A Warrior's Heart: Marastin D...

By sesmithfl

73.5K 4.1K 58

Ben and Aaron Cooper's life had never been one of ease. Deserted by their mother and raised by a drunken fath... More

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Book Trailer

Chapter 5

3.5K 276 0
By sesmithfl

"Where are you going?" Hanine demanded with a frown. "For the past week, you have been disappearing every day after your shift is over."

Evetta looked up at her sister and shrugged. "I'm tired of being cooped up in our living quarters. I have been doing a little exploring."

"Evetta," Hanine said quietly. "It is not safe to wander the ship. You could be attacked... or worse."

"I will be fine," Evetta replied, tightening the strap on the knife sheath attached to her leg. "I will be careful."

"What is going on? You've never kept anything from me before, but I can tell that there is something different about you. Talk to me," Hanine begged, stepping in front of Evetta. "Please. I could not stand it if something happened to you."

Evetta bit her lip and stared at her younger sister for several long seconds before she released her breath. She knew she needed to assure her sister that she was safe, but how could she without revealing where she was going? She knew she could trust Hanine, but her fear of something happening to Ben was even greater.

"You must promise me you will not mention this to anyone," Evetta finally muttered under her breath. "You must promise me, Hanine. It is a matter of life or death."

Evetta could feel her sister's worried stare. She waited until Hanine nodded before she relaxed. Breathing a sigh of relief, she wrapped her arms around Hanine and gave her a big hug before taking a step back.

"I've met a man. He is different from any male I have ever met before," Evetta whispered. "He makes me feel things deep inside, Hanine. I would do anything to protect him."

"You've met a... who... Evetta," Hanine stammered in shock.

Evetta shook her head. "He is different, Hanine. He is not like us. He is a different species. His name is Ben Cooper and I care deeply for him."

"What do you mean a different species? Why have I never seen him? Where is he from?" Hanine asked before her eyes narrowed in determination. "I want to meet him."

"Hanine," Evetta began in exasperation.

"No! I want to meet him, Evetta," Hanine insisted. "I have to know that you are safe with him."

Evetta's eyes softened as she thought of how protective and gentle Ben was with her. The past week had been like a dream. She met him each day after her shift in one of the access tunnels. They varied the place of their meetings so it would reduce the likelihood of getting caught.

Each night he took her to a different spot in the lower levels. One night he had a simple meal set up. They ate dinner and they talked for hours. Another night, he played his music for her. She loved listening to it. Last night he kissed her until her head spun. She wanted him. Tonight, tonight she was going to make sure he knew how much she cared for him.

Evetta looked at her sister. "I love him, Hanine. I want to be with him."

Hanine gasped and stepped back. "Evetta, are you sure?"

"Yes," Evetta whispered softly. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."


Hanine watched her sister's face soften. She could tell that Evetta meant what she said. She really did care for this 'alien' male. Fear twisted inside her. What would happen to her sister if others found out? Would she be killed just like her mother was?

"I want to meet him," Hanine replied. "I will do what I can to help protect you and your male. You have my loyalty as long as he is the one you want and he feels the same for you. But know this, Evetta. If I find he is using you, I will slit his throat."

Hanine watched as amusement lit up Evetta's face. "You will see he is not using me, Hanine. You will love him as much as I do. Just do not... do not judge him by his appearance. He is very different from us," Evetta begged quietly.

Hanine couldn't help but think of her own unusual admirer. She had carefully hidden the small creatures away from sight, but she kept the small pink square, from last week, with her at all times.

Can I keep you? Forever?

The words were etched into her heart, as surely as if whoever gave her the small creature had been a skilled surgeon. Every day, she found a different creature. Every day, she grew more desperate to know who would give her such beautiful gifts but refuse to come forward.

She carefully observed each of her peers, but none of them acted any different toward her. None of the sensors she set up detected anyone passing through the doorways. She even expanded the range to include the outer lifts. Still, only authorized personnel came and went.

"I am off for the next hour. Let us go so I can meet this male who has captured your heart," Hanine replied. "And I promise not to judge him by his appearance."

"Thank you," Evetta said, reaching out to squeeze Hanine's hand.

"Do not thank me yet, sister," Hanine retort with a grin. "I promised I would not judge his appearance. I didn't say anything about his character!"

Evetta's lilting laughter sounded strangely soothing after so many years of silence. It brought back memories of happier times. Hanine hoped that this strange male didn't silence it forever. 

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