Love me more- Joe Sugg/Thatch...

By LaLALisaX

657 39 6

This is a different version of Love me my other Joe Sugg Fanfiction, I wanted one that had all the details in... More

Trying to Forget
The Night Out
Too much of a Good Thing isn't Good For Long...
When the Lights go out
Contagious Chemistry
Maybe we should...
I think I'm in love with you...
Just say it...
I Love Him...
Go away
Flashing lights

On the way Home

121 6 0
By LaLALisaX

Joe's POV

Ollie White, Caspar Lee and I are going home today, from Thailand. Are flight leaves at mid-day and it's a 13 hour flight home. As I scan the room one last time, seeing made up, but still messy sheets lying on the beds and three suitcases standing by the door. Ollie is on twitter around the corner as doesn't quite see me lurking behind him. I give the signal to Caspar and we narrow in, i mouth to Caspar, 'one, two, three!' We jumped out from behind the cream colored wall and frightened Ollie. His facial expression makes me laugh as he holds his hand's to his chest. His face is redden and his mouth is open to an 'O' shape.

'Bloody hell, mate! you gave me a heart attack' Caspar and I laugh even more at his reaction. We calm down, taking deep breaths, but don't lose the smiles on our faces. I glance at Caspar who is grinning like a Cheshire cat, my eyes shift to my phone.

'Guys we better get going' my statement has a quick reaction as both Ollie and Caspar move toward the door with there cases. I say good bye to our Thai villa and start to walk toward the lobby. 'BYE THAILAND!' Caspar screams, at the half way point. I let out a giggle at his gesture, his arms have flown in the air and he is smiling at every corner of his face. I roll my eyes as he is still in that very same position, he is so Caspar.

my walking starts to speed as I can now see the register area. i start to realize that i'm going to miss this place, with its heat that's sends you to heaven, but i won't be missing the mosquito's, that's for certain! I have about fifty odd bite on one leg, I hate the bugger's.

We meet the air conditioned lobby with realize from the heat, I wonder what the weather is like in London, it better not be raining when we get back. I shove the thought of the rainy weather a side as I bring out my vlogging camera, from my rucksack. ' Hi, guys so today's vlogging is going to be a bit boring, but i'm going to try and make it a bit funny for you... we're just checking now and soon we'll be in a toktok!(A Thai taxi)' Caspar jumps up and down with his face lit up with excitement.

The lady over the desk has just phoned us a taxi and Caspar is pulling a frowny face because he wanted to ride in a toktok. 10 minuets later our taxi arrives and I get my camera out again. I fit in the back next to Ollie and Caspar is in the front. 'Right, so we are not in a toktok, we're in a taxi. A normal taxi' my voice slightly turns in to a more sad tone. 'so... we are on are way to the the airport which is only about...' I calculate in my head how long it would take to get to the airport. 'About, 10 minuets now, we've been in the taxi for 5 and it takes fifteen minuets to get to the airport from the hotel.'

after chatting to my camera for a while i turn in to the window, showing my viewers the view that we are getting of skyscrapers and buildings.

Verity's POV

I'm so tired, I got to the airport an hour early as i was bored, unfortunately boredom is what you have to put up with when you travel alone. I haven't been very successful in any book idea's and that was pretty the whole reason why i came to Thailand. I stayed in my family home, that i grew up in between the age 6-14. the air conditioning is singing me to sleep as my eye doze off, I classically do a nodding dog to try and wake myself up. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket... Riley, just what i need. I do think he reads my signals at all, I don't want to be with him anymore, I've changed, I don't know how, but I have. Its complicated. I read his text, thinking maybe it would occupy me.

'Hi, just wanted to see how you were doing. I can't wait to see you! I miss you so much!' It partly makes me cringe, but why? I don't reply to the text, simply because i have no credit, he knows that! why did he text me then? see what I mean complicated.

It's 30 minuets until the flight is called and I am now getting used to our new seating area. As i look to my left i see 3 boys; one tall blonde and toned, the next one is smaller, but still not small compared to me (I'm 5 ft 1 inch) his hair is too blonde, a more dirty blonde though. The final boy is slightly taller than the middle one and has brown hair. I watch them as they take a seat on the other side of the room, they all look the same sort of age as me. i switch my eyes away knowing that if i look anymore knowing my luck they'll catch me.

the flight is called and i rush the line, noticing the 3 boys are further down it. I move closer hastily handing my boarding pass to the stewardess. Her face lights up when I speak to her in Thai, it's one of my many talents and things I picked up in the years when i lived here. I'm now walking towards the plane door and scanning my ticket. Seat 24 D, it then haunts me that I'm going to be in the middle of two people. I brush of the nightmares of total idiots sitting next to me or even snoring fat guys. The seats go 2, 4, 2.

I look up to see the numbers along the side of the storage areas and scan for my seat. I come cross my feet, i was a right I have to sit in between 2 people, but they might not be idoits. They could really nice people, it doesn't normally happen but maybe this time I'll get lucky.

I try to put my bag in the storage place whilst on my tip toes, but I can't quite get it in, a handsome muscular man stood behind me seeing that I was struggling. When he puts my bag in to the compartment, I wonder if he could be sat next to me. My hopes slowing get crushed as he walks towards a seat where his wife and kids are. Just great! With no clue what stranger I'm going to be stuck with for 13 hours, I sit myself down and peer down the queue of people, huddling to there seats.

Joe's POV

Its getting a bit crowded as I walk down the walk way to our seats I scan for my number. I sitting on the other side of the walk way to Caspar and Ollie, as I lost rock paper scissors. Ollie is going to be at the window and Caspar is going to be closes to me. I finally spot my seat 24 C, I look down and see there is a small, delicate, brown haired girl sitting in 24 D. She smiles up at me, showing her perfectly straight teeth, I return the smile and put my stuff in the storage compartment. She doesn't seen the talking type as she puts in her earphones and turns it up to the highest volume. Her eyes are now drawn to her right side.

Ollie and Caspar are asleep already and I am extremely bored. The girl nest to me is still being antisocial, her brown/hazel eyes are locked on to her iPod. She is speaking through tons and tons of song and its starting to annoy me.

I have the urge to make conversation, and have I light bulb moment, as I reach in to the net thing on the back of the seat, where I have a notepad. I scribble something on it and place it in her lap she looks surprised and curious. I hand her a pen and she gracefully takes it. On the lined paper it reads, hi! My mind wonders at her reply, to my surprise she hands back the notepad and a smile crawls on to my face. Its says hey? I thought I would start with conversation the normal way, I'm Joe. I gentelly hand it back, she can tell where this is going so she opens her tray and places it on there, so we don't have to keep going back and forth. Of course she could take out her headphone and talk to me maybe that will be easier, then we could have a normal conversation. With words not a pen and paper.

Verity's POV

On the one hand I'm glad I'm not sitting next to two snoring fat guys, the boy on my left is quite cute, but he is wrighting on a piece of paper and handing me it, to reply. I dont want to take my headphones out, because if he is flirting, i like to play hard to get.

I reply to him wrighting his name with a slight hint, I assume you want to my name? His face turns to a grin as he reads me reply, he finds it amusing? He writes a few words down, as I change the song on my iPod. I read his reply, that would be helpful.

I can't help but smile and I noitice him looking at me as I do. I can't help it as my cheeks reden and his do too. I put my mind back to the conversation, Verity. I write this extremely confidently. Well hello Verity! His reply makes me laugh, why does he want to talk to me?

Joe's POV

I've only had a slight glimpse of her face and she looks a lot like mila kunis but I don't know how. She is now replying to my scribble, as I look at the paper I see she has written a similar reply towards my gretting, hello Joe. Her hand writing is neat and artistic, what are listening too? I try to make conversation as I normally do, small talk.

I can hear what she's listening to and I'm not that close, I can tell its a mess up of genres. She replies, anything that fits me. Oh, great that makes great conversation, I reply my thoughts that makes the conversation harder. Her eyes roll and I admire them as she does so. Really,
Yeah, I thought you were going to put a basnd name down, then I could pretend that I knew who they where and said that I liked them too. Then after that we would get in to a conversation. See... I simply write what I feel, I don't know why I'm not throwing chat up lines or better conversation starters, I'm just talking to her like I would anyone really.

She thinks about her reply and then quickly writes it down. But if I ask you what your favourite song is, you wouldn't know. Then you'll start digging a hole and it seems a bit stupid to go throght that. I like her, she's smart. Smart and beautiful. I reply the truth, her checks flush and my reaction reflects. This is stupid, I'm getting caught up on a girl I just met! Are you flirting? A heavenly giggle comes from her full purple/pink lips. My cheeks again begin to reden. I guess you could call it that, but we do have a 13 hour flight a head of us so... I reply what comes to mind.

Verity's POV

He is flirting, I knew it! I feel a ongoing burn in my cheeks from compliment I received, I didn't think I would sit next to someone this interested. As I scasn his face I finally know where I know him from, he was one of the 3 boys that I saw before we got on the plane. I must say I am extremely glad he was given this seat as, if he hasn't have I would have missed out on his beautiful deep blue eyes.

Point made. I agree to his point, and I catch him gazing at me in a flirtatious way. Do you live in London? This Joe does like asking questions, yeah... But I dont like the place, or person. He give the piece of paper concerning scoule, bad roomate? I giggle at the inference, I wish... No worse hopeless boyfriend. Another scoule is exchanged, I shouldn't of said I had a boyfriend.

I dred his reply, will he stop talking to me now? I see him write and I am relieved of my thoughts. Oh...what makes him hopeless? I start to wonder why he would be interested, why do you want to know?? I replies quickly wrightying one word,, conversation!!! I don't really think there is enough paper to reply, but I narrow down the key parts for him.

OK then, its not the same anymore, he gets over protective and insults my friends. To me he is really nice, extremely nice, but its not real. I got over a bit of the turn offs and focused on there turn ons. Now I feel like I don't love him anymore and I've changed. He scan the paragraph with deep involvement, then nods and scribbles. Oh so your that kind of girl. I fell in to complete confusement, what kind of girl am I? Hopefully there won't be an extremely bitchy reply. Haven't you got the Katy perry song on there? Y'know you change your mind like a girl changes clothes. I giggle at him as he does a little dance to 'hot 'n' cold' by Katy perry, it looks so odd when I'm listening to a you me at six track.

I fess up, ok so I'm that girl. He smiles and continues to write, he is getting more and more attractive as time goes on, I think I've forgotten that I was even on a plan home.

Joe's POV

She is so easy to talk to, I've been talking to her for about half an hour and already I feel like I've know her for at least a year. I know she has a boyfriend and she is taken, but she isn't happy. Omg, seriously I've just met her and I'm already considering asking her out.

I continue to ask her question about her life and they seem to come so easily in to my head. Lol. How long have you two been together? I hope they haven't been together for long as I read her reply, my thoughts get the better of me. 2 years (yawn) It tickles me the fact she put yawn in the brackets, 2 years! Wow sounds serious, I replied extremely quickly hoping the asking is different from what I suggested. Reading the first two words changed my terror into hope. Things changed he did propose, but I said no because it wasn't the right time. He proposed to her and she turned him down, I would be heart broken. Ouch, that's harsh! She read with a smile a smile on her face the shaked her head, I didn't want to be stuck with him for the rest of my life! We both laugh at her reply, the people around us probably judging us quietly.

I try to find more about her, but moving away from the subject of her boyfriend. At least I know that in a few days maybe we will go on a date, maybe just, maybe. What kind of person would you spend the rest of your life with? I realize what I've asked as she reads it, I try an stop myself from turning red.

Verity's POV

That has to be the most personal question that anyone has asked me, are you seriously asking me that question? I see him turn red and I turn to face him, his eyes lighting up as I do. His shaky hand makes a reply, yes am I. I feel confident to answer his question, its not like he is going to go hunting for my dream guy.

Umm,OK. Someone who makes me laugh. I struggle to think narrowing it down so I don't say too much about myself. Ok, more, more? I struggled with just one point, someone who tells me he loves me and shows it too. I guess that's important right? He replies again quickly, go on. When will this boy stop! Someone who can past everything bad and look at me and see all the good things. I realise that that reply was a bit too personal.

He reads it with an interested gaze, his blue eyes becoming more attractive. He doesn't seem like he knows how to reply so I take the pen, what about you? His eyes widened, I don't know. I'm shocked, surely he would know of his dream girl. Why? I can feel the tension get thick. Haven't you thought of that sort of thing yet, I give him a suggestion. He finally takes the pen.

Joe's POV

This question jolts me. No, I like to live life and see where it takes me. I guess I've never thought that far ahead before. Her question makes me think and her beautiful eyes distract me as there gaze is locked on me. She is stunning, I feel my palms get sweaty, I'm so lucky I lost at rock paper scissors.

Her eyes become more focused as she is more interested in the conversation. She replies to my note confidently and quickly gives me back the pen. Maybe you need someone who will make you think about the future. As I read this its sounds like Gandhi or mother Teresa is saying it, I realize that we are running out of paper. I guess so... Can you take your headphones out? I peer at her facial expressions to see her reaction, but they're completely blank. Why? This Verity really likes to ask 'why.' 'Cuz I'm running out of paper :/, I can see that my reply tickles her as her flawless face now has a beautiful smile painted to it.

Verity's POV

I shyly take out my headphones and pause the tune from Rita ora, I look up to Joe who is staring back with puppy dog eyes. I met him an hour ago and I feel like I can trust him, strange right? I don't know why but I feel a slight urge to do something that wouldn't be very inappropriate, kiss him. His beautifully shaped lips takes me in to solitary confinement and his eyes wisp me away on a journey to Paris. Stop verity, your such a love maniac!

' so...' Joe asked breaking the silence, I whip to earth as soon as I hear him talk. 'When were you born' I guess there is nothing wrong with asking the question, but I have a fear that I may be older than him.

'September 12th 1993' I say in a big rush holding my breath at the same time. His eyes light up at my birthday date and I grow curious, as he looks excited.

'Omg! My birthday is, September 8th 1991, we're both Virgos!' I realize now why he was so excited, I'm taken back by the year of his birth. He looks younger, not as in still a teen, but I would about 19. Now looking at him knowing his age his facial structure complemented it.

We get deeper in to conversation and the time goes by, feeling like every hour is a second. I begin to feel like i be known Joe for a thousand years, as he tells me about his sister Zoe, how he got in to YouTube and where he is now in life, he also making a graphic novel and thus sparks my interest. I too tell him about my twin vrother, James, my novel I'm working on, Riley and where I am now in life. The urge to kiss drags on as I get to know more about him. I feel tired so I fall asleep and he mirrors me.

AN: hi I hoped you enjoyed seeing how verity and Joe met, please vote and comment a ship name for me! Thank you for reading, love you xxx

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