Chapter 12

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Hanine bit her lip as two huge warriors shifted Aaron onto a medical skiff. She had teleported the small group to the landing bay where the Valdier warship was docked. One of the huge warriors had called for a medical team as soon as they arrived. Within minutes, Aaron had been transferred to the medical skiff. She ignored the suspicious looks the Valdier warriors kept casting her way, she only cared about Aaron. He had turned extremely pale again and was lying very still.

Another large Valdier warrior wearing the symbol of a healer walked over to check the wound on Aaron's side. Hanine stepped protectively toward her mate. She glanced from Aaron to the male.

"Please...," she started to say. "Please, help him. I love him so much. Please heal him."

Tandor, the Chief Medical Officer aboard the Horizon, started in surprise when he felt the slender hand touch his arm. His eyes jerked from the pale purple fingers to the face of the Marastin Dow female who was staring at him with her heart in her eyes. He glanced over at Cree and Calo, who shrugged their shoulders.

"What happened?" Tandor asked more out of curiosity than the need to know. It was obvious the male had a knife wound that needed immediate attention. What confused him was the reason a Marastin Dow was in his medical unit. "He is in bad shape. Why wasn't he taken care of before this?"

Tandor watched as the female's bottom lip trembled and a single tear coursed down her cheek. He was surprised when a wave of remorse washed through him at his callous question. He decided the best course of action was to get the human in a regeneration bed and on a nutrient drip. He would find out what happened after the male was stablized.

"Can you save him?" The other human male asked gruffly. "He's my brother."

Tandor raised an eyebrow when he saw the male's arm wrapped protectively around the other Marastin Dow female. Shaking his head in wonder, he realized the male mistook his response when he heard the sharp hiss.

"Yes," Tandor rapidly assured the male. "Your brother will recover. I just... oh, never mind. Get him into the other room. I need to finish cleaning the wound and close it. He'll need to be in the regen-bed for at least a day or two. He'll be weak when he comes out, but with proper food and rest he should make a full recovery."

Tandor jerked back in shock when he suddenly found a sobbing Marastin Dow female clinging to him. She was babbling her thanks and how she would never forget what he was doing. He looked over at Carmen when he heard her giggle.

His eyes swiveled to Cree and Calo, who held up their hands and backed away from him. He shook his head when he saw the other Marastin Dow female wrapped in the other male's arms. Both of them were crying.

"I think it is safe to leave them alone." Ben heard Carmen whisper to the security officer who arrived under orders when Carmen returned with two Marastin Dow. "Ben, if you like, I can show you and Evetta to a cabin. Tandor, I think Hanine would like to remain with her mate. If you don't mind ordering some clean clothing and food for her, I would appreciate it."

"Of course," Tandor replied, awkwardly patting Hanine's back. "I need to take care of your mate. Why don't you get cleaned up and eat while I do?"

He breathed a sigh of relief when Hanine nodded silently and released him. She smiled, her face twisting as she fought to regain control of her emotions. She breathed deeply and took another step backwards as Tandor ordered the medics to transfer Aaron to the other room.

"Will you be alright?" Ben asked softly.

"Yes," Hanine replied, watching through the glass as Aaron was transferred onto another bed and a large casing closed around him. "Yes, I think I will be now. Go. You both need rest and food as well. I will stay with Aaron. Now that I know he is being healed, I will be fine."

"Are you sure? Maybe you should..." Evetta started to say before her voice faded as Hanine turned to face her. "Get some food and rest. We'll check on you later."

Hanine reached out and hugged her sister. "Thank you!" She whispered. "Thank you so much for finding Ben. Thank you for being my sister."

Evetta's eyes filled again as she held her little sister. They fought hard to survive and discovered love along the way. The future may still be uncertain, but at least they had a chance for a future now.


"You are doing much better," Cree commented as he rolled his shoulders. "You are getting stronger."

Aaron grinned as he accepted the hand held out to him. He grimaced as he stood and rubbed his side. It had been several weeks since they were brought aboard the Horizon and things were beginning to settle into a routine.

"You okay?" Ben asked, coming up behind him.

"I'm fine. Just a twitch," Aaron assured his older brother. "I have to admit I haven't felt this good in a long time."

Ben chuckled as he nodded to Cree who muttered he was needed elsewhere. It was true. He hadn't felt this good in a long time either. It was amazing what good food, clean clothes, plenty of rest and a daily workout could do for a person.

Ben walked beside Aaron as his brother crossed over to the benches lining the edge of the training room. Cree, Calo and several other Valdier warriors had taken him and Aaron under their 'wings', allowing them to train with them each day. Even the warriors' attitudes were changing toward Evetta and Hanine. Right now, their 'mates' as the warriors called them, were in Engineering showing off some of the programs they had developed on their own over the years, including bypassing the Spaceport's shields.

"So, what do you think about Ha'ven's offer?" Ben asked as he sank down onto the bench next to Aaron. "Should we take it?"

"Yeah," Aaron replied, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. "Yeah, I think we should take it."


Aaron thought of nothing else but the strange and unexpected offer they received from the Curizan Prince named Ha'ven Ha'darra. They were working out yesterday when the man approached them. He had asked a lot of questions, many of which they couldn't answer, about where they had been and who had taken them. All they could tell him was a little of their life back home on the farm and about the changes going on with the Marastin Dow.

"Where do you plan to go now?" Ha'ven had asked toward the end of their conversation.

Aaron had shrugged, but Ben became more vocal. They found out that the Marastin Dow were not respected by other species as Evetta and Hanine had told them. It took several weeks before security finally stopped shadowing them and even now, they were never left alone unless they were in their cabins.

"Any place that will accept Evetta and Hanine," Ben had growled. "We will not allow our wives to feel inferior to anyone else because of the color of their skin."

Ha'ven's laughter echoed throughout the room, drawing the attention of several warriors who were working out. When he stopped, he had surprised them with his offer. It was too good to pass up.

"There is a village set up centuries ago on my planet for a mixture of species who left their worlds for various reasons. They are an unconventional group and would accept your mates and you. You are welcome to settle there. I know there is plenty of land. You and your brother are welcome to cultivate it, if you wish."

"Why?" Ben asked skeptically. "Why would you welcome us when you don't know us?"

Ha'ven's eyes darkened and his eyes moved over Ben and Aaron in a slow, measuring way. A dark, almost dangerous smile curved his lips. The smile did not show in his eyes, though.

"You and your brother are like Creon's mate, Carmen. I offer you a place with others that are different. It is your choice if you wish to accept my invitation," Ha'ven replied coolly. "Just know this, I see more than you realize. Believe me when I say I am not one to cross. If you decide to come, remember that and make sure your mates understand it as well. I have no mercy for those who would defy me, be they male or female. The choice is yours."


Aaron remembered the cold feeling that washed over him at the look in the Curizan's eyes, but the offer was too tempting to ignore.

No, he thought. A plot of land, a home and Hanine sounded like heaven to me.

A Warrior's Heart: Marastin Dow Warriors Book 1Where stories live. Discover now