Waiting Game

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"Neania are you up ?" It was Kai waking me I rolled over and looked and his was smiling holding a tray most likely food.

I slowly started to lift myself from the bed to stand but just as I stood, I started to fall kai quickly released the tray from his hold letting it hit the ground with a horrible bang and fruits went flying everywhere and he came to me in a sprint holding my left arm and waist.

I felt a terrible dizzyness"Whats the matter ?" Kai said rubbing my back

"I feel sick will you bring me a bowl ." I whispered out of my mouth as I felt whatever was in my stomach jerk forward in a motion for me to throw up. Kai sat me back on the bed and open the wall coming right back in with a large bowl. He sat it on my lap and as soon as I looked into the emptyness of the bowl I threw everything in my stomach and throat up it came sprewing from my mouth like a water cliff.

Once I was done I looked at kai "Please leave." I whispered as I laid my head on the side of the bowl to give myself some space to breath.

"I will not leave your side." Kai said rubbing my back"Also if you feel better most of the town and my brother have went to the temple to celebrate our crops that havent died this winter.

" He laughed and went into his room coming back with a small cloth. He handed it to me as I wiped my mouth and pushed my hair back.

"Thank you." I whispered as he smiled kissing my headAfter our terrible morning ordeal he gave me a suddle change of cloths.

A green dress with gold woven into it and a nice pair of brown booths made of possibly rabbit fur and a nice cloak that was brown like my booths whiched helped me blened in better with my surrounding. We went about his home which was big like Aku's but not so meny rooms and not alot of maids lived here.

"You dont have any bed maidens ?" I asked quickly not wanting to be suprisedHe looked at me and started laughing

"You are so bold, No I dont I simply dont take what I want their are rules to life all animals and human and creatures must follow." he kept laughing

"I think you are right." I said lacing my fingers inside hisWe kept our walk short so once we entered the house people started to pour back in the village. I walked to the window and looked at how Kais home sat unbove his village.

"What is your plans ?" Kai said coming up from behind me kissing my neckI turned to him and gently cressed his face with the back of my hand.

" I will return to my birth home and take back my kingdom." I was confident that I could do that with the help of some men

"Neania you dont understand your situtation, you are with child." He laid his firm hand on my stomach

"I want to go home nor Aku, You , or anyone will stand in my way. When I return home I will move my kingdom away so Aku will never find me." I whispered as I rubbed my nose against his, breathing in his manly smell.

"What do you need from me ?" Kai asked holding my back as we walked to the room I was staying in.

"I need you to help me get home if you return me to my home I promise to make you a English King so that you will be equal to Aku.

" I promised Kai knowing that to get what I want I had to play my words right even with the ones I love.

"Neania love I cant smuggle you out and exspect my lands to stay in tatic as if no one will notice our ship just leaving alone not on a raid." He said rubbing my stomach and kissing my head

"You will not help me ?" I asked leaning away from his face.

"I never said I wouldnt help you, I will hide you and when you have given birth I will send you on a trading ship home." He kissed my cheek as his massive hands rubbed my wide hips.

" I wont make it with a child." I whispered

"'We will figure it out soon." Kai rubbed my back and smiled his beautiful smile.

When we entered the room I knew things from this point on would be different things for us was going to change. I gently touched my belly and smiled as we walked back to our room.

~Aku P.O.V~

"Where could see possibly be ? " I said looking at the map. Krista rubbed my back as she leaned against my shoulder. I had become so aggitated by everything with Neania and Krista's obssession with becoming pregnant makes me think that she may have helped her but she didnt suduce me to in getting Neania out Lillth did.
"Bring me Lillth." I said to one of my men Lillth was pushed in my door a few moments later and thrown to the ground.

"Krista get out right now." I said in a very serious tone when she walked out the door slammed behind her and I walked over to her as she laid there still on the ground where she was thrown.

"Did you help Neania leave ?" I whispered in her ear as she just laid there.She looked at me and frowning ,her face which was busted up and bloody.

"Lord I promise I didnt help her she did this all by herself." She whispered to me and I knew Lillth was scared she wasnt goingto lie to me.

"If I find out you had anything to do with Neania running you will suffer a death more horrible then death itself." I kissed her head and waved my hand.

One of the men came in and helped her out. I slammed my hands against the wooden table cracking it. Neania has ran away and has no though of the danger she has put our child in maybe after she has the child I should take it from her. She was already three months pregnant I have to find her because in no time our child could be born or possibly be dead.I knew Neania was out there somewhere and someone had to be helping her, If she has not been returned to me in a weeks time I would travel to each town and search for her myself.

-Author's Note-

Hello everyone this is where our story takes its turn this chapter is short because in our next chapters will be getting crazy. Thanks to all my friends have a blessed night-

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