You belong with me

By yolokidworld

26.3K 1.4K 193

Karlie Kloss is a freshman, yet she's pretty popular. The reason is her girlfriend: Toni Garrn the most popul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

2.1K 98 24
By yolokidworld

For angels to fly
To fly, to fly
Angels to die

"Ed! Seriously, this is amazing!" I have tears in my eyes. He blushes lightly. "Thanks Tay! It took me 2 weeks till I was perfectly happy but now I am actually proud of it. But it means a lot to me that you like it. Let's hope the jury likes it, too." I smile: "They would have to be deaf to not like this!" Ed laughed: "What are you planning to perform?" "I don't know it yet. Cover a song? No. Sing one of my own songs? Mhm I don't think they're good enough to be performed in front of hundreds of people yet. They are so personal. So I'll probably write a new song." "You're songs are always great so I'm sure you'll come up with something great! Just let your heart speak", he says. I nod. "Taylor, I'm really sorry but I have to go back home because I promised my Dad to help him with the car. Something's wrong again..." "No probs Ed! I've got homework anyways. So I'll see you tomorrow?" The redhead smiles: "Yep. Bye Tay!" "Bye!"

I'm sitting in my room and doing my homework when I see her. Karlie sits in one of their chairs in their garden, crying. Her eyes are red and a little bit swollen. It looks kinda gross with all the tears and ruined make up but I can't help thinking that she's the most beautiful creature on earth. I try concentrating on my homework but I give up pretty fast. What is wrong with her? Why is she crying? I want to hold her and tell her everything's going to be okay even though I have no idea what's not okay. Has someone died? Is she in any kind of trouble? Is she fighting with Toni? My heart jumps at this thought and I feel immediately guilty. If I really loved her I'd want her to be happy no matter what. But I can't help but think that she would be happy with me. I realize how stupid that thought is. Toni Garrn is perfect in every single way possible - how on earth could Karlie Kloss be happier with me than with her? I have no idea why or how but I find myself walking through the door outside. I stop walking and feel really stupid because now I'm standing 10 meters away from a sobbing Karlie Kloss. I've just decided to go back inside when the crying girl noticed me. "Taylor?" I freeze at her saying my name. I turn around and look at her. "Yeah?" "I.. I don't know... that's so stupid but - can you come over, please?", she asks interrupted by sobs. I hesitate. Is that really a good idea? But she's my crush and when your crush wants you to come over, when normally she doesn't even speak to me, at least not more than the occasionally greetings and if I'm lucky some small talk, you come over. So I find myself sitting in a chair in front of a still sobbing Karlie Kloss in her garden. "So um... is something wrong with u?", I ask mentally kicking myself for saying some shit like that. "I - it's complicated. It'll take a bit to explain that. Could you probably hold me?" "Ah.. uhm.. yeah I guess." What's wrong with you Taylor? She stands up from her chair and sits down in my lap. It's kind of weird cause she's even though she's a freshman taller than me. It's kind of uncomfortable and I don't know what to do so I just pat her a bit. She starts crying again. "Shh.. everything's going to be okay! I swear. Come on Karlie. Don't cry!" Wow Taylor you're great at this. Now she cries even more then before. "It's Toni.", the brown haired girl blurts out. "What?", I asked confused. "I'm crying because of Toni!" "Wait why? What did she do?" "I was texting Cara today after school and we wanted to go to the cinema tonight and Toni asked me about who I'm texting and I told her and she got incredibly jealous and accused me of cheating on her! Like I would cheat! And that wasn't even the worst part! She wasn't worried about getting hurt by me cheating on her. No her problem was that her parents would have had invested money in me for no use. Like I'm a fucking investment?!" She starts crying again. Really hard and really wet and with all kinds of sounds. I start stroking circles with my hands on her back. As a reaction she relaxes a bit. "That was awful from Toni! You're a great girlfriend and you would never cheat on anybody and she's an asshole for not knowing that. You're not an investment or something like that you're the most perfect human being on earth and I think Toni appreciates that not enough. You deserve something better!" Or someone. She looks at me: "Do you really think that?" I nod. "You're not just saying that to make me feel better?" I shake my head: "Karlie, you're so fucking beautiful seriously! You're smart, kind, funny and caring! Toni is probably the luckiest girl on earth. Everybody wishes they could have someone like you." Oh my god what am I telling her? I'm basically just saying that I wish I could have her. I just hope she doesn't get it and sees it as a friendly compliment. Everything Karlie does is giggling. "What?", I ask confused. "I just thought about 'Someone like you' by Adele. Can you sing it for me?", she asks pleading. I tarry a bit. She has stopped crying thank god and even though her make up was completely ruined and she was basically a mess, she still managed to look stunning. "Pleaaaaase?" I sigh.

Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead.

She smiles. "That was incredible. You're an amazing singer Taylor!" I blush. "Thank you Karlie. This means really a lot." "I love that song. Toni says it's shit but I really love it." Toni. Karlie should just dump her. Right now. Over the phone. I don't care how she should just do it. "I like it, too. Adele is really awesome!" We both smile at each other. Then the taller girl says: "It's actually sad that we don't hang out more. Like - we should be friends! We are neighbors!"

Let's be friends so we can make out!

What the fuck Taylor? What is wrong with you? Why did you just sing that like come on! Say something to save this! "Uhm that was Emily Osment. Uuuh that was kind of creepy. I'm sorry. If you still want to be friends with me - I would be really happy..." Karlie laughs. "Again your voice is amazing! That was not creepy it was awesome. I like that song, too. The lyrics are really interesting. You'd like to try it?" My head explodes. "What???" "I'm kidding Taylor!" She laughs hard. "But what about 'I kissed a girl'? Ever did the lyrics?" What is going on. I try to think about something good to say but everything sounds kind of weird so I try the truth: "Uhm actually ah I... I've never kissed anybody." My face is red. "That's interesting." Really? That's everything she says? "Ahm yeah..." This is awkward. "Karlie! Dinner is ready!" The brown haired girl jumps up. "That's my mum! I have to go. Thank you for comforting me. You're really nice and I'm glad we're friends." "Yeah me too. So I'll see you tomorrow." I stand up and walk to the fence that divides our gardens. Just the moment before I'm in my house again I hear her calling my name. She gestures that I should come to the fence. "What?", I ask about 3 meters away. "Come here! Closer..." Our faces are 50 centimeters apart and I'm looking into her amazing green eyes. She stares at me and I'm really wondering what she's going to say or do. She licks her lips and in the very next moments her lips are on mine. It only lasts for about 5 seconds but those are probably the best 5 seconds of this summer or of my entire life. She smiles at me turns around and walks towards her door. "What was that?", I shout after her. "I like you and since you've never been kissed I wanted to be your first. I never got the opportunity to be someone's first kiss. Bye Taylor!" Really? My body is shaking. Somehow I manage to walk to my room and lay down on my bed. When I finally fall asleep I have sweet dreams.

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