Breaking For You *|A Niam Fan...

By Belle33_NIAMshipper

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He watches him. And every time he does, his heart does a little leap. He looks away, hoping he didn't notice... More

Chapter 1: Strange Feelings
Chapter 2: What Are You Talking About?!
Chapter 3: My Little Snowflake
Chapter 4: Silence Is Sometimes A Good Thing
Chapter 5: Worst Day Ever
Chapter 6: It's A Start, At Least
Chapter 7: Some Saving Needed While Complications Arise
Chapter 8: I Guess I'm Happy For You (Some Larry)
Chapter 9: At Least I Got It
Chapter 10: A Mistake?
Chapter 11: All Touchy-Feely (Larry)
Chapter 12: Tear-Stained Lips
Chapter 13: So Sick Of It
Chapter 14: I'd Never Let You Go
Chapter 15: You what?
Chapter 16: I Love You, Too
Chapter 17: You're Beautiful
Chapter 18: Carnival Fun (Part 1)
Chapter 19: Carnival Fun (Part 2)
Chapter 20: Carnival Fun (Part 3)
Chapter 21: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 22: Cupcakes With Icing On Top...This Should Be Fun
Chapter 23: All Tingly Inside
Chapter 24: You Just Don't Understand
Chapter 25: F**k You, Louis
Chapter 26: I'm. Not. Jealous.
Chapter 27: What The Bloody Hell?! (Some Larry)
Chapter 28: I'm Yours
Chapter 29: This Aching Feeling
Chapter 30: Same Mistakes
Chapter 31: So. Much. Confusion.
Chapter 32: I'll Always Love You
Chapter 33: He's Torn
Chapter 34: Far from alright
Chapter 35: Delusional
Chapter 36: The Ice-Breaker
Chapter 37: Simply Niam
Chapter 38: Unexpected
Chapter 39: Anything But Normal
Chapter 40: We Have Each Other
Chapter 41: I See Life In You
Chapter 42: Something Good
Chapter 43: Home Is With You
Chapter 44: Pancakes, Oatmeal, And a Muzzle
Chapter 45: I'll Give You All My Love (Some Larry)
Chapter 47: Three Little Words

Chapter 46: Nice? More Like Amazing

8.7K 200 98
By Belle33_NIAMshipper

I feel awful for making you guys wait a whole damn month :( I apologize for that it's just life's been pretty depressing right now (which will explain this awful chapter due to writer's block)  I hope you guys aren't too mad so I won't make you wait any longer :)

Also, I've decided to not add the recap in this one since I've read a few comments asking if I could not put them up. Do you guys want me to remove the recaps in the other chapters? because I've been thinking about it. Just tell me what you think in the comments section and if you guys want me to I'll remove them if it benefits to you and newer readers :)

WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content. If you don't like it then don't read please.


Harry's POV

It was such as nice day out. Apart from the fact that it was cold. And windy. And also how the sky was painted with dark was nice.

Okay I guess the only reason it was nice was because I got to spend it with Liam. It'd been a while since just the two of us had hung out and it was nice.

I'm positive that even by the end of the day the only word I'll have used to describe it is 'nice'.

I also had to make sure that Liam didn't ask anything about why we had been pushed out the door so quickly. Though, I was pretty sure he already knew but I wasn't about to assure his confidence in it.

"Want to get some coffee?" I offered, speaking first between us while shivering in my overcoat. Liam shivered equally beside me and looked over through kind eyes.

"Yeah. That'd be nice." He responded.

I snickered mentally at that and smiled at him. I nodded towards the coffeehouse that was just down the block and he took breath of air. From what I could tell, a few cars were parked in front and I could detect the faint smell of coffee as it wafted through the atmosphere.

We continued walking along the sidewalk, just listening to the way he wind ruffled our coats, when I snuck a glance at Liam. I found that he was smiling dreamily at the ground and couldn't help but smile myself. I leaned over to nudge him playfully with my elbow and raised a brow when he looked up before giggling.

"Watcha thinking 'bout?" I said, chuckling at the way his cheeks immediately went pink.

He bit his already red lips and sighed. "Niall..."

I studied his face; taking in the way his eyes sparkled with love, how his cheeks flushed just a bit more, and the way he continued to stare off with a big smile on his face.

I gave him a gentle smile. "You two are definitely perfect for each other. A whole lot of whipped but...adorable all the same." I told him, feeling pleased with how happy my friends were together.

Liam let out a soft laugh and shook his head. "When you put it that way it sounds so cheesy."

I rolled my eyes. "Well...cheesy is good sometimes, yeah? I'd think cheesy could be the best way to put it with all that we've been through. In fact, cheesy sounds delightful. Like pizza. Pizza is soft, warm. A little bit like heaven. But if you burn the crust black, add a little to much sauce, and drown it with pepper've got a rotten pizza. And nobody wants a rotten pizza. Unless you're willing to fix it up yourself. Then you'd have to be a spectacular chef to be able to pull off reversing the effects of a rotten pizza--"

Liam cut me off with a laugh. "Are you comparing my relationship with Niall to pizza?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Well...why not? Pizza is good. Niam is good, innit?"

He snorted. "I s'pose it is then. But for your information, we're more like a slice of warm, cinnamon apple pie."

I raised a brow as I stared at him. "Yeah? How so?"

Liam snuggled more into his coat for warmth. " pie is chewy, soft, sweet--"

"Like pizza." I interjected.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Pizza is not sweet."

I shrugged and muttered quietly. "It is if you add pineapple..."

Liam sighed. "It's just something cinnamon-y, alright? Warm yet crisp at the same time. Sure, at first it can turn out a little gooey and tangy, maybe seeming like it doesn't mix right, but once ye let it blends together well."

I allowed my eyes to roam his face as he finished. His eyes were doing that dreamy, lovey-dovey look they'd done a few seconds ago. Because of that, Liam was unaware of the empty can on the ground and nearly tripped over it when I managed to grip the back of his coat.

I set him back upright and patted his back in amusement from the surprised look on his face.

"Be careful, mate. Could have cracked yer skull of it weren't for me, eh?" I laughed out loud when he shot me a dirty look. I ignored it and tossed my arm over his shoulder. When we reached the coffee-house, I dragged him inside with me and we began play-fighting all the way in.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Liam's POV

I don't remember the last time it was that I had a good cup of warm coffee. I inhaled the familiar scent and relished in the way the warm steam rose up to caress my cold cheeks.

Harry, who sat across from me drinking his own cup, gave me a curious look. I ignored him and continued to take small sips, considering the coffee was fresh and still hot, before inhaling the aroma every few seconds.

Harry slowly set his cup down onto the table all the while watching me with a funny smile. He folded his hands together and placed them beside his cup on the table. I pulled my cup away from my lips to give him a strange look.


He shrugged nonchalantly, his eyes darting around the surrounding tables, stopping at one for a second, before returning them to my face. I stared at him.

"Harry, why are you giving me that look?" I asked, confused.

He smiled wider. "No reason."

I huffed grumpily and resumed to my cup of coffee. I swallowed after my third sip, letting out a contented groan, when a snort came from Harry.

I shot my eyes over to him and frowned. "What?"

Harry laughed. "To be honest, mate, with the way ye keep sniffing that coffee and moaning every few seconds I'd thinking you'd be willing to shag it. Unless you're just very pent up inside and can't wait to get home because if that's the case then everyone else would agree. Like 'em lads over there."

I felt my cheeks go pink and turned my eyes left to where he indicated. Sure enough, two older men sat there eyeing me with curiosity and amusement. One was raven-haired, the other brunette, and when our eyes met, the raven-haired man winked at me.

I shot my eyes over to Harry all the while sporting a deadly glare when he started laughing again. He shot his hands up in surprise and opened his mouth to speak when the words got caught in his throat. I stared at him, wondering if he was testing me to see if I'd be stupid enough to look at what he was looking at when a deep, very masculine voice spoke beside me.

"Hello there, mate. We were just wondering if you were enjoying that coffee of yers? You seemed to be enjoying it quite a lot there."

I looked up to see the raven-haired man standing at the end of our table watching in amusement at me and Harry. I snuck a glance at my band-mate and I noticed the way he smirked at me. I swallowed, knowing he was about to say something utterly stupid and embarrassing, considering he's Harry, when I spoke before he could.

"Actually, yes. I was--am enjoying this coffee. It's cold outside, the coffee is warm. It tastes like vanilla and caramel. I like vanilla and caramel. So yes. I am enjoying it." I replied, a bit sassier than intended. Louis taught me well I s'pose.

To add to the effect of my suddenly sassy behavior, I picked up my cup of coffee, not even caring that it was still hot, before taking one big, long drink. I nearly sputtered at first the moment the hot liquid met my tongue but I forced myself to not choke.

I triumphantly set the half-empty cup back down onto the table and wiped my upper lip of the remaining traces of coffee there. I looked up to find Harry staring at me with a wide-eyed expression that hinted with a bit of pride in it, before looking at the two strangers.

The raven-haired man let out a chuckle when I looked at him. "I can see you're enjoying it very much regardless of how hot it was since I could see the steam rising from it. But that's your choice, eh?" I felt my cheeks inflame more at his words and could see from the corner of my eye how Harry was enjoying this..

"I like you. Yer a funny lad, now aren'tcha?" The brunette one, a bit shorter than the other, said to me. His eyes were twinkling with humor as he stared at me.

I could still feel the way my cheeks were on fire but I shrugged at the compliment. "Erm...I guess."

This time Harry didn't hold back from his laughter and shook his head at my actions. "Ay, mate. Don't feel bad. We're all odd at times."

I was about to retort something when I was cut off by the raven-haired man. "I agree with me boyfriend, Will. Yer funny, the boy of ye. We were just watching you lads and thought to each other that we'd like to introduce ourselves. I'm Steven."

I could feel my interest rise immediately once he said that and heard Harry speak. "Just fer mates, yeah? It isn't because we're famous?"

Harry was raising his eyebrow skeptically at them, looking to be serious, perhaps to them he did. But, knowing him, I could see the humor in his eyes. I bit back a smile to play along with him. I gave them a curious look, waiting for their response.

Steven's eyes widened. "You're famous?"

A feeling of relief went through me at his and I was about to speak when Will beat me to it. "Steven! How could ye forget these boys?! Of course their famous, ye prat! Good gracious fer all things merciful!" He exclaimed.

Just like that, a look of recognition and knowing went across Steven's face. A large smile plastered itself onto his mouth and he couldn't help but seem embarrassed. "Oh yeah...from One Direction? Sorry 'bout that, lads. Caught me off me rocker today, aha."

I shook my head. "That's alright, mate. It's not like we expect to come out and wonder if everyone knows who we are. We jus' came out to get some coffee is all."

Harry nodded in agreement. "Yeah. And as you both witnessed, Liam really loves 'is coffee."

I gave him a stern look and he shrugged. Steven and Will both laughed and that's when the shrill beeping of a ringer went off. I frowned  a bit at the sound and watched as Will pulled out his phone. Steven gave him a disapproving look and smiled apologetically at us.

"I know what you're thinkin'. I've been trying me self to get 'im to change the damn ringtone but he doesn't listen." He let out a chuckle when Will stuck his tongue out at him and began typing away on his phone.

"Which is the precise reason why I stand firmly t'keeping it."

Steven sighed and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend, snuggling him into his chest. I couldn't help but feel a warmth of affection for both boys since they reminded of me and Niall. It was strange really, kind of like deja vu.

Will leaned into Steven's touch as he pushed his phone into his pocket. "That was our friend, Paula. She was jus' wonderin' when we were about t'head back." The shorter boy looked at Steven and he nodded.

Steven looked at us and reached over to shake both of our hands. "It was nice meeting ye both. You're all a bunch of nice lads and I hope you guys continue doing great."

"Tell the other boys hello for me, yeah? That'd mean the world!" Will said happily as the two started towards the exit. Me and Harry waved at them until they were out of our sight before looking back at each other.

Harry smirked. "That was...interesting."

I purposely flipped him off and reached over for my now cold coffee. Harry pouted playfully and mimicked my actions to reach over for his coffee. We continued to sip our drinks until we both finished and I set aside my empty cup to reach into my wallet for a tip.

Harry began stretching in his seat as he watched me. "I thought they were both cute. Especially that Will guy. Don't tell Lou, though. He'd be furious if he heard me say that." He joked.

I smiled. "Yeah. I'll admit they were attractive but not more than Niall." I could feel my heart swell just from mentioning his name and my smile widened to a bit, goofy one.

Harry reached over to smack my arm and jolt me from going any farther into my thoughts of Niall. "Don't you dare daydream on me now. We still have four hours left before we have to go back. How am I s'posed to entertain you until then if your off an' about in yer own world, eh?"

I raised a brow. "We have a time limit?"

Harry froze for a second. " I didn't say that."

I wiggled my finger at him. "You practically did, mate. Why do we have to be back in exactly four hours? Is Niall planning something? Did he tell you do take me out for that specific reason?"

Harry clamped his mouth into a thin line. "I refuse to answer anymore questions until I have my attorney present."

I laughed. "Harry--"

"Come on, Li!" He instantly jumped up to reach over and pull me with him. I wobbled for a second and barely had enough time to hold my balance before Harry began dragging me out of the shop and out to the cold air.

"We have four more hours to spare and we're going to use 'em!"

I sighed in exasperation. This should be good.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Niall's POV

*3 Hours*

"Ah fuck." I heard Louis curse across the room followed by a thud to the floor. I looked over just in time to see Louis frantically stomping on the lit candle that fell and mentally rolled my eyes. The idiot.

"Louis!" I crawled off the bed from where I had been placing white rose petals on top of the sheets and rushed over to help put out the candle. It wasn't that big. Louis was just lucky it was a small flame otherwise I would've murdered him from ruining my plans.

Louis gave me a sheepish grin once the fire was out and I frowned at him. "I think I can handle lighting the candles. We're almost done anyway."

He sighed. "Sorry 'bout that. I was just....daydreaming."

I smirked at his blushing cheeks. "About Harry?"

His cheeks turned a shade redder and he scowled at me. "Keep that up and tomorrow you'll be daydreaming about what could've been of your special night."

He gave me a sassy look before turning on his heel and heading out the door towards the stairs. "If you need me I'll be busy fixing up the dinner!" He called out.

I shook my head, unable to contain the smile from my face, before I bent down the pick up the fallen candle and placed it back on top of the dresser. I let out a breath of air and turned back around to head towards the bed where a pile of untouched petals sat. I'd been using them to make a heart-shaped image on top of the bed. Unfortunately it looked more like a deformed oval with cleavage.

I bit my lip as I tried to fix it while my mind began to wander to Liam. I wondered about whether Harry broke and told him my plans and about how Liam would react. If Harry so much as uttered a sound about it I would break his groin.

I carefully moved a few remaining petals to spread them across the pillows for effect and of course smell because they smelled good. When I was satisfied with how it looked, I stood off the bed to admire my work before remembering that I had yet to get the necessities we'd need before and know.

I went over towards my bag to open one of the zippers and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. I went over to place the items into the bedside drawer and went back towards the bathroom to get a towel.

Okay, so maybe I'm being a bit too prepared but I want this to be perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Once I placed the towel in the same bedside drawer, a thought crossed my mind. Were Harry and Louis this prepared for their first time? Did they know what to do? How to do it? And that's when another thought crossed my mind.

My eyes widened. "Bloody hell what am I supposed to do?"

I mean, to be honest. I was no virgin. I've had my fair share of shagging a few girls in the past. But guys? I'd never done it with another guy before. What exactly are you even supposed to do?!

I could feel the panic begin to rise in the pit of my stomach. No. I couldn't get sick and chicken out. I promised Liam. He confided in me that he was ready and I was ready as well. It's just...I had spent all this time preparing for something I didn't even know about.

I swallowed thickly before I quickly dashed out of the room and down the stairs. As I entered the kitchen, I found Louis chopping up some ingredients on the counter while boiling some water. He looked up to smile at me when he noticed my panicked expression.

"Niall? Are you okay?"

I went over to sit on one of the stools as he wiped his hands on a dish towel. He came over to stand beside me and rubbed my back in comfort. I buried my hands in my face and sighed.

"What am I going to do, Louis?" I whispered.

Louis gave me an odd look. "What do you mean? We've just spent three hours decorating your bedroom so you and Liam could--"

"I know that. But that's not what I mean. I meant what am I going to do when we get to that point?" I asked him, looking up through pleading eyes. Louis stared at me for a moment, trying to catch on to my meaning when a small smile lit his face.

"Are you really asking me to explain how to have sex, Ni, because I don't think I'm the right person to ask when it comes to that." He teased playfully.

I groaned and dropped my head to the counter of the island. "Louis...come on. Help a mate out. I'm serious. What are you supposed to do? I did you and Harry do it?"

This roused a loud laugh from him. "So now you want me to describe my first time with Harry, eh? Very courteous, Niall."

I tossed him a cruel look.

He sighed and continued rubbing my back. "Okay, okay. Sorry. I'll just...the best advice I'm going to give you is to just go with it, Niall. Don't be nervous. I can guarantee you that when that moment comes, you're going to know exactly what to do. Just remember that Liam is the one that's going to need to be comforted, alright? You'll be fine. I just know it, Ni. You'll both be fine, okay? Just go with it."

I looked up once more to see Louis giving me a sincere look that lost all traces of humor. He gave me a gentle smile and raised a brow at me. I sighed and sat up to give him a thankful smile.

"You know, sometimes you can be very loud and annoying and just won't shut up." I said to him. He pouted but smiled at my next words. "It's worth it, though, because you give some of the best advice."

Louis grinned and puffed out his chest. "Well of course I do. Since when do I not?"

We both laughed at this before it became silent once again. I anxiously fiddled with my fingers and bit my lip. "So do you really think it'll just...come to me?"

Louis smiled down sweetly at me and ruffled my hair. "Trust me. It will."

With that, he went over to continue with the food by chopping up some vegetables and adding spices. I watched him for a moment before getting up and helping him. When I went over to the pot on the stove, I found that it was spaghetti he was cooking and looked over at the stuff he was chopping up.

"It's for the salad." He told me, giving me a 'duh' look. I rolled my eyes but decided that I would be making the dessert. I went over to the fridge to take out some strawberries and found Louis giving me a strange look.

"It's for the dessert." I snickered, mimicking his words. He chuckled and resumed making the salad. I decided I would make chocolate covered strawberries. Liam loves strawberries and I love chocolate so why not?

For the next hour it was just the two of us cooking. Louis had finished the salad already and was now fixing up the spaghetti. I was busy whisking a bowl of white chocolate to drizzle it on top of the strawberries that were currently in the fridge. It took 30 minutes for them settle.

I was just about done finishing whisking the white chocolate to where it had no lumps when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I wipe my hands on the dishrag beside me before I reached down to pull it out. When I checked the caller ID, I saw Harry's face popping up onto the screen.

I pressed talk. "Yeah?"

Harry's voice came out quite rushed and excited on the other end. "Hey Niall! I was just calling t'see if you guys were done yet?"

I turned around to see Louis already placing out the plates onto the island and he looked up at me. I mouthed Harry and he nodded before resuming his task. I sighed into the phone.

"Er, yeah. We're about done. Why? Where's Liam? You haven't told him anything have you?" I asked with a warning tone. Harry laughed on the end which caused me to tense up.

"No, no. I haven't told him anything, Ni. Have a bit of faith in me would ya? And don't worry about him. He's in the restroom right now so he doesn't know I've called ye. I was just calling to ask because it's almost 6 o'clock. Gettin' a bit tired 'ere." He yawned into the phone.

I glanced over at the wall-clock and my eyes widened. It was already six? Goodness time goes by fast. I ran a hand through my hair and looked around at the mess in the kitchen. I a bit my lip in thought before letting out another sigh.

"Just give me 15 minutes, yeah? Then you can bring him."

Harry agreed and the line went dead. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and let out a long, deep breath. Louis made a few sounds behind me as he moved around.

"We've got 15 minutes? Niall do you expect me to be able to clean this kitchen in 15 minutes? Just look at it!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and cracked a smile at him.

"Louis you're over exaggerating. It's not that messy." I laughed when he glowered at me.

"It will be if ye don't start cleanin' up now." Was all he said before he quickly started the water in the sink and began to toss all the dirty dishes into it. I frowned as I started as well.

I went over to the fridge to take out the chocolate covered strawberries and found that they were done. All I needed to do was add the drizzle and voila! As I did that, Louis was making such a fuss behind me that I was worried he would slip and crack his head.

After I'd finished drizzling the strawberries, I placed them back into the fridge to keep them cool and went over to Louis to dunk the dirty bowl under the water. He was almost finished with the dishes, shockingly, and he grabbed the bowl out of my hands.

"Go fix up the table and put the food there. I'll finish up here. You'd better fix up your appearance as well, mate. I don't think Liam will be too fond of having to clean you up himself." He gave me a sly wink as he ushered me out of the kitchen while handing me the two plates of food. I glared at him as I disappeared into the dining room and put the food down onto the table.

I placed a dome lid over both plates to give it a fancy dinner look before quickly dashing upstairs and into my bedroom. I went straight into the closet to pull out a clean, navy blue long sleeve and another pair of jeans. I didn't want it to be too fancy. Just enough so  that it wouldn't seem like I was taking this lightly.

After I changed, I went into the bathroom to muss my hair a bit and added a bit of cologne. When I was satisfied with how I looked, I went back into the bedroom to analyze it. Everything looked nice and it smelled good due to the rose petals. A small smile came to my face as I walked towards the door. This was going to be perfect.

Before I left the room, I flickered off the light switch and couldn't help but feel a little proud at how well the room looked. With the lights off, the soft glow coming from the candles around the room made it look increasingly romantic and intimate. It made the view of the bed look absolutely gorgeous with the way the velvet sheets contrasted to the white petals. I loved the way it looked and hopefully Liam would too.

Nervousness began to settle in my once more at the thought of Liam. I forced it down and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I carefully shut the door and headed back downstairs to find the kitchen sparkling clean.

I gaped at it. "What? H-how did you--"

"Never underestimate me my dear Niall!" Louis jumped out from behind me to wrap me in a hug. I grunted at the force of his body but hugged him back. He pulled away from me to step back and study my appearance. I swallowed anxiously.

"Do I look alright?" I asked.

Louis studied me for a bit longer before a large grin plastered itself onto his face. He nodded enthusiastically before bouncing back towards me and practically squeezing the life out of me.

"You look bloody wonderful! This is going to be so perfect for you two! I just know it! Goodness gracious I'm so excited for this. I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow just so I can see your flushed little faces to squeeze your cheeks! My lovely little babies are going to finally prove their undying love for one another! This is too perfect!" Louis squealed out, tightening his grip on me.

I laughed at his words as I struggled to get him off. "Louis we are not your babies! Get off, mate! You're cuttin' off me air supply!" I managed to gasp out before he released me.

Louis began to dance around the kitchen like a loopy toddler on drugs while humming madly. I stared at him with amusement as he did this for another two minutes when a light knock came at the door. We both froze at this and I immediately dashed towards the door with Louis at my heel.

I reached for the doorknob and just as I was about to grip it, my fingers shook slightly. I licked my lips nervously as I tried to calm my nerves. It's alright, Niall. You can do this. You love Liam and he loves you. Just open the damn door.

I closed my eyes for a second when I felt Louis sigh impatiently behind me. "Niall, you're going to have to open that door sooner or later without the later. So open it or I will, mate."

I opened my eyes to scowl at him and he shrugged. I shook my head and took a deep breath as I opened the door. Harry and Liam stood there with large smiles on their faces. Harry looked very windblown considering how wild his hair looked while Liam...he looked absolutely gorgeous.

His cheeks were flushed pink due to the cold and his usually soft hair was curled slightly at the ends, a few sticking up. I giggled at the cuteness and his smile seemed to grow wider. I was about to open my mouth to speak when I felt Louis mouth at my ear.

"Good luck, mate. It'll be fine. I know it." He whispered, giving me a friendly wink before shrugging on his coat and stepping outside beside Harry. The two both looked at each other as their twined their hands together. Liam carefully stepped behind them  to stand next to me inside. I could feel how he shivered beside me and I instinctively wrapped my arm around his waist to pull him closer. He smiled up at me through his eyelashes.

I bit my lip and looked at Louis. "Y-you guys aren't staying?"

The two gave me an 'are you serious' look and I flushed from embarrassment. Harry quickly saved me though by mimicking Louis' action and winking at us.

"Nah, we'll be heading over to a hotel for the night. You two have fun." He gave me a knowing look as he and Louis headed down the driveway and towards Louis' car. I stared at their retreating forms when I felt Liam chuckle beside me.

"A hotel? Why are they staying at a hotel? Is it Larry night or something?" He giggled at the last part and I felt my heart squeeze at the sound. I looked at him and held my breath when he snuggled closer to me.

I placed a small kiss to his temple before I ushered the both of us inside and closed the door. Once the lock clicked, the room became increasingly quiet and I turned to him.

" about your jacket?" I offered as I reached over to help. Liam gave me a fond look as I helped pull of the jacket. Uncaringly, I tossed it over one of the couches and Liam shook his head in amusement. I grinned.

"Are you hungry? Louis helped me prepare some dinner and I've made some dessert?" I said to him, reaching down to thread our hands together as I walked us towards the dining room. I heard Liam laugh beside me when he took in the fancy way I made the dinner look.

I smiled. "What? It's spaghetti."

Liam nudged me gently and went over to one of the seats to sit down. He looked at me expectantly and I went over to speak in a bad french accent.

"Your dinner, my love." I cited as I lifted up the dome lid that covered the food. The light steam that rose from the plate wafted through the air and I felt my stomach grumble in hunger. Liam grinned delightedly at me.

"You seem to be the one hungry." He teased as I went to sit across from him and lifted the dome lid from mine as well.

I nodded. "I certainly am." Not just for the food, though. I added silently to myself as I watched him begin to eat. Liam licked some of the sauce off of his lips and I couldn't help but stare at them when he did. I hadn't kissed him yet. Why hadn't I kissed him the moment he arrived?

I smiled brightly when he found me staring and blushed. I decided to quench my hunger by eating as well and that's when the silence began again. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was comfortable. Every now and then we would share small smiles in between bites and Liam reached over to touch his hand with mine that rested on the table.

I felt him brush his thumb along my knuckles, which caused me to blush this time, and he sighed softly. I placed my fork down when I finished my meal, now noticing he'd finished as well, and we sat there. Just staring at each other in adoration and love for who knows how long.

Liam was the first to break the silence by standing up out of his chair and going over to me to lean down and kiss me. It was a gentle press of lips to mine that had my body tingling all over. He smiled down at me before leaning in towards my ear.

I shivered when his lips brushed against it. "How about that dessert?"

For some reason, once those words left his lips I felt hot all over. In certain places, too, that I'm sure you'd know what I'm referring. Without thinking, I stood up suddenly to grip Liam's face in between my hands and pressed our lips together again.

A surprised gasp left his mouth and I swallowed it. Liam groaned quietly when I used one of my hands to sneak it behind his neck and play with the little hairs there. Our lips moved together in sync as I pushed him backward until his back touched the wall. His hands found their way to my back as he gripped my shirt in between his fingers.

"Niall..." He murmured when I pulled back. I rested our foreheads together as we tried to get our breathing even. I looked deep into his eyes and he stared right back. Whatever nervousness I had felt earlier had completely vanished and I felt at such ease just by holding Liam.

"I love you." I whispered, feeling so much adoration for him pour out into those three words. Liam's eyes softened and he leaned forward to brush our lips together.

"I love you, too." He murmured as he trailed his lips across my cheek and along my jaw. I bit back a moan as he did this and pulled his face back to kiss him.

"I have something for you." I murmured, dessert completely forgotten, before pulling my body back to grab his hand once more. An adorably confused look flashed  across his face as I started leading him behind me upstairs. It was quiet save for the light padding of our feet against the floor as we walked.

When I reached the bedroom door, I stopped to glance back at him and found he was staring at me with a  sweet smile. I turned my body around so I was facing him and used my free hand to bring it up and cup his cheek. Liam leaned into my touch automatically while watching me carefully.

"Is something wrong?" He asked quietly.

I  softened my gaze and let out a small laugh. "No. Not at all."

I stared a t him for a few more seconds, wondering if I was going to fast with this considering he just got home not even an hour ago, when he leaned up to kiss my cheek. I could feel the way his lips lingered on my skin as he whispered to me.

"Whatever it is you've planned, I trust you. And I love you."

He didn't pull back as he said this and I shut my eyes when he placed a light kiss to the corner of my mouth. I shuddered when he pushed me back so that my back touched the door. But I hadn't closed it earlier so we fell right through it and to the ground. I let out a grunt when my body came into contact with the floor and Liam fell on top of me.

We instantly both began to laugh and Liam pushed his nosed into my neck while his breath tickled my skin. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head and tried to contain my laughter. He snuggled into me when we calmed down and he lifted his head to look at me.

"That was fun." He giggled. I chuckled and nodded in agreement when Liam's eyebrows rose up in interest. I followed his gaze as he studied the room and was pleased to know that it looked the same as it had earlier. It wasn't like I was expecting something to mess it up  but you can never be too careful.

Liam hesitantly began to stand and I followed him. As I adjusted my shirt, Liam slowly walked around the room all the wall admiring the candles and their glow and the way the bed looked. My mouth opened in awe as he knelt one leg onto the mattress while using his forefinger to gently touch a petal. It was such a light caress, barely there, that if I hadn't been watching so closely I might've not caught it.

He looked up at me then. Eyes full of love and such intensity that my cheeks burned. I couldn't move an inch as I watched him get off the bed and walk towards me. He stood in front of me, eyes searching my face and mouth curved into a soft smile. My breath caught in my throat when he  placed his right hand flat against my chest to curl his fingers and bunch of my shirt to pull me towards him.

Our lips touched for a moment and he spoke against mine. "You're the most wonderful, amazing, loving boy I've ever met. That's why you had Harry take me out today. You were planning this and you had Louis help you." He smiled against my lips and I stuttered.


He shushed me by pulling back and placing his finger to my lips. I smiled at this and he reached down to lace our fingers together before pulling me towards the bed. My heart was beating so hard in my chest that I was positive he could hear it. Once we reached the edge of the bed,  Liam sat down onto it and looked up at me expectantly.

I nearly choked on my tongue when I noticed the mixture of love and lust in his eyes. He bit his lip as he watched me and that's when I realized I should probably do something instead of just stand there like a complete idiot.

I leaned down to capture his mouth with mine and used both of my hands to gently hold his face between my hands. Liam sighed into my mouth and I felt him use his hands to grip at the sides of my shirt. We stayed like that for a few minutes. Just kissing each other lightly and  whispering between breaths when something a little harder than lips or tongue gripped at my bottom lip.

I let out a deep groan as I realized it was Liam's teeth that tugged at it. He took my moment of surprise to pull me down on top of him.  I let go of his face to catch my hands on either side of his had so I didn't crush him.  I brought my head up to breathe and Liam started nibbling softly on my jawline.

"Ugh Liam..." I groaned quietly when he found my soft spot. He hummed against my skin and his hands began to go down my sides until they rested on my hips. He looped his fingers under my shirt and pulled my shirt up until it rested halfway up my back.

Understanding what he wanted, I sat up off of him and pulled my shirt off. As I did this, Liam pushed himself up farther onto the bed while he watched me. I flung my shirt to the ground and kneeled on the bed to trail my fingers along Liam's sides the same way he did to me.

He watched me as I did this and smiled before lifting his arms so I could pull the shirt off. I tossed it towards the same spot I threw mine and  crawled over Liam so he lay down onto the bed. I pressed my lips to his neck and sucked on it lightly, earning a small moan from him. He stretched his neck more so I'd have better access and I took the opportunity to bite his skin, making him hiss softly in pain, before licking the spot to soothe it.

"Niall...please..." He whispered, clinging to my shoulders. I smiled against his skin and  traced my fingers along his chest before trailing them down until they reached the top of his jeans. He shivered when I unbuttoned them and carefully unzipped it. I allowed my other hand to follow suit and trail down his body but I used it to gently grip his hip as I slowly pulled off his jeans.

When they reached his ankles, Liam kicked his shoes off first before his jeans and they both fell to the floor. All that was left were his boxers and I looked him straight in the eye when I touched my fingers to his growing bulge. He bucked lightly into my touch and bit his lip when I pressed the heel of my hand harder onto it. He moaned loudly  as I began to  rub him  gently through the boxers. His eyes shut when the pressure of my hand increased and I  couldn't help but feel fascinated by the way his face scrunched in pleasure.

He reached a hand down to grab my wrist to and stop the movement. I smiled sweetly at him and he directed his eyes down to my jeans that I still had on. I  nodded and was able to kick off my shoes and jeans so I was in my boxers as well. We sat there staring at each other for a moment, unsure what to do when a sudden need to touch Liam all over overcame me.

I decided to use that feeling and placed my hands on top of his thighs to stroke them. He blushed lightly when I did this and I smiled lovingly at him. I bent my head down to press my lips at the top of his belly button. A giggle left his lips but it turned into a gasp when I used my tongue to trace a circle around it. I pressed my forehead against his stomach and shut my eyes to gather my self together when I felt Liam's fingers run themselves through my hair to grip it lightly. He brought my head up so our eyes met and he  begged silently with his eyes. It was amazing how much we understood each other without even speaking.

I bent my head to trail kisses from his belly button and down before using my teeth to tug his boxers down a little. His fingers tightened in my hair and I let the material slip through my teeth so I could used my hands and remove the rest.  Now that his boxers were gone, Liam was entirely nude but it wasn't like I hadn't seen him before.

I  reached up to place a gentle kiss to his lips and while I did, I used my left hand to grip his length to stroke it slowly. He whimpered against my lips as I sped my hand up a little. I  pressed another kiss to his lips to shush him  and used my thumb to wipe it over the slit and this caused Liam to buck into my hand.

"Ahh..." He moaned. I  did it again on every stroke up and Liam's whimpers were what filled the room. I trailed my lips down his jaw to suck a mark on his skin and he whimpered again.

"N-Ni...I' gonna--" Was all he said before I stilled my hand and moved it back up his chest. He let out a breath of relief when I did and smiled up at me. I grinned gently at him and sat up so I could gaze down at him. He blushed as I allowed my eyes to travel down his body but he laughed when I traced my fingers along his leg.

I chuckled and moved my hand so I could reach down and slip my boxers off. Now that I had removed the last item of clothing on my body, I blushed this time when Liam roamed his eyes up and down. He reached up to cup my cheek and bring me down so our lips touched. I moaned loudly at the warm hand that gripped my erection and began to pump it.

When Liam stroked me so that I was fully hard, I accidentally bit his lip which caused him to wince. I pulled my face back to give him a worried look.

"Li, did I hurt you?" I asked him in concern.

A small laugh left his lovely pink lips and I stared at them when he spoke. "I'm fine, love. I actually liked it." He flirted up at me. I rose an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" I said seductively as I brought my face closer to his. He nodded and nipped teasingly at my lower lip. I laughed softly and once more pulled back to place both of my hands into his and lifted them up above his head. Our fingers intertwined instinctively and I gazed down into his eyes.

"Are you sure you really want this?" I whispered, searching his face. Liam gave me a soft grin and squeezed our hands together in response.

"I love you, Niall. I'm ready." He pressed a kiss to my lips and rested his head against the pillow. I bit my lip at the innocent look that shined in his eyes and nodded at him. I pushed my body back up and reached over towards the bedside table where I'd placed the lube and the condom at earlier.

I was about to to open the condom wrapper when Liam's hand reached out to stop me. I looked at him and saw the loving smile he held.

"I want to feel you when it happens." He murmured, taking the condom out of my hand and putting it on top of the bedside table. I blushed at his words but allowed him to pull me back and position me in between his legs. I gripped the bottle of lube tightly in my hand when Liam spread his legs a little. A warm, tingling feeling shot through my lower regions and Liam smirked playfully.

"Someone's happy."

I lightly smacked his thigh and he laughed. My heart beat faster at he sound and I uncapped the bottle to pour a little onto my fingers. I placed the bottle on the bed beside me before taking a deep breath and  touching my other hand to the underside of Liam's knee.

The humor left his face as he watched me spread his leg a little more and bring my finger down to lightly trace his hole.  He tensed at that and I stroked my thumb against the skin under his knee. He relaxed a little but was still a bit wary when a gently pressed into the warm muscle.

"Liam, it's okay. Relax, love." I cooed, pushing my finger in a little farther into him. Liam nodded and shut his eyes while gripping the sheets beneath us in between his hands. I noticed this and let go of his knee to reach my hand and lace it with his. He smiled with his eyes shut and nodded for me to go on.

I held my breath as  I pushed my finger past the second ring of muscle all the way until it reached my knuckle.  Liam let out a breath he'd been holding and I watched him as I pulled my finger back before pushing in again at a little faster pace. When I did this, a soft moan came between his lips and I smiled, knowing I found his prostate.

I could feel he way he relaxed even more and that's when I started to move my finger in an out of him until it slid out pretty easy. Liam was moaning for me to add more and I obeyed by adding a second finger. When I allowed the two fingers to go in deeper than before, Liam  whined in pleasure and gently began to push back.

"More...more Niall."

I nodded and added a third finger which pretty much had him lifting off the bed. I held him down by holding his hip since he resumed his hands to gripping the pillow next to his head. I thrust my fingers in harder than before and he threw his head back. With the sounds he was making, I'm pretty sure that if he asked me too, I would come at will. I could feel sweat beading at the edge of my hairline and I bit back my own moans at how beautiful Liam looked.

"I'm ready. I'm ready, Niall." He groaned, opening his eyes to gaze intensely at me. I couldn't help it so I leaned forward and caught his lips in a messy kiss. I pulled my fingers out of him, getting a disapproving whine, and reached for the lube beside me. I opened it to spread some more onto my hands and  used it to coat my erection. Liam gripped at my shoulder's and watched as I did this, eyes dark with lust, and I pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"I love you." I said to him. He mumbled it back and kissed my cheek as I used my hand to grip the back of his leg and the other to guide myself.

When the tip rested there, I looked into his eyes and poured all of the love I had for him into that look. He gazed at me tenderly and allowed me to push myself into him slowly. When a small gasp left his lips, I paused and looked at him worriedly. He shook his head and urged me on, saying he was alright.

I had to bite my tongue to prevent all the strings of curses that wanted to come out. It felt so good. He was warm, and tight, and just...amazing. When I finally bottomed out, I allowed Liam to have a few moments to adjust. He was breathing in deeply and his body trembled a bit when I pressed my lips to his neck.

"It's alright." He said to me barely above a whisper. I lightly  kissed his neck and brought my hips back so just the tip was in before I pushed back in gently.

We both moaned at the same time. Liam's hands found their way to my back and he clinged to me as I started to thrust in again.I gripped his hips in both hands to pull him closer to me and pulled back so I was leaning over him.

He whimpered as I started to thrust in a steady pace and the sound had me groaning. I  felt warmth spread throughout my body as our bodies melded together, perfectly and in sync. The combined heat and the lovely sounds coming from Liam's mouth made my head spin. I snapped my hips back and forth faster and smiled at the keening noise he made.

"Niall...ahh..." He  wrapped his legs around my waist so we were that much closer and I placed one hand next to his head and used the other to grip he headboard. The force of my thrusts caused the mattress to squeak loudly and the headboard to bang gently against the wall. Liam  panted when I  moved my body around to a different angle and hit his prostate dead on.

"Fuck! Fucking hell, Liam." I growled, thrusting harder. He cried out when I did and the amount of arousment that went through me at the sound was indescribable. Liam started to meet my thrusts by pushing back which made the both of us  groan. I leaned my head down and brushed my lips against his. We weren't really kissing properly considering the loud panting that breathed between our lips so I bent my head and sucked on the spot that connected his shoulder and neck.

""Dammit...Niall please...." He  gasped out, biting his lip roughly and gripping my skin tightly. His nails raked down my back hard enough that I was positive there would be angry red marks in the morning. I hissed in pain and pleasure and  thrust that much harder before Liam was screaming.

"Ahh! Niall, Niall, fuckin bloody hell!." He moaned out loud as he came. I squeezed my eyes shut when he clenched on me as he did. Our stomachs were suddenly warm and wet as Liam came down from his high and he slumped beneath me. I then used the rest of my strength to thrust harder into the him, bringing me that much closer.

Liam ran a hand through my hair and gripped it as I panted next to his hear. He whispered encouraging words to me and traced his lips against my jaw.

"Come on, Niall. I love you. I love you so much. Come on." He pushed his body back into my thrusts, which made him whimper at the oversensitivity. At the sound, I groaned wildly and came inside of him.

I continued to thrust until my orgasm was milked out of me and I was softening in him. I breathed out heavily into Liam's skin as the feeling of euphoria washed through me. I pulled out before dropping beside him on the bed. As I tried to get my breathing under control, Liam chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me to his chest so I could rest my head against it and I laughed breathlessly.

"I should be the one holding you." I joked, snuggling into his body. Liam laughed with me and stroked my hair.

"Where's the rule book?" He whispered, voice full of adoration and love. I sighed into his skin and brought my head up to weakly smiled at him. He returned it with his own sleepy smile and  used his right hand to stroke my cheek. I used the last energy I had to push my head forward to lock my lips wit his. He languidly kissed me  back and  sighed happily into my mouth.

"I love you so damn much." He murmured when we pulled back. I replied by nuzzling my face into his shoulder and kissing his neck.

We lay there for a few minutes, enjoying each others company, when I remembered the towel in the drawer. I didn't really want to move but I also didn't want to sleep with a bunch of dried come on us so I sat up. As I reached over into the drawer for the towel, Liam frowned playfully at me and smacked my bum.

I rolled my eyes and got up off the bed to head towards the bathroom and place a spot on the towel under the faucet. I went back over to the bed and crawled next to Liam before wiping off his chest and his hole. He giggled when I did and I smiled sweetly at him before cleaning myself off and throwing the towel to the floor. I snuggled back into Liam's arms and he kissed the top of my head.

"That's disgusting." He pointed out to where I tossed the towel.

I shrugged and smiled. "We have tomorrow so I'll clean it up."

Liam snorted. "I'm not even sure if I'll be able to walk tomorrow." I laughed at that and reached for his hand so I could lace it with mine on his chest. Liam sighed quietly as I played with our fingers.

I cleared my throat. " was it?" I asked, curiously. Of course I had to ask because I just wanted to see if he enjoyed it as much as I did. Liam stayed quiet for a second before replying.

"It was...nice." He said, humor behind his words.

I lifted an eyebrow at him. "Nice? It was just nice? More like amazing, Li, admit that." I kissed his skin and he laughed.

"It was nice, love. I did enjoy it. But...could've been better." He teased. I looked up at him and pouted but all he did was giggle and close his eyes. I could tell he was tired so I decided not to push it. As I watched his eyelids flutter lightly, knowing he was falling asleep, I leaned towards his ear and blew gently on it. He shivered and a small smile came to his lips.

"We're not done with this discussion." I said to him, kissing his earlobe. "Besides...if it was just 'nice' this time, then I'm going to make sure it's bloody amazing for the next hundred times. Let your bum be prepared, babe." I gave his earlobe a nip before pressing my nose into his neck.

Liam laughed softly and pulled me closer. "I'm sure you're not going to mind doing that anyway."

I scoffed but smiled nonetheless. "Goodnight, Li."

"G'night, Niall. Love you." He whispered as he drifted off. I grinned softly as my eyes started to fall heavily as well.

"Love you, too."


Wow...I cannot believe I wrote that O.O ....well I hope you guys enjoy and appreciate all the blushing and awkwardness I felt while writing that scene. Hehe and once again I apologize for taking so long to update this :( Luckily I'm almost done with this story so you guys won't have to put up with this procrastinating, lazy author again. You know....until I start writing my other story and future stories haha

Anyway, thanks for reading, voting/commenting. I love you guys all and I'll try and see when the next chapter will come in. I promise not to let it come in as late as this one did :)

♥♥♥Lots of love♥♥♥

April 18, 2013                   

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