The Vikings Payment

By War_Goddess_Nae

539K 15.9K 1.2K

I was no longer safe in my own I no longer have a home, I am nothing but payment to these monster to protect... More

Not So Happy Ever After
The Voyage
Mind Me
My heart
Take My body not my heart
New Day
The First Night On The Ship
Author Question
Arrival Of Secrets
Monster in Human Form
Flattery Gets None
New Affairs
Standing For Death
Innocent Death
Run Rabbit
Lord Aku's P.O.V
Waiting Game
Passage Of Time
A Twist Of Heart
A Change In Heart
Author's Note
The Wedding Preparation
A Dark Time Ahead
The Angel of Death
A Wind of Sorrow

Wake Up... YOUR DREAMING !!!

12.1K 381 59
By War_Goddess_Nae

As we rode into the town we could here the people moving around. I knocked on the side of the carriage and it stopped shortly, the door of the carriage opened and I stepped out first. The towns people bowed to me as I lowed my head in acknowledgement of their's. I waited as Lillith was helped out and so was our daughter's. We wasted no time looking at the beautiful things our town has come crossed in trader markets and places they have raided but something beautiful caught my eyes as the golden band glisten in the sun light. I went to it and looked closer, it was from my homeland it held a royal crest on it.

"Where did you get this from ? " I asked the old man sitting behind the table

He looked at me and stood up wobbling to the table "My dear Queen my son Orik bought it back from a raid they had went on from a distant land. Do you like this ?" He asked smiling widely 

"Was this raid acknowledge and privileged by King Aku ?" I asked getting upset at the thought Aku would betray my trust and my Home Kingdom and raid them

"Lord Aku was the one who told my son of this land, he requested that my son go in his name and bring back gold, women and other valuable things." the old man smiled still at me

"What is wrong?" Lillith said rubbing my shoulder

"I will take this, how much ?" I said quickly

"Ten coins." He said rubbing his large hands together

I put the money in his hand and turned to Lillith walking away from the mans hearing range. I lifted the gold band up and showed her.

"This is beautiful, where did he come across this at ?" Lillith asked taking it from my hand inspecting it

"This came from my homeland." I said looking at my daughter as her beautiful curls bounced as she played with her younger sister.

"Aku would not go back on his word and raid you kingdom." Lillith said defending him

"I am not sure but I intend to find out." I said putting the golden band on my arm

We kept walking around and buying things such as cloth and different things to make things with and toys for our beautiful girls.

Once we were finished we started our way home, half way back to the house our carriage was stopped. The door flung open and the face greeting our shocked me everyone screamed including me.

His massive arm reached in and pulled me out causing me to fall and my dress to become filthy. He lifted me up and kissed my cheek but before I could fully respond I heard Lillth yell

"GET OFF OF HER.!" I looked and Kai was smiling I smacked him so hard his face redden and moved whipping to the side. He was shocked and surprise

I looked towards Lillith being held by two men and our guards laying on the ground one was dead and Kon was bleeding out of his side. I moved and went to Lillith 

"RELEASE HER NOW OR SUFFER THE WRATH OF KING AKU." I screamed at the top of my lungs 

They released her and she ran to me, "Are you alright Neania ?" she rubbed my hair out of face

"I am fine, are you alright ?" I asked quickly looking around for our daughter's, I looked at Lillith as she held my shoulder. 

"They are fine, inside the carriage." She whispered in my ear 

I looked at Kai as he was not the man I remember his hair was wild and out grown his bread was to his chest. I looked at him as he studied me 

"Neania it is I , do you not recall me !" Kai asked reaching out to me 

"Kai I know it is you but what you have just done is unconscionable, I am to be Queen soon and if you are seen around here your death will come." I said shaking at the though of Aku putting his hands on Kai but I no longer longed to be with Kai everything inside of me for him has passed away. 

"I have came back to get you, I promised to take you to your homeland and so I shall." He smiled reaching out for my hand more 

"I am not going anywhere with you, I gave birth to my children and I love them very dearly. I would not live at the idea of being away from them. " I said holding on to Lillith for support as my hand still shook

"Are those your daughter's" He pointed to the carriage, I quickly looked back as the carriage remained untouched.

"Yes One is my blood daughter and One is my heart daughter." I said proudly as Lillith jumped sharply. 

"Have you accepted him as your lover now ?" Kai asked as if his heart was breaking in front of us 

"No I haven't , I don't love him but for our children sake I have accepted my position as his wife and as the Queen of his people." I said bowing my head as if I was ashamed at what I just said. I felt ashamed at how Kai glared at me evilly. 

"Bring me both children." He said to his men as they moved to the carriage Lillith ran to it as I did, I felt something pull me back it gave me a head pain and I screamed but Lillith didn't stop she kept running. They reached the door and opened it and the girls started screaming and Lillith had been knocked back on her behind. The two men held both of our daughters and carried them to Kai, he pulled my hair again and tossed me to the ground. 

"You will be his slave, whore and Queen because of baster children forced upon you." he said walking up to our daughter. I watched as he looked at Lillith's daughter then mines "I can see this one is your's and our dear king Aku's daughter." He said rubbing her hair as she wined 

"Please release my daughter's " I cried as Kai seemed lost in his own anger 

"Maybe if they were dead you wouldn't feel obligated to stay and come with me." he said as he grabbed my daughter from the man

I looked at the dead guard and seen his sword laying next to him, I looked at my daughter and she looked at me and her dark brown eyes connected to mines 

Eerika cried harder and she yelled "MAMA." 

Before I was sure of what happen I grabbed the sword and with all my might I lifted it up and I swung at everything in view sight. My mind had seemed to black out at the panic of my children being hurt, I open my eyes and looked right into Kai's eyes the sword was in his stomach my daughter was not in sight. Kai was so surprise he held onto me and gasped

"Look at the monster, you have become my sweet Neania you have killed the only person that has done only whats best for you." He whispered as he kissed my head and laid back falling off the sword Lillith yelped and I felt her hands on my shoulder. 

"Neania we must go please come on." she said I looked behind her as our daughter cried holding each other

I had turned into a monster but as much as Kai loved me and has been nothing but kind to me my own child meant more to me then him. I lifted myself up and walked back to the Kon who was still breathing

'Help me get him into the carriage." I said to Lillith

She ran around to him and lifted up one side of him as I did the other, once we loaded him in I looked at her. "Get in" Lillith jumped in and I walked around to the horse that one of the guards were riding, I grabbed the horse hair and lifted myself up onto it. 

I rode in the direction of the house until I came to the front area, two guards came running out along with Aku and our son. 

He ran up to me and his massive hands grabbed my waist and brought me down, I leaned into him and started to weep repeating over I killed him. Aku leaned me back and looked at me "You are covered in blood and mud what happen ?" he asked with worry washed over his face, he checked me over and seen I wasn't bleeding he was relief.

"Who did you kill ?" He asked as he looked around for the guards then he noticed something " WHERE IS OUR DAUGHTER NEANIA ?" he yelled at me I wiped my face and looked at him better

"Our Daughters and Lillith are fine and only Kon has survived from your men the other guy was killed. Kai showed up and pulled me from the carriage and he almost killed our daughter, I ended up killing him if you head back towards the town his body and his men's body are along the rode." I said to Aku he ran to the carriage and looked in helping Lillith and our daughter's out once he checked them over he kissed Lillith and told her to go in side and change with our children.

He came to me and yelled to the guards to travel back down the rode six massive horses passed past us and headed down the rode. 

"Come lets bath and I will relax you." Aku said grabbing me in his arms and carrying me with our son in follow into the house. 

After I had a bath with Aku and shared our relaxing moment, everything seemed to calm down. Dinner was prepared, we all came and sat down we ate dinner with usual conversation of training for Eerikki and how the girls spent their day in town and that conversation reminded me of the golden band with the kingdom crest in it. I looked at Aku as he watched our children intensely as they both explained what happen at the market. After dinner was finished I went to tuck Eerika in and Eerikki

"Mama" My daughter said as I went to her and kissed her, Eerika spoke well but not as well as her brother. 

"Mama, did you really kill a man today ?" Eerikki asked me I turned to him and nodded my head rubbing my sons head

"Father said , you have never killed a man !" he said as he looked at me deeply in my eyes

"Baby, I will do whatever is needed to protect my family." I said as the door to their room came open it was Aku.

"It is time for bed little one's I just tucked your sister in so it is time for you both too." He said kissing our children and covering them as we both walked out he shut the door behind us. 

We walked fast to the room where Lillith was dressing herself, Ii knew Aku and Lillith just got done laying together but this was his pleasure to have more then one woman and because I love Lillith also it was fine with me as long as he doesn't lay with me with out washing. Lillith finished dressing and hugged me "Goodnight sister" she whispered as she walked out 

Aku undressed as he got into bed resting against the blankets "Come Neania" he said I untied my dress and slowly got into bed resting close to him, he smelled fresh but I knew he just laid with Lillith. 

I turned over and looked at him " Aku I must be intrigued but I need to ask you a question" I said as I cuddled facing him

"Whatever you need to ask, be quick about it I am very tired  woman " He said grabbing my behind and moving my lower half closer to him. 

"Today in town I seen something that was from my homeland." I said waiting for his responds 

His eyes open and he looked at me "Yes ?" he asked frowning 

"Did you raid my homeland ?" I asked frowning 

"No Neania I did not but I did send someone to your homeland to bring back things valuable to your land." He said leaning up on his arm

"Why, Have I not done what was required of me I have given you children and agree to be your wife and queen what more to protect my kingdom." I said as tears started to pour from my eyes.

"Neania dear rest you do not know of what you ask, Your kingdom is our sons do you think I would steal from our sons lands?" he said rubbing my back 

I turned my back to him and closed my eyes allowing sleep and tears to drown out the world around me. I felt Aku pull me close and lay his head on top of mines as his chest started to rise and fall in a rhythmic sound with night we both were emerged in sleep.

The next morning I was woken with a jolt of my body, I felt strong hands moving me "Wake up Neania you are bleeding, you must leave !" it was Aku's voice waking me 


"Wake up woman our bed is covered in blood." he said angry shaking the bed 

"Your children are made of that same blood, created in the same place where this blood comes from  please." I said annoyed at his behavior he was a full man what feared him of a little blood.

I slowly got up and looked at the blood in bed I got up and grabbed my gown throwing it over my body. I walked out leaving the door open and Aku yelled saying something three slaves ran past me and into the room most likely changing the bed throwing themselves at his feet but while I bleed he would lay with Lillith and when she bleed he laid with me unless he was feeling most affectionate towards one of us even while we bleed he would show us passion. 

I walked towards the bath house and threw my gown down and got in the warm water helped me sleep as soon as I was woken I was sleep. I must have slept for hour when I hear Lillith giggle 

"Neania wake you will be wrinkly like an old lady, the children are looking for you and so is Aku but they are playing I knew you were here. Come lets get you dressed !" Lillith reached for me as she lifted me from the water I redressed and we walked back to the house. 

I entered the house as three children ran up to me "We found Mama" they all yelled and I smiled giving them all a kiss and showing them love. Aku came from around the corner smiling he kissed me and then Lillith she rubbed my back as I turned from her. 

Aku has been trying to get us both to lay with him at once and I am not a religious woman but I am not going to lay with him and another woman as I know that is not what I want. I love Lillith as a sister or parent but not enough to lay with her and Aku at once. I Watched as our children along with Aku ran down the hall. I followed Lillith until I was a private room were I could Lay in peace and just like that I was asleep again

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