Silence in New York City (tmn...

Oleh rubeyred

74.9K 2.5K 1.6K

(Completed)Lilly Tara Connors is a 17 almost eighteen year old girl living in the big apple, New york city. H... Lebih Banyak

The First Meeting
Where? Who? What? HUH!?
A New Day and New Friends
Some Good Times
Am I Important?
Coming Back
Getting Back To Normal
Something Fun and Something Interesting
Oh Hello!
Oh Boy
Will you please?!!!
A Little Cute And A Little Fluffy?
The Big Chappy!
Red Minx
For My Readers!!
Puh-Leeze /;)
Um Okay Now WHAT?!
Donnie Get's It
A Few Adjustments
Catch Up Chappy (Not really needed but still good) Backstories!!!
Into the night

Again?! Are You Freaking Serious!!

2K 76 28
Oleh rubeyred

(Ollo Little Jewels ((yes I just watched Megamind;P)) Thank you all so much For your support and your kind funtastic words!! I love your Comments and I do Take them into consideration. So for those of you who Did not want a mutation this Chappy is for you. . . Well mostly ;)

Lilly pov

Venus sat across from me calm and collected waiting, I raised my eyebrow, "Now start talking."

I looked at her and shifted a little, "Why I'm fine?"

"Lilly I've watched you every day since the mutation, and you have just grown angrier and more pushy. You just said some nasty terrible things to Teddi for crying out loud!" Venus thought to me, matching my glare, "You need to get your anger out, so here I am talk and I will listen."

"Help? Help? HELP?!?!" I glared at her, "Incredible, You think I need help and by you 'talking' with me will make it all better!?"

I stood up now at eye level with her, "Don't get me wrong Venus but how on earth are you suppose to help me??"

She shrugged and stayed sitting, "I won't know until you tell me, Please Lilly talk to me."

I felt my anger come back as I started to pace, "Talk to you? See Venus that right there is one of the many, MANY things on my angry list." I stared at her, "Want to know the rest! I can't talk, Sure I can hear and that in itself is a miracle, but even that comes with problems. Hearing comes on I get no color and am bombarded by so much noise that I immediately get a head ache! Oh the noise! I so do not miss all of that noise! Did you also know that my nose gets stronger senses  when I switch to gold? You know that right there just makes my day all the more miserable!" 

 I stopped and looked over at her seeing if she was going to interrupt but she didn't so I kept going, "Venus I can't even get my own food or water, I CAN'T EVEN WASH MYSELF!! Do you know how uncomfortable it feels to have someone washing you, when you know you should be able to do it yourself, but can't!?!?" 

I huffed and turned back around continuing my pacing, "Why don't we go to the list of 'I can'ts' shall we? I can't go to work; I can't go to school which is okay because then I don't have to do homework, but that's besides the point. I can also just forget my dancing career, I even got an offer to dance for someone and now I can't Cause I Literally Have TWO Left Feet!!!"

I stopped and looked down at the dojo mat, watching the intricate weaves as a feeling of complete despair came over me, "I could go and see my mom, but I couldn't really tell her anything, because I can't talk. But at least she can now start over and have a better future?" I said hopefully, "Annalysse was right about one thing, I was holding my mom back, and now she can have a future, not that I can."

"What do you mean you can't have a future?!!" Venus looked at me her face hardened.

"Venus look at me," I looked over at her my tears starting to spill over, " I am a dog, what future do I have other than to be someones pet?"

"That's not true."

"It is Venus, I can't get married, I can't even go on a real date with Raph or anyone for that matter!" I looked away, "Venus you can have all of that, I can't because of my form." I looked back at her my next thought crushing me down to the core, "I can't even have a family."

Venus looked at me shocked, "I-I didn't even think about all of that." Venus came closer and hugged me, "Oh Lilly, I am so sorry."

She held me for a few minuets until I had calmed down, she pulled back and brushed the wet fur around my eyes, "Thank you for telling me this, I promise that no matter what I will always be here for you."

"Thank you Venus, You have been nothing but good to me. Love you sister. " I smiled.

"I love you too L.T!" We both smiled at my name.

"Venus do you think you could help me apologize to Teddi?"

"Of course I can."

We were about to leave when Leo came bursting through the doors, "Mikey and Teddi are in danger! The Krrang are attacking them, Come on they need help!" 

I jumped up, "Oh no they don't!! I need to apologize first!!!" Venus smirked as we ran out and into the shell raiser.


Teddi pov

Me and Mikey were at the park just skating away the earlier argument, I was just trying to help! I thought angrily as I went zooming down the half pipe. Honestly she didn't have to blow up at me like that!! I was so into my thoughts that I went a little faster then I thought I would and SMACK!! I landed in a heap on the ground as my board went rolling to the top and then came charging at me. I held my hand out ready to hit it away when Mikey came by and whacked it to the side, "Are ya okay Kare-Bear!!"

I held his hand as he helped me up, "Yeah just a," I rubbed my head, "Ouch, little bump." 

Mikey smiled and crouched down picking my hat up, "Here ya go, nice color!" He grinned at the bright orange.

"Thanks, It's the best!" His grin brightened and he was about to say something when the ground started to shake, making us both fall over. A loud screeching sound went off, like the brakes on a car, "What the Shell!!!" I yelled out covering my ears!!

Mikey winced and stood up his eyes widening, "Quick call the others!!"

"Why?" I stood up and looked up and up at the huge nasty pink thing with hundreds of smaller pink things!! "OH THAT WHY!!!"

 I whipped out my phone and hit the first name Donnie, He picked it up, "Teddi? Hey what's---"

I cut him off as the Pink aliens took notice of me and Mikey, "DON!!! WE NEED SOME SERIOUSLY MAJOR HELP!!!"

Mikey whipped out his nunchuks and started to spin them, "BOO-YA-KASHA!!!!" He yelled jumping into the fray smashing the robot people.

"We're going ta need A LOT of help!!! Mikey what are these things!!" I asked my puny knife in one hand the phone in the other.

"Teddi tell me what's going on? Where are you guys?" Don's voice rang out.

"ThE KrRaNg MuSt NoT hAvE wItNeSsEs!!" One robo guys said grabbing my arm. I jumped towards him and sliced the wire near the neck. The bot fell over and a squealing brain popped out of the stomach.

"EWW!! GROSS!!" I cringed and kick the thing as far away from me as possible, I looked at my shoe and saw slim on it, "Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!" I shook it off and screamed ducking as one of them swung at my head, "Bug off I'm on the phone!!" I yelled cutting the same wires and jumping away from the next brain thing!! 

"ThE KrRaNg WiLl NoT bE dEfEaTeD!!" it squealed as it ran.

I shuttered and went back to Don, "Donatello!!! If the Krrang are friends of yers, ya better tell them ta back the freak off!!!"

"The Krrang?! Hold on you two we'll be there soon!!"

"Well hurry up!! We're at the little link skate park!! and---HEY!!!" I yelled out as a robot grabbed my phone and crushed it, "DUDE!!! SO NOT COOL!!!" I kicked him and whipped out my slightly longer knife, Those guys better come soon! I thought as me and Mikey started fighting back to back.


Lilly Pov

We arrived at the park in minuets, The little link was over run with Krrang. A huge rounded machine was in the basketball court and on top of it was a glowing growing pink monster! It was a ball with tentacles all over it flailing, two eyes a yellow toothed mouth all connected to the machine. Mikey was jumping around fighting of the tentacles while Teddi ran around slicing the Krrang bots to scrap.

With some awesome driving skills Leo twisted the van through the group of Krrang and stopped the back doors inches from Teddi. I jumped out in full silver wolf form and slammed into the three bots that were in front of her. My hackles raised as I growled furiously at them with hate and protection. Don't you dare!! My stare said.

"Ahh I love ya too L.T!! Now let's kick some metal butt!! We need ta take out the cotton candy monster up there and quick he's making pink look bad!" Teddi said. 

Raph snickered and punched a Krrang obliterating the entire face, "That's what yer worried about?"

Teddi just rolled her eyes, "Ya know what I meant!!"

Leo nodded tightening his grip on his katanas, Ignoring them, "Agreed, come on guys, Donnie, Serina and Lilly will help Mikey with the monster. Raph, Teddi, Venus and I will keep them away from you and watch your backs. Go!"

We went towards Mikey, he was handling three of them a forth was running towards him with an electric staff, I rushed him and did a somersault into their legs pushing them on top of their friend and down the metal platform, I growl barked at them.

"Thanks Lilly!!" Mikey smiled and hit back another that had gotten close.

"I'm going to try and find a way to shut it down!" Donnie said running to a panel that had a computer.

"Don't worry we got your back love."Serine smiled, Donnie grinned before going back to focusing on the computer at my bark. Mikey had his nunchuks and Serina had her scythe out and was cutting the krrang down like a farmer to wheat during harvest season. I didn't have any weapons but if I swung my tail hard enough it could slice like a sword.

Mikey and Serina fought off the majority while I stayed close to Donnie and kept the sneaker ones away. I hit another one and knocked him down on two of his other buddies, as Donnie started to mutter to himself, "Okay 3 stages: The machine, the monster, world dominion! But this is has to be just a test run!? Right? These aren't going to operate properly with the polarity of the electrical current and these" He shook his head, "These just can't work, But as long as the heat and current charge doesn't go above the danger zone everything should go smoothly and I can shut it completely down." 

I shook my head getting only every other word of his mutterings. He went to work on the computer until the machine started glowing red and beep. I winced and saw Serina go slightly unbalanced at the noise, "Don what was that?" She asked butting the krrang next to her in the stomach? or brain? The face? I don't know nor did I care right now.

Donnie's hands started to fly on the keyboard, "The Magnetic polarity of the core has changed and the chemical imbalance of Ch----"

"ENGLISH!!" Mikey and Serina yelled out.

"The Krrang duplication growing system is about to explode!" Don yelled out now pounding on the keys.

"WHAT?!" Mikey asked as I barked.

"Details!! Now!! Please!!" Serina asked hitting a bot at every word.

"The explosion will take out everything in a radius of about forty miles! Unless I can find a way to extract some of the power!"

"And how do we do that!?" Mikey asked.

"KrRaNg WiLl PrEvAiL! KrRaNg WiLl----"

"Excuse us, but were tryin ta have a conversation here!!" Mikey said smashing the half robot and throwing it into his buddies causing a domino effect. Don glanced at him funny, then looked back at the screen.

"By plugging this machine into a generator or something that holds power, It doesn't need to last long we just need to divert some of the power away." Donnie answered twirling his staff and hitting a bot that was above him down so that I could handle him. Don twirled it once more and shoved it back on his back, still typing.

Frantic I searched and saw a power box by one of the buildings, It was the closest thing around. I was yanked back by a scream, Mikey had jumped in front of Serina as a Krrang shot a bolt of electricity knocking Mikey right off his feet.

"Mikey!!!" Serina screamed holding off three other robots. The one that shot turned and fired again missing, I made sure of that. I snarled and lunged the the infuriating machine smashing it in pieces in seconds. I whipped around and smacked to creepy brain with my tail off the platform. I ripped the arm off and jerked it hard into that knee joint of the other three, letting Serina finish off the rest.

I rushed to Mikey as he sat up, a burn mark on his chest, "Well that was fun, Thanks sissy." He grinned ruffling my ears.

"AHH!" Don yelled out, "We have one minuet!!"

"Must I do everything!?" I grumbled and grabbed the weird looking plug from the side and ran towards the building. A blue car was smashed into the fence causing a dip in the sparking wires. I jumped the hood, roof and then over the fence. Pain coursed through my body as my metal tail brushed the electric fence, I yelped out and dropped the plug, I landed in a tumble my body shifting back to black fur. 

Standing up I stumbled and shook the dizziness off growling. I snatched up the plug and jammed it in a hole, the plug shifted and snapped into place. The generator started to shake and spark snakes of lightning  and electricity flashed around the rapidly hot growing box. Before I could get out, I was struck, and hit up and out of the fenced area, I screamed and hit the ground with a sickening crunch. I started to get tunnel vision and had just enough time to think , Really again?! Are you freaking serious?! before fainting.


"LILLY!? LILLY!! Come On! Wake Up!!!" Some one was patting my cheek making my head swirl along with my stomach. 

Quit it! I moaned.

"Thank The Stars!! Don't Do That!!" I opened my eyes to find Raph hovering over me with a relieved smile. His color flickering from black and white to color. I glanced around and saw the others running towards us a huge fire behind them.

My head spun again, my ears ringing on and off with the color, I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. . . . .Wait What?? I sat straight up and my vision blurred, Raph caught me before I could fall over.

"Careful Lilly." I looked up at him before looking over my body. I had black fur from my toes the edge of my jean mini skirt. My arms were covered all the way to just under my shoulders, the fur was really short and close to my body so it looked more like clothing. My nails were black to with a metallic shine, I reached up and felt my ears stand straight up out of my black hair. The rest of my skin was brown my shoulders, my collar bone, my face didn't feel fuzzy and my nose was also brown. My stomach was also covered in brown skin . . tone. . .AHHH!!!

All I had on was a ripping mini skirt, and a one strap pink bra!! I wrapped my arms around myself, my tail flopping on me as well trying but failing at covering.

"Lilly?!" Teddi asked as she and Serina helped Mikey, Leo held Venus and Donnie started to poke me.

"Don what happened?" Leo asked while looking around taking in our surroundings.

"It looks as if the electrical current zapped her molecular structure, somehow unlocking a new cognitive ability! Amazing really!"

"English." Teddi and Mikey sighed.

Don huffed, "Lilly can now change her shape at will."

"What about her eyes? They keep flickering?" Serina asked concerned.

A few high pitched sounds came on and off, Leo frowned, "We can deal with this at the lair, Come on we have to get out of here now."

Raph stood up with me in his arms, his hand brushing my bare back. I squeaked and tried to cover myself even more. Raph chuckled and looked down at me with a smirk, "Don't worry Minx, I think ya look hot."

My eyes widened at his husky voice, I smacked him causing him to just chuckle again. We all got in the van and no matter what I did I just couldn't hold in the sleep that consumed me.


I woke up in a panic before I saw that I was in Donnie's lab, I glanced around and felt my hand get squeezed. I looked down and smiled at the sleeping Raph, his mask was slightly crocked, and his mouth was open, I blinked hard changing my eye color and heard him snoring. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:30 nope now 5:31 am, well now I was awake.

As carefully as I could I snuck out of the lab and to the bathroom, I locked the door and looked in the mirror at my body. I had black fur on my arms and legs with thick black hair on my head, my face and shoulders were dark skin toned same with my thighs. My middle wasn't covered in a dark skin tone as I previously thought, It was just dark brown fur, in the shape of a one piece sweetheart swimsuit that scooped low in the back. 

I grinned and sure enough I had fangs, man my dentist would have a heart attack at these babies! But were did the rest of my clothes go? My jean skirt had ruffles before and my tank top was gone too, maybe . . . only clothes that were pressed against me followed me? I looked over at a towel, well only one way to find out! I wrapped it loosely around me and shifted, I shivered as I shrunk down.(If any Of you have played "Zelda twilight Princess" then you can Kind of imagine her transformation Like what Link does. If that Helps.)

I had to wait a minuet before I could change back and when I did I fell straight on my butt, only pieces of the towel remained. So only things that were pressed close to me would change with me, Cool. I started to smile as I realized, I am not a dog anymore, well mostly, But still!!! I run out of the bathroom and straight in the dojo, there was one thing that I was dying to do!!

I then did something that I haven't done in a long time, Dance. I did ballet, jazz, hip hop and just anything that felt right! I went fast, I went slow, I jumped and crouched I didn't care I just did! It was exhilarating, I felt so light and free! I started to just spin arms down fingers barely touching, slowly working up until they were above my head. I snapped to a stop both arms back and out one leg bent back as well.

I was breathing heavily and smiling when I felt someone watching me, I turned around to find Master Splinter smiling, I am glad you are happy once again little flower! Joyfully I ran over and held him in a hug that he returned, his chest vibrating as he chuckled.

Thank you for still signing to me, It really means a lot. I signed smiling up at him.

He nodded, Would you like to join me for some tea?

Yes please. I smiled back to him as we went to that kitchen and just enjoyed each others company until the others started waking up. Donnie was the first one up and immediately took me to the lab, I giggled as I saw Raph still asleep on the table. Donnie smiled at his brother and sat me down on the other table running me through a few tests.

We found out that I could still change from dark Lilly to dog and silver dog, but that my senses were more heightened as a dog then a girl. That was okay with me less of a head ache, I could also still change my eye color and hearing. 

"Okay, I am wondering if this is all you can do or if you can shift into. . . well into the old lilly?" Donnie said looking curious.

I frowned, "I don't know, maybe, how would I do that If I could?"

"Probably that same way you shift into your other forms, uh how do you shift?"

"I just think about what I want and it happens. Sometimes when I blink really hard my vision changes without me knowing or when I have hiccups my body changed too." I shrugged.

Don nodded, "Well we've seen that happen with your emotions too, like you went metallic when you were angry." 

I thought hard and closed my eyes thinking hard about my old self, I felt my self grow colder, "Well that is new, not what we wanted but still cool." Donnie said amazed.

I peaked my eyes open and looked down surprised, my body was completely covered in silver. even my hair was silver. I looked around and noticed that my ears and tail were gone along with the fur, I was now a silver human, "Oh great I'm the tin soldiers' sister."

Donnie bit back a grin, "Well it's a start, and you don't look that bad, at least your ears and tail are gone."I smiled up at him and he chuckled, "Wow even your teeth are metal!"

I chuckled evilly, "Now I can have some fun with my dentist!"

Don rolled his eyes, and shook his head remembering something, "Oh Serina set these out for you, she saw how uncomfortable you were last night, so here."

He handed me a army tank top and jean shorts, before turning around giving me some privacy. I changed and patted his shoulder with my metal hand, I frowned, "Hey Don I'm decent but, I can't seem to shift?!"

He turned to me, "It's probably because it's a new form, your body is just trying to get use to it. If you want to shift I suggest doing it slowly." He cautioned.

I nodded and took a few breaths, shifting ever so slowly back to dark Lilly, my ears and tail came back along with my fur. I looked back and giggled, "It's a good thing Serina has a tail, she probably wouldn't like the new hole in her jeans if she didn't."

Don blushed slightly and smiled, "Well at least we are getting somewhere with this, I call today a success."

"Yeah, Don do you think I will be ever able to see my mom again?" I asked looking down, my heart hurting.

"You know you could go and see her now if you wanted to. . . but I understand what you mean." He smiled and put a hand on my knee, "Hopefully with practice we will be able to unlock more abilities that will help you with that."

I smiled up at him, "At least I can do one thing."

He cocked his head, "What's that?"

"This!" Grinning I grabbed him and held him in a hug, "I've missed giving you guys hugs, thank you Donnie for all of your help."

He chuckled and stood up hugging me back, "You are very welcome 'little' sister."

I huffed and pushed away from him, "You guys just won't let that go will you?"

I walked to the door as Don chuckled, "Nope I don't think we will."

"Thanks Don," I looked over smiling at the out cold Raph, "Thanks Raph." I left and went into the kitchen, my stomach trying to over throw me. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and started to eat it as I watched the others from my position, my eyes golden.

Teddi and I had made up and she was crouched on the top of the couch playing a game with Mikey her tail twitching as she and Mikey moved their bodies as if that would make there characters go faster. Mikey jumped up and stood button mashing along with Teddi in their intense game of Super Mario Bro.s Brawl (Not Mine!!).

Leo and Venus sat side by side Meditating on the other side of the room, trying to see if they could meditate with distractions going on. Venus sighed and muttered something making Leo sit up straight a red blush flashing on his face.

Serina was about to go into the lab when she turned around, pink dusting her face, "Keep Your voices down please, Sheesh Venus, control yourself! I have super ears here!"

Venus smirked and with her eyes still closed, "Says the girl with the tight shorts and tube top, did you need Don to do something for you?"

Serina blushed bright red and went into the lab adjusting her top, Leo tried in vain to hide his smile. But I saw his little finger intertwine with Venus's. I smiled, man Venus could be quiet mean if she wanted to be, I thought as I put my bowl away in the sink.

I turned the water on and was about to wash them, when my sides were suddenly poked! I yelped out and turned around one hand over my beating heart, Raph smiled, "Yep yer still fun ta scare." He said chuckling.

I huffed and rolled my eyes, "Ha Ha very funny Raph." Shaking my head I turned back around and started to wash my bowl, I squeaked out as he wrapped his arms around my waist his head resting on my shoulder.

"Ya know what?" He whispered tilting his head to kiss my jaw, "Ya still owe me a date." I took in a shuttering breath as his breath tickled my ear.

Oh two came play this game, I smirked and continued to wash, "Well I have been kind of busy, besides," I shrugged and turned the water off, "I don't really remember why I wanted to go in the first place. . ."

Raph growled, my smile widened as I set the bowl aside taping my chin, "Now what was it? Oh Yeah!" I turned around in his arms and smiled up at him. I slowly ran my hands up his toned arms, feeling his muscles tense. Raph froze and watched me, his face slowly growing dark. My hands found their way behind his neck, I leaned in at the same time as him. Centimeters away I smirked and pushed him away, making him stumble into the table surprised.

I laughed, "I may be fun to scare, but you are too fun to tease!"

He grumped and looked away angrily, I giggled and walked over to him lifting his chin up so that I could looked in his eyes. I switched my eye color so I could see better and then back to gold with a smile, "Raphie?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" He answered gruffly.

"Your face is red." He huffed and stood up straight folding his arms.

"Tsk! Yer fault!" I giggled and had the urge to hug him so I did, "Whoo what is this fer?" He asked hugging me back.

My heart swelled in happiness, "You Raphael are a very good guy! Thank you for being you, you never treated me different and. . . I just. . . Thanks Raphie." I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek.

He smirked, "Hey ya missed." He leaned in, I shook my head and pressed my finger to his mouth.

"No I did not you silly turtle." I escaped his grasp and went towards Mikey and Teddi, I stopped at the last step and turned to look at the smirking turtle, "Raphie?"

"Yeah Minx?"

I grinned, "That's Three."

I walked away as his face frowned in thought 3. . . 2 . . . "HEY!!" He yelled out, grinning I ran over to the couch.

(Well there We go jewels!! Did you guys figure it out? :D  How was that? It wasn't too bad was it? I hope I didn't ruin it. . . was the krrang writing okay for you all or should I just do something else?? Oh and I have been wondering Is that how you spell Krrang?? Or is it Krang, I've seen both ways. Well comment and let me know what you all think!! Thank you guys!!!)

(SPOILER: Next Chappy Is A Cute One!!!)

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