Kuai and Zuko 2 [ON HIATUS]

By irishloveoftx

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[ON HIATUS] After finding his mother in the Fire Nation town of Hira'a, Zuko runs into an old love, Kuai. How... More

Prologue: It's Been Two Years
Chapter 1: Aren't Big Fans
Chapter 2: Because I'm the Firelord
Chapter 3: But Never Fear
Chapter 4: AGH! Why did I look?!
Chapter 5: It's just...
Chapter 6: If You Stopped Interrupting
Chapter 8: Since When Do You Wear My Mask?
Chapter 9: Oogies Saved Me
Chapter 10: Do Not Speak To Me Of Respect
Chapter 11: I-I Did It-t
Chapter 12: I've Been Summoned
Chapter 13: Should I Be Honored?
Chapter 14: It's Not Your Fault
Chapter 15: Oh My Gosh, Yay Yay Yay!
Chapter 16: We Need To Leave Now
Chapter 17: Pointy-Hat Guy Told Me To Get You
Chapter 18: Their 10 Year Wedding Anniversary
Chapter 19: She Seemed Happier to Tell You
Chapter 20: I'll See What I Can Do
Chapter 21: Where's My Daughter?
Chapter 22: It Was Just a Nightmare

Chapter 7: W-wait...What?

85 9 3
By irishloveoftx

As the platypus-bear came nearer to them Zuko made his fire get larger. Kuai had waterbent some water from the bucket and was using a form that she made up herself. The platypus-bear roared and swatted at Kuai, who dodged and attempted to attack it back but it was pretty much useless. It defended itself from the water. Zuko attacked and it cowered away and let out some sort of scared shriek. 

Kuai: Zuko stop!

Zuko: What? It was attacking us!

Kuai: But didn't you see how scared of your fire it was?

Zuko: Oh, um, yeah.

Kuai walked up to the still hiding platypus-bear and went to pet it, but it flinched. She tried again and it let her. She found a collar on it.

Kuai: Zuko, it's an escaped circus animal.

Zuko: That's why it's scared, then.

Kuai: We should take off it's collar and feed it. Maybe after that it won't bother us.

Zuko: What food do we have for it, though?

Kuai: That tree up there has some fruit on it, can you climb up and get some for it?

Zuko: Why me?

Kuai: Because you scare it, and I'm keeping it calm.

Zuko: Fine.

Zuko awkwardly climbed the tree, got two of the fruits, and then tried to climb down, but he fell with a thud.

Zuko: Ow.

Kuai: Cutie, are you okay?

Zuko: Yeah, I think so.

Kuai: Not good at climbing trees, huh?

Zuko: Shut up.

Kuai: Wow, harsh. Come here and give me the fruit.

Zuko: Okay.

Zuko walked over to her and got on his knees next to her (she'd been sitting criss-cross as she pet the platypus-bear). He handed over the fruit and watched her carefully feed the platypus-bear. 

The platypus-bear finished eating and quickly ran away from them both. Kuai giggled and looked over at Zuko. He was staring at her. She let out one last shy giggle and then frowned as she stared back at Zuko.

Kuai: What's wrong?

Zuko: You're beautiful.

Kuai: Oh...*blushes* Thanks.

(I know what you're thinking...strange of Zuko to say stuff like that. Whatever, it was cute!) Zuko placed his index finger under Kuai's chin, lifting her face up to look at him. Kuai smiled before his lips went to hers.

The kiss lasted awhile before Kuai broke from it.

Kuai: It's pretty dark, we should get to sleep.

Zuko: I guess so...

They went back to their stuff and laid down. Zuko wrapped his arms around Kuai and she rested her head on his chest. They both went to sleep.

8 hours later, a tiny earthquake woke them up. They both flinched and crawled to the tree behind them. The earthquake stopped and Toph walked out in front of them laughing.

Toph: Hey cuddle bunnies! I'm hungry, go get some food.

Zuko: No.

Toph: Have you forgot *waves hand in front of face* I'm blind?! I can't see to get food.

Kuai: Have your student's go get food!

Toph: Can't do that with you out here. I don't want them seeing you and being stupid enough to try and fight you.

Sokka came through the trees.

Sokka: Toph? What are you doing?

Toph: Oh...nothing.

Sokka: It sounded like you were guilt tripping them into doing work for you.

Kuai: Yeah! That's what she was doing!

Aang comes through the trees.

Aang: Seriously, Toph? I know you can climb trees. And you could use earthbending to see if the tree has fruit on it or not.

Toph: Fine, I'm being lazy. I don't care.

Zuko: I care. I hate doing work for you!

Katara comes through the trees.

Katara: Could you people act your age please? You're acting like five-year-olds fighting over who has to clean a room.

Sokka: *points to Toph* She started it!

Katara: I don't care who started it!

Kuai: Guys, stop it, we seriously do sound like little kids. And Katara is being like a Mama Hen.

Katara: Oh no, not that nickname again.

Aang: Again?

Toph: Cool, another thing I can call you.

Katara: UGH!

*2 Days later*

Kuai woke up on the ground next to Zuko, who was fast asleep. She grinned and then started shaking his arm.

Kuai: ZUKO ZUKO ZUKO! Cutie, wake up!

Zuko: Five more minutes!

Kuai: NO. It's time to wake up and eat breakfast.

Zuko: *groans* Whyyyyyy?

Kuai kissed his cheek.

Kuai: Because I said so.

Zuko: One more and I'll get up.

Kuai: Nope.

Zuko: Fine then.

Zuko turned on his side, back towards her. She couldn't see it, but he was smirking.

Kuai: Ugh, okay.

She bent over and kissed his cheek again.

Zuko: It's a miracle! I'm awake!

Kuai: Cutie, you're weird.

Zuko: I know.

Kuai: Happy Early Birthday.

Zuko: Same to you...um...

Kuai: What?

Zuko: I can't figure out a nickname for you.

Kuai: Aww, that's okay. It's hard since I already took Cutie for you.

Zuko: I'll figure one out, I promise.

Kuai: You know what we should do for our early birthday?

Kuai held Zuko's hand and looked up at him.

Zuko: What?

Kuai: Let's go out for some tea.

Zuko: Sure.

Kuai: We should tell the group where we're going so they don't think we've been kidnapped.

Zuko: Okay.

Kuai and Zuko walked towards the school. Kuai stayed hidden by a nearby tree as Zuko walked in to tell the gaang they were leaving.

Zuko: Hey.

Katara: Zuko? Why aren't you with Kuai?

Zuko: Oh, um, she wanted me to tell you guys that we're going to get tea and-

Sokka: Oooo yay! I need some tea this morning.

Zuko: No that's not what I-

Aang: Tea sounds good to me.

Zuko: Guys I'm trying to say that-

Katara: As long as you don't make it this time Zuko.

Zuko: I'm not trying to be rude, but could you guys shut up and listen?

Toph: Sorry Sparky, these three are famous for interrupting.

Zuko: Kuai and I are going to get tea...alone.

Sokka: Well why didn't you say something?

Toph: He was trying to, idiot!

Katara: Why did you need to tell us, though?

Zuko: So you guys wouldn't send a search party out for us.

Aang: Makes sense.

Sokka: Have fun buddy...but not too much fun. *grins*

Zuko: Shut up, dude.

Zuko walked out and met Kuai behind the tree. They walked into town for their tea date. They ordered their tea and sat at a table waiting.

Zuko: I hate that I have to leave so soon.

Kuai: Me too. But like you said, your Uncle probably wants you there tomorrow.

Zuko: Yeah.

Kuai reached over the small table and grabbed Zuko's hand.He squeezed her hand and then looked away, probably thinking about who knows what. Then Kuai let go of his hand, somewhat disappointed. Five minutes later, a waiter came out with their tea and gave it to them. He winked at Kuai, then walked away.

Zuko stood up quickly, kicking his seat behind him and walked in the direction of the waiter. He grabbed his wrist to turn him around and stared into his eyes with anger. The waiter wasn't scared like Zuko wanted him to be. He was just confused.

Waiter: What?

Zuko: I could knock you out right now, you filth.

Kuai: Zuko stop!

Kuai walked up to Zuko and put her hand on his shoulder.

Kuai: It's not like he could steal me away from you, Cutie. He's got no chance with me.

Waiter: Hey!

Zuko let go of the waiter and turned to Kuai as the waiter sarcastically brushed himself off.

Zuko: You sure?

Kuai: Yeah. *kisses Zuko for 3 seconds* You get jealous too easily.

Waiter: Please, no PDA in the shop.

Kuai: Please, no winking in the shop. (note the sarcasm)

Waiter: Out. NOW.

Zuko: GOOD.

They walked out of the shop and held hands as they walked on the side of the street.

Kuai: You're so cute.

Zuko: Isn't that why my nickname is 'Cutie'? *looks down at Kuai*

Kuai: Yeah.

They kept walking, Zuko not taking his eyes off Kuai...meaning he wasn't looking at the road beneath his feet.

Kuai: Zuko.

Zuko: What?

Kuai: Watch out for that rock.

Zuko: What ro-

Zuko tripped but Kuai caught his arm and prevented him from falling on his face.

Kuai: That rock.

Zuko: Thanks.

Kuai: Any time.

*9 hours later*

Aang: Come on Zuko, it's time to leave.

Zuko set down his bags.

Zuko: Five more minutes!

Zuko ran off to the trees and found Kuai. He kissed her deeply for the five minutes he asked for before Sokka dragged him away. But he held Kuai's hand so she was dragged along with them.

At Appa's feet, they were released from Sokka's grip. Kuai kissed him one last time.

Kuai: I love you, Cutie.

Zuko: W-wait...What?

Before he could say anything else Kuai had run off nervously.

Katara: Zuko it's time to leave.

No response.

Sokka: Zuko, now.

Zuko: Uuuuuhhhh....

Aang: What happened?

Zuko: Gaodjemofeojcmjoapodfeiwcj

Katara: That made no sense.

Sokka: Come on buddy.

Sokka pulled Zuko onto Appa's saddle as they flew away.

Zuko: Sh-she said...

Aang: What did she say?

Zuko: And I didn't get to say it back...

Katara: What? Did she say 'bye' and you didn't?

Zuko: She said...she loved me.

Sokka: And you didn't say it back? Man she's probably oceans deep in tears right now.

Zuko: No, she ran off without giving me time to reply...on purpose.

Aang: So she didn't want to know what you thought?

Katara: How do you feel about her Zuko?

Zuko: I...I love her too.


A/N: Hehehehehehehe...cliffhangers.

AND OH MY GOSH.......................................SHE SAID 'I LOVE YOU'?


Who knew Zuko had feelings?

Wow, my harsh words there.

It's so beautiful and sad at the same time.

Anyway, stay tuned for some Zuai action!!!


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