
By Alexdaily

43.3K 399 21

Jesse Glynn Reigns. The undefeated 42-0 junior division boxing champion. She dominants making sure no one get... More

Jesse Glynn Reigns


2.3K 26 0
By Alexdaily

It was 9:50 and I seen everyone walking down the hill. I stood watching them with my sunglasses on, my hands in my jacket pocket, and my title on my shoulder. Everyone was finally here and I waited until it was actually 10 to start.

"Boxing isn't always about punching. It's about strength. You can know how to box, but not have muscles and get knocked out, or you can have muscles and not know how to box and you can lose by pulling the wrong move getting yourself disqualified. If you can box and have muscles then your the total package and every other opponent will target you."

"What are you?"

Roman asked.

"I'm good enough."

I said and everyone laughed at Roman. He just smirked.

"Today you're gonna test your strength. This course contains every type of workout ever. It's so extreme not even some of the greats could finish. If they did it took almost an hour to complete it."

"How long did it take you?"

Dean asked.

"Five minutes. Superstars on track one divas track two. John by me."

They all moved. John gave me a high five. I got out the bull horn.


I yelled blowing the horn they took off.

"Wanna get popcorn and wait for them at the finish line?"

I asked John.

"Lets do it."

We went getting popcorn and then got on the four-wheeler and drove to the finish line. We sat waiting.

"You really finished this in five minutes?"

"Yeap. Being short and small benefits in alot of ways."

I looked at the clock and it was at 36:45. I stood up and looked to see everyone stopped.

"What are they doing?"

I looked and someone was on the ground.


I yelled and ran down the hill.

"What happened?"

I asked and saw it was Brie.

"The wheel rolled on her ankle."

"Everyone step back."

I bent down and looked at her ankle.



"Bring the four-wheeler and fast!"

I heard it start.

"It's not broken. It's maybe a sprain, but I'm gonna give you some ice. It may swell so stay off it for a couple of days."

"What about the camp?"

"Forget about it. I'll explain everything. "

She smiled nodding. John came and I helped her up.

"Take her in. There's ice packs in fridge so she can ice her ankle."

He nodded and they took off. I looked at everyone else.

"You got less then 10 minutes to finish."

I said and they all took off. I went and looked at the wheel. I moved it. There is no way it could have just rolled by itself someone had to push it.


I turned going up the hill. I turned looking back at the hill at the wheel. I turned back around.

"What's wrong? "

Nikki asked. I turned walking back down to the wheel. I lifted and pushed it. Everyone followed me.

"This wheel didn't just move on its own. I just can't figure it out. "

I growled throwing it down. I ran a hand throw my hair.

"Just go back in and use the bags. Just wrap your wrist and don't put on gloves. I'll be there in minute. "

They all walked up the hill. I looked at the wheel.

"You sure someone pushed it."

I turned seeing Roman.

"I don't get it. The wheel can't just roll over if it's laying flat."

I put my hands in my pocket and kicked the wheel.

"You're suppose to be punching a bag."

"You're not suppose to be taking your anger out on a tire. You can break your foot."

"Why do you care?"

"That's just who I am. "

I looked at him.

"Well you and me are two different people. "

I said walking up the hill with him right behind me. I saw everyone punching a bag. I went over to Brie.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I don't even know how it happened. "

"Me either. The wheel couldn't have moved because it was laying flat. The only way is if someone pushed it. Is there a diva who is stuck up and think she's better than everyone?"

"Besides my sister?"

I smiled.

"Eva Marie. She's something. "

"I'll remember that. "

I looked and saw Nikki and Eva standing off.


I yelled running over.

"What's going on here?"

"I'm about to shove my fist down her throat."

Nikki said.

"Oh please."

Eva said. Nikki tried to get ahold of her, but I held her back.

"Nikki go get a drink and chill out. Eva go back to punching a bag. Next time if something like this happen you'll settle it in that ring going twelve rounds."

Nikki went getting something to drink sitting down. I looked at Eva who was with Summer Rae smirking. I rolled my eyes and went getting my bag from my car. I changed and walked back out wrapping my hands.

"What the hell are you doing!"

I yelled at Dean and Seth. They both froze and looked at me.

"He did it."

They both said pointing at each other.

"Both of you 50 push ups."

They both dropped down. I walked around helping people out and watching what they did. I went over to Roman.

"If you keeping holding your hand like that it will break faster."

I got it turning it.

"Keep it that way. You won't have to use much force."

He nodded and continued punching the bag. I went back over to the divas side.

"Hi Jesse."

"Hi Natalya. "

I smiled at her.

"Am I doing this right?"

Yeah, but lets put one more roll of tap on your hands."

I got the tap and wrapped her hands up.

"That to tight?"

"No it's fine thanks."

She smiled. I smiled back and went looking at everyone. I got the black tape and wrapped up my wrists.

"Alright you can stop. Grab a pair of gloves."

I said and got a drink and timer.

"I want the divas in the front and superstars behind them. "

They all moved. I looked and Summer was first.

"Summer you're up."

She got in the ring. I swung and punched her. She screamed falling.

"Again. You're suppose to dodge not let me hit you."

She nodded and I helped her up. I swung and she dodged it this time and swung hitting my arm. I nodded.

"Take your hands and stand like this."

She nodded doing it.

"Now instead of swinging like that swing like this so you can get more of a face shot then an arm."

She nodded. We tried it and she got it right just barely hitting me in the head.


She got in and I swung she dodged it and tried hitting me, but I moved tripping her and out her in the striker.


She cried out. I let her go and helped her up.

"That was pretty good. You grasp things easily don't you?"

She nodded.

"Little bit."

"Keep it up."

I told her and she got out the ring.


I said and she got in.


I said and we started sparring. She put me in the pto, but I got out going for the striker. Before I could completely get it she rolled out the ring. I smiled. I went to the edge and gave her a fist bump.

"Natalya. "

She got in.


I asked and she started. She punched me in the nose and it started bleeding.

"Jesse I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. It's not the first time it happened. You actually did great."

She smiled and I went cleaning my nose. I got back in and Nikki was in the ring waiting.

"Champ against champ."

She said.

"Lets do it. "

I said and we started.


She yelled. I helped her up.

"That was at least three rounds we just did."

She smiled. We fist bumped and she got out the ring. Eva Marie was the last diva. She got in.


I asked. I didn't wait for her replie and punched her. She fell.

"You're not ready."

I said and she got up. I swung and punching her in the nose making her fall. She growled getting up. She swung and I dodged it. She swung again and I ducked moving behind her. She turned around and I punched her in the nose. I tripped her and put her in the striker.

"All you have to do is say one word. "

I said and pulled tighter.


She said and rolled out of the ring. I wiped off the sweat and I had blood on my tape. I felt around and by my eyebrow it was busted open.

"Shouldn't you get that looked at?"

Dolph said getting in the ring.

"Lose the gloves. "

Was all I said and we started.
I looked and Roman was the last person. He got in the ring and looked me. I had blood and sweat all over me.


I said and we started.

We went back and forth throwing punches at each other and it hurt like hell. I finally got him down and put him in the striker.

"I'm not saying it."

He said trying to get to the ropes. I tried pulling him away, but he kicked me and I fell hitting my head. He got up and came helping me up. I walked passed him and managed to get him back in the striker away from the ropes.

"Say uncle."

I growled.


He growled. He tried getting up, but it never worked.

"Fine uncle. "

He said and I let him go. I got up and helped him. I looked at the time. We had five minutes left.

"Okay. Now I want three laps around the building and then you're done."

We all walked out and they started running. They all finished.

"See all of you tomorrow. "

I said and they said bye. I went back in and went to the sink putting cold water on my face. I got my towel and wiped it off. I went to a bag and started punching it.

I looked at the clock and it was 9:30. I went getting in my car driving home. I made it and went straight to my room. I sat my bag down and Brody was in my bed sleeping. I went to my bathroom showering. I put some ointment on my cut and put a bandage on it. I turned off the lights and climbed in the bed with a sore aching body. I closed my eyes.


"Yeah bubby?"

"Just seeing if you were there."

"I'm here."

I said kissing his forehead.

"Go back to sleep."

He laid closer and I closed my eyes falling asleep aching.

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