Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Lov...

By awkwardwritinggirl

1.4K 80 4

"Feel the pain, don't show it. Don't let anybody know that it's there." -Luke. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 6

53 3 0
By awkwardwritinggirl

Luke's POV

Kit looks over at me and smiles, her eyes seem to be piercing into mine. "Are you going to Ashton's party tonight?" She asks me.
"Ashton is having a party tonight?" I ask.
"Yeah." She says. "A lot of people are talking about it, I'm surprised you didn't hear about it. People who don't even know he exists are talking about it. A lot of people saying it's going to be the best party of this semester."
"Oh." I say. "I think I'll pass. As fun as being in a house filled with my old friends and other people I can't stand sounds, I think that I'll skip this one."
"Oh come on!" She says. "You have to go! There will be liquor. Didn't you say drinking makes you happy?"
"I have my own shit to get drunk off of." I say. "Why do you care so much if I go anyways?" I ask. "It doesn't affect your life any."
"It does a little bit." She says. "Because I highly doubt that Ashton, Calum and Michael are going to be able to keep an eye on me the whole night. They're going to get lost and I'm going to be in a house full of people I don't know." I say.
"So?" I ask. "You're friendly enough to make a friend."
"I don't want to make a friend." She protests. "I want you to be there, Hemmings. Don't make me beg you."
"I'm not going, Kit Kat." I say. "I don't care how long you're on your knees begging. I don't want to go."
"But nothing." I say, getting a little annoyed with how pushy she is being with me about this. "I said I don't want to go. I'm not going."
"Whatever." She says, turning back around so she's not facing me anymore, she starts taking notes from whatever the teacher is rambling on about. I think I've pissed her off. I've never seen her so serious until now. But, I don't see the big deal. All I did was decline Ashton's party. Why would I go? He'd probably see me and kick me out. Or maybe Michael would push me up against another wall. If I had a few drinks into me, I'd probably give him a pounding for touching me.
When the bell rings, Kit gets up and walks right out of the class, not trying to make conversation like usual. I just roll my eyes and walk out behind her. I'm in ner next few classes, she can give me the silent treatment all she wants. She's still going to see me sitting there. She's going to see that I don't give a flying fuck that she's pissed about she is at me. Which will probably piss her off even more now that I think of it.
Why am I thinking of it? Why should I care that she wants me at this party. We're not really even friend, let alone something more that would give her the right to be pissed at me. Even then, it's just a party. I don't know why she's thinking about it so much. I don't know why I'm thinking about it so much. I just shake my head as I pull my phone out of my pocket and play a game to pass the time. Every time I look over at Kit, she isn't looking at me. She's looking at the teacher, expressionless.
I just sigh and wait for the bell to ring. Which happens soon. I get up without looking at her and walk to our next class. This teacher doesn't assign seats. Yesterday, she sat next to me. But, I sit beside one of the kids from lunch before sitting next to her becomes an option. "Luke?" He says with a smile. "Hey, what's up? You never sit next to me, well other than at lunch."
"Yeah." I say, not really knowing what else to say. "Did you hear about Irwin's party tonight?" I ask and scoff to see if he thinks it's as stupid as I do.
"Yeah, man. Everyone is going. Arent you?"
"Hell no." I say and lean back in my seat.
"Well, if you don't want to go, I could ditch it with you, we could play some ball or something." He offers.
"I'm good." I say with a half smile. I'd rather go to the stupid party than hang out with him on my own time. To be honest, he talks to me every day, and I don't even know his name. I'm sure he's told me, probably on more than one occasion. But I've never bothered to remember.
"You sure?" He asks. I just nod and pull my phone out again. "Well, the party starts at seven if you change your mind."
"I wont, but thanks." I say.
Soon enough that class ends, and it's time to go home. Which I don't. I go back out to the baseball field and sit there alone, like always. It's one of my favorite passtimes. I don't have to put up with anyones bullshit as I just sit there until it's dark out. I see that I'm getting a call from my dad. I just ignore it and carry on with my game as I get the notification that he left me a voice mail. I sigh to myself as I check it. It says. "Luke Robert Hemmings you get the hell home right now. We're not finished with last nights conversation.If you're not home before I have to go to work, you're in trouble and I'm dealing with you tomorrow." I delete the message and put my phone back in my pocket. We're more than done with that conversation.
Time is going slower than usual out here tonight. Maybe it's my dad getting on my nerves. He's called and texted me about twenty times. I've had enough of it. I look at the time on my phone to see that is is 7:45. If I go now, I could still make that stupid party that Kit got so pissed over. I used to go to Ashton's house nearly every day after school, I know a short cut that could get me there by eight. I really don't want to go, but what harm could come out of checking it out, I guess.
I sigh as I get up and climb down the bleachers and make my way through the schools oversized sports fields. I make my way through the empty parking lot and down the street. I take a few twists and turns and cut through a few peoples yards, before I'm standing outside Ashton's place. It's been a long time since I've been here. Memories of when we used to hang out here before my mom fill my mind, but they're shortly cut off by the loud music. I shake my head before walking into his house.
A few peoples jaws drops as I walk in. I hear whispers, and mummers of peoples surprised reactions that I'm actually here. I didn't think it would take people by such shock. I walk up to the table, before downing a couple of drinks. Enough to get me buzzed, but not enough to get me wasted. That was my favorite way to be. I didn't overly like being piss-loaded or shit-faced drunk. I liked having enough to get my mind off of myself.
"Well, look who it is." I hear a fimileur voice say. "I thought you weren't coming, Hemmings?" She says. "You were such an asshole about saying no, that you pissed me off. Yeah! I'm still pissed at you, actually."
"Jesus Christ, Kit Kat. How much have you had to drink?" I ask as I get a wiff of her breath. It reeks of mixed liquors.
"I don't know." She says. "I lost count after I switched from vodka, to beer, then to whiskey, with some more beer, then some more vodka, now I have whiskey." She says and starts laughing. "Holy motherfuck, I've had a lot."
"You shouldn't have that much, it can hurt you." I tell her.
"Why should you even care?" She asks.
"I don't want you to get hurt." I say and sigh as she falls into me.
"Where did the floor go?" She asks, laughing as I wrap an arm around her and walk outside with her, sitting her down on Ashton's porch swing. "Hey!" She says. "What the fuck, man! I was having fun in there! You're so bossy."
"Chill out, Kit Kat." I say. "You literally fell into me. You were going to end up hurting yourself in there."
"Stop calling me by that stupid name." She says. "I'm going back in, Hemmings. You can't stop me."
"You're not going back in there." I say in a stern voice.
"You're not the boss of me, Hemmings." She says and laughs. "I do what I want! You can't stop me!"
"You're coming with me." I say with a sigh as I stand her up and keep walking away from Ashton's house. With an arm wrapped around her so she wont fall, I walk around town with her. She's complaining and arguing with me the whole time, which I can't help but find a little funny. She's drunk out of her mind, and I'm trying my best to make sure she doesn't fall or something.
"Where the hell are we going?" She asks as we make our way up my street. "Where are you taking me, should I be scared?"
"No, you shouldn't be scared." I say with a sigh. "We're going to my house. You'll be safe there."
"You didn't want to meet my parents, what makes you think that I'd want to meet yours?" She slurs.
"My dad isn't home." I sigh. "He's at work." I say as I walk up to my house, unlocking the door, and bringing her in with me.
"So," She says. "This is it, huh?" She asks, I just look over at her confused. "This is The Luke Hemmings house."
"Yeah." I say and head towards the staircase. "Follow me." I instruct her.
"This isn't how I pictured it to be." She informs me before climbing the stairs behind me.
"What did you picture?" I ask.
"I pictured it to be darker. More depressing. Kind of like you. I expected it to be cold." She tells me.
"Surprise, I guess." I say as I walk down the hall and into my room. "Come in." I say as she stumbles in behind me. "And yes, this is my room."
"This isn't how I pictured this to be either." She says.
I go through my closet and pick out a pair of sweat pants and an old t-shirt. "Put these on." I say. She looks at me funny. "I said put them on." I say, pushing them into her arms.
"Fine, bossy, grumpy pants." She says before taking her dress off and getting changed right in front of me. She must notice the look on my face, because she smirks. "Do you like seeing me almost naked?" She asks.
"Kit Kat, you're drunk." I say. "I'm not answering that question."
She giggles. "That means the answer is yes." She says as she lifts her shirt up, showing me her bra. "I can undo it if you want."
I shake my head as I take my eyes off of her. "Stop it." I say "Put the shirt back on, now!"
"Lighten up." She says. "I know you liked what you saw." She says as she moves closer and closer to me. She takes my hand and places it on her stomach, slowly moving up toward her boob. I go to protest, but she slams her lips onto mine. Without thought, I kiss her back, our lips moving in sync. She wakes my hand and places it under her shirt, slowly moving it up again. Just as my hand touches her bra, I pull away.
"I said stop!" I say, in a loud voice. Not because I'm pissed at her. Because she needs to get the point that I don't want to do this.
"You're the worst player ever." She scoffs.
"I'm not a player, for one." I say and think about it a little. "Well, not really. And for two, you're drunk. That's wrong."
"Whatever." She says.
"Lay down, you need to rest." I say and direct her to my bed. "We need to get you out of here before my dad gets here in the morning." She just goes and lays down on my bed. I take my sweater off and go to lay down beside her, but even that feels wrong, so I just take my blanket and make a bed on the floor.
I wake up to the sound of a groan. I sit up, rubbing the back of my neck. It's stiff as hell. I must have fallen asleep funny last night. I stand up and look down at Kit to see that she's sitting up on my bed, with her hand on her head. "Where the hell am I?" She asks.
"My house." I reply.
"Oh shit." She says. "Did we-"
"No." I say. "You tried, but I wouldn't. You were drunk and I couldn't do that to you." I say, she takes a big sigh of relief.
"Thank god." She says.
"Shit." I say as I look at the time. "My dad is going to be home any minute. You need to get out of here. He will not believe that this was innocent."
"Yeah." She says before hopping up out of bed. "I'll call my mom to come pick me up. I'll tell her that this is a girl friends house." I just nod as she makes the call to her mom, and hangs up. "Holy shit." She says, picking my arm up. "Where the hell did this come from?" She asks, pointing out the finger prints on my arm. "Did you get in a fight last night?"
"No, from a couple of days ago." I say as I walk downstairs with her. Before too long her mom is here. She rushes out the door. I just go and sit on the couch and turn the TV on. I go through the recordings. A lot of them are stuff that mom had saved. We just didn't have the heart to delete them, even though we will never watch them.
Soon, my dad walks in the door. I sigh as he walks over to me. When he opens his mouth to talk. "Grounded for two weeks." I say. "There, we skipped the whole argument. No yelling, it's settled."
"No, Luke." He says. "It's not that easy. Not anymore. When I ground you, you just stay out in the hours that I'm home."
"I don't know what to tell you then." I say.
"I'm taking a differant approach this time." He says as he comes and sits uncomfortably close to me on the couch. "Why are you acting this way, Luke?" He asks.
"I think you know." I say.
"Because you miss her?" He asks. "Being the way you are isn't going to bring her back, you know."
I shrug.
"No, listen to me. Talk back to me. Be honest and real with me. I miss her too, you know." He says. "There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about her, but we have to move past that. We are never going to forget her, but we should honnor her memory by being the best us we can be. Don't you agree?"
"I guess." I say. "But, I don't think that it's that easy."
"It's not." He says. "But we can take baby steps, until it is that easy. Like it or not, Luke, we're all we have."
"Yeah." I say as my chest starts hurting.
"What do you say we take the first baby step today by going to visit her at the grave yard, she's probably lonely there. What do you say?"
I start chewing the inside of my lip as anger starts running through my body. "I say that's bullshit!" I yell before getting up. Whenever I feel myself start to get sad, I cover it up with anger so I don't have to show anything.
"Okay, this could be good. Let it out." He says, probably noticing the look on my face. "Let it all out. Tell me how it feels."
"It feels like I haven't seen my mom in one year, three months, two weeks and five days." I yell. "How the fuck else would it feel?! The grave yard is bullshit, this is bullshit. You go there yourself."
"Don't do that, Luke. We were doing so good." He says.
"I don't fucking care." I yell before heading towards the stairs. "Am I grounded or not?" I ask with a sigh.
"Yeah. Until you go to the grave yard. It helps you accept it. So, you're grounded until you get over yourself."
"Looks like I'm grounded for a long ass time then." I say before going upstairs and to my room. I open my window before lighting a smoke, which thankfully calms me down a little bit. I lay on my bed and turn my TV on, letting my thoughts drown out.

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