Taming Cecilia (On Hold)

By Fiesty_Spirit

6.7K 219 48

Cecilia Slade, daughter of the famous Alpha Joseph Slade, was born a wolf, but has yet to shift. Everyone is... More

Cecilia Slade
Parker Vesey
The Arrangement
The Idea
The Meeting
The Fight
The Shift
The Kiss
The Party
The Note
The Forest
The Hideaway

The Date

222 16 9
By Fiesty_Spirit

A/N:: I have decided that I am going to start Dedicating chapters to you lovely fans. The first person to comment and like a chapter will get a dedication. :) So this chapter is being dedicated to luv2aread_books, for commenting on Taming Cecilia- The Note. :) I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to comment, like, and tell your friends. Love you guys!! -Vega


Parker never did tell me what we were doing for our date tonight, but I was excited anyway. I spent all day cooped up in the house watching movies either by myself, with my mom or with Parker, I was grateful for their company but I was glad I wasn’t alone. At 5:30 I ran up to my room and started a hot shower, I took my time washing my hair with strawberry shampoo and conditioner, I shaved, and scrubbed down and rinsed off. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, I skipped out of the bathroom and over to my closet, throwing open the door I started searching for the perfect outfit for tonight.

I pulled out my favorite pair of skinny jeans; a white tank top with black flowers printed on the fabric, the hard part would be finding a pair of shoes to match. Heels or flats? Converses or Sandals? What color? Black or white? I sighed  and called Avery.

“Hey, what’s up sugar plum?” she asked.

“I’m going out with Parker tonight and I don’t know what shoes to wear.”I complained.

“Wait!” she screamed. “You and Parker are going out?”

“Um, yeah.”I said, a smile spread across my face.

“What are you wearing?” she asked. I quickly told her what I picked out and waited for her to think it over. “Okay, I think you should wear those white heels, you know the ones we bought, the matching pair?”

“Yeah, I haven’t gotten a chance to wear them; this would be the perfect time!” I squealed.

“Make sure you let me know how things go.” She said, I promised her I would and hung up. I pulled out the white heels, and sat them on my bed beside the jeans and tank top I picked out. I went over to my dresser and turned on my hair straightener, as I waited for it to heat up; I brushed my hair out and slipped on some underwear. I pulled then jeans on and slipped the tank top over my head. I straightened my hair careful not to burn myself. I decided that I would go all natural and not put any makeup on. Finally happy with my appearance I slipped on the heels and walked out of my room.

“Cecilia, you look beautiful.” My mom said when I came down stairs. I smiled in her direction and muttered a thank you. “Parker is in the kitchen, I’ll go get him.”

She walked into the kitchen to get Parker while I gathered my belongings and put them into my purse. A few seconds later Parker came out of the kitchen.

“You look amazing.” He said breathlessly.

“Thank you.” I smiled. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

He smirked at me and held his hand out. “Shall we go?” he asked I nodded my head and followed him out to his car. Him being the gentleman he was, opened the door for me and waited for me to get inside before closing it back.

“So where are we going?” I asked as he got in the driver’s seat.

“It’s a surprise.” He said smirking at me.

“Can I have a hint?” I asked.

“You will be in my arms by the end of the night.” Was all he said. I rolled my eyes and turned to look out the window.

I didn’t ask when he drove past the Bainbridge city limits and into the next town over, there were more things to do in Thomasville. There were fancy restaurants, shopping centers, movie theaters, not to mention, a drive in, mini-golf, clubs, amusement parks, and a zoo. I had never been to a zoo, but I hope he wasn’t taking me there for our first date.

“Seriously, where are we going?” I asked again.

“It’s seriously a surprise.” He said. I sighed and leaned back in the seat. Fifteen minutes later, we pulled up to a fancy Mexican restaurant called, Cantina Mariana’s. The outside was painted a creamy white color with black doors and window ceils, the windows were tinted so that you could only see the faint light from inside.

“Mexican?” I asked shocked.

“Yeah, do you not like Mexican? We can go somewhere else.” He said nervously.

“No, I love Mexican.” I said hurriedly. “Stop being so nervous.”

“I’m sorry, I just don’t want to mess this up.” He said

“You won’t.”I assured him. “Let’s go eat.”

Once again Parker opened the door for me and led me towards the restaurant; he held the door open for me and motioned me inside.

“Hello, how many?” A friendly woman asked us.

“Two.” Parker said.  The lady nodded and led us to a booth for two. We thanked her and took our seats.

“Your waiter will be right with you.” She said and walked away. We looked over our menu while we waited for our waiter.

“I think I’m going to get a salad.” Parker said. I snorted in laughter, but tried to cover it up. “What? Do you not think guy can eat a salad?”

“Um, sure.” I said. “It’s just kind of weird.”

“Of course it is.” He said and looked back over his menu. “I’ll get a spicy burrito.”

“Whatever you think.” I laughed at him.

“Hello, I’m Juan. I will be your waiter tonight. Can I get you something to drink?” he asked. Parker nodded for me to go first.

“I’ll take a sweet tea.” I said.

“I’ll have a Coke, please.” Parker said.

“Okay, do you need a few more minutes, or are you ready to order?” Juan asked.

“I think we are ready.” I said looking at Parker, he nodded. “I’ll have the Enchiladas Mexicana’s.”

“Okay, and for you sir?”

“I want the Spicy Burrito.” He said. We handed our menus to the waiter.

“I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

 “So I barely know anything about you.” I said.

“What do you want to know?” he asked. “I am an open book.”

“Parents, brothers, sisters, best friends, old girlfriends, pets.” I said. “Everything.”

“Okay, my parents are Jason and Naomi Vesey, I am an only child, my best friend is Seth, you met him last night. Remember the guy you were making out with.” He said eyeing me.

“Yeah. About that, I was trying to get a rise out of you.” I said. “I want you to care about me.”

“Well, it worked. I do care about you Cecilia.” He said.

“So, girlfriends?” I asked.

“I have had my fair share of girls, but none of them were ever very serious.” He said looking distant. I could tell there was something wrong.

“You’re lying.” I said.  

“It’s not really something I feel comfortable talking about right now.” He said.  I nodded in understanding. “What about you? Old boyfriends?”

“No.” I said.

“No?” he asked shocked. “How can a beautiful girl like you not have a boyfriend?”

“I didn’t want to be tied down and have to go through all the pain of losing someone I might have fallen in love with.” I explained. “And I like to party.”

“Okay then.” He said just as our food arrived.

The rest of our meal went by quickly we shared a few secrets with each other. Neither of us opened up too much though, I thought it was a good date.

“I had fun at diner.”I told Parker as we got back in the car.

“Well, it’s not over yet.” He smiled.

“Where else are we going?” I asked secretly hopping it wasn’t the zoo.

“I’m taking you to a movie.” He said. He pulled onto a back road and headed towards an open field with several cars parked in front of a giant wooden screen.

“A drive-in!” I squealed clapping my hands together. He paid the clerk ten dollars and we pulled through the gate. “Um, Parker, that flyer said that it’s a horror movie special tonight.”

“Yeah, I hope you don’t get scared easily.” He said and pulled into a parking spot.

“Well, I guess you were right about me being in your arms by the end of the night.” I muttered.

Evil Dead was the selection for tonight, horror movies weren’t exactly my kind of thing, but when I had a handsome boy beside me, holding me while I held my eyes closed, wasn’t too bad of a thing. Although there were bucket seats in Parkers car, that didn’t keep me from staying out of his arms. I was glad when the movie ended. I moved back over to my seat and took a deep breath.

“So I’m guessing you don’t want to stay and see the next movie?” he asked.

“Uh, no thanks!” I screamed.

“But it’s Mama.” He said.

“We will watch it some other night.” I assured him and put my seat belt on.

“Okay, but you owe me.” He said and started the car.

The drive home was settled in a comfortable silence. It was relaxing being around Parker, he really was a sweet guy. I truly believed that I had cracked through his tough outer shell.

Once in the driveway I got out and took Parker by the hand and dragged him into the house. He walked me upstairs and into my bed room, that’s when I noticed it was well after midnight.

“I did have fun with you Parker.” I said kissing his cheek.

“Well, I had fun with you too.” He said back.

“You’ve been acting so different.” I said.

“I’ve found a reason to change.” He said. “If I lost that reason, I don’t know what I would do.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked biting my lip. “What’s your reason?”

“It’s you.” He said and kissed me so softly I thought I was being kissed by an angel.

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