Uchiha Crib( Madara Uchiha x...

By Wryyyyyy

218K 7.2K 3.3K

Uchiha a legendary clan name. Accepting only those who are proven worthy to be cursed with their secret. What... More

Problem : First Meeting
Helping Hand
Beautiful Idiot
'Baby'Sitting (part1)
'Baby'Sitting (part 2)
'Baby'Sitting (part3)
'Baby'Sitting ( part 4): Nisan ! !
'Baby'Sitting (part 5 Final): Jealous Baby
Secret Revealed
ThE (sTuPiD) cLaNs
Fun Time
Who Am I (Special Chapter Part 1/2)
Who Am I (Special Chapter Part 2/2)
Oh sh!t
The Senju Saga ( part 1/?)
The Senju Saga ( part 2/?)
The Senju Saga ( part 3/?)
The Senju Saga (Part 4/?) #PimpDaddy
The Senju Saga ( part 5/?)
The Senju Saga (part 6/?)
The Senju Saga ( Part 7/?): Uchiha Bros To The Rescue ?
The Senju Saga ( part 8/?): The Senju Bros !
The Senju Saga (Part 10/10)
Day 0
New Friend
My Lady
The Uchiha
Creating Life ( Special Chapter )
Small Light
Father Stuff
It's Time
happy Family (End)

The Senju Saga ( part 9/?)

1.9K 85 8
By Wryyyyyy

"We have to go back then!" Madara turned walking but twitched feeling a grip on his wrist " what." "....Nissan. Something is telling me you'll see her soon." Izuna blinked calmly. Madara turned glaring at him " ............." "Dara......" "Hm...." "....are you....well....do you really.........."
Madara twitched with wide eyes hearing the last words.

Tobirama looked to his shoulder for a bit. _(n)_ blinked snuggling on the fluffy part of his coat. The man smiled while looking straight again. He really did miss having her around. She was like the daughter he always wanted.
Hashirama blinked stopping. He looked back slowly seeing a white figure approaching them.


"Got it. _(n)_ hold on."

The young woman blinked locking her arms on his shoulders better. Her eyes widen seeing the speed both men ran ' holy...spaghetti monster!!!!!"

"We need to find Madara and Izuna." Hashirama looked back twitching a bit seeing the white figure on their trail 'his not a normal yokai then.' "Ugh....." Tobirama glared but blinked seeing a light shining.

Madara turned slowly having the light shine in back of him. _(n)_ blinked having wide eyes looking at him.  

A loud crash came along with skin masking against each other.



_(n)_ sat up slowly rubbing her head "...." She looked down blinking twice. Tobirama twitched under her along with Madara. Both staid knocked out.

"Oh...you guys made it ! I knew my gut was telling the truth !" Izuna smiled happily. Hashirama sweat dropped smiling but turned to the darken tunnel hearing footsteps.

_(n)_ looked at the man smiling "zuzu!" She hugged him happily. Izuna smiled anime crying 'Dawwww!!!!' He hugged her tighter imagining her being a bunny.


"...can't breath..."



"O'y!" Tobirama separates them quickly."Tch. Don't touch her like if you own her." He looked at Izuna glaring The Uchiha blinked "....but we do..." "....." Both began to argue soon the fighting began. Hashirama blinked staring at them with a Wtf expression. "...guys this ain't the time to fight....."

_(n)_ blinked turning back a bit. Madara was dusting himself calmly not noticing her. The woman smiled widely running to him" Dara !!!!!" "Hu...?" The man looked up but twitched stumbling back feeling a grip on his waist"......." He blinked surprised looking down noticing the the way she was dressed he froze blushing darkly. _(n)_ cling to him happily with hearts popping out her head smacking the three men on the face.

Tobirama looked at Madara smiling widely but with the most terrifying gaze. Hashirama sweat dropped face palming ' This two....'  Izuna blinked but turned to the tunnel seeing an albino man walking out calmly.

"Hmp." Toneri smirked " I can feel all of you here." He walked holding two blades. Hashirama looked down at them ' not ordinary metal......' Madara looked straight glaring slowly putting his hand on the blade handle tide on his back.

"Wait." Tobirama put his arm out stopping him. "What are you doing..?" Madara looked at him confuse then back at the albino across from them. Izuna blinked twice patting his chest looking at Tobirama. The man nodded.
"Toneri. " the male froze hearing the voice ' grandma!!??' He moved his head around.
Both 'friends' smirked at each other evilly. They looked at the girl giving her the 'look'. She nodded a bit.

Madara and Hashirama watched them messing with the blind man with a poker face. _(n)_ blinked watching while cracking her knuckles ' I can do this!!' She placed her right leg in front breathing calmly.

Toneri moved his head straight "...good way of wasting my time." Izuna and Tobirama smirked more jumping out his way.

Hard clicking noises where heard. Madara had wide eyes looking down ' where did she.........' Hashirama kept his gaze straight seeing with pure amazement '.....so she does...' He looked at Tobirama ' he knew all along eh...'


*insert loud crashing/ bones breaking noise*

All the men had a poker face seeing half the place destroyed. Madara felt his eye twitched none stop 'but but...........' He paled remembering what Sakura said.

*********flash back~*********

" be very careful okay!" A pink haired woman yelled a bit while crossing her arms as she laid on the bed with bandages.
"Why ...? Like if something bad will happen." The onyx hair man looked down at her boredly. Izuna shook his head 'Nissan....'
"I'm talking about _(n)_." Sakura looked at him dead in the eyes " be sure she doesn't get angered or anything. I've been teaching her things okay..."

"Whatever billboard."


The four men moved their heads side to side up and down none stop with wide eyes.

_(n)_ smiled putting her fist up but twitched feeling some one getting her arm"......" She looked up glaring. Indra blinked while moving his eyes to the twitching man under her "well..........." "Aw we're late...." Ashura stepped down getting Toneri from the woman's hard grip " his such a troublemaker...."
"O'y calm your wife man." Indra turned to Madara glaring. The man twitched " she's not my wife." He blushed glaring back. "Hmp." The Ōtsutsuki man smirked looking down at her ' she had this hiding in? Interesting.' He looked at his arm seeing it shaking ' even I'm scared.' He threw her to them quickly making Hashirama catch her. " we assure you. This idiot won't go after her again. " Indra turned to Ashura nodding. The three Ōtsutsuki men vanish.

"Hu...well...that ended good......." Hashirama smiled trembling ' yeah she's tsunades kid alright....' Izuna was clapping happily " we should do this again!!" Tobirama face palmed ' this sadistic little shit...' Madara twitched staring at the large puddle of blood on the floor "................." 'I'm fucked now....'
-------------1 week later -----------

_(n)_ blinked looking at izuna"where did you get all this....." The young man took off his shades ".....sailing stuff..." "Like what...?" ".......you know that blood barrel Toneri had ...." "..........." A shadow covered her eyes. Izuna blinked smiling and ran off. The woman puffed her cheeks " seriously."
Sakura walked holding a basket " seems your up and going. How are you feeling ?" "Good thanks to you !!" She smiled hugging the grown woman happily." Sakura-San if it wasn't for your teaching I wouldn't had been able to do that!" " he he just remembering practicing will help you improve more !"


Madara sat on his room staring outside twitching ' ..................' He gripped the yukata sleeves tightly 'that time....' He stood up walking to the balcony looking at the garden "........I was frighten...yet my heart kept calm...." He placed his chin on his palm while he leaned down the balcony handle."...I guess an old thing like me can still Have this feeling..." He sigh smiling but tensed feeling some one in back of him " what did I say about standing in back of me !!!!" He turned twitching.
_(n)_ blinked holding a tray "...so grandpa was right !" She smirked. Madara blushed twitching  imagining a laughing Hashirama ' Tch Senju........'


This chapter isn't funny at all ! !
( ̄ 艸   ̄) ..............*feeling ashamed.*

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