Tattoo Artist : CAKE

By AusllyMonkey

145K 6.8K 6.9K

❝I don't want you! And I definitely don't want you as my fucking soulmate!❞ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ➳➳➳➳ Top! Lu... More

1.0 -- Introduction
1.1 -- Introduction to Characters
1.2 -- Obnoxious
1.3 -- The Party
1.4 -- Doughnut
1.5 -- I only do f-cks
1.6 -- Big man
1.7 -- Strawberries
1.8 -- Alone
1.9 -- I must confess it's killing me
2.0 -- Tattoo of letters
2.1 -- Midnight window sneaks +
2.2 -- I'm done
2.3 -- Pink letters
2.4 -- Hallway bumps
2.5 -- Didn't mean anything
2.6 -- Q & Ayyyyyee
2.7 -- Lucas is home!
2.8 -- The Outlast
2.9 -- Rooftop
3.0 -- Randi Cameron
3.1 -- Lame!!
3.2 -- Stomach ache
3.3 -- Two people feeling pleasure
3.4 -- Drunk nights
3.5 -- "They hurt me!"
3.7 -- Johnny
3.8 -- I don't share what's mine
3.9 -- 'Cause you're my babe+
4.0 -- I love you
4.1 -- When he smiles
4.2 -- You got me a monkey?!
4.3 -- Sneak peek

3.6 -- Cake sleepover!!!

3.7K 171 216
By AusllyMonkey


"This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy cried wah wah wah, all the way home", Luke wiggled each of  Calum's toes.

Calum laughed, "my turn to pick the game!"

"Okay" Luke sat back against his head board. The raven haired boy came back running in, with a big box in his arms. "I HAVE A GAME!!"

"No need to yell, doughnut"

"Stop calling me doughnut you fool! My name is CALUM!!"


"If you call me doughnut I'll call you burrito" Luke yawned, "no! No! Don't get sleepy! I still want to play this!" Calum pouted.

"Calum, it's 3AM, aren't you tired yet?"

"But I'm hanging out with you--I don't care what time it is"

"That's really sweet Calum, but I'm tired, we can play it tomorrow"

"Fine". He sat the game on the ground and went under the blankets with Luke. He pecked him on the lips and dozed off.


"Luke?" Calum whispered. He started to shake the blonde and whined, "Lukey.."

"Ugh! What Calum?!" Luke groaned.

"Please cuddle me", Calum pouted.

Luke held his arms out, and he shuffled into his chest feeling arms wrap around his waist. Their legs tangled together and they fell asleep.


Luke was laying on the couch flipping through the channels.

"Lucas?! Do you want to try some of the spaghetti I made?"

"Yeah, come here"

Calum smiled and brought a plate in the living room. Luke sat up and Calum sat on him. He circled the fork onto the plate collecting some noodles. He put it in Luke's mouth and watched him chew. "Do you like it?"

"Yes, it's amazing"

"Yay! I'll make you a plate", cal got off Luke's lap and went into the kitchen.

Someone buzzed Luke's apartment and he let them in. "Ash? Mike? What are you guys doing here?"

"Calum wasn't answering his phone so we went to his house, then we came here" Michael explained.

"Kay, are you guys gonna leave soon?"


"Dude, I'm just asking"

They both sat down and they got controllers. "We can play Race Trac, I always win"

"No you don't!" Ashton argued.

"Ashton? Mikey? Why are you here?" Calum asked with two plates full of spaghetti in his hands.

"Fuck yes", Luke went to him and took a plate from him going into the kitchen. Calum followed him and sat by him at the table.

"I just wanted it to be us two" Calum pouted.

Luke began to eat his pasta, "well, they're here soo"

"Can't you just kick them out?"

"I honestly don't care if they're here"

"Do you want to go eat on the roof?"

"Yeah, come on..wait I'm gonna get us drinks. You can get the blankets and pillows"

Calum smiled and got to get the fluffy things then got his spaghetti and went outside the door waiting for him. Luke got a 1 liter bottle of soda, and his plate. The pair was too into playing the game they didn't pay attention to them leaving.

They went into the elevator taking them up to the apartments' roof. Calum laid the blanket out and the pillows and sat down, Luke vice versa. "It's really nice out here"

"Yeah" Calum said with his mouth full.



"What after?"

"We cuddle up here"

"Okay, I'm fine with that"

"It's our sleepover, I don't want anyone interfering, including those sluts you sleep with"

"Calum. It's always you first. If you want it to be just us, then that's how it would be", after that Luke began eating again.

Calum smiled widely and blushed, "thank you"

"LUKE?!!! CALUM!!!?? Oh there you are we've been looking for you guys", they both smirked.

"You guys wanted some alone time?" Michael smirked evilly.

Luke finished his spaghetti and took a swing out of the soda.

"Wait. One soda? So does that means you're sharing? Drinking after each-other I see" Ashton pushed.

"Guys...leave"Luke responded coldly.

"Why? So you can make out with your boyfriend?" Michael tried to hold back his laughter.

The two began to laugh tears leaking from their eyes. "Fucking hell!!! Just leave us alone!!!"

"Ooh feisty! I bet that's how Calum likes it! He likes a little spice in his life", Ashton commented wiggling his eyebrows.

"Haha, he likes playtime rough, he likes the claws!"

"Guys, we just want to be alone! That doesn't mean we're dating. Just fuck off!! Damn", Luke rolled his eyes.

"Ashton! You have to understand they want to be left alone! What's better than sex on the roof? Letting people see the butt go up and down" Michael laughed.

"Oh my god! I'm done!" Ashton giggled loudly.

"LEAVE!!!" Luke shouted.

They went to the elevator and winked at Calum, "get some, doughnut!"

"Doughnut?" Michael asked Ashton confused.

"That's what Luke calls him"

"Is he that hungry for the ass? Ahhahaha!!!" They both laughed and got in leaving.

Calum bit wet lip, wet from the (cum) soda. "I'm glad they're gone. Thanks for making them leave"




"What's your favorite things about me?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"I just wanna know"

"Well, to start off-I like your eyes, I mean yeah many people say that, but they're really adorable. You can literally get away with everything. I obviously love your lips, they get cold but in the end they taste like peaches, and are red like apples. Your laugh. I mean most of the times my jokes aren't even funny, but you laugh at them anyway. When you give me hugs. I haven't had anyone hug me or me hug anyone before; besides my parents. They're special, and sometimes I just want to hug you for hours. And the way you hold my hand. And when you whine over the slightest things, it's insanely adorable. I never have been able to stay friends with someone as long as I have with you; besides Ashton, and I never want to lose you. And the fact that you can cope with my parents constantly thinking we're dating, how the fuck does it look like we're dating?"

"Whoa. Luke. All I can say is whoa. So you like my lips ey?"

"I already told you that a thousand times"

"Well, I happen to really like your lips too"

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhmm", their eyes locked and smiles never left their faces. Calum felt something weird in his stomach. "Lukey, something's wrong!"


"I felt something in my stomach!"

"What did it feel like?"

"It felt like fireworks mixed with fire mixed with butterflies"

"That sounds bad"

"It didn't hurt! It just felt weird"


"It's gone now"

"Tell me if it comes back"


Luke laid down and opened his arms for cal. Calum laid on top of him and rested his head sideways on his broad chest. Luke's long legs moved to tangle with Calum's. "I never want to lose you either, Lukey. And you never will"

"What about your dad?"

"Luke I'm 19, and if he does say something, I can live with you"

Luke rubbed Calum's back, "but-"


"The girls. I still want to have sex with them"

"But you said me first...always"

"I know I said that, but I'm just saying, giving up sex? Calum, I will sacrifice girls for you--but everyday?"

"You have to make sacrifices like this to have friends"

"Not with Ashton"

"But it's different with me. My dad doesn't like you and if he decides to move away or kick me out because I'm friends with you, you have to give up sex"


"Luke there's no or"

"Calum, you're being really selfish"

"What?! How!?"

"Because you're telling me to give up sex just so we can be friends"

"I thought that's what you wanted too, for us to be friends?!"

"Not if I have to give up sex!" Luke blurted but then quickly covered his mouth.

It was silent and Calum began to stand up.

"No, Calum I didn't-"

"You did! You know you did!" Calum's breath hitched and tears began to flow out.

"No I didn't!! Come back!"

Calum was already in the elevator rubbing his arms. It closed and he went down.


Luke got back in his apartment and it was empty. He sat down and shrugged, "I don't even care. I was fine before I met Calum, that's not even going to change". He went into his restroom and saw Calum's toothbrush still in there. He threw it away and plopped on his bed. "I don't even care"

buzz buzz buzz (I'm a buzzing beeee)

Luke growled and went to see who it was his mom and dad.



"Stop yelling!"


Luke looked down and fiddled with his fingers, "I don't care about him, and if I did, why would I not care"

"You care you shit! And you're going to go apologize right now!"

"Get out of my life and face!"

"Are you taking your anger out on us? We know it hurts to have the one thing you care about snatched away"

"I don't care about Calum! And I don't need him! And I don't want to be friends with him!"

"So what if--"

"I made him you know what that feels like? It doesn't feel good. I hate seeing him cry, I don't want him to be sad. I just-I want both"

"You can't have both"

"I don't know why! Like it makes no sense how I can't be friends with Calum, and still sleep with girls!"

"You can't be in love with someone and just have sex with other people, don't you feel bad?"

"I'm not in love with Calum!!"

"Let me ask you some questions", Andrew spoke.


"Do you like to touch Calum? Like his waist, his face, his butt, his thighs--stuff like that"


"Do you like to kiss him?"

"Yeah, but how does this relate to anything?"

"Would you mind spending 30 years with him? Like everything is Calum, Calum, Calum?"

Luke smiled, "I would like that a lot"

"Okay, so what about you. How do you feel around him?"

"What? I don't know"

"When you're around your other friends does it feel the same when you're around Calum?"

"Not feels different, he's just so cute and I want to hold him in every way possible. I just haven't gotten to that point with any of my other friends"

Liz rubbed her face, "you are so dumb on love. Honey you love Calum"

"No! I don't!"

"YES YOU DO!! You just admitted it!"


His parents left and he opened his phone. It was obviously him and Calum hugging. He huffed and put the code in to unlock it.

(907-3245) doughnut

The phone rang a few times and stopped ringing.

Who's this?'s me

The phone disconnected and Luke sighed, "fuck"

He sounded so broken, and he knew it was his fault. He grabbed his keys and went out the door locking his apartment. (For the record it hasn't even been a day yet)

Driving to the familiar home he went to the door. He rang it and David opened it, and once he saw Luke he glared at him. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!! I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO HURT MY CALUM!!!"

"I want to apologize to him"

"NO! BYE!!"

"Please! You don't understand!"


"No, hear me out, sir, please"

"3 minutes"

"Okay look, Calum said if you ever wanted to kick him out or move away because we were going to be friends, he would move in with me. But it's a big step for me because I always have sex. If I brought a girl over it would be rude, and if I just left and didn't come back that'd be rude too. So I was conflicted and thought what wasn't best at the time was. And now he's pissed at me"

"He cried for a long time again. Your dumb ass called him and now he's crying again!"

"I-I know that, that's why I'm here. I want to make everything right"


"Who's at the door?"

"Calum! It's me! Please, let me talk to you"

"No! He doesn't want to talk to you!!" David yelled at Luke.

Calum squeezed through the door ignoring his dad's yells. They walked to the car, and Luke leaned against it. "I'm sorry, Cal. Look I know it probably doesn't mean a lot to you. But I do mean it. Fuck, I don't even apologize to people. You're different, and I know people as amazing as you don't just come"

"I missed you, Lukey"

"I missed you too. I hate fighting with you"

"I don't like it either"

"I still feel like shit for making you cry"

"I forgive you"

"Can I have a hug?"

"I don't think I'm ready for that"

Luke nodded and looked down, "I understand"

"I have to go okay?"



"I don't want you to go"

"Well I need time, and, right now you have to give it to me"

Luke put his hands on Calum's waist and pulled him into him. He placed his lips on his, and began kissing him. Calum smiled into the kiss and put his fingers around his neck trapping them into his hair.

Luke's jaw moved up kissing him slowly, softly licking Calum's lower lip.

The smaller boy moved his body on Luke's and moaned loudly into his mouth. Luke's hands moved themselves from his waist to his chubby cheeks. Calum grabbed his hips and nipped at his lip pouring his tongue in.

"Wanna spend the night at mine?" Luke asked in between kissing him.

"Hell yeah. As long as you don't act like a dick"

"I promise I won't, I'm sorry"

"Stop apologizing and kiss me". Luke opened the door and went in, letting Calum get in also. He closed the door and locked it, and allowed Calum to get on top of him. He started to grind on him and kiss him again. Luke hands still rested on Calum's cheeks as he slowly rubbed his butt on Luke's clothed dick. All you heard was moans, smacking of their lips and the occasional swish of their tongues; licking into each other's mouths, licking the others lips and swirling against each other's.

After 23 minutes of kissing, Calum got back into his seat and they drove back to Luke's apartment.

Smiles were plastered on their faces as they were cuddled on the bed. "I fucking swear Calum, I'll never hurt you again."

"I know" Calum cooed tracing the colorful tattoos on Luke's bare chest.

Their smiles got bigger and they held each other tighter.


Friends my fucking ass

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