Brendon Urie Imagines

Oleh poeticemerald

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Some imagines with Brendon Urie <3 Lebih Banyak

Imagine #1: Nicotine
Imagine #3: Old Photographs
Imagine #4: Birthday Breakfast
Imagine #5: Scary Basement
Imagine #6: Game Night with the Boys
Imagine #7: When the Day Met the Night
Imagine #8: Sick Roommate
Imagine #9: The End of All Things
Imagine #10: Get Well Soon
Imagine #11: The End of All Things (Part 2)
Imagine #12: Best Cousins
Imagine #13: Guidance
Imagine #14: Coma
Imagine #15: The Past
Imagine #16: Breakfast in Bed
Imagine #17: Broken Promise
Imagine #18: Shopping Day
Imagine #19: Surgery
Imagine #20: Life in Color
Imagine #21: Life In Color Pt. 2
Imagine #22: Therapy
"Life in Color" Coming Soon...
Imagine #23: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
Imagine #24: Role Reversal
Imagine #25: Nightmares
Imagine #26: Teacher's Pet?
Imagine #27: Perfect Fit
Imagine #28: My Boyfriend does my makeup
Imagine #29: Collision of Worlds
Imagine #30: About Last Night

Imagine #2: Singing Competition

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Oleh poeticemerald

Imagine #2: Singing Competition

You walked on stage, shaking more than ever. You looked out into the audience and saw thousands of people, but you were only focused on three, the judges in front of you. When you walked out one of them had perked up in his seat, it was Brendon Urie your idol.

"Well, what's your name lovely?" He asked you. You were stunned for a moment but then you answered him

"I'm {Y/N}, I'm {age}." You spoke into the microphone.

"Alright, {Y/N}, what are you singing for us today?" One of the other judges, Adam Levine asked.

"Uh, 'This is Gospel' by Panic At The Disco..." You said and Brendon smiled at you.

"The stage is yours." Brendon said, and the lights dimmed, leaving a single spotlight shining down on you. You heard the piano start the intro then took a deep breath.

"This is gospel for the fallen ones

locked away in permanent slumber,

assembling their philosophies,

from pieces of broken memories..."

You sang sweetly into the microphone that you were holding and then the music got a little louder.



Their gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds

but they haven't seen the best of us yet...

if you love me let me goooooooooo!"

You sang loudly into the microphone and the audience erupted in applause. The band played a little bit then you came back singing loudly.

"This is gospel for the vagabonds

Ne'er-do-wells and insufferable bad ones...

Confessing their apostasies

led away by imperfect imposters..."

You were about to move into the chorus when you heard the music stop and the audience cheer even louder. You were confused to why the music stopped but you were also really happy that the crowd was cheering so loudly for you.

"{Y/N}, do you know why I stopped you?" You heard Brendon say to you.

"Uh, no I'm actually really confused." You chuckled and the crowd laughed with you.

"I stopped you because I didn't want anyone to hear anymore. You're kinda makin' me look really bad here." He said and you started blushing. The crowd behind him laughed and so did you.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I would never mean to outshine you." You giggled.

"You remind me of Patrick Stump, you're so sweet!" Brendon said to you.

"Aww thanks." You said back.

"Well, I'm definitely sending you to the next round, you are amazingly talented." Brendon said, then he looked down to the other three judges and they all agreed to send you to the next round as well. The crowd roared again and you started jumping up and down a little bit. You walked up and got your ticket to the next round from Brendon and walked backstage where your family was waiting for you.

Everyone congratulated you and you got lots of hugs, then they all wanted to look at your ticket.

"Hey {Y/N}, there's something written on the back." Someone tapped you on the shoulder and handed back the ticket. You turned the ticket over and there was a note on the back from Brendon.

"{Y/N}, you are simply amazing and I know for sure right now, that you are going to win this competition, I don't care who else sings! I do love you but I'm definitely not letting you go!


Brendon ;)"

You stared down at the paper in disbelief. Then you started to have a mental dance party in your mind. You felt yourself cry some happy tears and you got another round of hugs from everyone. You looked down at the note once more to make sure it was real, and you noticed that Brendon left his personal number for you to call! You immediately pulled out your phone and put it in your contacts so that you could call him after the show ended. Joining this competition was one of the best things you have ever done!


Probably only gonna be one part, unless I get requests for a second but hope you enjoyed!! <3

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