Modern Fairytale ~ #Wattys2015

De ReginasHappyEnding

93.7K 2.9K 1.4K

Powerhouse attorney Regina Mills lives in an apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan with her son, Henr... Mais

Odd Jobs
You've Got Mail
An Air of Mystery
Rush Hour
The Reality Behind the Happily Ever After
A Stroke of Luck
Under My Skin
Operation: Apology
Metropolitan Confessions
Death by Chocolate
Extra Credit
Fight Song
The Full Monty
But Ya Gotta Have Friends
Operation: Imagine
Twilight Zone
Hocus Pocus
Feast of the Crocodile
Escucha a Tu Alma
Out With the Old In With the New
January 13th
Too Good To Be True
A Room With a View

Cabin Fever

3.3K 98 26
De ReginasHappyEnding

Robin cancelled his classes for the rest of the week and called the school to keep Roland home. The child was shaken up and needed some rest. John must have phoned their parents because they checked in a few times a day and even offered to fly to the States. He told them it wouldn't be necessary, but perhaps they could stay longer over the Christmas holiday instead.

Regina continued to go to work, but allowed Henry a day off from school to collect himself; she knew what it was like to need a 'mental health day' and this definitely qualified. Technically speaking, she should have taken one herself, but she was able to clear her mind of worry for the few hours she spent at the office.

"Is Roland okay?!" Mallory came rushing into the brunette's office the minute she arrived that morning, coffee in hand and various bags draped over her shoulder.

"Yes, he's fine. A little flustered, but he's fine," she replied. She was surprised when her friend pulled her into a tight hug, but appreciated the gesture.

"Oh, thank God. Emma called me this morning and said she was working on the case. Something about Henry calling her in a panic and she wouldn't let anyone else handle it," she said and both women sat down.

"Yeah, I told him to call her before I ran after Marian. She was the first person I could think of and I know she handles the Special Victims cases. David Nolan was the arresting officer though."

"I heard. It was a good thing he was there and had some knowledge of what was going on," the blonde stated.

"It was a relief. He just took brief statements from us so we could get Roland home as soon as possible. The poor thing was a wreck," Regina sighed and put her head in her hands. She was exhausted from lack of sleep the night before and just thinking about the incident had her feeling anxious.

"I already put in a phone call to her probation officer. He was furious and said there was no way she'd be getting out before Roland turns 18. They may ask you all to testify at her trial, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"I expected as much," she said. The whole situation was incredibly overwhelming, for everyone it seemed. But she had an idea that might do her and her family a lot of good. She looked up at Mallory and added, with immense gratitude in her voice, "Thank you. For everything. I really owe you one."

"I told you, it's on the house. Just as long as Roland is safe now. That's all that matters," she smiled and took her leave to start her own work for the day.

Later on that same afternoon, Regina dialed her mother in Spain. It was times like this where she really missed Cora. It was tough always having to put on a strong face to keep her family from falling apart, but she didn't have to do that with her mom.

"Regina, darling. I'm so happy to hear from you," Cora's voice sung from the other end of the phone.

"Hi mom," Regina said, sadness and exhaustion clear in her tone.

"What's the matter, dear?"

"Can Robin and I bring the kids to the cabin this weekend?"

"Of course. Is everything alright?" The concern in her mother's voice grew with each word she spoke. It only made Regina wish she were here even more.

"We could really use a break from the city for a few days," she sighed before telling her mother exactly what happened, breaking down finally and feeling so free in doing so.


"Henry spent the entire day with Roland. He won't leave his side," Robin said over his shoulder as he finished the dishes from their supper. Regina leaned on the counter next to him, sipping her wine and admiring the boys as they played video games together in the living room.

"He's very protective of him," she smiled.

"I wonder where he gets that from," he replied with a smirk before they were interrupted by a knock on the front door.

Regina caught the dread that filled each boy's face at the sound. She placed her glass down on the counter and walked over, peering through the peep hole before opening it. The blonde woman stood before her holding a plastic tub in her hands, smiling sheepishly as she awkwardly shifted her weight from her left leg to her right.

"Can I come in?" Emma asked, hoping she wouldn't be denied entry.

"Of course," the brunette replied, moving to the side and gesturing for the officer to help herself into their home.

"I brought Double Chocolate from Any Given Sundae," she held up the tub and grinned at the excited seven year old as he raced into the kitchen.

"That's my favorite! How'd you know?" Roland jumped up and down trying to get a better look as she placed it on the counter.

"I have my sources," she said with a playfully devilish grin before shifting her gaze to Henry and throwing him a wink. Robin gathered some bowls and put them on the island, scooping out the ice cream for each person.

"That was very thoughtful of you, Detective Swan. What do you say, Roland?" Regina asked, approaching the counter beside her lover.

"Thank you, Emma," he smiled and hugged her tight around her legs.

"Sure thing, kid. How ya holding up?"

"Better now that I have Double Chocolate!" He giggled and took his bowl from his father, wasting no time as he took a big bite.

The blonde was happy to see he was feeling better, but decided it was best she tend to business before allowing herself to get distracted by the adorable little boy. She turned her attention to his parents and said, "Do you think I could have a word with you guys for a minute?"

The couple looked at one another, but Henry spoke before they could answer. "Hey Roland, let's go in our room for a bit. I have some new books I forgot to show you."

"Can I bring my ice cream?" He asked, his dimples and wide eyes winning over the entire room.

"Bring napkins, please," Regina sighed and handed them to her son as the boys headed down the hall. The adults remained in the kitchen, the couple standing side by side while Emma took a seat on a stool across from them. They each had their own bowl sitting in front of them, chocolate melting as they went untouched.

"Marian's sentencing hearing is scheduled for sometime after the New Year. We won't have an exact date until it gets closer, but I'll be sure to keep you informed. And I spoke to the prosecutor's office today. They're transferring her back upstate to Litchfield in a few days to await the trial so she won't be on the island of Manhattan for very much longer."

"That's wonderful news. Thank you," Robin said, relief washing over him that they'll be rid of her for a very long time.

"Her drug test came back positive today," Emma added and the couple both looked down as their hands locked with one another for support. "We found painkillers and traces of heroin in her system."

"Heroin?" He asked, disbelief evident in his reaction.

"No track marks so whoever she bought from must have laced the pills somehow. It's a lethal combination so I'm surprised she's still standing. She's lucky to be alive," the blonde finally made a dent in her ice cream while the couple processed the information they'd just been given.

"We appreciate you telling us," he said. Regina remained silent for the conversation; a mixture of absorbing the facts and discomfort from not having seen or spoken to Emma since the Fourth of July.

"I also came by to apologize," she finished her ice cream and placed the spoon gently into the bowl. "The way I reacted at the barbecue... There's no excuse for it. I was wrong in every way. Robin, you had your reasons for hitting Graham and I really don't blame you. He can be a real prick."

Robin couldn't help, but chuckle. Coming from his own partner it was a relief to hear there was some justification in his wrongdoing on the roof. But he didn't speak as the blonde continued, "But Regina, I'm very sorry for the things I said to you. I aired our dirty laundry out for everyone and that was wrong of me. You aren't responsible for anything that happened between me and Graham and I'm sorry for ever blaming you. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I hope now we can at least be neighborly without any bottled up tension between us."

"I appreciate that, Emma. Thank you," Regina stated and just accepted the words as they were. Perhaps one day they could be friends again. But today, all she wanted to do was sleep.

They saw Emma out soon after and got their children ready for bed. They weren't too far behind themselves, exhausted from the previous night of no sleep and constant worrying. But at least Roland was in his own bed, safe and sound with Henry the Protector by his side.

Robin and Regina lay close to one another in silence, her head in his chest as his arms held her tightly to his side. After a few minutes he asked, "Do you think you'll ever forgive her?"

"Maybe someday. But for now, I have more important things to worry about," she responded. They were silent again before she added, "Have you ever been to the Poconos?"

"I can't say that I have," he said. "Why do you ask?"

"My mother has a cabin there. I thought maybe we could take the kids this weekend. They can play in the snow, we can clear our heads of the madness," she chuckled and could feel him joining her.

"An escape," he whispered and she nodded in agreement as she twirled her finger over a chest hair he'd missed when he shaved. "I'm looking forward to it."


"Are we there yet?" Roland asked impatiently from the back seat of the Rent-A-Car.

Robin picked up the car that morning with his son while Henry was at school. The night before, Regina stayed up to go through her checklist and repack everyone's luggage to be sure they hadn't forgotten anything. It was all sitting in neat piles near the front door for him to carry down to load into the vehicle.

Although they were a small group, he'd chosen an SUV for their trip knowing the 4-wheel-drive would be better in the snow. Plus there was a lot more room for the kids, which was a big concern of Robin's because he'd never taken Roland on a road trip before.

Once the car was packed and Henry returned from school, they hopped in and drove Uptown to the law firm. Regina was already standing outside in dark skinny jeans and a heavy sweater, taking advantage of Casual Friday for the first time in her career since she knew they'd be driving all evening. She was able to get out early since she'd finished negotiating with a publisher by three and, right on time, the SUV pulled up for her at 3:15.

They'd been on the road for an hour before Roland finally asked the typical road trip question to which Robin responded, "Not quite. About half way there."

The boys sat close together reading comics and playing their handheld video games, Henry intermittently texting Grace the entire time. After two hours and only a few whines of 'Are we there yet' from the little boy, they'd finally arrived at the cabin.

Henry helped Robin unload the luggage while Regina escorted Roland inside to start cleaning. It had been at least six months since it was last used and she refused to spend the weekend amongst dust particles and cobwebs. They'd stopped for groceries that were packed in a large cooler and she was in charge of organizing them into designated areas of the kitchen.

The suitcases were brought to the bedrooms, Roland's tiny one and Henry's duffle bag carried in by the teenager while Robin carried the larger suitcase he shared with Regina for the trip. He had his own luggage, but before he was able to protest, the woman already packed their belongings into hers. It didn't bother him in the slightest. In fact, he found it rather sweet and familiar. Married couples did that. Long-term partners did that. And apparently so did Robin and Regina.

He knew she would be busy in the kitchen for a while preparing dinner so he took it upon himself to put their clothes in the wooden dressers. He chose the top drawer for himself since it was slightly smaller, knowing how much more involved a woman's wardrobe could be. He folded his clothes neatly into it before moving on to Regina's. He organized them in sections from left to right: pants, sweaters and thermals, undergarments (bras, underwear, socks), and lingerie...

Lingerie?! Robin held up the navy blue brassiere with black and silver gems along the underwire. He noticed there were chains hanging down from the sides and wondered what that could possibly be for. He looked into the suitcase and found a matching g-string. This woman plans to murder me.

He felt anxious; excited to see the gorgeous brunette sporting the outfit, but also nervous for when she expected him to remove it. They'd been sleeping together since the incident that night Marian returned, but strictly sleeping. They'd been intimate every so often, mostly Robin willing himself to give her pleasure with his mouth when he could tell how much she needed him. She'd tried to go down on him a few times, but he refused her offers. He didn't deserve to feel good. At least that's what he told himself.

Nearly three months. Three months without being inside her. He knew it probably made Regina feel horrible or undesirable to him, which was definitely not the case, but he needed time. That's why he started therapy with Archie. He knew it wasn't something he'd get over on his own. But it had been working. Robin felt more like himself everyday; suggestive whispers in her ear, flirtatious grabs or smacks to her backside.

He placed the garment into its place in the drawer before shutting it and putting their empty luggage in the corner of the room. He noticed there was a small, wood-burning fireplace on the opposite side when he reached for their toiletry kit that he'd previously placed on the bed. He smiled at the thought of the romantic atmosphere it would create; their naked bodies entwined with the sound of fire crackling, smell of wood burning, and the feeling of heat against their flesh. It could be just what they needed to reconnect.

Robin was pulled from his reverie by the aroma of Regina's cooking as it entered his nostrils. He returned to his task, bringing the toiletries into the master bathroom before making his way to the kitchen for supper. The table was set with utensils atop folded napkins and empty glasses at each seat.

"How do you do it?" He asked her when he wrapped his arms around her waist, looking over her shoulder for a peek at their meal. She dipped the wooden spoon into the pot and cooled it with her breath before offering him a taste. He moaned as the broth from her homemade stew slid down his throat.

"Magic," she replied with a smirk.


The cabin was quite large, but quaint and homey all the same. The master bedroom was its own separate suite on one side and the other bedrooms were down the hallway on the other side, the kitchen and living room areas placed at the center of the structure.

Dinner ended and the boys went out in the snow to play before bedtime. Roland took his shower first with the door closed and unlocked with Robin nearby if he needed assistance. They tucked the boy into his bed in his own room directly across the hall from Henry. They kept the door open so the light from the hall could shine through and give him a sense of security.

Meanwhile, Henry took his shower. When he was finished, he'd made sure to say goodnight to his little buddy before going to his room. He kept his door open just a crack in case the kid needed him in the middle of the night. When he was curled under his warm quilt, he dialed Grace for their goodnight phone call.

On the opposite side of the cabin, Robin was in their bedroom working on a fire while Regina took a bath. He noticed her attempt to sneak the lingerie in with her, but having seen it earlier, he knew exactly what she was up to. He hummed with a satisfied grin when the wood caught aflame and instantaneously warmed his face. His chest was bare and he sported only a pair of Calvin Klein boxer briefs, deciding against pajamas after he finished his shower.

Upon hearing the sound of the plug being pulled from the drain, he moved to the bedroom door and locked it. It may have happened three months ago, but Roland's interruption taught him a lifelong lesson. He shut the lights, allowing the fire to illuminate the room, and proceeded to sit on the edge of the bed.

His palms were sweaty as they rested heavily atop his thighs. He listened to her movements in the bathroom, anxiously anticipating her spectacular form to appear in the doorframe. And suddenly, there she was. Although, Robin couldn't help the disappointment that washed over him when she stood in a robe that covered her from her neck to her knees.

Regina must have sensed his reaction because she stepped forward just enough so the light caught her at the perfect angle. She smirked when she asked, "Expecting someone else?"

"Never," he retorted in a husky whisper. The smile that appeared on her face warmed his heart more than the fire ever could. She felt desired. He could see that she knew how much he wanted her. That smile was a great relief to him. Now he just had to keep it there.

"What were you expecting?" She teased and Robin felt his muscles tense as he took a deep breath.

"Just you, my love," he replied and she shook her head in disagreement.

"I think I might know," she quipped and slowly pulled the belt loose from around her waist. With great sensuality, she let the robe open and fall gracefully to her feet. Regina stood in that navy blue lingerie and Robin was sure he would explode right there. "Could it have been this?"

She walked gradually toward him, her hips swaying with each small step she took. He focused on his breathing when he spotted the chains he was so curious about earlier; the straps of metal connected the bra to the g-string, criss-crossing into the form of an 'X' over her abdomen. Her obliques stood out on either side of the chain, tight and defined did not even begin to describe them.

She stood between his open legs and ran her fingertips along the length of her torso, starting at the top of her pelvis and moving upward over her cleavage. The padding of the brassiere pushed her breasts together, the natural space between them hidden from view.

Robin wanted to touch her, wanted to explore every inch of the body he cherished so much. But he was hesitant. And Regina could sense it. She leaned down and lifted his hands from his thighs, guiding them to her hips and helping them along her stomach. She wanted him to be comfortable, to know she wasn't afraid of him.

"I don't want to hurt you again," he whispered, the upmost sincerity in his voice.

"You won't," she replied with confidence. "We'll take it slow."

Robin nodded and allowed her to take the lead. She pulled him up from the bed by his hands, but not into an embrace like he'd expected her to. Instead, she leaned over the bed and ripped the quilt from the mattress, spreading it across the floor next to the fireplace. She took their pillows and dropped them over it before walking back to him. She took him by the hand again and led him to her makeshift bed, kneeling down and bringing him with her.

They knelt before one another beside the warm fire against the cold chill of the cabin. Regina placed her palms on his shoulders and smoothed over the skin of his toned arms. Taking his wrists, she wrapped his arms around her waist before draping her own around his neck. They stared deeply into one another's eyes when she whispered, "Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you," he replied softly.

"I want you to show me," she moved her lips closer to his, but didn't allow them to touch. "Undress me."

Robin unclasped her bra, which took a great deal of effort considering his hands were trembling with nerves. He pulled it down until it was off and her breasts were exposed. He realized what she was doing. It would have been easier for her to take control to guarantee he wouldn't have the power to hurt her. But she didn't. She was giving him his confidence back, instructing him to do things to her rather than doing them herself.

"What do you want to do?" She whispered, his hands still firmly pressed into her back.

"I want to do whatever you tell me."

"No," she said, her voice still soft, but stern. "What are you feeling? What is your body telling you to do?"

"To kiss you," he whispered and she smiled.

"Follow your instincts."

Robin pressed his lips tenderly to hers in an affectionate kiss which she gladly accepted. She moved her hands down his back and leaned her chest into his. Her hardened nipples were firm against his flesh and he released a soft, involuntary moan into her mouth before pulling away.

"Can I lay you down?" He asked, wanting her to be comfortable.

"Do what you feel. I'll stop you if I need to," she replied, knowing full well she wouldn't have to.

Their lips met again and his hands moved slowly, tilting over her slightly to guide her to the floor. She was on her back, but he was not on top of her. He remained to her side leaning on his forearm and resting his other hand softly on her hip bone. He felt the material of her underwear against his fingertips and knew he wanted to remove them, but he waited. He would build to that.

Instead, he parted from their kiss and moved his lips to her neck. She let out a soft sigh and moved her hands sensually along his torso. Her audible responses helped to lift his confidence as he moved lower to her chest. He slid his hand from her hip to the skin below her breast as he wrapped his mouth around her nipple.

Regina hummed at the sensation, having missed the feeling of his warm mouth there. His tongue licked gently before moving his attention to her other breast. She brushed his hair with her fingers, pulling him closer to signify her arousal before she asked, "How do you feel?"

He released her breast from his lips and replied, "Shouldn't I be asking you that question?"

"Tell me," she breathed out, looking down at him.

"I'm okay," he whispered and she nodded.

"I trust you, Robin," her hands moved to the side of his face as she spoke, "Now just trust yourself."

Robin froze, her words hitting him like a ton of bricks. She was absolutely right. For three months, it was his decision to create distance. She'd been hungry for him countless nights during that time: kissing him, sucking his neck, reaching for his length, straddling him, pushing her backside against him; all signs that sleep was far from her mind. He'd been the one to pull away, but not because he didn't want her. It was because he lacked trust in himself.

Now was the time for him to believe in himself, to follow the advice of Regina and even Archie. He was a good man and he loved this woman with his heart and soul. He was human and humans made mistakes all the time. But they also made up for those mistakes and were offered redemption by the people they loved. Regina loved him, believed in him, and stood by him, especially when he was unable to feel that way about himself. She was his savior.

"Thank you, Regina," he whispered, his lips moving closer to hers.

"For what?"

Robin pressed his lips firmly to hers, more passion in his kiss than had been there for months. He straddled her and she moaned as their tongues embraced, his hands on either side of her head as he pulled away, "For believing in me."

He crawled down her body, his lips meeting as much of her as he could. He continued to move slowly, to drink in every inch of her beauty, but he moved with urgency. He was desperate to please her. He had to love her the way she'd begged him to for much too long. He wanted to provide appreciation in its physical form and that was exactly what he did.

He pulled her panties down her slim legs, still attached to the brassiere by the chain. He kissed up each of her legs, cherishing every beauty mark on his way to her pelvis. She breathed heavily, humming through a smile with each tender touch of his lips against her flesh. He was back and oh was she relieved, welcoming him with open arms-and legs.

Regina tilted her head back when she felt his hot, wet mouth take her clit in a gentle embrace between his soft lips. He'd done this for her during their, for lack of a better term, hiatus. But this was different. This wasn't some sexual favor he was doing for her out of guilt. He wanted to do this for her. He wanted her to feel cherished and boy did she feel it.

"Oh babe," she breathed out, her fingers finding his scalp through the forest of hair tousled atop his head. "That feels so good."

Robin moved down to her opening, no hesitation in his actions, but rather hyper-awareness; he listened carefully to her so if she asked him to stop or told him it was too much, he'd be ready. But she released a deep moan from somewhere in her chest and tilted her hips into his face; she felt good, she wanted more. He sucked and licked, reaching his hands up to tease her nipples. She squeezed his hands as her toes curled and uncurled around the blanket.

When he opened and closed his mouth like a kiss against her sex, she arched her back with a shout, "Yes, baby! Oh my-- Right there."

He refused to move from that spot, intensifying his ministrations when he felt her walls opening for him. Her hips were off the ground as she draped her legs over his shoulders. He kept one hand on her breast, kneading and tugging, while his other hand traveled down her abdomen to the top of her pelvis. His thumb met her bundle of nerves and rubbed it in a circular motion.

Within seconds, she came into his mouth; her hips thrusting into him, thighs tightening around his head, hands tugging at the quilt, toes opening and closing, walls clenching and unclenching. She cried out with pleasure, an unbelievable satisfaction washing over her.

When he felt her start to relax in his grip, he helped set her down gently as he removed his mouth from her center. She breathed heavily as he came to lay beside her, but it didn't take long for her to straddle him. She forced her mouth to his, already open and seeking out his tongue. The taste of herself sent electricity through her own body. He'd made her cum and now it was her turn to do the same.

Regina reached down between her legs, his abdomen soaked with his leftover saliva and her natural juices, and wrapped her hand around him. He moaned into her mouth and she took it as a signal for her to continue. She pulled at his underwear to get better access to his member when she felt his hand ceasing her movements.

She leaned up to look down at his face when she asked, "What's wrong?"

"You don't have to do that for me, Regina," he shook his head, but she lifted her eyebrow seductively.

"Who said I'm doing it for you?"

She made an attempt to continue, but stopped when he spoke again, "I don't want you to."

"Why not?" She brought her hands to his chest and her body went limp with defeat.

"No, please don't be discouraged, my sweet," he sat up to meet her gaze, leaning back on his hands for support. "Of course I want you to. You can only imagine how desperately I want it. But I can't let you."

"Robin," she began with a sigh. "You made one mistake. You're a good man who deserves to be pleasured and appreciated by a woman who is exceptionally skilled at doing just that. Stop punishing yourself."

He leaned back with a sigh and placed his hands on the top of her thighs, rubbing smooth circles with his thumbs. She smirked and leaned down to remove his Calvin Kleins. Once they were tossed aside, she stroked him with her hand and placed gentle kisses to his tip. He breathed out and closed his eyes, allowing his body to relax into her touch.

Robin whimpered and groaned. Her mouth was around him, soaking his shaft as she sucked up and down. He moved her hair to the side for a better look at her face. Her eyes were closed, reveling in the sweetness of his preliminary juices as they filled her mouth. She moaned against him, the vibrations causing a surge of heat to rise in his core. She was enjoying this as much as he was. It made him feel better, the guilt disappearing as he admired the way she found pleasure in making him feel good; the same way he did when he went down on her.

She pushed him deep into her mouth and he gripped her hair, tugging slightly from the shock. She pulled back slowly and completely released him from her grasp. He let out a sigh and relaxed his head into the pillow as she straddled him again.

"I want you to make love to me," she whispered when she leaned down to his ear.

"Are you sure?" He asked apprehensively. They both wanted to, that much was clear. He wasn't even sure why he asked, but he did and he awaited her reply.

"Please Robin," she pleaded, "I need you."

He nodded and felt her sigh with relief and smile against his cheek. He moved her head so he could look clearly into her brown eyes when he said, "But you have to tell me if I hurt you."

She nodded, but he shook his head and said, "You have to promise me, Regina. If it hurts, for even a second, promise you'll stop me."

"You're not going to hurt me," she took a deep breath before continuing, "But I promise. I'll tell you if it's too much."

When he relaxed, Regina took him in her hand and positioned herself above him. They stared deeply into one another's eyes as she slowly pushed her pelvis down, his tip entering her for the first time in what seemed like forever. They both gasped in as she continued to sit deeper into his hips until he completely filled her.

She moved slowly, allowing herself to feel every bit of him. She closed her eyes and pushed her hands into his pecs for support as she thrust against him. His hands were on her hips, guiding her, as he continued to watch her face. She smiled, bit down on her lip, tilted her head back, opened her mouth to release moans of pleasure. She was in full control of this and it helped him to relax and concentrate only on making her feel good.

She leaned down, pressing her chest into his as she crashed their lips together in a tender kiss. She twisted her body, seeking his assistance in rolling them over so he could be above her. Her lips moved to his ear again when she whispered, "Make love to me, Robin Locksley."

He turned them over, helping her get comfortable as her back pressed into the quilt. He adjusted the pillow below her head and gazed into her eyes. She simply nodded as if she were able to read his thoughts. This was how she wanted him and this was how it needed to happen in order for him to move on. She couldn't be in control, just like before. It needed to be him. He needed to prove to himself that he was capable of being with her, being in control, without causing her any harm.

Robin pulled out slowly just before his tip left her and then moved himself back in at the same, steady pace. She moaned loudly, wrapping her legs around his hips to open more of herself to him. When he felt more confident in himself, he increased his speed. She breathed out with a grin and arched her back, tugging on his shoulder blades.

He leaned down to kiss her, resting the majority of his weight on her as he continued his thrusts. They both vocalized their pleasure to one another, reveling in the reunion of their intimacy. He felt the pressure building in his shaft and rising up to his tip. He'd gone so long without her and now that he had her, he couldn't hold it in.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern, wanting to distract himself from the intensity of his own pleasure.

"I've never been better," she smirked and began moving her hips with the same rhythm as his.

They were cheek-to-cheek, both on the verge of orgasm. Their breath was in sync at the unsteady pace of their thrusts. Their legs were entangled, her arms moving frantically to grab any part of him that she could. His forearms held him up in a plank as he grew closer to his peak.

"I missed you," Regina spoke softly into his ear, pulling his body as close to her as possible. "I missed you so much."

"Regina, my love. I'm so sorry I kept you waiting," he replied, placing gentle kisses at the base of her jaw.

"I'd wait forever for you," she said, tears filling her eyes as she lived in the moment with him.

Without warning, Robin filled her with his love. They panted and moaned together while he rode out the sensation, turning his head to catch her in a passionate kiss. He slowed his pace until coming to a halt, allowing the last of his liquid to spill out inside her. He pulled out, placing his softness on her pelvis as he stayed above her, looking lovingly at her face. He noticed there were tears there and sadness overtook him.

"What did I do? Where does it hurt?" He asked her in a slight panic, but she shook her head with a soft laugh. She wrapped her arms around his neck and urged him to rest all of his weight on top of her. She hugged him close, letting the tears come without a care in the world.

"I'm so happy you're back," she laughed again as more tears escaped her eyes.

"I'm sorry I ever left, my darling," he soothed.

"Please don't ever go away again," she begged him and his heart broke at her words.

"I'm staying right here, my love. I'll never leave you. You have my word."

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