Demigoddess in a Wizarding Wo...

Oleh Rooney1077

34.1K 809 441

With the mess of the Triwizard Tournament and Cedric Diggory's death the media is buzzing with the newest hea... Lebih Banyak

Pain and Prophet
Duels and Rescue
Awakening snd Seeking
New Wands and Confrontations
Reaccurences and Siblings
Changing Shapes
Toad Face
Meetings and Deterioration
Lies, Strength, and Happiness
Falling and Vows
Recklessly Stupid
Truths and Prophecy


2.1K 53 36
Oleh Rooney1077

"That foul, evil, old gargoyle." Hermione swore. "We're learning how to defend ourselves. We're not learning how to pass our O.W.L.s. She's taking over the whole school." Ron and Harry sat in the empty common room at the end of the day, listening to the radio and to Hermione continue to blabber on about how not passing her O.W.L.s was going to ruin her life.

Ron nodded over at Harry to turn the radio up to drone out Hermione's now hysterical voice. Harry reached over and twisted the nob. "Security has been and will remain the Ministry's top priority. Furthermore, we have convincing evidence that these disappearances are the work of notorious mass murder Sirius Black and his goddaughter, murderer of one Cedric Diggory, Perciana Potter." Fudge's grainy voice amplified through the radio. Harry rolled his eyes and turned the radio off.

Over by the fireplace, the flames crackled and called his name. Harry, Ron, and Hermione shuffled over to the fireplace and saw Sirius' head pop into the fire. "Harry," he said again.

Harry felt a smile stretch across his face. "Sirius, what are you doing here?"

"Answering your letter." Sirius replied. "You said you were worried about Umbridge. What's she doing? Training you to kill half-breeds?" Hermione scoffed. Harry thought she'd rather be doing that if it meant her O.W.L.s wouldn't be jeopardized.

"No, Sirius, she's not letting us use magic at all." Harry said.

"Well, I'm not surprised. The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat."

Ron shifted in his position on the couch. "Combat? Like fighting and shit?"

Hermione sighed. "Yes, Ronald. If you want to be completely crass about it. Fighting and shit."

"What does he think, we're forming some sort of wizard army?" Ron asked.

Sirius seemed surprised. "That's exactly what he thinks. That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute." Sirius sighed. "The others would want me telling you this, Harry, but things aren't going all well in the Order. Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn and these...disappearances are just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move."

"Well, what can we do?" Harry asked. Harry heard the slam of a door on Sirius' side of the message.

"Someone's coming," he shushed them. "I'm sorry I can't be of more help. But for now, at least, it looks like you're on your own." And with that Sirius disappeared from the flames.

Hermione sighed, leaning against the couch and rubbed her eyes. "He really is out there, isn't it?" She didn't wait for an answer. "We've got to be able to defend ourselves. And if Umbridge refuses to teach us now, we need someone who will." Hermione turned to Harry with raised eyebrows.

His brilliant answer was, "Huh?"


Thunder crashed outside the castle, but Dumbledore paid no attention to it. He said the password and climbed the rotating staircase up to his office. He seized open the heavy doors with the wave of his wand and entered. The office was dark, except for the moon being reflected off of his trinket filled room. Faux was not on his perch. The old wizard could see jean-clad legs crossed in one of his chairs that faced his large desk.

"May I offer you a lemon drop?" Dumbledore asked. The person, Dumbledore guessed it was a girl from how tight the jeans were she wore, did not speak for a moment.

"You know, I really wish these chairs spun around." The voice was all too familiar. "It really would've added to the dramatic effect." The girl stood, revealing Faux on her shoulder. She turned and Dumbledore fully expected to see her usual tan face, side smirk, and bright eyes, but he was met with the opposite. Perci Potter was a skeleton of herself.

She was thin, not too thin where it was medically dangerous, but certainly underweight. Her cheekbones jutted out against her pale skin. Her temples her hollowed. Her eyes were dark and held an indifference about them. Perci could never hide her emotions; you could always tell how she felt through her eyes. Her red lips and dark clothes contrasted greatly and gave her the look of a cliche badass villain. A wide smile, barring all of her white teeth, stretched across her face. It was unsettling.

Dumbledore tried not to look surprised by her appearance. "Hey, Dumbledork." Dumbledore cracked a smile. At least she acted the same (as far as he could tell).

The professor walked past her and sat in his large chair. "I assume you achieved your animagus?"

Perci nodded and sat across from him. "Yes," she said, her voice even. "It went well."

"It must have. I'm guessing that it how you came to be here, in my office. So what is it?" Dumbledore asked.

Perci grinned. "You'll find out soon enough."

Dumbledore unwrapped another lemon drop and popped it into his mouth. "What is it you need, dear?"

Perci leaned forward. "I need your help, sir." Dumbledore nodded for her to go on. "As you must've known, Lily and James Potter sent me to their old friend, Sally Jackson, to be kept safe while Voldemort was on the lamb and while Harry was being born. I was visiting Sally on the night they were killed. I was supposed to go to Sirius, but Sally kept me. To raise me as her own, she took my memories and his them away in the Ministry."

Dumbledore nodded. "And where is it my help comes in?"

"I have absolutely no idea where the hell it could be." Perci sighed. "And I'm not really a planner. As far as the one I made was to get a disguise. Hence the animagus. Other than that, I have no idea what I'm doing." Perci chuckled. "Surprising, right?"

"You would like my assistance in breaking into the Ministry of Magic, navigating through it, and stealing something?" Perci nodded. Dumbledore grinned. "When do we start?"

Perci smiled and checked her watch. "I actually have a prior engagement and I'd like to make an entrance. I'll be back tomorrow at the same time. Thank you, sir."


Hermione and Ron led Harry through Hogsmeade, explaining what was going to happen. "This is mad." Harry said.

"It kind of is." Ron added, earning a slap from Hermione.

"Thank you for your encouragement, Ronald." Hermione muttered and trudged on.

"Who'd want to be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember?" Harry scowled.

"Look on the bright side: you can't be any worse than old toad face." Ron said, not really giving Harry the vote of confidence he needed.

"Thanks, Ron." Harry replied sarcastically.

Ron patted him on the back. "I'm here for you, mate. We also wrote to Perci." He added.

"Let's hope she doesn't come, she'd be endangering herself by even stepping outside Grimmuald Place." Hermione said.

"Who's supposed to be meeting is, then?" Harry asked.

Hermione shrugged. "Just a few people, really." She chirped nervously before opening the door to the Hog's Head pub.

"Lovely spot." Ron muttered. The owner looked back at them with glazed over eyes before leading his goat out of the tiny room.

"Thought it would be safer somewhere off the beaten track." Hermione nodded at him and led the two boys up the stairs to the attic.

Harry rolled his eyes, remembering Hermione saying, "Just a few people." There were at least 15 people packed into the small attic. It was silent, except for the shuffling of feet and the occasional cough or sneeze. In front of the group of students, sat a long table, three chairs, a quill, and a piece of long parchment. Ron and Harry sat down quietly and waited for Hermione to start the meeting of sorts.

But before she could something large burst through the window and hovered above them. Harry looked up and for a moment he thought it was possibly Faux, until he saw the bird's eyes.

"Holy shit! Is that a phoenix?" Pretty much summed up Harry's train of thought at the moment. A phoenix with green eyes? Suddenly the Phoenix burst into flames, causing everyone to jump back. After a moment the flames subsided and there stood, a kind of smokey, Perciana Potter with one of her legendary smirks.

"Bet you thought you saw the last of me, bitches." She grinned at them. Everyone just stared at her in shock. She turned to her three friends at the table. "And that's how you make an entrance." Harry gathered his wits and jumped up, hugging Perci.

"You're here!" He exclaimed. "Why are you here?" He let go of her, giving Fred and George a chance to greet her.

"I wanted to help." She replied with a smile. "And I'm kind of here to learn. Sadly."

"You kind of look like shit," George grinned at her.

"You kind of smell like shit," Perci retorted.

"Okay," Hermione interrupted them before it became a fight like it usually did between the two. "Well, you all know why we're here."

"What is she doing here? And why aren't we grabbing her or calling the Ministry or something?" A boy in the front row stood up and took out his wand. Hermione sighed, irritated. No one made a move to get the green eyed girl. "She killed Cedric!" The room burst in chatter and arguing and yelling.

Perci rolled her eyes. "I didn't kill him. Haven't you been listening?"

"Guys, we can figure this out later. Let Hermione talk." Ginny yelled above the noise. The whole room went silent again.

Hermione turned red and cleared her throat. "We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts."

"Why?" A boy asked.

Ron scowled. "Why? Because You-Know-Who's back, you tosspot." He snarled.

"So he says," the boys muttered.

"So Dumbledore says," Ron retorted.

"So Dumbledore says because he says. The point is, where's the proof?" The boy asked.

"Well, you have two people that were there saying that Voldemort's back. And you have the greatest wizard of all time saying that Voldemort's back. Things are happening like they did all those years ago." Perci explained. "What more do you need?"

A boy that reminded Harry of Snape spoke up. "If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..."

Harry sighed and stood. "I'm not gonna talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, clear out now." Harry turned to Hermione. "Come on, Hermione. They're just here because they think I'm some freak." He whispered. Hermione began arguing with him quietly.

"Is it true you an produce a Patronus Charm?" A dreamy voice piped up from the back. Harry noticed Luna looking at him expectantly.

"Yes, I've seen it." Hermione answered for him.

"Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that." Suddenly, Dean Thomas looked at Harry in a new light.

"An-and he killed a basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office." Neville claimed.

"It's true." Ginny backed him up, giving Harry a small smile. Harry returned it, blushing slightly. Percy watched the exchange with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Third year, he fought off about w hundred Dementors at once." Ron added, remembering Harry and Hermione filling him in vigorously when he was in the hospital wing.

"And last year he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh." Percy supplied.

"It wasn't just me, Perce." Harry muttered. "You did, too."

"Well, this is about you, Harry. So shut the hell up and let us talk." Perci growled.

"Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that..." Harry began.

"The truth?" Perci murmured.

"But most f that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help." Harry continued.

"He's just being modest." Hermione interluded.

"No, Hermione, I'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. But out there, when you're a second away from dying, or watching a friend die right before your eyes..." Harry sighed. "You don't know what that's like." No one spoke at all. They looked at Harry or at the ground or at their friend. Harry sat back down and started to wring his hands nervously.

"You're right, Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help. Because if we're going to have any chance at beating..." Hermione grit her teeth, "Voldemort..."

A young Gryffindor boy looked at Harry. "He's really back?" He asked quietly. Harry nodded and glanced around at everyone in the room. Cho's lip was trembling. Ginny avoiding eye contact with everyone. Ron was picking at his nails. Fred and George stood by Perci, looking at each other as if sending secret messages. Perci was glaring at the ground with her arms crossed, leaning against the wall. Hermione was fidgeting under everyone's gaze. We're these people going to be his students?

Hermione slid over the parchment and quill. "If you'd like to join, please sign this letter of agreement." She said, breaking the awkward silence. Perci pushed herself from the wall and stride over to the table. She picked up the pen, scribbling down her first name and pausing at her last. Could she say that she was a Potter? Was she still a Jackson? She glanced at Harry and sighed before scribbling Jackson down. Harry frowned at her but handed the pen to Fred as he signed, passing it down to each students. The line wrapped around the small room. Soon enough everyone, but a few people, had signed the agreement.

Hermione stood again with a large smile. "Thank you, everyone, for coming. Our first order of business is finding a place to practice, a headquarters of sorts. So, please, look around, think of somewhere and then contact either Harry, Ron, or I." Everyone stared at her for a few moments with expectant looks. "You may leave." Hermione said awkwardly. The students said their goodbyes and shuffled out of Hog's Head. Hermione and Ron waited by the door for Harry.

"It's okay, go on. I need to talk to Perci for a minute." Harry said. Hermione and Ron nodded at them before climbing down the attic steps and hurrying out the door, avoiding the pub owner and his goat.

"What's up?" Perci asked with an arched eyebrow, sitting down in one of the chairs. "Is this about not writing Potter?"

Harry shook his head. "No, it's okay. I understand it may take some time, but this isn't about that."

Perci waited for him to go on. "Are you gonna talk or am I gonna have to guess?"

"It's your weight, Perce."

Perci flushed. "Have you ever been told not to talk about a woman's weight and age?"

Harry ignored her comment. "Have you been eating? It's obvious you've lost weight, and if we're going to face Voldemort, we all are going to need our strength." Harry explained, concerned lanced in his voice.

"I'm fine." She said through gritted teeth.

"Perci, talk to me." He said. "Let me help. You're not fine."

"You really don't understand, so I suggest you shut up before I get really pissed off." Perci clenched her fists under the table.

"Yes, I do. You get sick every time you eat because it's more than they gave you in the Malfoy's house." Harry sat down with a loud sigh. "When I first came to Hogwarts and had the feast, I got so sick because it's more than I usually ate; the Dursley's didn't give me shit. Let me help, please. I can help you." Harry pleaded. Perci couldn't believe how off he was on the whole situation, but decided not to argue with him.

"Just worry about yourself, Harry, and worry about your nightmares." Harry furrowed his brow. "Ah, yes, Ron's been writing to me, too. You know, because I'm so popular with everyone." She grinned. "And because he's worried about you. Talk to Dumbledore about it."

"I can't, he's been ignoring me." Harry replied, crossing his arms and glaring at the ground.

"What about Sirius?" Perci supplied.

"He has a lot to do. I don't want to bother him." Harry said. Perci made her way to the window.

"All Sirius does is feed Buckbeak, read the paper, and complain about shit." Perci laughed. "He'd want to know, Harry." She looked out the window. "I've got to go. I've got shit not to do."

"Why do you always cuss?" Harry chuckled.

She turned back to him. "I speak four languages, Potter: English, profanity, sarcasm, and real shit. It's just how I role." Harry rolled his eyes and watched as Perci's body twisted and bent and deformed itself until she finally looked like a Phoenix. She lifted off through the window and flew into the darkening sky.

Hardy didn't know how she could stand being up in the air. Perci had always said she was terrified of heights for some reason. Harry didn't even know how she played Quidditch. Harry sighed, descending the staircase and joining his friends.

"Finally, mate." Ron muttered. Ron, Harry, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, and Neville started to walk through Hogsmeade Village and back to the castle, discussing the plan. It was late when they got back, almost past curfew. Once again, Harry's sleep was plagued by nightmares. Maybe Perci was right. Maybe he should talk to Sirius.


Perci descended carefully through the attic window and transformed back into her regular self. She dusted off her clothes before hearing a monotone voice she had dreamed of silencing.

"And what were you, a fugitive, doing out of headquarters, where you were told not to leave at all?" Snape asked from the corner.

"Air? Sightseeing? Tampons?" Her voice always went high when she lied. It was her curse. That's why she left the talking to Fred and George when they got caught.

"We're were gone for a few hours, Potter. You didn't happen to go to Hogwarts, did you?" Snape straightened his robes and moved out of the darkness of his corner.

"No, I'm not that stupid." Perci laughed nervously. Maybe she was that stupid since she went there.

"Oh, I know. You're one of the most advanced students in my class." Snape muttered. "But you make stupid decisions."

"Whoa, did you just compliment me?" Perci asked with wide eyes and a growing grin.

"I don't believe I did." Snape said.

"I heard you. You said I was smart." Perci smiled triumphantly.

Snape rolled his eyes. "As if anyone would believe you. As I was saying, you make stupid decisions. For instance, visiting Dumbledore, flying through Hogsmeade when Zeus could strike you down in the blink of an eye, and starving yourself."

"Wait, you know-"

"Yes, of course. I knew Sally Jackson and her background. I was sure she threw you into that." Snape said as if he was bored of this conversation.

"Are you clear sighted or something?" She asked.

"One of the few wizards in history." Snape said. "Aside from your adoptive mother."

"What about Dumbledore? Does he know?" Perci wondered.

"Of course, he does. Dumbledore is one of the most powerful wizards in history. He would know the simple matter of a few pagan gods." Thunder rumbled loudly above them, causing Perci to flinch. Snape rolled his eyes. "The gods can't touch you here. We're to far north."

Perci remembered what he said her other stupid decisions were. "What do you want from me? So what if I'm not hungry lately or if I want to talk with Dumbledore?"

"I want to help you." Was his answer. If Perci was drinking something at the moment she would choked on it or done spit take right into his face.


"I know your abnormally minute brain takes a while to understand things, but try to listen closely for once, Potter." Snape sighed. You just said I was smart, you can't start going back on that now, Perci thought. "I would like to help you." Snape repeated.

"Why?" Perci asked suspiciously.

If it was possible, Snape grew even more pale. "I have my reasons."

"Why should I trust you? And how would you help me?" Perci asked.

"You don't need to trust me. I realize you are trying to get your memories back from the Ministry of Magic."

"I've got that covered." Perci interjected.

Snape scoffed. "That's hard to believe." Perci glowered at him, but told him to go on. "Your godfather helped you become an animagus, correct?" Perci nodded. "Well, I could assist you with your abilities that you have as a Phoenix."

"What abilities?" Perci asked.

"You do know what a Phoenix is, yes?" Perci nodded. "Did you know that Phoenixes have the ability to heal with their tears?" Perci gave him a blank stare. "Figures. Did you know you can survive fire?"

"Can I control it?" Perci asked with an excited glint in her eye.

"No. You can also, as an animagus, partially turn into a Phoenix." Snape concluded.

"How do you partially turn into a Phoenix?" Perci asked.

"If you agree to my terms, I will teach you that and many more things." Snape said.

"What terms?" Perci crossed her arms.

Snape pulled a piece of parchment out and handed it to her. "These. I will give you a few days to read it. I'm sure it will take you that long." Snape then left without a word.

"Hey, let's stop with these 'stupid' jokes!" She called after him. Perci looked over the paper. All of the things he told her could greatly impact her plan. Not the plan she and Dumbledore were making to get her memories back, but an entirely different one. Perci already knew her answer.

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