The Writer's Heartbreak ( com...

By VioletDoge

533K 13.6K 843

"YOU ARE MINE" Blake said. He had his arm around my neck preventing me from escaping. "Get off me you psycho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3- part 1
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27- part 1
chapter 27- part 2
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31

Chapter 3- Part 2

18.1K 479 38
By VioletDoge

(Continues flashback- Danny POV)

"Here's your coffee" I pass it to her. "Thank you." she whispers all to herself, having werewolf hearing I heard it. She timidly takes the cup and sips on it. Silence soon descends over, neither of us knew what to say. I mean what do you say to someone who was going to commit suicide?!

"Introduce yourself you fool!" my wolf all but orders me. "Oh yeah." I mentally replied. Extending out my hand for her to shake "My name is Danny Walker but can call me Danny". She looks to my extended hand and all but slowly lifts hers up to shake it.

"My name is Scarlet Rees but you can call me Scarlet." Scarlet replies with a small smile that somehow manages to tug what's left of my heart strings. I drink in her features, she had light brown hair, green eyes and those plum pink lips. So sad yet so stunning.

"So... What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?" I tried to joke with her. "Ah... Well... Um... I ran away..." she quietly replied.

Suddenly feeling very dumb. "Oh... Well that was a shitty joke." I thought to myself. "Way to make her feel better genius. While you're at it, why don't you ask her also if she's happy with life now too?" my wolf chided me but I ignored him.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but uhm... If I may I ask why? If you don't mind" I stared at her hoping she would tell me, but that's just wishful thinking. She doesn't know me, she not going... "Well seems you already know I'm going to commit suicide. I might as well tell you. Ha ha" she laughs but I knew better than to take her words seriously. I know she isn't bluffing.

"It was really one of those prince and the pauper moments. Only in this sad tragedy. The damsel doesn't' get the prince. It was like every other day nothing special. I was walking back from the market in the evening, down the street to my home until this amazing scent hits me.

It smelt of fresh pine and mint. It smelt so intoxicating that I could get lost in it so I followed the heavenly smell. Halfway through I found where that intoxicating smell was originating from, it was coming off from my alpha.

The alpha was my mate. I was starring in so much love and awe at that moment. Someone like me not even of a beta line or gamma was mated to someone like him and my wolf was screaming in my head like a mad woman in heat "MATE, MATE!" she chants.

I stood there frozen still with my many emotions bubbling in me. He hasn't seen me yet because he too like how I was just moments before was locating for that same intoxicating scent.

The moment the scent ended on me, his eyes soon follows and lands on me. I felt the fire blazed through my whole body as he stares at me like prey. He probably felt the same as I too so shamelessly drink in his whole appearance like a thirsty man to water. He looks at me with that same intensity of love and care I was also projecting at that moment. Everything was sealed. It was like we were looking into each other's souls. I could feel our bond forming and our wolves calling for each other. I never felt so alive at that moment. It was amazing I could feel the sparks erupting all over my body and we haven't even touched yet. I was so happy I finally found my mate. My other half. I was swelling up with joy.

Everything else faded into the background and we the main stars. Only him and me. We were just standing like that for a few minutes. I was greedily taking up his features, burning every detail into my memory even... Strong jaw line, short dirty blond hair, his pink lips and most of all. Those blue orbs of his. They were the deepest blue I have ever seen.

Like an open book I saw everything through the window of his eyes.

Love, lust, happiness, excitement but it didn't last long...

All of a suddenly, his features changes into hate, anger and disgust. Such strong negative emotions. I was confused and taken aback on what just happened and why he was suddenly disgusted with me. His own mate.

The whole time we were staring at each other I haven't once noticed his was with his group. Figures they would around him. They were after all the popular kids to both human and wolves.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks...

I'm a nobody.

His friends notice me starring at him and told me to get lost. They didn't want a loser like me near them it would ruin their image. I was frozen, I couldn't move it was like my feet were glued to the ground.

"Mate, I'm your mate..." I spoke barely above a whisper but they all heard me.

Blake snapped out of his daze and his whole body was shaking violently like he was having an internal battle with his wolf. I ignored his friends and approached him. I placed my hand on his arm to try and calm him and his wolf down, but he only pushed me away and send me falling to the ground.

"You are no mate of mine. You're a loser, a weakling and you have no titles! You are not fit to be my Luna! You'll bring down my pack and my pups must be of strong blood or they will be looked down upon and continuously challenged for the Alpha title or even worse the whole pack!" Blake snarls.

With every word that came out of his mouth broke my heart. My tears started to fall "Please mates are supposed to love one another..." I said sobbing.

By now you can see people gathering around to what's all the commotion about. He sees the damage he made and flinches but quickly recovers. He just stands there and starts to laugh at me. I was on the floor crying clutching to his leg like a life line telling him I'm your mate.

"I Blake Bennett, Alpha of the Bennett pack will not accept you Scarlet Rees as my mate. I reject you, your wolf and the bond." he spits with so much venom in his words.

He and his friends continues laughing at me. To make it worst by him rejecting me he poured his green slushy all over me and proceeds to throw the cup at my face. "Your're pathetic I can't believe the goddess would be as cruel to put me with someone as ugly and weak as you." he says. I couldn't really see from the tears coming out but I was surrounded by his friends and they start to kick me from all directions. Calling me a liar, slut and a power greedy whore. The bystanders did nothing. I wouldn't expect them to. Nobody wants to cross the alpha and get the same punishment as me but still...

My wolf was howling away in agony and I was shattered by the betrayal and pain. Getting kicked will never compare to the deep seeded betrayal I felt. I got up as they stopped sticking and push my way through the crowd. I clench my teeth through the pain, hearing the enamel chip. I quickly ran away from his rejection and their cruel laughers. I could see it on their faces. Some were looking at me with pity, some of hate and jealousy and others looked at me like I was some lying slut trying to lure Alpha for the Luna title.

Once a safe distance away and the adrenaline subsiding the pain comes rushing in both mentally and physically. I slowly limp into my room and lay on my bed and cry. "I can't do this alone, where is she? Please I need you here. Don't leave me alone." I sob.

I couldn't hear my wolf crying anymore. She just shuts herself out of my mind.

"Please don't leave me! Not you too! Amadahy I can't lose you too not now of all the time! You selfish bitch come back here!" I scream out! Hours of crying to my losses the darkness finally greets me and saves me from my pain.


I hid in my room for almost 2 weeks now. The knocking on the door I ignore it. Too shameful and guilty to open it and face them. Soon not long after they start pounding on the door and calls my name. Still I ignore them. As the time got longer they start to worry and threatens to break down the door if I don't come out this instant. I pull the covers over to hide. The news will travel but somehow they still don't know because if they did the door would have been shattered long ago.

I needed to leave, I can't stay here anymore. I'm going to be the laughing stock to my whole pack. I did nothing but they will ruin me and my family. I'm going to bring shame once the other packs knows about this.

I can already see them calling me names. It plagues me just like my mate and my wolf.

Slut! Whore! Title stealer! Lier! Power stealing bitch!

I took out a piece of paper to write to my family but I realize if I do they're going to think I'm pathetic because even my mate doesn't want me. I crumpled the paper and started grabbing my necessities and all my cash.

With everything set, I take one last look at my room and the life I use to have. I jump out of my window and land on my legs.

Shit that hurts!

I shake off the pain, after the endless pain from the rejection this pain I manage and run towards the forest. I tried to shift but nothing was changing. I kept trying but I didn't change. I tried calling for my wolf again but all I got was bitter silence.

"Please I know you're hurting but so am I. I need you right now don't do this to me." I beg at my wolf but still only met with silence. Fine be like that you selfish bitch.

I'm assuming the rejection caused her to retreat and with how our pack and probably my family will treat us now once words spreads to every wolf. She's going to further retreat into my mind closing off everything, but selfishly leaves her pain and sorrow for me to deal with it.

Without my wolf I couldn't go far. I ran on foot for what felt like hours until I was tired and my foot numb. I finally reached the train station. I needed to get out of my pack's territory or they'll find me and bring me back. I hop on the train and gave one last look to the place I once called home.

After 9 hours I got off the train and started walking in nowhere in particular. I have nowhere else to go, limited resources and cash to keep me going, how am I going to survive?

At that moment consumed with a rush of negative emotions, I just didn't care anymore. I lost my pride and dignity, my wolf, my home, my family everything and even my mate saw me as unworthy... I felt really useless.

I don't know how long I walked until I stumbled to the front door of a café. I walked to the corner of the café and sat down. Not even caring to buy anything and just cried my heart out. I don't have anything to live for. There's no point in me living, I'm going to write a letter to HIM telling him how I'm sorry I'm not the mate he wanted and that I won't be a bother to him or anyone anymore and then kill myself.

Blake this is going to be on your conscience forever.

I wrote my letter and that's when you showed up" Scarlet said.

I was speechless not only was it because she was just rejected and furthermore humiliated and she didn't even do anything to this douchebag. He doesn't deserve her... His lost. She looks like such a sweet girl. Any guy would be lucky to have her. Idiot didn't even see what he was going to lose all because she wasn't of any titles. Bull crap!

"The goddess doesn't make mistakes. He's a fool to think you are weak. You are special in your own way. He will regret his foolish decisions and by then it will be too late. You don't need him, and worst of all you don't need to tell him shit. He doesn't deserve your tears let alone die for him so you can send him a message. You don't owe him anything!" I told her honestly.

She starts to tear up again "But I am weak. I trying to kill myself here. I'm not strong..."

"Hey don't cry" I said. I took both her hands in to mind. "He's a fucking dumbass to not accept you. I may not know you long but I do know that you're beautiful, talented, and smart and you're going to be an amazing person in the future. It's not end of the world for you and I know I will be there with you every step of the way. As for your wolf give her time to cope, it's probably just her defense mechanism you know." I lamely said.

She looks at me to see if I was lying but my face and words spoken was all honesty. "But what if my wolf doesn't come back? And plus I barely know you besides your name." she says.

You're right you don't know me...

Her face falls.

"So let me clear that up so I can be you're friend and suppost ok." I said. She looks up at me and I became serious "Let me tell you my story now. Who knows maybe it might help me to better know me and maybe shed some light on your situation. How bout it?"

She nods her head at this.

"Ok here goes, Scarlet my mate rejected me to be with her boyfriend many years ago. I know it sound bloody cliché and you're most likely gona think I'm lame or trying to pick you up because well I would probably think the same if I was in your shoes."

She chuckles. Glad to know I don't suck that much. Anyways... I continue to tell her about what happened and more about myself.

"Could this be a sign form the moon goddess saying that we have a second chance to have and love and happiness. I know it's farfetched and I know you are coping but I believe in the goddess and maybe this could be it?"

"Danny I'm so sorry about your mat...." I interrupted her "I don't care about her anymore it happened many years ago and I had no one to help me. I'm not saying to open up everything to me suddenly. I know we just met and all. Let's just start as friends and work up from there. As for your wolf IF she does not come back I won't shift as well until she returns." I squeezed her small hands and stared into her eyes. They were tearing up. "Don't cry Scarlet, I don't want to see you cry you'll get through this and I'll be there every step of the way" and I engulfed her in to a hug. She hugged me back just as fiercely. "Thank you." scarlet said.

"No... Thank you..."

(End flashback)


Hey readers,

So i read it again and re edited it again cuz god I suck then hahaha. hope its somewhat better now.

What do u think of the story?



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