Love Differences {under const...

By That_Fan_Girl_

13.3K 508 54

Join blossom, bubbles, and buttercup while they face their greatest challenge yet! High school. With the rowd... More

Powerpuff Girls in Highschool
New kids or new toys?
BubbleV is back
Wait what?
Now what?
Textes and Questions
I need you
Good and Bad
Plays and Confessions
Quick Note
The Brute a Brat and everything Berzerk
I Hate You Please Love Me
Say Something
Over and Over
Born This Way

Locked Away

246 12 4
By That_Fan_Girl_

Brute smirked and faked a laugh, "Are you worried about me?" She asked as he scowled and folded his arms. "No. Not one bit." "Better not." Blake mentally facepalmed, he played right into her hands. Typical Women. "Now come on, let's blow this place and hit the club." Blake huffed and nodded. "alright Brute."

They walked the bar, the music was blasting loudly, sweaty bodies collided with one another, and drunk people with flustered faces swayed around just waiting to throw up. Brute adjusted her spiked bracelets and stuck out her tongue again. "Come on Blake lets get some beer." Walking closely to his new friend, Blake tried his best to control himself. Why? Because they was an extremely hot red head boy staring at him. He had blood red eyes, short hair, and a killer smirk. Brute tugged as her arm that was now being taken away from her because fucking Blake was clinging onto her  like a child. "Blake come on," she groaned pulling him harder like a dog on a leash. Blake just continued to stare at the other red head until he vanished into the crowd.

Brat groaned. Being in a bar right after a hang over wasn't helping her mood. But Blossom tried her best to cheer up the blond. "Come on Brat, let's dance." She smiled giggling grabbing brat's arm tugging her gently. The blond scowled but went anyway. Mostly cause she didn't want to be hit on by any guys. Buttercup was sipping her beer as someone sat next to her. "So you come here often?" She scowled and turned to the voice. "Boomer what the hell are you doing here?!" She scowled as he ordered some vodka. "Well, (one shot), I realized why not get drunk, (two shots) and being the asshole I've become, (three shots) why not bother you in the process." He smirked and the raven haired girl rolled her eyes. "Stop flirting and or eye raping me. It's gross and wrong." She growled as Boomer toke another shot. "Well ButterBitch, we both know you could care less if Blossom found out we fucked." "Dream on Blueberry." "Pets names I see..." He smirked and ordered three more shots. Buttercup blushed and out of the corner of her eye, he was looking at her with such compassion and lust. And God strike her dead because she was doing the same thing. But the green girl refused to fuck with Boomer, she just got her sister back. "Piss off Boomer." She concluded. Boomer chuckled and passed Buttercup a shot. "We both know that's not going to happen."

Bubbles stared at him, his smirk, his eyes, his lips. Everything about him screamed horn dog. But she was too drunk to care. "I could take you here and now." He smirked and folded his arms. "Then why don't you?" She giggled. 'Oh shit... What did hell am I saying?! Butch would kill me!' She thought but her common sense was out the door. The boy in front of her chuckled and whispered to her, "Because my angel, I want this to be slow, painful, and me in 100% control." Bubbles didn't understand what he meant, sex maybe? They continued to drink and his hand made it way toward her leg stroking it lightly. She shivered under his cold hand. "What's your name?" She asked him. "Breaker." He whispered lustfully in her ear. The things he would do to her, but his plan was just beginning.

Berserk waited in front of the bar. Wearing a pink button up shirt showing some cleavage, short shorts with fish nets tights, knee high boots she might have borrowed from Brute, and her screwed up ribbon. She twittered her thumbs around, Dexter was 20 minutes late. Did he stand her up? Is he in trouble? Was this all a joke? She scowled at her thoughts. 'Nobody stands me up!' Finally after another 10 minutes passed, she went inside alone. Pissed and angered to the core. "'That flicking asshole stood me up! No call nor text! Who does he think I am?! Some prostitute?!' Slamming her hands down on the bar table, startling some drunk people, she growled out, "Two bottles of Vodka. Now!" The bartender smirked and handed her the bottles. Which she drank like she was out in the dessert for a year. "Not very lady like are we." Berserk wiped her mouth and looked at the person talking to her. He had blond hair, agua eyes, and a white wrist band. "Shut up Faggot." "I'm quite straight, but what the hell happened to you?" He asked drinking a martini. The red head rolled her eyes taking another swing, "Why do you fucking care? Last time I checked people shouldn't stick their ass in someone else's shit." The blond snorted and replied, "I believe it's called nose." "I don't give a fuck about noses or asses, just leave me alone!" She screamed. "What's your name?" He asked unfazed by her command. She groaned loudly. This was going to be a long night.

Brick walked around, he had a ripped muscle tee on his built body, saggy skinny jeans, his hat backwards, and looking for someone to fuck with. Instead of finding a guy. He saw Bubbles talking to some guy. They were sitting really close but in the dark light he couldn't see much. But he knew it was Bubbles. He just knew. "Bubbles!" He yelled walking over to her. Her expression got a bit tense as the red head sat next to them. "Hey Brick." She smiled slapping something away. "Why do you look all jazzed up?" She laughed as Brick rolled his eyes. "Okay one, you're already drunk, and two I'm trying to get laid. I thought maybe I can try being myself for once." "By getting laid?" She giggled. "Do you want to help me find a guy or not?" "Guy?" The voice of the other male next to bubbles asked. "Yes a GUY. Got a problem with that?!" Brick scowled angry how this douche bag interjected. "No not at all. My brother is gay and I'm attracted to all genders." He explained as Brick's eye lite up, "Want to fuck?" He asked making Bubbles gasp. "Brick you can't just ask someone to fuck with you." Breaker smirked and shock his head. "I'm afraid not, I'm not planning to have sex today." Brick pouted and rolled his eyes, "worth a shot. Well I'm gonna go find a fuck buddy, also don't try anything on Bubbles. Drug her, touch her, even make her angry in the slightest way, I will find you." He said and walked away. "And I will kill you." He smirked while walking away. Bubbles blushed and Breaker seemed impressed. "I like him, seems legit."

Blake was on his 6th bottle of whiskey. Brute, however, was looking pretty sober. "Come on Brute" Blake slurred wobbling in his seat. "No, I won't have you find some guy you thought was hot, JUST SO YOU COULD MAKE BERSERK JEALOUS." She groaned. Her sister was here, and throwing a really bad tantrum to this blond guy a couple seats down. Of all bars why this one? Blake pouted as someone tapped Brute's shoulder. "Hey Brute-y~" she tensed and saw Bubbles. Her face flushed and looking not so sober. Again. Of all bars WHY THIS ONE. "B-Bubbles!" She stammered as the blond smirked and ran a hand through her own hair. "You know, I never thought it would be you to kiss me, cause like, we're besties and whatever, but... Dear god brute you're a lesbian?!" She yelled grabbing onto Brute for support. "I- I wanted to tell you bu-" "I mean first Brick comes to me saying he's gay! Next you fucking kiss me! And now I'm drunk as hell!" She yelled and laughed at the same time, Brute's eyes widen. She should've known, everyone goes to sweet and innocent bubbles for advice or some support, but nobody gives her anything in return. "You know, I'm fucking glad I'm drunk, I won't fucking remember any shit! So you can all pack your fucking tears and your crap bags and just leave me alone!" "Bubbles wait!" Brute yelled when Bubbles waked away. "Sorry, she's got better company than you." Said a voice Brute refused to believe. "B-breaker?" She whispered. She turned to Blake, who's seat was now empty. She was alone, sober, and afraid. She smirked and grabbed her bottle of vodka. "Let's change that shall we?"

Blake was looking everywhere for the red head boy. He was drunk  and horny. Great. Someone grabbed his arm out of nowhere and pulled him close. He struggled until he saw who was in front of him. The red head. "H-hi..." He stammered as the boy smirked. "I see you're excited to see me." Blake blushed harder. "I was... I just wanted to..." The red head lead Blake toward a private room, "come on now, don't be shy..."

Berserk ended up lightening up after a couple bottles of Vodka, and the blond guy she's been speaking to was named Bash. "You have GOT to be joking!" She laughed as the equally drink boy shook his head no. "I'm serious! I caught Blake dressed in a maids outfit jacking off!" He yelled as they burst out laughing. "To be honest it was kinda hot but the dick ruined it." Bash snorted and Berserk shook her head. "How I would kill to see that." She giggled. Bash shrugged as the girl sighed. "I remember this one time Brute and I dress Brat up like a bunny on Halloween once. She looked so adorable, until some asshole stole her candy and called her a baby. He didn't see the light of day again." She grinned as Bash looked at her astonished. "Did you take his candy?" "Oh yeah." He laughed and fist bumped her and she returned the laugh. "I'm so glad that asshole stood me up." She laughed as Bash rose a brow. "You were stood up? That's not very nice." She shrugged and showed him a picture of Dexter. "His names Dexter. He didn't even bother to text me." "Oh my god girl tell me everythang!" Bash snapped his fingers making the red head giggled. "You're stupid." He smirked in return. "Here's my number, so call me maybe?" Berserk sang passing him a paper with numbers on it. "Sure." He laughed typing it in his own phone. "So what's this I hear about Breaker?" She asked him as the blond shrugged. "He's just a horn dog looking for a good time. Not much to say about him." "Has he ever had girlfriend?" She asked and Bash thought. "Yeah actually, but she left him when he cheated on him." "What was her name?" Bash thought hard. And then snapped his fingers, "her name was Viscous."

Blossom and Brat returned from the dance floor only to find Buttercup gone and note saying, "Had to leave early, soccer game tomorrow." Brat scoffed and Blossom shrugged. "She does take sports very seriously." Suddenly both of they're phones rang. "Hello?" "What do you something happened?!" Blossom yelled widen eyed. "OH MY GOD IM COMING." Brat screamed. They both ran outside only to see some of they're superpower friends. And enemies. Blake with messy sex hair, Brick with hickeys and sex hair, Berserk with a bottle of half empty vodka, and Bash who was half sober. "Where's the rest of them?" Bash asked looking around. "We'll explain on the way!" Blossom screamed running toward her car, "but Blos-" Brick started as Brat screamed at them. "Just get in the fucking car!" Squeezing in they sped off to the hospital. "What happened!" Blake yelled who was driving. "Bubbles happened!" "BUBBLES?!" They all screamed confused as hell. "Look, Brute saw Bubbles take off with some guy, DONT ASK ME WHY SHE FUCKING CALLED BUTCH, they found them in his apartment, and I don't know WHY but fucking Butch started a fight, Bubbles and the other guy got seriously hurt and Brute is dying!" The silence surrounding was thick like cement. The crying of Brat's sniffs where the only thing they could hear.

Bubbles cheated on Butch....

Brute was dying...

And Butch had gotten arrested.

A/N: HEY GUYS DRAAAAMAAAA. I love this book and updates coming soon! Comment if you want a sex scene of Brick and Blake. Cause I'm weird like that. anyway more coming soon!!!

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