Kuai and Zuko 2 [ON HIATUS]

By irishloveoftx

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[ON HIATUS] After finding his mother in the Fire Nation town of Hira'a, Zuko runs into an old love, Kuai. How... More

Prologue: It's Been Two Years
Chapter 1: Aren't Big Fans
Chapter 2: Because I'm the Firelord
Chapter 3: But Never Fear
Chapter 4: AGH! Why did I look?!
Chapter 5: It's just...
Chapter 6: If You Stopped Interrupting
Chapter 7: W-wait...What?
Chapter 9: Oogies Saved Me
Chapter 10: Do Not Speak To Me Of Respect
Chapter 11: I-I Did It-t
Chapter 12: I've Been Summoned
Chapter 13: Should I Be Honored?
Chapter 14: It's Not Your Fault
Chapter 15: Oh My Gosh, Yay Yay Yay!
Chapter 16: We Need To Leave Now
Chapter 17: Pointy-Hat Guy Told Me To Get You
Chapter 18: Their 10 Year Wedding Anniversary
Chapter 19: She Seemed Happier to Tell You
Chapter 20: I'll See What I Can Do
Chapter 21: Where's My Daughter?
Chapter 22: It Was Just a Nightmare

Chapter 8: Since When Do You Wear My Mask?

104 8 1
By irishloveoftx

*The following Friday*

Toph and the gaang (excluding Zuko) left Yu Dao after the elections to go on Avatar Yangchen's Festival. Kuai gathered her few belongings and went to help with Reconstruction.

She walked into the building that had a sign on it saying 'Volunteer Housing.' It was like a dormitory. But much less cared for. She found someone slightly older than her.

Kuai: Um...ma'am? I was wondering if you knew where a front-desk-kind-of-person would be?

Woman: You mean me? I'm the Reconstruction Officer in charge of Woman's Dormitories. You can call me Nivedita.

Kuai: What a lovely name!

Nivedita: Thank you. What's your name, dear?

Kuai: My name is Kuai.

Nivedita: I should direct you to your dorm. You share it with two other young ladies.

Kuai: Thank you.

(Note: Nivedita, in Avatar World, means 'one who serves,' and Kuai means 'quick, fast, and clever' in Chinese. I chose their names to describe their personalities).

Nivedita had Kuai follow her up a nearby staircase towards a hallway with a lot of doors. Nivedita stopped in front of one.

Nivedita: This is your dorm, Kuai. It may be small, but it'll do. I'm almost always in the lobby if you need me.

Kuai: Thank you so much.

Nivedita went back the way she came and Kuai opened the door to the dorm and walked in, closing it behind her. She looked andfound an empty bed against the wall, with two others beside it. One girl was sleeping soundly, and another must have been in the bathroom or something. Her bed was unmade and the surroundings cluttered. 

Kuai: Greeeaaaatt.

Kuai set up her things at her portion of the small room as the other girl came through the door. Kuai couldn't believe her eyes. Nivedita said 'young ladies' and by that she meant young.

Girl: Hello, my name is TuoYan, and that sleepyhead is JiaLi.

Kuai: Hi, I'm Kuai. How old are you two?

TuoYan: I'm 13 and JiaLi is 11. We're sisters.

Kuai: Wow, you two are young.

TuoYan: I guess. How old are you?

Kuai: I'm 20 years old.

TuoYan: That's kind of funny, 'cause the missing water princess turned 20 about 3 days ago.

Kuai: Missing Water Princess?

TuoYan: Yeah, we're from the Northern Water Tribe. Our princess was kidnapped during the 100 Year War. Most people think she died because she never came back after war prisoners were released.

Kuai: Oh...*turns head away* That sounds horrible.

TuoYan: Her name was Kuai...just like you.

Kuai: Wow, what a coincidence. (she's avoiding telling TuoYan the truth) How did children like you get to Yu Dao?

TuoYan: Oh, our parents couldn't afford the taxes up there anymore. So after the war we moved out here. Our father fell ill and died, and our mother left us here to fend for ourselves.

JiaLi: *yawns* It sounds worse than it is.

TuoYan: You're awake?

JiaLi: I have been since you called me a sleepyhead.

Kuai: Nice to meet you *fire-nation-style bows*

JiaLi: To you as well *returns bow*

TuoYan: You look Water Tribe, but use Fire Nation customs. Why?

Kuai: This is going to be awkward.....um...

JiaLi: Sorry to interrupt Kuai, but it's more than obvious that you're the missing princess.

TuoYan: Yeah, I was just going along with it because you were.

Kuai: Don't treat me like it though. My boyfriend is royal, but I treat him like I would if he were any class.

JiaLi: Oooooooo... Who's this boyfriend?

TuoYan: Is he cute?

Kuai: Yes, he's very cute. I even call him 'Cutie'.

TuoYan: Tell us who!

Kuai: Okay, calm down. He's...The Firelord.

JiaLi: You're dating FireLord Zuko?

TuoYan: Don't you hold grudges against the fire nation...for you know...capturing you?

Kuai: Only against Ozai and Admiral Chan.

There was a moment of awkward silence.

TuoYan: If you couldn't tell, this hallway houses waterbenders.

JiaLi: They keep everyone sectioned off with their own kind.

Kuai: Then maybe I have some competition.

TuoYan: What do you mean?

Kuai: I'm a high-level waterbending master.

JiaLi: Better than Master Pakku?

TuoYan: Nonsense! Only that girl Katara is better than Master Pakku.

Kuai: Actually, I know Katara...and I'm more skilled than her, too.


TuoYan: That's impossible. I heard that Katara discovered a new form of bending.

Kuai: Actually, she learned it from an old lady named Hama. I learned the same thing from other prisoners who learned from her.

JiaLi: What's it called?

Kuai: *widens eyes* Um, how about we change the subject? Like, what I'm bad at, let's talk about that.

TuoYan: Like what?

Kuai: Well, I'm bad at talking about my feelings. The other day I told Zuko I loved him but ran away before I could see his reaction.

JiaLi: Well now you have to worry about how he might feel! That's so stupid!

Kuai: I know, I know.

TuoYan: Do you think he loves you too?

Kuai: I'm not sure...Gosh I'm so stupid!

JiaLi: Aren't guys supposed to say 'I love you' first?

Kuai: That my friends, is what people call 'sexist'.

TuoYan: Yeah, but maybe he wanted to say it first. Did you ever think about that?

Kuai: Now you guys are making me feel horrible about myself.

JiaLi: Sorry.

Kuai: Hey, how about you show me some waterbending?

TuoYan: How? There's none in here.

Kuai smirked and then waterbent from the air in the room.

JiaLi: WOW!

TuoYan: How did you do that?

Kuai: The air is actually filled with invisible water droplets. If you focus enough, you can bend these particles.

JiaLi: It's gonna be so fun working with you!

*2 years later*

TuoYan: Kuai, please don't go!

Kuai: Guys, reconstruction was finished last week.

JiaLi: But you're the closest to a mom we've had for the past couple years.

Kuai turned towards them with wide eyes.

Kuai: What?

TuoYan: Please let us come with you!

Kuai: I'm sorry, I'm not up for that responsibility.

JiaLi: You don't have to take care of us! We just want to be near you!

Kuai: Why would you want to move to the Fire Nation? Yu Dao's such a great place.

TuoYan: But Hira'a sounds like such a cute town.

Kuai: Do you have enough money to pay partial rent for a home?

JiaLi: So is that a 'yes'?

Kuai: Come on weirdos.

They headed out to the ferry as they traveled from port to port, pier to pier, city to city. Getting from Yu Dao to the Fire Nation. Eventually they ended up in a carriage going towards Hira'a. They got there and rented a two bedroom house-thing. 

Here's math: In Yu Dao, overall, they got 75 silver pieces a month, meaning 900 a year, and 1800 for the time they'd been there. For three people, that's 5400. With food costs over that time (which for breakfast and dinner the dorms provided, only lunch had to be bought) it turns into 4800. Now that they are residents, they can get jobs. Each job there pays 20 silver pieces a day, 3 days a week. And the rent is 80 silver pieces a month. They should only have to pay 60 silver pieces a month for food.

Everything's alright now.

No more math...I think.

Two weeks later, late at night while the girls were asleep, Kuai went on a stroll, and ran into Noren.

Noren: Oh, sorry miss.

Kuai: It's fine. What are you in such a hurry for?

Noren: I have to get to casting.

Kuai: What's that?

Noren: Walk with me.

(BTW: Noren is Ursa's husband) Kuai walked beside Noren as he told her.

Noren: The Hira'a Acting Troupe performs Love Amongst The Dragons every year. It's the most important play we do it this town. Casting starts early in the morning, and I have to make sure everything is set up. I'm the director.

Kuai: Well, I can sort of do improv, so maybe I could try out?

Noren: As long as you live in Hira'a, you can always try out.

Kuai: Cool!

Noren: Not trying to be rude, but I noticed your scar.

Kuai: Oh...*touches cheek where her scar is* I almost forgot I had it.

Noren: I'm sorry to offend, I-

Kuai: It's fine. It doesn't bother me. (not a lie)

Noren: My wife's son has a scar like that.

Kuai: Oh, really?

Noren: You're gonna think this is crazy, but he's the Firelord.

Kuai: Oh...*blushes* Zuko.

Noren: What's wrong?

Kuai: It's nothing.

Noren: Hey...aren't you the girl Kiyi used to talk about? Jaya?

Kuai: Actually, that's the name I used when having to hide. My name's Kuai.

Noren: Why did you have to hide?

Kuai: Um...(oops) not much of a reason.

Noren: Okay.....

They walked to the theater.

Kuai: Can you explain Love Amongst The Dragons for me?

Noren: Well, The Dark Water Spirit curses The Dragon Emperor into mortality. And in his mortality, The Dragon Emperor finds love. Eventually he defeats The Dark Water Spirit, winning back his immortality, and marries his mortal empress.

Kuai: This play is so cute.

Noren: So many girls try out for the Dragon Empress, I don't know if you'd be able to get the part.

Kuai: How many people try out for the Dark Water Spirit?

Noren: Oh...actually not too many. Men usually try out for that part.

Kuai: Is it against the law for a woman to play it?

Noren: No...I don't think so.

Kuai: See you at tryouts in the morning *points at Noren* director.

Noren: Okay...see you.

Kuai went to tryouts the next morning. A week later parts were announced, and she actually got the part of the Dark Water Spirit. Rehearsals would last two months before the performances, which were the Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the last week.

*Cut to Zuko's scene ;p*

That Thursday, Aang and Katara picked Zuko up on Appa so he could visit his mom. Before going to Hira'a, however, they picked up Sokka and Toph so they could all go on vacation. Then they got to Hira'a and stayed at Noren and Ursa's.

Now it was dinner time.

Ursa: I can't wait for tomorrow night's performance! The last night is always the best.

Zuko: What play is it?

Noren: What play do you think she would be excited about?

Zuko: So is the cast good this year?

Noren: One of the best I've seen. This year we have a woman playing the Dark Water Spirit.

Sokka: What?

Katara: I thought that was a male role.

Noren: There's no preference in the original script, so I cast the best actress I could. The girl was actually pretty sassy. And curious. She moved her a few months ago from Yu Dao.

Aang: Maybe we could all go to see the performance.

Ursa: Oh yes! Would that be fun, Zuko?

Zuko: Sure.

Toph: Hey Noren, describe to them what this actress looks like.

Noren: Why?

Toph: Just because we run into a lot of coincidences. For all I know....nevermind, tell them.

Noren: Well, she's very short, had long hair, I think she's water-tribe, and has a unique scar.

Sokka: Yup, that's our usual coincidence.

Noren: What, you know Kuai?

Aang: One of us knows Kuai better than the rest *winks and nudges Zuko*

Zuko: Shut up.

Ursa: That girl used to call herself Jaya, right? Zuko, I remember you running off when I told you about her two years ago.

Sokka: That's because they're in luuuuuuuuve.

Zuko stood with his fist up.

Katara: Zuko, don't attack him.

Zuko: Fine. *shoots tiny puffs of fire from nostrils*

Ursa: In love?

Noren: Maybe that's why Kuai got all embarrassed when I'd talk about Zuko. She's got such a servants heart. I heard that for two years she helped with Yu Dao. And now she takes care of two orphan girls.

Katara: Why?

Noren: She met them at reconstruction. She told me they'd lost their dad and their mother left them. She'd developed a relationship with them, and they didn't want her to leave once it was all done. So she took them with her when she moved here. They're getting older, so they'll be moving out soon.

Toph: Zuko, this is great. You'll be able to see her again.

Zuko: No.

Sokka: What?

Zuko: I don't want to just 'see her again' and then have to go two years apart again. I have to change this.

Aang: That's gotta be the deepest thing I've heard you say.

Katara: What are you going to do?

Zuko: Noren, Aang, Sokka- can you guys come with me right now?

Aang: Okay...?

Noren: Sure.

Sokka: Why?

Zuko: We're going out to a store.

Sokka: Yay! Shopping!!! *claps three times*

They left the home towards the main road where shops were.

Aang: Um...Zuko? What creepy store are we going to late at night?

Zuko: We're buying clay.

Noren: Um...why clay?

Sokka: OH. MY. GOSH. Zuko's going to propose to Kuai!!!

Aang: Sokka, you're such a teenage girl.

Noren: Why do you need clay?

Sokka: Because in the Water Tribe, a man carves a necklace for a woman when they are betrothed.

Aang: Technically this is a proposal, not a betrothal.

Noren: So he's making the necklace tonight?

Zuko: That's why there's a rush.

They got to a Kiln shop, which is where you sculpt, paint, gloss, and bake clay. Zuko sculpted his into a simple circle with a Fire Nation Insignia on it. He painted the background blue and the insignia black, to give it somewhat of a water tribe look. (He only knew what a betrothal necklace is supposed to look like because he stole one from Katara once...).

Then he poked a small hole at the top for when you attach it to the necklace. Then he put the gloss over it. They told the kiln dude it was high priority and he should start baking right then.

So, while it was being baked, Zuko chose a simple gold clip to attach the pendant to the ribbon. He found a bright red ribbon for the necklace and attached the clip to it.

The guys stayed there for hours just hanging out and waiting for the baking to end.

After many hours, meaning it was like 5 in the morning (when the bake started, it was probably around 10 at night), the baking finished and was quickly cooling. They clipped it to the necklace and took one last look at it.

Zuko thought to himself, Not bad. He put it in a black jewelry box thing and walked out of the store.

Noren: Ursa's going to kill me.

Aang: Katara's going to kill me.

Sokka: Toph is going to beat me up. Then kill me!

Zuko: Why?

Aang: Because they probably thought we'd be gone for, like, 2 hours at the most.

Sokka: Good thing I got a nap.

Noren: Don't worry. Just tell them that we had to help Zuko make a betrothal necklace and they'll melt into awws.

Sokka: Except Toph. She'll still beat me up.

They got back and,surprise surprise, the girls were angry. In desperation of staying alive, Noren took the box, opened it, and showed it to the girls. They instantly went from scowls to smiles.

Katara: Awwww Zuko, you're gonna propose?

Ursa: It's so beautiful!

Toph: Nice Job, Sparky.

Katara: So that's why you took so long.

Zuko: Please don't follow me when I go to propose. You girls will get all squealy and ruin it.

Sokka: That's a pretty good description *Toph punches him* OW!

Toph: Shut up now.

Sokka: Aye aye captain...ouch.

*15 hours later, after curtain call*

Zuko: You three *points to girls* Stay put.

Ursa: Really Zuko? Can I please come with?

Zuko: No. Bye.

Zuko goes backstage alone and stood 10 feet behind Kuai as she took of the Dark Water Spirit Mask (which Zuko used so he could be 'The Blue Spirit'). He got a couple feet closer, box behind his back.

Zuko: Since when do you wear my mask?

Kuai was shocked. (Zuko had told her his identity as the Blue Spirit before, okay?) She knew that voice. She slowly turned around before seeing his face when she almost tackled him with a hug around the neck.

Zuko: C-can't...breathe.

Kuai: Sorry!

She took away her arms but remained standing extremely close to him. TuoYan and JiaLi came around the corner without Kuai or Zuko noticing. They hid and watched.

Zuko: I'm insane.

Kuai: I knew that *pecks his lips* but why do you think that?

Zuko: 'Cause...

He grabbed one of Kuai's hands and kissed it before dropping it back at her side. Then he kneeled and opened the box.

Kuai: Z-zuko...what is th-this?

Zuko: It's called a proposal.

Kuai: But you haven't even told me you loved me.

Zuko got up and cupped Kuai cheek with his hand.

Zuko: I do love you *kisses her* You just never let me say it.

Kuai: Yeah, I guess I'll marry you.

Zuko: Now I get to put the necklace on you.

Kuai giggled as Zuko took the necklace out of the box and came up behind her. She lifted her long hair so he could put it on her. Once it was on, she let her hair go and Zuko hugged her from behind. He kissed her cheek.

Zuko: Why did you run away after you said it to me?

Kuai: Cause I was scared to know what you'd say...

Zuko: It scares you to know I love you?

Kuai: Shut up, Cutie.

Zuko: Please don't leave again.

Suddenly they heard little claps from behind them. They were about to attack as if it was Sokka, but they saw TuoYan and JiaLi come out to meet them.

Zuko: Are these those girls you take care of?

Kuai: Yeah, I told them all about you.

Zuko: Really? *smirks*

Kuai: You're so full of yourselves sometimes. *pushes him away*

JiaLi: That. Was. ADORABLE!!!

TuoYan: Tell me, Firelord Zuko, did you plan out everything you were going to say?

Zuko: Only some of it.

JiaLi: Does this mean you're leaving us Kuai?

Kuai: Don't worry, you guys are old enough and have good jobs. You can survive on your own.

TuoYan: We have before.

JiaLi: I hate you! *slaps Zuko* You're taking her away from me!

Zuko: Um...sorry?

TuoYan: JiaLi! Act your age!

Kuai: See, you still have your older sister. You guys want me to be your mom when I can't. I'm so sorry JiaLi, but that's just how it's gonna be.

TuoYan: You have to understand that she's going to be happy, and we need to be happy for her.

JiaLi: You're not going to miss her? You don't love her like I do!

TuoYan: JiaLi...

Kuai: Enough! JiaLi, TuoYan loves me just as much as you. But she knows how to handle this situation. I love you guys so much, it's hard for me, too, but I love Zuko, and I'm going to marry him. You can't change that.

JiaLi: Fine.

Zuko: I'm sorry girls.

JiaLi: Not true.

Zuko: You guys can come have dinner with us if you want.

TuoYan: Yes *scowls at JiaLi* we'd love that.


A/N: I hope the image shows up... it shows you a basic structure of the necklace. It took me hours to create it, so it better work.

If not here's the link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/export.canva.com/DABYxA_-PhM/21/preview/0001-44229700.png?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIU6N2ZZT3WCLIKRA&Expires=1438897184&Signature=7CUe6sj%2Be6zSz%2FiXslPkcuSkZao%3D

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Now I should like every other attention-hungry writer on wattpad.


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Stay tuned for more Zuai Action!!!

Love y'all, keep reading!


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