
By Alexdaily

43.3K 399 21

Jesse Glynn Reigns. The undefeated 42-0 junior division boxing champion. She dominants making sure no one get... More

Jesse Glynn Reigns


1.2K 11 0
By Alexdaily

Today we were meeting Roman's side of the family. When I say we I mean Jacey and I. Brody stayed with him so he met everyone already. I just added my red lipstick and put on my leather jacket. I grabbed my wallet and walked out of the room at Roman's house. We were going out for dinner at some fancy place. Jacey walked out.

"I likey."

She told me and I rolled my eyes. We both walked downstairs. Roman was fixing his shirt sleeve when he looked up at us.

"You two look amazing."


We said at the same time. He grabbed the keys to his Escalade. We pulled up and paps were outside snapping pictures of someone on the inside.

"Dwayne must be here now."

Jacey and I put on our RayBans. Roman put on his.

"Mum usually gives us these best behavior speaks so what is yours?"

Jacey asked.

"Nothing, but Jesse can you please stop calling me Roman."


"Jacey and Brody both stopped calling me that already."

I shrugged.

"I won't call you Roman while we're here."

I said and opened my door. We all got out. Jacey hooked arms with me. Roman walked in front of us so paps wouldn't go crazy we made it into the restaurant and we took off our sunglasses.

"Roman over here!"

We heard someone and turned to see a long table. He turned walking and we followed him. Everyone at the table froze looking at us. Someone finally spoke.

"Oh my god that is Jacey and Jesse Glynn Reigns. "

Roman put his hands on our lower backs.

"Everyone these are my daughters Jacey and Jesse Glynn."

"Hello everyone."

We said at the same time.

"Woah. They do the twin thing."

"What twin thing?"

We asked.

"See they did it again."

Jacey and I looked at each other shrugging. We sat down. Everyone was talking and Jacey and I just stayed quiet.

"The Rock is sitting right in front of you."

Jacey whispered in my ear.

"I know I'm trying not to freak out myself."

"What are you two whispering about?"

He asked us.

" pancakes!"

"Right pancakes?"

I said backing up Jacey. We both slapped our forehead looking down.

"We're kinda big fans of yours and we were trying not to freak out. "

I said still looking down.

"Now that's out."

A girl who looked the same age as us.

"Jesse Glynn and Jacey Reigns are literally sitting right here at the same table! This is a big deal right now!"

Jacey and I looked confused.

"Why is it a big deal?"

Jacey asked.

"You both are everywhere."

"Um okay?"

We both said confused.

"BTW totally ship Jylan and Bracey."



"Jesse Glynn and Dylan, Jacey and Brooklyn. "


We both said.

"How about we order something yes?"

An older man said. I looked down at the menu. I wasn't really hungry so I got a strawberry salad and a sparkling water.

"You okay?"

Jacey whispered in my ear. I nodded. Ever since I guess you can say we got 'famous' I've never token it well. That's why I hardly did anything or why no one ever seen Dylan and I together. I just didn't always want to be the center of attention. It makes me so uncomfortable that sometimes I get sick. I took deep breaths. Jacey grabbed my hand under the table. I looked around and everyone was basically looking at me.

"Excuse me for a moment."

I said getting up and walking to the bathroom. I sat my bag down and gripped the sink. I closed my eyes counting to ten over and over again.

Jacey's pov
"Is she okay?"

Dwayne asked.

"Um she doesn't do so good with some things and she sometimes get sick because of attention being drawn to her."

"How when she's basically all over the Internet and stuff?"

The girl I found out named was Lauren asked.

"She doesn't pay attention to it. She knew it was gonna happen, but she stays away from it all."

They all nodded. Jesse Glynn came back and sat down.

"Sorry about that. "

She said and sat her bag down.

"It's alright honey."

Our grandmother said giving her a genuine smile. She smiled back and looked down.

I felt a hand grab mine. I looked and it was Roman. I gave him a small smile and continued to sit quietly.

We all sat and ate getting to know each other. Everyone promised to come to my next match. I've had five more matches after Bianca, but they weren't title shots. Next week I go for 50-0, but it's also a charity match. I do these matches every so often to raise money for organizations around the world. This time I'm doing it for this little girl who needs a heart transplant. Her mum wrote me a note. They're from New Zealand. I'm flying them out to the match at Madison Square Garden. The dinner was finally over and I was greatful because I felt like I was about to vomit. We said goodbye and I quickly went getting in the car laying back closing my eyes.


I opened my eyes and looked at Jacey who was in the front.

"You okay?"

I nodded. Roman looked at me and I just turned away. He started driving. We made it back to his house and I quickly got out going in and to the shower. I got out changing. I wiped all the makeup off and I went straight to the toilet vomiting.

"Jesse Glynn?"


"You alright?"

"Yeah. "

I said before vomiting again.

"Open the door. "

Roman said.

"I'm fine."

I said flushing the toilet. I brushed my teeth and used a bunch of mouth wash. I opened the door and he was still standing there.

"Come on. "

He said picking me up. I laid my head down in his neck and closed my eyes. I felt him sit down. I opened my eyes and we were in the living room. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I'm sorry. "

He said rubbing my back.


"I didn't know you got uncomfortable with being the center of attention. I didn't know it would make you that sick. I would have said no if I knew."

"It's over now. Just don't worry about it."

I said falling asleep. I felt him kiss my head. I soon drifted off to sleep.

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