Kuai and Zuko 2 [ON HIATUS]

Par irishloveoftx

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[ON HIATUS] After finding his mother in the Fire Nation town of Hira'a, Zuko runs into an old love, Kuai. How... Plus

Prologue: It's Been Two Years
Chapter 1: Aren't Big Fans
Chapter 2: Because I'm the Firelord
Chapter 3: But Never Fear
Chapter 4: AGH! Why did I look?!
Chapter 5: It's just...
Chapter 6: If You Stopped Interrupting
Chapter 7: W-wait...What?
Chapter 8: Since When Do You Wear My Mask?
Chapter 9: Oogies Saved Me
Chapter 11: I-I Did It-t
Chapter 12: I've Been Summoned
Chapter 13: Should I Be Honored?
Chapter 14: It's Not Your Fault
Chapter 15: Oh My Gosh, Yay Yay Yay!
Chapter 16: We Need To Leave Now
Chapter 17: Pointy-Hat Guy Told Me To Get You
Chapter 18: Their 10 Year Wedding Anniversary
Chapter 19: She Seemed Happier to Tell You
Chapter 20: I'll See What I Can Do
Chapter 21: Where's My Daughter?
Chapter 22: It Was Just a Nightmare

Chapter 10: Do Not Speak To Me Of Respect

90 8 2
Par irishloveoftx

*The Next Day*

The gaang had packed up their things and Kuai said goodbye to TuoYan and JiaLi. She was going to the palace with the rest of the gaang before the wedding. She was planning on meeting Uncle Iroh.

They got on Appa and flew to the palace. The trip lasted about 15-30 minutes because Hira'a isn't too far.

When they landed they were greeted by Iroh and the Kyoshi warriors. They got off Appa and Zuko held Kuai's hand, bringing her over to Iroh.

Iroh: Zuko, is this the lady you always talk about? *Zuko gestured for him to shut up, but he didn't* She's just as beautiful as you told me!

Kuai: Aww, cutie, you told your Uncle about me?

Zuko: *sighs* Yeah.

Kuai: Well, it's nice to meet you Iroh. *bows* You mean a lot to Zuko.

Iroh: *returns bow* As do you.

Suki: KUAI! *hugs Kuai* I haven't seen you in 4 years!

And that's true. Suki and the Kyoshi warriors were helping Iroh at the palace while Zuko went to find his mother 2 years ago.

Kuai: Nice to see you again...*says awkwardly before Suki lets her go*

Suki: And what's this new necklace?

Kuai: Oh, um...

Suki: OH MY GOSH! EEK! *hugs her again*

Iroh: What?

Katara: Zuko and Kuai are getting married.

Iroh repeatedly and jokingly slaps Zuko's shoulder.

Iroh: And *slap* how come you *slap* never told me *slap* this?

Zuko: Um, that's why I brought her here...

Suki: So when's this happening?

Sokka: Well Katara wanted to take a year to get everything planned.

Suki: Sounds logical.

Toph: But Zuko's the Firelord, so in a month.

Iroh: Wow.

TyLee: So your friends are staying here for that long?

Zuko: Actually, Toph and Sokka have to get to Yu Dao in a week, and Aang has Avatar business, so Katara's going with.

TyLee: So just you and Kuai?

Zuko: *puts arm around Kuai's waist* Yeah, I guess.

Iroh: Why don't you give these ladies a break from guarding the castle?

Suki: Yeah, I think we deserve that.

Zuko: Okay.

Zuko calls guards to escort them to a training hall built for them outside the palace. Sokka and Toph followed. Aang and Katara decided to go out on a date. It was just Zuko, Kuai, and Iroh. 

It was nighttime when the gaang got back. They ate dinner and then everyone went off to their guestrooms.

Aside from Kuai and Iroh. Zuko was still speaking with them.

Iroh: Has anyone told you two that you're adorable together?

Kuai: Once or twice.

Zuko: I think it's time for us to go to bed. Coming Kuai?

Zuko was actually used to them cuddling when they had to camp out, so it was just reflex. He hadn't realized how ad it sounded.

Iroh: How about I show her to her guestroom instead?

Zuko: Oh...OH, yeah.

Iroh and Kuai walked down the hallway as Zuko headed to his room absolutely embarrassed.

Iroh: Sorry about him, he jumps to conclusions too easily.

Kuai: *giggles* It's fine.

Iroh: I hope this doesn't offend, but how did you get those scars?

Kuai explained to him.

Iroh: Ozai is a horrible man.

Kuai: Yes...he is.

Iroh: You know, we have him locked up in a prison near here.

Kuai: Oh...

Iroh: He can't hurt you anymore, the Avatar took his bending.

Kuai: Really?

Iroh: I know, it seems strange. But it happened.

Kuai: I don't doubt it.

They made it to a hallway of guestrooms.

Iroh: Your room is three doors down on the right.

Kuai: Thank you, Iroh.

Iroh walked away and Kuai went into her room, which was probably twice as large as her house in Hira'a. She plopped down on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

In the morning she woke up to Katara shaking her shoulder. She threw a pillow at her.

Katara: UGH! Kuai, it's time for breakfast!

Kuai: Let. Me. Sleep.

Katara: No.

Kuai: Yes.

Katara: No.

Kuai: Yes.

Katara: Yes. (mindtrick)

Kuai: *hesitates* Thanks. *smiles*

Katar: UGH!

Katara grabbed Kuai's arm and dragged her off the bed and out the door Kuai finally started cooperating and walked on her own. They made it to the dining hall. Kuai sat in a chair next to Zuko's end-seat. Iroh was across from her. Katara sat next to Toph, who was sitting with Kuai, and on the other side of Katara was Aang.

And then make up and order for everybody else...I'm too lazy.

Zuko: I heard you slept in.

Kuai: I did and I don't care what you think. *lifts chin upwards pridefully*

Zuko: I love you. *cups hands around her face and kisses her for a couple seconds*

Kuai: Love you too, cutie. *takes his hands off her face*

Everybody started eating, the gaang deciding to ignore Kuai and Zuko's random cute moments.

Zuko: I have tailors and designers coming in today. You girls can come up with what you want her to look like. I really have no clue how it's supposed to work...

Kuai: Thanks.

She lightly kissed his cheek, which he showed no emotion to.

Katara: Do you have a venue planned? How about a caterer? Guest list?

Zuko: The palace courtyard. The palace chefs. And...I haven't really thought of a guest list.

Kuai: It's supposed to be my job to organize everything, cutie. That way you can't mess anything up. *links her arm with his* So I'll take care of the list and the decor. Okay?

She leaned her head on Zuko's shoulder and looked up at him. After a couple seconds he looked down at her and nodded.

And then everything was planned. Kuai would wear a unique Fire Nation bridal kimono-like-tunic. Decorations were traditional, and the guest list was planned.

 The only  Northern Water Tribe guests coming were Kuai's parents. Kuai didn't want to have to deal with anyone she used to know. Then Nivedita, TuoYan, JiaLi, and Toph's students were invited as Kuai's guests (she invited the students just to freak them out...lol). 

The Gaang, of course, was invited, as well as the Kyoshi Warriors.

The few relatives Zuko actually had good relationships with (Yes, including Noren) were invited, too. Then all of Zuko's friends he'd made from the Earth Kingdom, colonies, and a few from the Fire Nation. Mai was not invited, of course by request of Kuai. The Earth King (Yes, his name is Kuei, but it's pronounced differently so shut up), Chief Hakoda, and for some reason Guru Pathik, were invited as well.

Because of the lack of bride's guests, there would be no 'bride side' or 'groom side.'  

(If you couldn't tell, Kuai doesn't care much that she is Water Tribe, she actually much prefers being in the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom).

Okay, too much for my brain right now...ugh.

This super-rushed planning was done in two weeks, Kuai doing most of that mentioned above, because each member of Team Avatar had to leave for different reasons after the first week.

Now Kuai can relax for a week before the wedding.

*1 week later*

Woman: Princess Kuai?

Kuai shooed the woman away. The beds in the palace were quite comfortable actually.

But the woman was persistent. She walked over to Kuai and shook her arm.

Woman: Princess Kuai, this is important.

Kuai: Whaaaaaaattt?! *still face-down on her pillow*

Woman: It's your wedding day. Time to get ready.

Kuai: But that's not for like 2000 hours. Let me sleep. *turns on side, back to the woman*

Woman: Actually, you slept in extremely late. Guests are already arriving.

Kuai: Huh? They're not supposed to be here until two hours before the wedding!

Woman: Exactly, dear.

When was the last time Kuai was called 'dear'?  Only 3 months ago...

Kuai sat up and turned to see the woman's face. It was Nivedita!

Kuai: YOU'RE HERE! *hugs her smiling*

Nivedita: Of course I am. And you have bedhead. Come on let's get you ready.

Nivedita and Kuai walked into the giant closet-bathroom-thing connected to Kuai's room. Kuai got dressed and Nivedita was doing her hair while Kuai did her make up.

Nivedita: I swear, your hair grows a foot every year.

Kuai: I guess so...(oh how I envy that, Kuai...)

Nivedita: I never could have guessed you would marry the FireLord. I mean, you didn't even tell me you guys were dating.

Kuai: Oh, I'm sorry, I could have sworn I told you.

Nivedita giggled as she continued to braid and weave Kuai's hair.

Nivedita: How do you feel about seeing your parents again?

Kuai: I don't know...they probably aren't supporting the whole idea of me marrying into a different royal family. Then again...they thought I was dead...so I think they'll be happy that I'm alive.

Nivedita: Maybe you could show them how great you are at waterbending.

Kuai: They wouldn't care anyway. I can barely use the healing ability, and they've always been disappointed about it.

Nivedita: How do you like this?

Kuai looked in the mirror to see her hair. It was traditional, but the hairsticks' jewels were dark blue, to symbolize Kuai's former culture.

Kuai: It's beautiful! Thank you, Nivedita.

Nivedita: Anytime, dear.

Kuai: Wait...how did you get past the royal guard?

Nivedita: I told them I was your sister. It's funny, they actually believed that.

Kuai: This is why I prefer the Kyoshi warriors.

Kuai looked in the mirror again. She only used eye (neautral tones) and lip (bright red) makeup. Trying to fade her scar with makeup would be too obvious.

Her scar. While applying the eye makeup, she'd noticed how much it affected her eye. It became almost evil looking.

Thanks Ozai.

Kuai got up from her chair and walked back into her room, Nivedita following.

Nivedita: You seem down. What is it honey?

Kuai: How would my parents react to me having this scar?

Nivedita: I'm sure they'd rather have it that way than you be dead.

Kuai: But they might think Zuko did this...

The anxiety about her parents was overwhelming. She was about to cry when there was a knock at the door.

Kuai: Who is it?

Man: It's palace guard. We've been instructed to escort you to the courtyard. The ceremony is beginning.

Kuai: Coming...

Nivedita and Kuai did last minute checks on everything and walked out. The gates to the courtyard were still open, inviting in the late guests. The two guards stood in front of her, pretty much hiding her from everyone. But as she waved goodbye to Nivedita (so she could go take her seat) she saw her parents entering as well. Her father, however, stayed in the doorway, waiting.

Kuai thought about it...she'd forgotten that her father would want to walk her down the aisle.

But to her shock, Sokka walked out to meet her father(who's name was Arrluk, and her mother was Nukka)...and then the yelling began.

Sokka: I'm sorry, sir, but this is how it has to be!

Arrluk: Sokka, I know you recognize me as a Northern royal. You can't have doubts that I'm her father!

Sokka: I know you're her father, but Zuko's trusting me to walk her down the aisle.

Arrluk: How could that be? It's my responsibility!

Kuai: Stop!

Kuai had managed to get past the guards. She had silenced the both of them with her yell.

Kuai: Father, don't yell at Sokka.

Arrluk: But he's trying to take away my traditional responsibility, because of the Firelord's orders. *eye roll*

Kuai: Actually, it was a mutual agreement between Zuko and I.

Arrluk: Why honey?

Kuai: Because I didn't think you would actually show up! Sokka's already looking forward to helping out, so you should go sit down.

Arrluk: No, I will be walking you down the aisle!

Kuai: Don't make me do this...

Kuai started bloodbending. She got him to sit down next to her mother. She made sure she was still behind a wall so no one could see her, though. She released him from her bending, and luckily he stayed in his seat, completely shocked.

Sokka: Okay then...

Kuai: Don't get on my bad side today *smiles jokingly*

Sokka: I'll try my best.

And then Sokka walked her down the aisle. Zuko was pretty much flabbergasted. A little too much though...he fainted. Maybe because of nerves or anxiety, though.

And Kuai just stood there laughing.

After about 2 minutes, they got him back on his feet. Then he was blushing with embarrassment when Sokka handed Kuai over.

Apparently Iroh was the preacher/speaker/justice-of-the-peace dude. Whatever you call those people.

Moving on...the ceremony happened and they got married. It was extremely traditional so it would bore you to death..moving on.

Iroh: And you know what part comes next, so keep it appropriate for the children.

That means 'you may now kiss the bride.'

Zuko laughed and softly kissed Kuai for just a few sweet seconds, getting some awws from teens and adults, and some ewws from little kids.

Then there was the reception. There were tables set up, and awkwardly Kuai had to sit with her father and mother on her right, and Zuko with Ursa and Noren on his left.

All the guests were mingling and Kuai was trying to stay silent for as long as possible. The relationship she had with her parents wasn't the best, even back when she was safe in the Water Tribe walls. 

Zuko could sense the awkwardness.

Arrluk: Firelord, who are these lovely people?

Zuko: Oh...this is my mother, Ursa *points to Ursa* and this is Noren *points to Noren* .

Nukka: So you didn't invite your father?

Zuko: Um...no...

Kuai: And why would he?!

Arrluk: Because it is respectful to family.

Nukka: But he obviously doesn't know respect.

Zuko slammed his cup on the table, spilling some tea.

Zuko: Do not speak to me of respect.

Ursa: Zuko, calm down, they meant no offense.

Zuko: No, no. Wait. I want them to tell me how I seem disrespectful.

Nukka: Well, you apparently have anger issues...

Arrluk: And I bet my daughter's scar has to do with your carelessness with fire.


Kuai's parents cowered as Zuko took another sip of tea. Instead of wasting his breath arguing, he could sit back and watch.

Arrluk reached for Kuai's hand, probably to calm her down. But she used bloodbending to use his hand to slap himself across the face. (somehow the guests were ignoring this and still mingling).

Kuai: You're probably wondering what that was, weren't you? Well I happen to be one of the best waterbenders of all time! That was me waterbending you. I learned that it prison, while Ozai was still FireLord, and Zuko was banished...for the second time. You want to know how I got these scars? I refused to be a servant, and I was challenged to an Agni Kai!

Her parents' eyes widened, and they were still cowering.

Kuai: Have you ever been in an Agni Kai? Do you know how hard it is to fight in one when you can't firebend??? OZAI is the one that gave me this scar, and HE's the one that gave Zuko his.

Noren: And that is why Zuko's father is not present.

Ursa: And that's why you don't lecture my son about respect!

Noren: Ursa, calm down.

Kuai: Mother, father, please leave.

Nukka: But honey, the wedding isn't over yet.

Kuai: Zuko...


That's when the room finally silenced. Two guards came over to the big table and Zuko whispered to them.

Zuko: Escort these adults out of the palace city and to their boats. Make sure their trip back home is as leisurely as possible.

Zuko smiled at Arrluk and Nukka as they struggled in the arms of the guards. It was quite a hilarious scene (for us readers at least). Everyone in the room was quiet as the commotion quickly ceased. Someone in the back coughed.

Kuai: Carry on...

And the blabber of the crowd continued.

Zuko: I see why you were nervous about your parents coming.

Kuai: How'd you know that?

Zuko: Your friend Navedella told me.

Kuai: You mean Nivedita?

Zuko: Yeah her.

Kuai: How'd she get to talk to you so quickly?

Zuko: She was actually in the middle of talking to me when you and Sokka walked in and...

Kuai: And you fainted?

Zuko: Don't mention it. *takes an sip of tea hiding embarrassment* She was about to threaten me not to hurt you.

Kuai: Well, that's like her.

There was some weird laughing and music going on. Apparently people decided to just start dancing. (actually, Guru Pathik made Aang dance with him randomly, something about cosmos and stuff, and people just joined along. But nobody really knew that).

Zuko: This has to be the most disturbing thing I've seen in my life.

Kuai: What?

Zuko: The Earth King and Chief Hakoda are dancing with Bosco.

Kuai: Oh dear gosh.



Okay, well there's the wedding.

If you couldn't tell, I wrote this at like 11 or whatever and I'm tired.

So my writing is probably junk, sorry.


Remember I will not have any s*x scenes in this book, so don't be looking forward to that.

But there will be Zuai action, so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!


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