
By the_blue_technician

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Aurora's world takes a violent turn after she unwillingly discovers that she is in fact a mutant. Especially... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22

Part 16

453 13 17
By the_blue_technician

The attack was only supposed to be on Azazel and his ship; Kurt had found himself a galleon and a crew and they were going to blast him out of the water. Alas, the inevitable complication. The bamfs were meant to keep the X-Men out of the portal. But no, now Azazel had his friends. He could still win though, they were X-Men, they always found a way. He paced along the mainmast's topsail beam, watching the scene below. 


He appeared on the bonnet's beam below, keeping himself hidden. 

"Oi, you!" The voice made him turn, a pirate was sat in the crow's nest next to him. He couldn't risk this guy blowing his cover. Or perhaps, he could use him.


Aurora watched the  silent ship, as everyone waited to see if Kurt would come. Suddenly a body dropped onto the deck, making everyone jump and their eyes snap onto it. It was a pirate, bloodied and sliced. 

"I zhink zhat you should let her go." That voice. Behind her. 

"Kurt" The words were supposed to be louder, but they came out as a whisper. She thought that she'd never hear his voice ever again...

Azazel pulled her around, the blade threatening to slice her skin. And she saw him. Handsome as ever, even when he did look like a pirate... The usual flannel shirt and jeans had been traded for a baggy white shirt and somewhat snug black trousers with sturdy buccaneer boots. A red cloth was tied around his waist with the ends hanging by his side, and a leather baldric held his swords in place. His hair flopped over his face slightly, its usual slight wave curled by the salt in the air. 'Now is not the time to start swooning Aurora' she blushed as she corrected herself to realize the danger of the situation, but the second that he flashed her a grin , her knees gave way beneath her and she wobbled slightly. 

"And why would I do that my dear boy?"

"Because she's not the one that you want."

"True, but she does make a fine prize if I do say so myself." Aurora winced trying to move away as he pulled her closer, pushing his face near to her neck  as he pulled he head back by her hair. 

"What do you want? Just leave her alone, you can have me"

He chuckled, shoving her forwards onto her hands and knees before Kurt, "I don't want either of you boy, I want you to stop interrupting my plan! What I do want is as many souls as I can get! All of these rules, heaven and hell... I've given up on the puny earth, with all of their materialistic needs.... Now, I'll be the ruler of the afterlife!"

She stood up shakily, moving to stand slightly behind Kurt.

"I'll not let you do that Azazel." His voice was firm and sure.

"Oh really, and how will you stop me? Your crew and friends have been captured, you can't kill me, I'm already dead. You'll have no choice but to surrender your soul to me."

A grin lit up his blue face, "Ah, that's where you're wrong. I have no soul."

He drew his two swords, spinning them as he advanced towards his father, Aurora drew hers and hurried down to the main deck. She moved towards one of the captors, who drew their pistol and aimed it at her, moving one of his hands from holding onto Gambit.

"My friend, you know that most of us could get out any time?" His New Orleans drawl hinted at an oncoming attack; he grinned as Colossus  roared, breaking from the ropes as he armored his skin. The rest of the team jumped to life and the pirate fired the pistol. It was as though it happened in slow motion, she pulled up a light shield and deflected the bullet, swinging it around to smash the beast in the jaw. She let the momentum bring her through along with the sword, slicing into his neck. He toppled to lean on the side of the ship before choking and falling limp. She moved back into the battle, the adrenaline bringing a feeling of freedom and a grin to her face. Grabbing onto on of the ropes tied down she swung around to knock down the pirate advancing on jean from behind.

She looked around the deck, seeing the X-Men pushing the battle towards their favor as Kurt and Azazel teleported, constantly clashing swords. This fight was never going to end... She needed to find a way to finish it. What were those chains that they used to capture people? She moved into the lower decks towards he gun stations. Soul chains. They were hung up on the wall, heavy looking and glowing an ethereal blue.


Kurt attacked and defended, again and again. They'd fought all over the ship, from the mizzen mast to the bowsprit. They were equally matched. The strain of teleporting was taking its toll on both of them and for now they were just clashing swords, trying to find a weakness in the other. He saw Aurora coming towards them out of the corner of his eye carrying Azazel's soul chains. Just what he needed! She swung the chains and suddenly his father had two opponents. Kurt distracted him as she whipped the chains, they hit him in the neck and wrapped around.  His eyes went dull and he dropped unconscious.

That was it.

It was over.

He moved over to her and placed his hands on her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and their lips met. Of all his time in  heaven he'd never tasted something so divine as her lips, nor felt a feeling this real, this... alive... He felt her hands move, one into his hair, the other to grab the front of his shirt. Pulling her tighter against his body, his hand went to move from her hips, down-

The sound of Scott clearing his throat overly loudly broke the two apart and Kurt felt is cheeks burning. He looked over at Aurora who seemed just as embarrassed, suddenly finding the deck to be the most interesting thing in the universe. He smiled, she was so cute.

Turning back to the X-Men, he felt as though he should say something, anything.

"Miss me?" He grinned sheepishly 'Miss me? Seriously, how cheesy can you get.' The team laughed it off, gathering around him and telling them how much they all really did miss him. 


He'd kissed her... On the lips... She blushed, staring down at the boards of the deck; and with tongues... And, she liked it.

The X-Men were still fussing around their old team member and friend as she stood back to watch. He was so perfect... Did this mean that they were together? She hoped that it did, she wanted more of those kisses. Unexpectedly, she felt a sudden weight on her shoulder along with the smell of brimstone.

"Bamf?" Aurora smiled, her friend had found his way back to her. She lifted a hand to stroke his hair and he nuzzled against her.

And for a moment amidst all of the chaos in her life, everything was okay.


They only had a few more minutes before Azazel regained his consciousness and Kurt had explained what was going to happen to the X-Men, twice. The bamfs would return them to the institute through the portal then do exactly as they had planned to return himself and his father to the mortal world. They would then close the portal forever. Within the next few seconds the X-Men had gone, all but Aurora.

"Kurt..." He stopped her sentence with a quick kiss.

"Don't vorry, I'm doing zhis to protect zhe realms from mein fazher."

"But what if it doesn't work?"

He shrugged, he didn't know what to do if it didn't work. "Zhen I vill be battling him for eternity. So I suppose zhat you shoud know zhat I really like you, and I missed you, just in case."

She blushed and smiled hugely, pulling him into a hug. "I really like you and missed you too Kurt." 

And those were the last words that he heard from her. He was left on the empty ship with his father, who seemed to be coming to consciousness.

He groaned, trying to feebly pull the chains from his neck. Kurt removed the shackles from his belt and placed them around his wrists behind his back.

"You... know that I can teleport right out of these..."

"Mhm. But we'll sort zhat out vhen ve get back." 


It was due to happen any second now. A tingling sensation began in his extremities, spreading throughout his body. He looked down at his hand, to see it fading, Azazel had noticed too.

"You fool, do you think that returning me to earth will stop me?"

Kurt smiled sadly, "Nein, but it will stop you returning here. You have no soul."


Aurora reappeared in the room with the portal, blushing slightly from what Kurt had said to her. 

"Hey, kid, what'cha grinnin' about?" Logan elbowed her, smirking, and she blushed even redder.

"Oh... Nothing..."

"Elf's got ya good huh..." He mumbled but she still heard. It was true though.

Suddenly the majority of the bamfs almost seemed possessed, moving towards one another in a daze. They began almost melting together into two masses as Beast came back into the room with some mutant inhibitor equipment for Azazel. He almost dropped them as they began to materialize before them all.

"Ororo... Get some clothes..." Hank rushed over to them as they began to form properly.

Logan chuckled, "Kid cover your eyes."

She blushed, looking away and fighting every emotion in her body to not look up. Ororo rushed through with some clothes for the two as Hank fixed the inhibitors onto Azazel the second that his arms formed and one onto his neck.

Kurt stood, holding his head as though he had a migraine. He moved over to the portal and began to pull the sides, collapsing it in on itself. He collapsed from exhaustion and the room went dark, the light disappearing completely.


A soft steady bleeping cut through the fog that filled his mind. What had happened? Was it all a dream? He tried to move his fingers, toes and tail. It was unusual for his tail to be still anyway, so he must be under some sort of anesthetic. 


The voice floated through the fog. He knew it, it made him feel happy and slightly uneasy at the same time. He tried desperately to pull the name from the mist... The word light came to mind... But that's not a name, is it? An image cut through the confusion, or was it a memory? A rooftop, a girl... no, a beautiful girl. A kiss flashed across his memory, leaving his lips slightly tingly. His beautiful girl. 

"Come on, Kurt, wake up for me?"

He felt a hand slide over the top of his. Her hand? With all of his concentration, he wished that his hand would just grasp hers. 

"Please, you probably can't hear me anyway..."

'I can...' He needed to do something... He remembered their kiss, the way he'd felt. The excitement, the fear, the feeling of being home. It had felt right. Every detail crossed his mind.

The bleeping noise slowly became more rapid and he heard her call for 'Hank'. He remembered him, they called him beast. They were good friends... Part of the same team... A super team. So he was a hero? Yes! Of the X-Men.

 And her name was Aurora.


She'd stayed beside Kurt since he'd been taken to the med lab, which was about five hours ago. They'd returned to the mansion in the earlier hours of the morning, so the rest of the team had gone to bed, except for Hank. It was about six when the heart monitor began to pick up speed. She'd called for Hank and he explained that he was probably having a nightmare and he reduced the drugs that he was being given so that he could wake up naturally. She was struggling to keep her eyes open as she waited for him to wake up, barely noticing when she leaned her head down on the side of his bed and fell asleep.

Author's Note

Hey guys! I eventually did manage to get in this next chapter before I leave! This is the last one for the next two weeks however, because I will  be busy today, tomorrow and Wednesday - even though I won't have left yet.

I hope that you liked this chapter! It was really fun to write and I will enjoy reading any comments that you have on it :)

Until next time,

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