Run Rabbit

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Laying  their thinking of all the things that Kai wanted for us but I know better Aku's men may not agree with him or his behavior but their is no way in hell that they would turn their backs or their loyalty against him. They loved him no matter what , that was their king their lord and their brother. I knew that this fight, this war kai was trying to start would only lead to my death or his. I wouldnt do this to him but maybe I should just see where this leads us if Aku doesnt let me leave then I would just stay and make Kai leave to protect him.

"Has she woken yet ?" Aku's voice was evident

"No lord but she has a slight fever. " Lillth said, I did feel hot

"What happen ?" he asked

"Well Lord she had walked into the hall and insisted that she was going outside of her area today even against your wishs. Then Lord Kai showed up," Kon voice bacame quite and then Kai spoke

"Brother Aku, I believe we should speak in private I want to speak with you about Lady Neania ?" Kai said quickly and in a whisper tone

"What do you need to speak with me about my woman, my Neania ?" he said his voice raised slightly

"Brother please speak with me in private ?" Kai asked again seeming as he would be up front with him

"Well if we must speak about Neania , Dont you think it is only fair we do it with her presents ?" Aku asked

"I believe that would be good." Kai said

I tried to remain asleep for as long as possible but I had to cough whiched caused everyone to come to my aid with water.

"I am sorry everyone, I dont feel too well." I stated looking at everyone

"Maybe because you ralled yourself up !" Aku said angry as he leaned back in the chair

I look at him and frowned "IF YOU DIDNT KEEP ME TRAPPED IN A SINGLE ROOM LIKE THIS I WOULDNT OF HAD TOO." I yelled out causing my vision to become blurry again.

"Neania , you need to rest maybe you should sleep longer." Parisa offered and in her eyes I could see her pleading with me not to deal with Kai and Aku right now but I had to see if maybe Kai could seek freedom from Aku.

"No Parisa I need to speak with Kai and Aku alone. " I said fixing the blanket on my lap.

"Everyone Out." Aku said and the room emptyed with people

I looked at Kai who was smiling trying to give me my strength back but Aku's face was stirn as he looked aggervated.

Kai sat down across from Aku and I sat up more bringing my pillow to my back and looking at them.

"Whats this all about Neania." Aku said looking at me in a strange way

"I ....I love Lord Kai." I said in a whisper

Aku moved some in his seat and leaned back more in the chair. He then turned to Kai and frowned "And Kai do you love her ?" he asked which took me by suprise so I looked up at him.

"I love Lady Neania with all my heart and I want to take her away with me that is why I have returned." Kai said looking at me

Aku started to laugh and he looked at me "She doesnt love you Kai she is using you to get away from me. She wants to take my child away and to go back to her home but for what her father doesnt want her and the child will be looked down on by everyone but his own people."

"I do love him." I whispered

"You do not love him, have you shared yourself with him ?" he asked sitting closer to the edge of his seat pushing his hair back from his face.

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