The Girl Who Found The Darkne...


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Juliette Stevenson leads a normal life. Well, as normal a life you can get when your best friend was kidnappe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
SEQUEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?! PREQUEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Once we're on the highway, we head for New YorkState. After a few hours, we get off the highway and drive to a small town called Bartville. I grew up in Harrensburg, the town right next to Bartville, so I know the area fairly well. I navigate through the town to an old abandoned barn. In order to reach the barn, you have to cross a bridge, so the barn is pretty secluded from the rest of the town.

As we drive down the old bridge, the sun starts to rise. I drive faster as the oranges and yellows of the sky start to fade into blue. Eventually, we get to the barn and I park the car. We sneak into the barn just as the sky turns into a definite blue color. We set down all our stuff on the hay lift and sit down.

"We can walk to the town from here to get more supplies when we need it." I say, sighing. My tiredness has finally caught up to me. I haven't slept in almost twenty four hours.

"We should both get some rest." Marsa says, yawning.

"I agree." I say.

"Most of our activities will be at night, so we can sleep during the day." Marsa nods and mumbles an agreement.

As I drift off to sleep, I think about all the people who have wronged me. I wonder who we should get first. And then I decide. My dreams are about killing that person, the one who started my crappy life, and it makes me feel happy. So, so, happy.


I wake up at eight and wake up Marsa. I then tell her all about our first victim: John Martin.

"Juliette smells bad, Juliette smells bad!" The boys taunt, laughing at me. I stand crying, covered in mud.

"What's wrong, Juliette, are you afraid of getting a little dirty?" John asks sarcastically, laughing.

"Or are you crying about the filthy clothes your pig family got you?" We had been playing tag, and John pushed me into a pile of mud. The new pink dress I was wearing was ruined!

"Juliette's a pig, Juliette's a pig!" The other kids yell mercilessly.

"Oink! Oink! Oink!"

Finally, I can't take it anymore. I run into the school building and into the girl's bathroom. I lock the stall door, sit on the toilet, and cry. I can't believe John would ever do that! He was my best friend and, more importantly, my long term crush. After a few minutes, the bell signaling everyone to go back inside went off. I dry my eyes and walk out of the bathroom. I walk into my fourth grade classroom and tell my teacher, Ms. Simons, I want to go home.

"Juliette, what happened?" She asks. I look over at John and his friends laughing in the corner. I then turn back to Ms. Simons unsteadily.

"I was running around and then I fell in the mud." I lie. Even if John was being mean, I didn't want him to get in trouble.

"Well," Ms. Simons says sighing, "since there is only a few minutes of class left, I guess so. I'll call your mom."

I thank her and wait outside the front door for my mom. She finally comes and takes me without saying a word. As I stare out the car window, I hope that John will be nicer tomorrow.

That's how it all started. Every day after that, John would harass me and be mean to me. He would say I was ugly and stupid, but I still liked him. Then, somehow, he found out I had a crush on him. He laughed at me, saying he would never date someone like me. I was heartbroken.

John's harassment didn't stop with me. He started bullying my friends, too, and soon, my friend group was basically a support group/club of John haters. John's relentless bullying continued until my freshman year of high school when John moved to a different state. After that, everyone left me alone.

I hate John so much. He was the reason that I had really bad self-esteem, and an indirect cause of my depression. I took his words to heart, and it killed me.

As I'm telling Marsa all this, anger sparks in her eyes. By the time I'm done with my story, Marsa looks like she's going to explode with anger.

"No one should ever treat another human being like that!" She almost screams. She stands up and punches some hay until she calms down a little. Then she turns around and smirks.

"Let's get this asshole."

We look John's address up in the phone book we got in the gas station. John actually did something right for once. He moved to Bartville at the end of my junior year, so getting to his house will be fairly easy.

We take a bag full of rope and weapons with us as we walk out of the barn and go across the bridge. We travel through the town, navigating our way through the shadows. Eventually, we reach John's house. We go to the back door and pick the lock. Seeing as John lives alone, this will be a piece of cake.

We slip inside the house and creep up the stairs. On the wall, I feel a door and open it slowly. With the moonlight from the window on the opposite wall, I see that the door leads to a small supply closet. I see a bottle of air freshener and take it. If I remember correctly, John has asthma, so this will come in handy. I smirk and close the door softly. I continue down the hall until I feel another door. I slowly open it and see a bedroom full of posters of half naked girls, cars, and football players. I laugh. John hasn't changed one bit, which will make this experience very enjoyable.

"Hide under the bed," I whisper to Marsa, "and I will hide in the closet." Marsa nods and hands me the weapon's bag. We then hide and wait for Joseph to come in.

After a few minutes, the door opens and John comes through it. He looks exactly the same as he did in ninth grade, dark brown hair styled in a sweeping motion. John stumbles around to find his bed, which makes me realize he is high as hell. John takes off his shirt and sits on his bed. He takes his phone out and starts playing a game and failing miserably. John swears under his breath as his phone lights up his face, revealing his bloodshot eyes and messed up hair. Yep, he's definitely high.

I nod to Marsa, whose head is sticking out from under the bed. She crawls out from under the bed, but John's too high to even notice her. She crawls over to the window and shuts the blinders, leaving the room in complete darkness, besides John's phone.

John blinks a few times before fully realizing what happened. He fumbles around on his phone for a few seconds before his camera flashes on as he tries to look around. John sees Marsa with the flash, but she quickly takes his phone and throws it against the wall. I hear a loud crunch sound as the phone hits the wall, cracking the screen. I walk out of the closet with the weapon bag and immediately start spraying bug spray everywhere. John starts coughing and wheezing, but I keep on spraying until the can is empty.

John, too busy hacking up a storm to defend himself, falls back on his bed. He tries to talk between coughs, which sounded kind of like:

"Please....... Cough cough..... Take whatever you want.... Cough..... Please don't hurt me..."

But then his effort makes him cough even more. I smirk and crawl on top of him, easily pinning his arms over his head. With my free hand, I pull his chin up so he's looking right at me.

"Hello John," I say, a devilish smile on my lips.

"Long time, no see." John's eyes widen in disbelief and realization as I laugh.

"Marsa, hand me my knife." Marsa quickly digs up my switchblade and hands it to me. I switch out the blade and admire the reflection of John's terrified expression on the knife. He starts to shake his head while coughing, and I laugh.

"As if you had a choice in this, pretty boy." I take the knife and slowly but surely cut into John's left arm. He screams in agony, and I smile. After I'm done with his left arm, I move unto his right arm, and his stomach. John's dark red blood pours out and I giggle. This is as fun as hurting myself!

"See, John?" I whisper in his ear.

"This is what it feels like. This is only a small piece of the pain you caused me. Now you know how much you hurt me. This isn't unreasonable. This is getting even."

Finally, I cut the edges of his lips so he will smile for eternity. John's groans and screams turn into more coughs as he hacks up blood. His eyes roll into the back of his head, and John Martin breathes his final breath.

I get off the bed, breathing heavily. There is blood all over the bed and the floor. I check my incisions to see if my words came out well. On John's left arm, I wrote Liar, for him saying I was his friend. On his right arm, deceiver, for deceiving me into thinking I meant something to him. And finally, on his stomach, heartbreaker, for taking my young heart and crushing it.

As I'm examining my masterpiece, I notice Marsa in the corner of my eye and turn around. Marsa is sitting in the corner of the room, staring at the blood dripping off the bed sheets.

"We actually did it." She says quietly.

"We actually killed him." I sit down next to Marsa and wrap my arms around her.

"He deserved it." I say somberly.

"Let's go." Marsa and I silently put everything back into the bag and search the house for money. We find about $800 in the back of a cabinet. After that, we leave and travel back to the barn.

We get back at around 3:00 AM, and I immediately change into clothes that aren't soaked in blood. For the next few hours, Marsa and I sit in the loft and talk about our old lives. Marsa tells me how she was best friends with Ethan and Stephanie, and how her parents were very supportive of her. I tell her about all my amazing friends, mainly because my relationship with my family wasn't very good. Let's just say, my depression started with John, and worsened with David, but it didn't became serious until my family started to criticize every little thing I did.

At around 9, we both agree to get some sleep. We will need to get as much sleep as we can if we want to continue our pattern like this. This was our lives for now. Dysfunctional and blood stained.

A/N: Ohhhhh Juliette's gone a bit cray cray... A 'bit'. Hehe <3 Julie  

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