Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Lov...

By awkwardwritinggirl

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"Feel the pain, don't show it. Don't let anybody know that it's there." -Luke. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 5

58 4 0
By awkwardwritinggirl

-Luke's POV-

As I walk of Kit's house, I'm mentally face palming myself. I told her a lot. Not everything. Not like she did. But, I told her a lot. Too much. I don't know why I trusted her so much. I just met the girl, and she already knows so much about me. Part of me thinks that she was just trying to fool me into being her friend. Not that I understand why she'd want to be my friend. I'd end up hurting her. But I can't help but think of her. She doesn't run away from me, she tells me back off when I'm being an ass. Nobody has really done that to me before. They usually just let me act like an ass toward them, them probably talk about me behind my back later.
Though, I do have to admit, I thought it was kind of nice that my old friends still think about me enough to tell her about me. I'd never actually admit it, but I miss those guys. We had the best times together, but I have them convinced that I don't like them. Which is what I wanted, and what I still want in a lot of ways. I just miss not feeling so alone. I know it's my fault for shutting everyone out.
I sigh as I walk past the school. Part of me wants to just go back there and waste away the night until my dad is sleeping, so he wont hear me come in, and so I won't have to put up with him. He's changed since my mom more than I have. Because of how he was acting, he caused my brothers to move out of town and never look back. Leaving me to have to put up with dad all alone. Part of me really hates them for that, but then again, I know I'd do the same thing if I could. But, now I'm stuck here.
I decide not to hang out at the school alone until my dad would be in bed. For a couple of reasons. For one, my phone was at a scarily low percentage, and for two it would just make things worse for when I did have to see him again. I've learnt that I can't hide from him forever. He always finds a way to get to me and yell at me, to take his anger and pain out on me. Once he showed up at my school, signed me out and brought me home just to yell and scream at me about what a terrible person I'm becoming. I've learnt not to let my dad's opinion actually get to me. Because he hasn't noticed, but he hasn't exactly been the best person to be around since everything, either.
I take the a-little-bit-too-long of a walk back to my house. Taking my time, making the walk even longer than need be. I start walking even slower as I walk up to my street. My house is the last one on the block and the more time I take the better. But eventually, I can't put it off any longer. I'm standing in front of my house. I sigh, as I go around to the back, hoping not to run into my dad. But, my luck kicks in, and he's standing in the kitchen, where the back door leads.
"Where the hell have you been, do you have any idea what time it is, Luke?" My dad asks, yelling.
I just roll my eyes and keep walking past him. But, he goes over to the kitchen door before I get a chance to get out of it. "I was out." I say, trying to get past him, but he just blocks me off again. "Are you going to let me out? Because I have no issues going straight out the other door again!" I say pointing over to it.
"You damn well better not, Luke." He says.
"Well then, you damn well better let me out." I say, getting pissed off that he's still blocking the door.
"Where the hell were you, I asked." He demands.
"I told you, I was out." I say.
"Have you been drinking again?" He asks. I just sigh. "I asked you a question." He yells.
"No. Not that it matters to you if I have been or not." I say. "Now please, let me go. I'm done here."
"You're not done here until I say so!" He says. "It matters to me if you've been drinking because it reflects on me as a parent. People judge me when you're out there getting drunk."
"Because that's all that matters, right?" I say, finally managing to get past him, as I go out into the living room. "As long as nobody knows that things are the way that they are. As long as they think were all good here."
"I didn't say you could leave then!" He yells.
"I said I was done." I tell him as I start making my way towards the stairs. "I'm going to my room."
"No you're not." He says as he grabs a hold of my arm, tightly so I can't escape him without detaching my limb or something. "I'm going to ask you one more time, where have you been?" He asks.
"I told you, out." I say, trying to pull my arm away. But, he just tightens his grip. "You can let me go now, father."
"Who were you out with?" He asks.
"Myself." I say. "I was all alone." I lie. I know he'd assume the worst if I told him that I was with a girl, so I don't bother. I really don't want to cause even more of a fight than is already going on.
"I don't believe you." He says.
"And I don't care." I reply, trying to get my arm again, his grip is getting tighter and tighter, it's beginning to hurt a little. "What would you rather hear, I was out popping pills and taking body shots off of hookers?"
"It's more believable!" He yells. "Luke, you're just not a good person anymore." He says.
"I know! I fucking know!" I yell, finally losing my temper. "I fucking know. You want to know why I fucking know?" I ask, getting louder and louder with every word. "I fucking know, because every time I'm actually not drunk, or didn't do anything wrong, you're here to fucking remind me. You fucking wonder why I get drunk so much, look at you! You wouldn't want to be around you either."
"You shut the hell up, thr neighbours are going to hear!" He yells.
"The fucking neighbors probably already heard you screaming at me. How let me the hell go!" I say, whipping my arm away from his grab. It actually works, because my arm goes flying. I hold onto it, because it hurts. "The neighbors probably hear you yelling every god damn night, do you not hear yourself?"
"They all tell me if they had a son like you that they would yell and scream until they couldn't talk anymore. You have no idea how terrible you are to be around, do you?" He asks, still yelling, but not quite as loud.
"The fuck would you know?" I ask. "I'm never fucking around you long enough for you to know how things actually are."
"Things get back to me, you know." He says. "And if things were that bad, you'd tell me, I know you, Luke." He yells. "And you're just using your mother as an excuse to be a brat. She'd be so disappointed in you if she knew how you were now!"
"You know what, fuck you!" I yell. "If you gave a shit enough to actually pay attention, you'd know that there is so much more going on." I say before walking upstairs. "I'm going to bed. I have school tomorrow." I say.
"We're finishing this tomorrow." He says.
"Like hell we are." I mumble before making my way up the stairs, and walking down the hall to my room, slamming the door behind me. I go over and sit on my window sill as I open my window. I pull my pack of smokes out of my pocket and light one. Smoking it at a faster than usual paste. When I'm stressed, I smoke. It's stupid, and smoking is stupid. I know. But it does help with my stress. I look down to see that my hands are still shaking from being so mad. I do the only thing I know to do, I light another cigarette. Smoking this one so fast that I choke on the smoke a little. Causing me to cough my brains out.
After lighting and finishing my third cigarette, I decide that they're not helping me any. I sigh as I close my window. Maybe I should just go to bed. I take my sweater and pants off as I go lay down in bed. I notice that my arm has red finger prints on it. Probably going to be bruised by morning. I sigh. It's not the first time it's happened. I'll just have to wear a sweater for the next few days, nothing new.
I go lay down in my bed as I cover myself up with the blanket my mom got for me, about three months before hand. I didn't like it then. But now, I can't sleep without it. As I close my eyes, everything starts hitting me. Everything my dad said. It's all true. I'm not a good person to be around. My mom would be so pissed at me if she knew how I was being now. But one thing that isn't true is that I use her to be a brat. That isn't true. I just turned out like this.
I shake my head as it starts to feel disy because of all the thoughts I have right now. I sit up with a sigh as I walk over to the mini fridge in my room. I take out the special circumstance bottle of vodka that I have in there. I open the cap and without hesitation, I put the bottle up to my lips. Downing as much of it as I can before I needed air. I look at the bottle to see that I drank almost half of it. I put the cap back on it and set it on my desk, as I walk around my room waiting for it to kick in.
When it hits me, it hits me hard. "You're just using her as an excuse to be a brat." I say, mocking my fathers tone as I start laughing at the way I sounded. "She'd be so disapointed!" I say in the same tone, laughing some more. I stumble back over to the bottle, and pick it up in my hands. I start laughing to myself as I get an idea. I grab the sharpie also sitting on my desk. I open it and sniff it. I've always loved the smell of sharpies, but that's besides the point. I cross out the word 'vodka' on the bottle and write the words 'happy juice' in my own sloppy writing. I laugh at that for a good couple of minutes before putting the bottle back in my mini fridge. Falling as I bend over. I laugh at that some as I close the door and get up. I manage to get back over to my bed, before finally collapsing.
I wake up in the morning with a groan as I hear my alarm clock going off. I open my eyes to be blinded by the sun. I forgot to close my curtains last night, clearly. I sit up, and hold my head in my hands. It's pounding, and I reek of vodka. I get up and make my way to the bathroom before running a shower. I get in as the warm water starts running down my nody. I wash myself up before getting out of the shower. I go over to the mirror, wiping the steam off of it with my arm. I brush my teeth, and get my hair to stand up, the way I always have it.
I walk back out with a towel wrapped around me as I quickly go to my room and get dressed. When I'm done, I rush down stairs and pack myself a lunch and take a couple pills to help my head before running out the door. I don't have time for breakfast. But, I don't really mind. My dad would be up soon and I didn't want to run into him.
I start walking to school as I try to remember what happened last night to make me want to drink so badly. Flashbacks come at me a million miles per hours as I remember all the hurtful things my dad had said to me. I drank so I could fall asleep without those thought provoking my mind.
Eventually, I get to the school. I walk in with a sigh. It's always so loud in there. Making my headache that was just starting to fade away come back, worse than before. I sigh as I make my way to first period. Science. Mr. Buttler's face drops as he sees me walking in. "Mr. Hemmings. Early? Pinch me I must be dreaming."
"The halls were hard on the head." I say before making my way to my seat and putting my head down on the desk, closing my eyes until my headache goes away. I jump as I hear the bell for the end of class go off. I must have fallen asleep. I wipe the sleep out of my eye as I get up and walk to my next class. On the plus side, my headache is gone away.
Before too long it's lunch time. I make my way to the cafitearia. Kit waves over at me to go sit with them, but I shake my head no, then put it down as I keep walking. I go over and sit with my usual group. "Luke, where the hell have you been?" One asks. "I wanted you to chill last night, I wanted you to come to the basketball game with me."
I shrug. "I was busy." I lie. I just didn't want to go.
"Next time, man." He says.
I nod before standing up and walking outside. That's more than they usually talk to me, and it was already getting on my nerves. I take a seat against the brick wall alone and eat my lunch in peace. Nobody really comes to this spot, so I'm surprised when I see someone standing there. I look up and sigh as I see Michael standing there. "What?" I ask, as I take a sip out of my juice box.
"Do us all a favour and leave her alone." He says.
"What do you mean, man?" I ask with a sigh.
"Kit. Leave her alone. You're no good for her. You're no good for yourself, let alone a poor innocent girl like her."
I stand up sp I'm face to face with Michael. "Why, what'd she tell you?" I ask nervously.
"Nothing." He says, then looks at me with pure anger. "You didn't." He says. "Not already."
"Didn't what? You're making no sense." I say.
"You fucked her already, didn't you?" He asks, as he pushes me up against the brick wall.
"No, I didn't." I say and push him away, but he pushes me back up. "Even if I did, what does it do to you?"
"She's my friend." He says. "I want you to take your low life and keep it as far away from her as possible. Don't do any more damage than you already have."
I push him away again, and push him up against the wall before he gets a chance to do the same to me again. "I told you I didn't do anything to her. I wouldn't. We just hung out, that's it."
"Why should I believe you?" He asks, avoiding eye contact.
"I have no reason to lie to you." I say, before dropping him down as the bell for class goes off.
"Leave her alone!" He warns me.
"Kiss my ass." I say back as I walk away and down the hall to class.
I really can't believe that he thinks I'd just use someone like that. He should still know me enough to know that I'm not that guy. I wouldn't do anything to hurt Kit. I couldn't. She's too.. I don't know. I just can't hurt her. She's not like anyone else.
I take my seat in English to see that Kit is already sitting there. She smiles at me. "Good afternoon, Hemmings." She says. I haven't talked to her all day, because she's been with Ashton for the other class I have with her.
"Kit Kat." I say and look down at my hands. I could really go for a smoke right now. I should have thought of that before I came back in for lunch.

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