The Vikings Payment

By War_Goddess_Nae

540K 15.9K 1.2K

I was no longer safe in my own I no longer have a home, I am nothing but payment to these monster to protect... More

Not So Happy Ever After
The Voyage
Mind Me
My heart
Take My body not my heart
New Day
The First Night On The Ship
Author Question
Arrival Of Secrets
Monster in Human Form
Flattery Gets None
New Affairs
Standing For Death
Innocent Death
Run Rabbit
Lord Aku's P.O.V
Waiting Game
Passage Of Time
A Twist Of Heart
Wake Up... YOUR DREAMING !!!
Author's Note
The Wedding Preparation
A Dark Time Ahead
The Angel of Death
A Wind of Sorrow

A Change In Heart

11.4K 414 31
By War_Goddess_Nae

I Felt the warm sun hitting my face ever so softly like a light kiss of a butterfly. I opened my eyes to the beautiful room that was given to me yesterday. I felt groggy and weak but I wanted to see my child I lifted myself on to my side to get out the bed but I was jumped in fear as Aku was laying next to me bare chest. I lifted the blanket to him in pants and myself naked, I covered myself and frowned.

"Do not worry yourself Neania, I did not do anything to you I simply wanted to comfort you while you heal." Aku whispered in a grunt as his massive arm wrapped around me

I grabbed most of the blanket and started to move to the end of the bed to go to my children. Aku grabbed me to stop me from moving

"Neania please let me help you." Aku said more then asked as he got up off the bed and moved to my side

He grabbed my arm and held me as I lifted up from the bed covering myself as much as possible with the fur blanket that covered us.

Once I was up Aku grabbed the blanket and everything inside of me panic he was going to snatch it from me I grabbed tighter to the blanket but he stood me against him and wrapped the loose end of the blanket around my waist to protect it from falling. I felt a peg of panic wash away from me so I smiled he lightly kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered

I moved slowly towards the crib were our children were sleeping so peacefully. I rubbed my sons head as his little hands extended and he frowned puckering his lips. I went to grab him but Aku reached around me and grabbed our son with me in his arms he picked up our son. I felt him embrace me and everything around him was sending me into a mood swing. I did not love Aku or want him, this man has taken everything from me and I wouldn't lower myself into giving into him. I moved and he let me go

"Do you wanna feed our son in private ?" Aku asked handing me Eerikki

I sat down and fixed myself covering my chest area. Aku started to put his tunic on

"You may stay if you wish too." I said trying to create peace were there may never be any.

He smiled and sat down in the chair across from me smiling.

I fixed myself and started feeding our son and my stomach started to hurt. I didn't pay any attention to it, Aku seemed to love watching me as I fed our son though the fur blanket covered my chest and the top half of our son we just sat there looking at each other. After a few I fed our daughter and the day seemed to roll I ate along with Aku who seemed that he was going to spend all day in our children and my company.

We were walking out side with our children in hand enjoying the sun. I smiled as Aku seemed to be a different man but I knew better then to trust him he would turn on me it was just a matter of time.

The day went on well into the night and things seemed to be going great. Aku and I seem to have the same rhythm for weeks and months before I knew so much time had passed it was as if Aku was a different man in all. Not forcing me everything about him was different Krista I haven't really seen to much of her and Lillith minds her own way and helps me when Aku is away.

It has been the most peaceful 4 months we have ever had. We lived as a unit happily, I walked to the garden as my long dress fell behind me it wasn't official but I was to be Queen in a few months. Aku had asked me and told me it was to make sure our son would receive titles if he died in battle. I still didn't love Aku I missed Kai greatly but things were sure easy now.

It was close to night and I wanted to soak in the bath house. I went and changed into my robe I put my hood up and went into the bath house Aku was soaking he looked at me.

"I am sorry, I will come back." I whispered I knew I was red with embarrassment but Aku just laughed

"Come we have shared a bed their is nothing to hide." He laughed

I removed my robe and walked into the water felling the heat engulf me which was amazing. All my pains and hurt were slowly being easier away. I walked into the water until my breast were covered I turned my back to Aku and started to bath myself it was silent for a while until I felt the water behind me move faster. I felt his hard chest against my backs then his hands upon my shoulder's. His head slowly leaned against my hair as I felt him kiss my head.

"Aku" I moaned out

I felt his hands reach around me and start to lightly squeeze my breast as my milk slowly started to leak out in his hand It felt amazing but I did not want Aku to think I wanted him. There was a burning inside of me that I knew only Aku could out out I would have to bend to his wheel to get this burning felling out.

I felt him pull my closer to him where my back was touching his chest I felt him pull me back until we were on the edge of the watering pool and he sat down in the water. He held my breast with one hand as I felt his other hand travel down towards my womanhood and rub his finger inside of me causing me to moan out yet again in pleasure.

"Neania please relax, allow me to show your body what it needs." he whispered in my ears

I moaned in responds and he lightly lifted me up I felt his hard shaft pressing at me entrance as I felt it spring forth inside me as he quickly lowered me on himself. I couldn't contain any noise that seem to come forth after that. We grunted and moan and Aku showed my body all the pleasure he could. After a while he laid me on my back against the ground on the bathing floor area and started drinking my milk as he stabbed at my insides causing me to moan again.

He slowly came to a small stop and moved my soaking wet hair from my face I was covered in heat and juices of all. He looked at me and I knew my face was redder then a sun fallen sky.

"Do you wish for more children.?" Aku asked me in serious tone

"I do not wish for any more." I said to him

He must have cared because he pulled himself from me and rubbed his manhood on the outside of my vagina and soon I felt warm stuff all over my thigh which I knew was his seed.

After we had finished doing the passions of love, I felt things were going to be different for Aku and I and they were. I finished washing myself and Aku washed himself we both got out and headed to our children.

That night was by far the most coupled like we have ever acted. Soon I would be Queen and my son would be first in line Kingship of all Jarl's. I knew things for our weird family were turning around. 

The next Morning came in a rush, I rubbed my hand along his massive chest propping myself up looking at him. I felt his massive arm come around my waist embracing me as he lifted me up closer to him.

The door to my room opened it was Lillith she was holding a very large Eerikki

"He will not stop babbling and I haven't rested in such a long time my poor Athena is lacking my care." Lillith said as she put him on the bed and slammed the door walking out. 

"I have things to do today its your day to care for him." I quickly got up and walked out covered in a robe leaving Aku in bed with our son crying. 

Once I had dress for the day , I walked to Lillith room I knocked waiting the door came open and Little Athena was standing their with her hair braided to the side with a beautiful blue ribbon along with a blue and white dress with gold threading. I bent down and kissed her, 

"Where is your mother ?" I asked her as she ran into the room

Lillith was standing on the side of the bed dressing herself in the same outfit her daughter was in.

"You look beautiful Lillith." I came up and hugged her

"Thank you Neania, Is something wrong ?" She asked in a worried tone

"No I actually wanted to spend some lady time with our daughter's, Aku is taking Eerikki today and I know we haven't spent much time lately. So maybe some time to unwind would be greatly need?" I asked smiling at her and her daughters beauty. 

"Yeah I haven't had Athena out yet in the village and from what Aku has told me you haven't taken Eerika out either." She smiled putting on her slippers. 

I put my slippers on and went to Eerika's room, Once she was ready I grabbed her and all her things and we met Lillith and Athena in the front room. We all looked beautiful we matched very well, Aku came  around the corner with Eerikki.

"Mama." My son said hugging me

I kissed him and Aku grabbed him moving him back, Aku leaned forward and gave me a slight pressured kiss, then Lillith then his daughter's. 

"Be careful today ladies."He said waving along with Eerikki 

We loaded our self into the carriage with Kon's help and we started the ride to the village where we would have our first day in the village.

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