The Angel of Death

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I ran as fast as my feet could carry me, my small child that I have given life to would take the life from everyone I have grown to know. I could hear Aku and his men behind me him yelling at me as loudly as possible until I came to Eerrik's room. I slowly pushed the door open and walked in closing it behind me very carefully, I couldn't seem to catch my breath as I walked slowly toward's my son crib as soon as I could see his face I didn't not see the monster the woman told me about I just seen my innocent son. I wanted to touch him but I was shaking , inside of me I felt like everything was a mess with in the week I was to marry a man I had no emotion's toward's and the following day my son would be announced Prince. I want him to live but in his life death was in the other hand, how could God expect me to choose between the life of my child and people I have came to know.

The door slowly opened and Aku along with a few of his men were standing there looking at me. Aku stared at me then the crib and I could see in his eye's he was thinking of his next move scared of what I would do.

"Neania move away from the crib." Aku said to me in a commanding voice I glanced in the crib one more time just to watch my child's small chest rise and fall.

I gathered my gown in my hand's and started walking towards the door, I stopped in front of Aku looking him straight in the eye's. I pushed past him and the men made a walking path for me I kept my gaze straight as I walked to my room. I needed to get away from this place I need to think but after my little incident Aku has not even let me go outside without him, but I needed to get away so much that I would even deal with him for a moment away from the house. I enter the room and shut the door behind me. I laid my head against the door and thought of everything in my life leading up to this shame of a wedding.

I turned towards my bed thinking of the marriage we would be having tomorrow, I climbed in the bed thinking of my child and everything that has happen. I closed my eyes and allowed the sweet sleep to sweep me off my feet and take me to a place where I could see my love Kai again.

It had seemed I slept straight through the rest of that day because I woke up to slaves walking in and out my room bringing things in and I looked over to see my wedding dress placed on the chair. Lillith entered the room and looked at me

"Come we must get to the bath house." She reached her hand out to me

I moved off the bed and took her hand as she and three slaves followed us to the bath house, the halls were empty and it seemed everyone was still asleep. Lillith open the door and it was still dark outside the sun had yet to rise as we walked to the bath house steamed poured out as she open the doors to the bath. I removed my gown as I got in the hot water and so did Lillith and two of the slave girls I dipped under the water completely and came up feeling refreshed and new. The one slave walked around the bath pouring things in the water and throwing flower's in causing me to get a wonderful smell.

"This is tradition." Lillith said as she washed me and herself after we were done I got out and covered myself as we headed back to the main house. Once we entered the sun had started to peak over the clouds and people were moving about the house. I entered my room and there sat on my bed was a massive sword unlike any I have seen it had some designs on the side and the handle was massive.

I reached out to touch it and Lillith grabbed my hand "Its apart of the wedding ceremonial so don't touch until time." She smiled as I sat in the chair facing the window.

Lillith started braiding my hair working quickly moving it in a different direction with every braid. I watched outside the window as I knew my life was changing and just like every moment before I wasn't in control. I was a slave to destiny, I heard the door open and my children yell.

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