The Secret Trio Movie

By AtomicKaijuSlayer

10K 284 174

Summary: Dan Phantom (from Danny Phantom's the ultimate enemy), NomaRandy (from Randy Cunningham 9th grade ni... More

Dan Phantom's Return
Evil Jake Long's Return
NomiRandy's Return
Guys Bad News
The Trio Meet: Part 1
The Trio Meet Part 2
The Wrath of A King
Striking A Deal
The Power of the Trio Pt 1

The Trio Meet Part 3

841 26 4
By AtomicKaijuSlayer

Danny and Jake struggled carrying the unconscious Randy up the stairs to the roof, where the others were.

"Ya know" Jake said straining, "for a guy thats light on his feet, he's heavy".

"Right" Danny agreed, also straining.

When they reach the top of the rooftop, they threw Randy to the side and sat down.

"Oh my god, what happened to you guys" Sam asked.

"Don't ask" Jake said exhausted.

Meanwhile, Theresa was checking on Randy.

"WHY'D YOU KNOCK HIM OUT" Theresa exclaimed.

"YOU KNOCKED HIM OUT" Sam exclaimed.

"We didn't knock him out" Danny said.

"Yeah he ran into a door" Jake said.

"There's ecto signature on his face" Tucker said.
The girls stared at two of the trio.

"Rule number one of taking someone out" Jake said with tick marks popping up on his face, "... ALWAYS GET RID OF THE EVIDENCE".

"Tch... whatever" Danny said not really caring.

There was a groan behind them.

They all turned around and saw Randy sitting up, holding his head.

"What'd I miss" Randy asked.

After half an our of explaining, Clockwork appeared, and said, "There's trouble going on through out the Ghost Zone, we need to leave now".

They all got up until Jake said, "Wait can we make a quick pit stop".

"Fine where" Clockwork sighed.

"Trixie, Spud, and Rose's house in my dimension"

"Very well" and with that, they disappeared.

'At Spud's House'

Spud was asleep, dr about him finally going out with Stacy, and gaining magical powers.

"Sure babe I'll carry you on my back" Spud said in his sleep.

"Spud wake up" Jake said shaking Spud.

Spud shot up saying "Huh... wha... dragon up".

"Spud it's me" Jake said.

"Oh hey Jake... who are they" he said pointing to the strangers in his room.

"I'll explain later, c'mon" Jake said.

And with that they were gone.

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