" I ask them.

"Haven't you heard Calista?" Papaya asks me.

"Heard what?" I ask.

"Betty and Tyson are officially a couple!" She says waving her hands around like a manic.

"Yeah Betty came up to me this morning and thanked me for it." I say taking a bite of my pizza.

"What?" Westley says.

"It was nothing. She is just being Betty, apparently Tyson went over her house after you dropped us off Papaya." I say.

"He didn't!" Papaya says getting angry.

"There is something else to guys, you might want to hear about this." Jackson says.

We all turn to look at him.

"The dare has spread throughout the school. Two more girls were targeted and the same thing was done to them that happened to Calista. I heard one of the guys that did it was actually Reggie." Jackson says.

I start fuming. How dare Reggie humiliate a girl! He already didn't apologize for dropping me on the dance floor but now he is going around calling other girls ugly! I couldn't take it anymore so I walked out the cafeteria. I was walking through the halls when I saw some jock corner a junior girl. I heard what he was doing and decided to interfere.

"Well I was dared to ask out the ugliest girl I see and I chose you cupcake." The jock said.

The junior looked upset but couldn't escape.

I rush over to them and push the jock out the way.

"Sorry cupcake but you lost all your chances with this girl for calling her ugly. She is beautiful you jerk. Get lost!" I say pulling the girl with me.

I pull her until the jock is out of our sight. The girl lets out the breath she was holding.

"Thank you." She says.

"No problem. But if he tries to offer you a ride home or take you out reject him. And if you forces you against your will scream rape. That always gets them." I say to her.

She nods and goes on her way.

I can't believe that one little dare done to me has guys all over the school doing it to poor girls. I can't believe Reggie even did it. I need to have a serious talk with the creator of this thing.


School ends and I am forced to walk home. Supposedly Jackson asked Papaya on a date and they went some place after school. I bet Westley is having a fit.

When I make it home I don't even get onto my porch before I am tackled by someone. I look down to see a six year old boy looking scared for his life.

"Oh please help me Ty ty is going to hurt me. I don't wanna die young, please hide me." He says.

I get up and he hides behind me. Tyson comes out his house and calls for him.

"Landon where are you?!" He yells.

This poor little boy is shaking behind me. What could have he done to make Tyson want to kill him.

Tyson walks over to me and points behind me. I cross my arms and glare at him.

"What has this little boy done to you Tyson for him to be shaking like this?" I ask him.

"He took something of mine. Landon come out, I can see you." Tyson says.

"Landon isn't here right now, please leave a message after the beep. BEEEEEEEP!" He says behind me.

"Come on Landon I have to get you home." Tyson says.

"Only if you promise not to kill me." Landon says poking his head out.

"I promise now let's go." Tyson says grabbing him.

"No, I don't trust you. Can she come so she can make sure you don't kill me?" He says pointing to me.

"No." Tyson says.

"Then I'm not going anywhere with you." Landon says crossing his arms.

"Fine, Calista will you please join us." Tyson asks me.

Landon cheers and pulls me toward the car. He jumps in the back while I take the passenger seat. Tyson gets in the car and drives toward Landon's house.

"Your name is very pretty, you are very pretty." Landon says from the back.

"Why thank you Landon." I say.

"Ty Ty don't you think she is pretty?" Landon asks.

Tyson doesn't respond.

"Well fine! Be a poopy head!" Landon says crossing his arms.

I laugh at Landon's response.

We pull up to the same house Tyson took me to when he was suppose to drop me off. He gets out the car and opens the door for Landon to get out. Landon gets out and rushes toward the door.

"Stay in the car." Tyson says to me.

I roll my eyes as Tyson walks into the yellow house after Landon. He walks out minutes later and gets in the car. He start driving toward our houses.

"So who is Landon to you?" I ask him.

"My Godbrother." He responds.

We get to our houses and he parks in his driveway. We get out but I wasn't finished talking with him.

"So Betty huh?" I say to him.

He turns around and glares.

"You just had to ask her right after we went to that waterfall." I say.

"What are you jealous sweetie?" He asks.

"Why would I be jealous of her? She is the only dating a low life egotistical jerk." I say.

He clenches his jaw.

"Yeah that's right and you know what else Tyson. Your stupid dare with your friends has spread through the school! Girls are being targeted left and right by guys being called ugly! Maybe even worse Tyson! You started this mess and now it is getting of hand!" I say getting angrier by the minute.

"It's not my fault that it spread." Tyson says.

"Really? If you just rejected it in the first place this wouldn't have happened! Even Reggie is in on it!" I yell.

"You are just mad at him that he dropped you on Friday." Tyson says mockingly.

"I'm not mad about that, maybe about the fact he didn't apologize but that's not the point!" I say to him.

"What do you want me to do about it?" He says.

"Stop it! Tell the guys to stop it!" I yell.

"What makes you think they will listen to me?! I'm just another one of the guys Calista. They won't bow down to my every order. News flash sweetie, it's not going to stop." Tyson said.

I snapped then.

I ran toward Tyson and attacked his face. I started punching him left and right. I was kicking everywhere. I was screaming a whole bunch of not nice words at him.

Tyson tried to get me off of him but I wouldn't budge. He started screaming at me as well.

"What the hell?" I heard someone say.

I felt someone trying to lift me off of Tyson but I had a strong grip on his shirt.

"I need backup! I need to call for backup!" I heard them say.

A few mintues later I was still beating up Tyson. All I saw was red and I wasn't letting him go. I heard a car pull up and people run out. I heard multiple voices at once.

"What the hell happened?"

"Calista get off him!"

"This backup is useless!"

"Calista Winters if you don't get off Tyson this instant!"

Finally they pulled me off Tyson and Tyson crawled away from me.

"Dude you got beat up by a girl." Someone said.

I calmed down a little to see Papaya, Westley, Reggie, and James standing over me. When I look at Reggie I start to see red again. Tyson realizes this and screams at Reggie to run. Everyone else grabs me and I try to break free.

"Calista calm down before your mom comes outside!" Papaya yells at me.

I stop squirming and they let me go.

"Now tell us what in the world is going on!" James says.

I grunt and Tyson groans.

"This jerk started a dare that is going around the school. So I asked him to stop the dare and he said that it will never stop. So I snapped and attacked him." I said calmly.

No one spoke. Everyone just looked at Tyson like he was the bad guy in this.

"Well I have to say Calista you got some good hits on him." Reggie says.

"I would advise you not to speak Reggie before I do the same to you." I say lowly.

Reggie backs away and puts his hands up. Papaya claps her hands together and announces the show is over. We both head back to my house while the boys lift Tyson into his house. When we get inside my house Papaya looks at me like I'm crazy. I start to think about why I snapped and start to tear up.

"I don't feel like talking right now Papaya. All I want to do is get some sleep." I say.

She nods and she helps me to my room. I lay on my bed and she tells me goodbye.

This is the second time Tyson has made me cry.

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