.A Change of Heart.

By DanniiG

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Jenna is gorgeous and as normal as can be, she has her friends just like everyone else, yet unlike a few, som... More

.A Change of Heart.
Chapter 1- I missed you!
Chapter 2- What?!
Chapter 3- Explain to me!
Chapter 4- Making his mark!
Chapter 5- Shopping!
Chapter 6- Just friends!
Chapter 7- Unveiling!
Chapter 8- Too much Attention!
Chapter 9- UnBreak my Heart!
Chapter 10- A new plan!
Chapter 11- Out with the girls!
Chpater 12- I need a favour!
Chapter 13- Choose a Movie!
Chapter 15- Stop pushing me around!
Chapter 16- Gone!
Chapter 17- Not here for that!
Chapter 18- What to decide!
Chapter 19- Stay with me!
Chapter 20- 2 Years and a Yes later....
Chapter 21- I can't love you!
Chapter 22- At Last!

Chapter 14- Confessions of a popstar!

159 2 0
By DanniiG

Soon enough they started getting things up and ready and they called some other guests and by five o'clock the drinks and food where all finally there so Tim took out a huge cooler and filled it with ice so that he could put the drinks in it and he placed six kegs in six different places.

With a lot of joking around and playing with music by eight they were finally done.

She had told Danielle to join them at nine and to tell Harry and the boys that they were just joining them for a pizza night and to tell the boys and not Harry that the pub night was postponed since Jenna would be tired after a date with Tim, all a big white lie.

"So, now I'm going up for a shower, you can use any of the bathrooms if you wish" said Tim.

She nodded and she grabbed her stuff and he showed her to one of the bathrooms.

"There is everything you need in there, but you sure you don't need anything else?" he asked politely.

"Nah, I'm good but thanks"she smiled, she had brought some party clothes with her and she washed herself a bit and then changed into the other clothes and put on a fresh coat of make-up and did arranged her hair.

She wore leather leggings and a beige bird print shirt and a pair of black wedge shoes. ( pic to the side).

She was done in no time and when she went back downstairs, Tim was already there.

"You look great" he told her looking her up and down, looking like he was really liking the view.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" she said touching his party shirt, he looked so good in his tight black pants a navy blue party shirt.

Some people started to pile into the house and all of them hugged Tim and made themselves comfortable, at a point a group of beautiful, and very colorful girls entered and Jenna thought they looked very familiar. She moved closer to Tim and asked, "Hey, who are those girls?" as she nodded towards their direction.

When Tim locked eyes with them the violet haired one with a cute bow tie smiled back at him and waved, "Come on, I'll introduce you to them, they're good friends of mine" said Tim witha big smile as he dragged her behind him, it wasn't exactly what Jenna had asked and she was about to tell him to stop so she could turn away but on the other hand she liked making new friends and meeting new people and she was really curious as to where she knew them, so why not?

The four girls hugged Tim told him his house looked great and stuff like that, stuff you say to a party host.

"So how are you doing grils?" he asked them.

"We're good, thanks for inviting us by the way" said the pretty blonde one.

"Please..." he chuckled, "Anyway let me introduce you girls to the girls who actually made this party happen" said Tim with a huge grin on his face as he stood back and looked at Jenna, "Girls this is Jenna Marks, Jenna this is Jade, she's Perrie, that's Leigh-Anne and this pretty lady here is Jesy and together they're Little Mix" he introduced.

"Oh my God I knew you girls were familiar, I actually saw you on tv, you guys are great, very talented" said Jenna.

"OH thank a lot love" said Leigh-Anne with her pretty smile.

They talked for a while but they all dispersed at some point only Perrie stayed with Jenna, they really clicked and couldn't seem to stop talking.

"That is so funny" laughed Jenna genuinly.

They sipped their drinks and then Perrie looked up at her as she gulped the sip down, " So..how do you know Tim?" she asked her.

"Through my friends, The boys from 1D, they're my best friends and they intorduced me to him a few days ago, then when I decided to throw Harry a birthday party and I asked him if he would like to do that for me he accepted and here we all are now" answered Jenna with a cute smile.

"Oh yeah...I've heard of One Direction" said Perrie wtih her own dazzling smile, together they made a very dazzling shiny, blonde couple.

They talked for a while longer and really hit it off, they talked about this and that and everything. By nine o'clock Tim's place was packed with people and at about nine thirty Danielle texted Jenna telling her they were just a few minutes away, she had been checking her phone every few seconds afraid to miss the singal from the girls and when she saw the text she jumped and got to action and she told Tim and he switched the music off and told everyone to be quiet and they switched off most of the lights too leaving only a few on and the living room in the dark, the excitement was big all around the house, you could just feel it in the air.

Jenna and Tim waited near the front door and checked the window every few seconds, finally they saw Paul pull up to the curb, onviously he knew everything, just imagine him hearing all the yelling and kicking everybodu's ass by mistake. Wouldn't go well with the press right, so they told him too and apparently he kept the secret although Jenna had no doubt about it.

Danielle was the first one out, around nervously, she caught Jenna from the window and Jenna gave her the thumbs up and with a small smile she nodded slightly and then looked away, playing oblivious.

Jenna moved fromt the window and waited and soon the doorbell rang, Tim waited a few breaths then opened the door.

"OH hey, you made it" he welcomed them.

Dani was the first one in the house too and as she hugged Jenna, "Everything okay?" she whispered.

"Perfect" Jenna whispered back and then let her go pretending like nothing had happened.

"You better have beer" mumbled Harry, "And why have you changed?" he asked gumpily as he entered the house, he was talking grumpily but his voice was still as silky as ever.

"Grumpy much" said Jenna escaping his last question and looking at the others.

They all shrugged, "He's been like this all day" said Niall.

They all walked into the dark living room, they were about to ask some questions like, "why is it dark if you were here all day? 'why are you looking so dolled up?' But the surprise was coming.

Niall was the one who was about to begin asking one of the questions, "Why is it so..." , "SURPRISEEEE!!!" Everyone jumped up and yelled, Niall just screamed like a little shrieking girl and hugged Zayn and Harry jumped and held himself against the wall as he put a hand over his heart. Louis and Liam had been just as scared.

"You almost broke my hand Louis" whined Eleonor as she rubbed her hand and he apologized still berathing unevenly and with a hand on his chest.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" everyone yelled again.

"I need to go to the bathroom" said Louis as they all burst out laughin and he stuck out his tongue to them.

"Niall you have a set of lungs on you" said Tim still holding his stomach from all the laughter.

"You scared the shite out of me man" he said breathless.

"The girls were all up to this, they did everything, all their idea" said Tim.

"Hey it was all Jenna" said Eleonor.

Jenna looked down and then went to Harry, she wasn't good with appraises to herself.

"Happy Birthday curly boy, I bet you thought I forgot" said Jenna to a heavy breathing Harry as the others all joined the party.

"You are just great you know that right" he said as he hugged her to him and kissed the top of her head, you could just see and feel that his mood had been lifted.

"So I've been told" she joked.

He smiled at her again and then turned to the crows before him, "Thanks to everyone people, honestly this is great" he yelled to everyoneas he still held Jenna to him, but soon they were seperated as everyone wanted to wish him a happy birthday, girls were kissing him on the cheek and clinging to him for attention so Jenna was left alone to the side as she watched him in all his glory, with no side of him free to stay near so with a smile on her face at his happiness she went to the bar to get a drink and a slice of pizza.

Perrie came to join her again after a couple of minutes and so did Danielle, Liam, Niall and Zayn.

"Oh hey guys, I don't think you've met, this is Perrie Edwards from Little Mix" Jenna introduced her to them.

They all got along with her pretty well, especially Zayn whose eyes had shown when he had seen her and Jenna had said her name, he also winked at Jenna and nodded towards Perrie when she wasn't looking, singaling to Jenna how much he liked Perrie, Jenna gave him the thumps up and smiled big at him, after all Perrie was an awesome girl and Zayn was a great guys, they deserves each other and also made a pretty cute and cool couple.

Soon Tim caught up with her when she was alone once again, "So a lot of my friends want to be introduced to the party planned here" he said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh really and are you going to introduce me then?" she asked flirtasiously.

"Not for now no, I'd like to keep you a little bit to myself for now if you don't mind" he said he movec closer to her resting a hand on her hip.

"Not at all" she said, moving a little closer herself.

He played with her hair as they swayed to the music, "You did a great job you know, Harry seems to be having fun" he said as he nodded his head towards were Harry was dancing with a couple of girls and Niall.

"Yeah he always does" she said as she smiled and looked at him too.

"Girls swarm around him like bees to honey don't they" he said glancing at her.

"Yeah they always have, although he did experience a few heartbreaks here and there, even if its hard to believe right now, it happened" she added as he looked down at her disbelieving as the view before him was not of someone who had his heart broken often, more like the other way around, "But ever since the fame the attention had been worse and it looks like he's untouchable... even to me" she said kind of sadly.

"So you've known him for a long time, have you ever been like... you know...together?" he asked.

"Nope" was all she said.

"You've been friends for so long, how is that even possible, the way he is, how did he never like notice you or do something , I mean... it's you and... him, a gorgeous girl and Harry Styles" he said with an uncomfortable chuckle.

She smiled, "Nah, we're in the friendzone, nothing could ever happen between us, after all anyway he loves just being the way he is and I'm happy like this" she said still looking towards Harry and she also realized by looking at him, how right she was. Harry loved his status as the flirt of the band, he loved having girls around him and all the attention and she knew perfectly well that he would never say no to a girl, he could never have one girl and forgetthe others, he was not a cheater, just never committed. So she directed her attention to someone that seemed to actually show real interest in her, while Harry showed his interest to what he really liked, the other girls. She would always love Harry, he would always be her best friend but that's all he could ever be to her now.

"So the question is now, are YOU having fun, after all you are the host" she said as she looked up at Tim.

"Right now, here with you, I'm having a lot of fun" he said, she smiled at him and once again that day he leaned down for a kiss, they were still near the bar so as he kissed her, her back was to the bar as he leaned over her, the kiss was sweet and yet deep and it said without any words, how much he liked her, more than Harry ever could, this way at least.

They kept kissing and evetually their friends saw them. Danielle and Eleonor smiled at each other when they caught a glimpse of them. Harry looked around him like he always did and his smile faded as so eventually he saw them too, and in seconds he went from being happy and smiling, to furious.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, "Harry look around and you'll see that you have absolutely no right to be angry" told him Liam when he saw the anger flash in his eyes.

Harry, even though he was still furious, did look around him and he saw himself surrounded with girls prying for his attention and Jenna had been left alone and if he had to be seriously honest to himself and for Jenna's sake, he had to admit that he had no idea she had left his side. These girls wanted him because of his looks and his popularity but Jenna had been there through puberty and the ugly days and the pimple days and bad hair days and all his fashion changes and mishaps but most of all she had loved him before the fame, she had always liked him and been loyal to him no matter what, she supported him and did everything in her power for him and he had practically chosen these girls over her again. How could he have been angry at her when he wa sthe one that screwed everything up, he knew Liam was right, he knew that he meant to tell him to let her be because she always let him, but he was still furious at the situation, he knew he was being selfish but he didn't care, he wanted her for him only so when Tim went to the bathroom and Jenna was alone, he saw his chance and was determined as hell to take it.

So he untangled himself from everyone around him and didn't even glance one time at the pouty girls he left behind, no matter how good they looked no one could be better than Jenna, he was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen and they had history, she was beautiful from the inside as much as from the outside too, he also knew he could always trust her.

He was finally going to do it, he was going to make her his girl.

"Hey Jen" he said as he reached her.

She smiled up at him and hugged him.

"Hey you, having fun?" she asked.

He just nodded at that, "Can we walk for a while, I feel like we didn't talk at all today" he said.

She told the bar man to tell Tim that she would be around and would see him in a few, then she walked away with Harry.

He took her to the back garden, people were out here too but it wasn't as noisy, it was simply lovely.

They looked around and then decided to sit down on a corner sofa and stayed quiet for a while looking at other people, mostly couples mingling here and there, Harry would aso sometimes glance Jenna's way when he knew she wasn't looking.

"So...are you having fun?" she asked him again.

She noticed Perries and Zayn a little way away from them on the other side of the garden and when Perrie looked at them she waved a little wave and Jenna did the same back, and Perrie went back to looking at Zayn as she told him something about his shirt and he laughed.

"I really am, thank you for everything, you aways do these things for me and I want you to know I'm very grateful" he said as he turned his head and body to face, yet she was still looking forward, smiling at people she knew.

"Only the best for my best friend right" she smiled at him but when she turned her head to glance at him, she noticed that when she uttered those words he looked down at his hands that were fidgeting on his lap.

She turned to face him too this time and then tipped his chin up, truly as if she was talking to her kid brother, "What's wrong?" she asked him, with worry written all over her face.

A few seconds passed before he answered and just as Jenna was going to speak again, "I saw you kissing Tim back there" he said, looking not a her but past her.

"What's so sad about that" she said as she removed her hands from him confused, "We've been on a date all day, that wasn't our first kiss, he's actually a really nice lad, I promise you that he was a gentleman all along" she said, misreading his emotions ans his words as him being protective and him telling her she was moving too fast after what happened with Aaron.

He flinched at her words, a gentleman....with what?

What did they do then?

And the thought of them kissing more than once, alone, and maybe doing more than that and him being a 'gentleman' about it, was eating him inside.

"I'm glad he is and that he was when you were alone" he gulped, the words hard coming out of his mouth, "but that's not the point, that's not.... not why I'm ... sad like you put it" he mumbled.

"But you just told me that you were having fun and you had all those people around you back there especially girls, what could be so wrong that it's making you so sad?" she was now totally confused, she was oblivious to his feelings by now.

He built up his courage and moved closer, "That's just it Jen, it's not them that I wanted, trying to get my attention, it's not them that I wanted to dance with on my birthday and any other occasion for that matter" he said, his eyes pleading for her to understand.

"What are you getting at Harry?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"I want you Jenna" he said, and just like that he had dropped the bomb, it was so liberating.

"I'm here, and I was there I just didn't stay there because there were so many people and you looked busy I didn't want to bother you... I did this for you" she said frustrated, she felt like there was something to it, at first she thought maybe there was someone they forgot to invite and he was offended and sad by it, but now he mentioned that it was her he wanted, was he sad that she didn't give him enough attention maybe? She couldn't quite get it, he wanted her with all the people surrounding him, but she was her indeed, what did he want more? What coild she do?

He shook his head, " I want you for more than just my friend Jen, I want to kiss you whenever I want and in front of everyone" he said kissing her cheek, she was getting the point, she was about to tell him that she was more than just his friend but this was different he wasn't referring to being closer than that he was referring to something more intimate, a girlfirend boyfriend kind of thing. Her eyes had gone wide and she was speechless, she had gone stone like, " I want to touch you and not feel like I can't " he said as he brushed a hair away from her face, she felt butterflies in her stomach as he did so, whom she urged to stay calm, "I want to point at you and proudly say, 'that's my girl'" he said.

She was still unmoving.

"I love you Jenna, I think you're the best girl in the world made special just for me to adore, I want you all for me and no one else, I want to kiss you Jenna, but not only on the cheek like we always do as friends" he said, then gently he touched her face and brushed his thumb against her lower lip and she closed her eyes, he moved closer and brushed his lips against her lower lip and kissed it then he crushed his lips onto hers, he kissed her eagerly and loved the soft touch of her lips against his and the sweet taste of her, she was nothing like he had ever had before or neither like he had imagined anyone could ever be, she was perfect and although they were pretty close now at the moment he wanted to get closer still.


AUTHOR NOTE: This and the next chapter are one of my faves... tell me what you think and what would you in Jenna's place?


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