Love At First Fight(Complete)

By iDreamBigTyme

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Alesia can protect herself unlike many girls in her town that can only count on their men to do so. When she... More

Love At First Fight
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen :D
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty(Part One)

3.1K 21 0
By iDreamBigTyme

Chapter Twenty

(alesia's point of view)

*****************  Four and a half months later********************************

I sat on the hospital bed as Hayden leaned against the wall on the other side of the room. He was wearing black jeans with a white shirt. On the white shirt was a picture of a motorcycle. It actually was a picture of his motorcycle. Over the passed four months, we had become closer than ever. He was practically like Andrew now. My dad and Andrew had learned to love him and he had kept me busy so I wouldn't get depressed about missing the gym. About a month after I realized that there was no way that I was going to be getting rid of him, he bought his motorcycle. He told me that morning that he wanted my opinion on something. He took me to a man who owned two motorcycles for sale. One was jet black and the other one was silver. I told him that he had to take the jet black one. Now, he took me wherever i wanted to go on that thing.

Right now, I was finally getting that stupid cast taken off my hand. I was going to have my hand back now. I was so excited last night that I barely slept any. Hayden was on the phone with me around two o'clock in the morning trying to get me to calm down. It didn't work. The bruises on my face from the werewolf attack had vanished about a month ago. Now the cast was the only thing left from the memory.

The doctor dropped the cast in the trash can and told me to move my hand around. I did what he told me too. I noticed that on the back of my hand was a scar. Well, i had a survival scar. Cool. Anyway, I moved my hand and looked over to Hayden. He was smiling.

I jumped off of the hospital bed as the doctor walked out of the room and told me to have a nice day. I ran over to Hayden and jumped into his arms. He lifted me off the ground and hugged me.

"I can fight again." I whispered  in his ear.

"Finally, now you can shut up about it." Hayden said.

"But that means that me and you won't be able to hang out as much as we've been able to." I replied as he sat me down on the ground. He put on his puppy face and I laughed.

"I'll make time for you. I promise." I said as we walked out of the hospital room and headed towards the parking lot.

"You know, tonight me and my friends are having this sort of campfire/cookout thing. Do you wanna come?" He asked as we walked up to his motorcycle.

"Maybe, I've got to go tell Jim that i can fight again." I said as i put a helmet over my head and got on the back of the bike. I wrapped my arms around Hayden and leaned my head on his back.

"Why can't you go and tell him that tomorrow? Let's enjoy you having your hand back." Hayden said turning on his bike.

"Why not." I said. I'm pretty sure that he didn't hear me though because the motorcycle was too loud.


Hayden parked his motorcycle in his driveway. His dad was sitting on the porch in his favorite old rocking chair. Now-a-days Hayden and I were either taking over my house or his. I personally liked it when we went to his house because his dad was soo awesome. He liked to tell old werewolf stories and i sat there and listened to every word that he said.

"Hey Mr. Monroe." I yelled taking off my helmet and handing it to Hayden.

"Hi, Alesia, I see that you got your brace taken off your hand." He said as i walked up to the porch.

"Finally." I said with a sigh of relief.

"Are you going to go back to fighting at the gym?" He asked.

"Tomorrow. Right now i'm spending time with you and Hayden," I answered as Hayden came and sat on the steps. Hayden's dad was very cool. He was deep and quiet. But when he talked, you couldn't help but to get focused on his voice. It was the same way with Hayden, although it seemed like he would never shut up.

"So, have anything come up on Trey and them?" Hayden asked. For the pass few months, Hayden had made sure either him or one of his friends was with me at all times.  I had taken a like over Adam. He always seemed to turn everything into a joke. I also liked Matthew and Nathan because they took everything too serious but I was pretty sure that Adam was my favorite.

"They haven't done anything." His father replied.

"They have to be planning something. It's been four months since their last attack. And werewolves are all for payback so when are they getting there's?" Hayden asked.

"Well, i have no idea what the answer to your question is but just keep an eye open. They could come at any time."  His father replied.

"Either way, I"m ready to kick some wolf butt." I said standing infront of Hayden with my arms put up in a fighting stance.

"No your not." He replied with a smile on his face.

"Sure I am." I said faking a swing at him. He caught my arm and I punched him stomach playfully with the other arm. He let go of my hands and put his muscular arms around me. I screamed and then he pulled me into his lap.

"You ain't ready for nothing." he said laughing.

"I didn't know you were going to do that." I replied laughing, getting comfortable in my position on his lap.

"You have to be prepared for anything." He replied.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I replied.

His dad busted out laughing watching us play fighting. He thought everything we did was funny because of the way we acted. I guess, Hayden and I had changed each other.  Hayden's dad had told me that before I came along Hayden was always so serious about everything and he could never take a joke or play around. He was always focused on the group(matthew, adam, and nathan)  and he was always serious about being the leader. Then when I came along, I changed him. I made him more fun to be around and I made it to where he could actually take a rest and take a joke. Hayden was always playfull around me and he always picked on me. When I first met him and everything started happening, I always took what he said literally, now I could care less what he said about me because I was going to say something back to him.

I guess in a way Hayden had changed me too. Before him I was always focused on fighting and making my brother and dad proud. I was always worrying about being the different person and having every other girl in this town not like me because I was such a tomboy. After I stopped giving such a big attitude to Hayden, he made me realize that being different was good. That meant that I wasn't a clone of all those other people. Hayden made me stop being so serious too. My brother has told me that he has seen a big difference in me since I started hanging out with Hayden. My dad had been around a whole lot more since I stopped going to the gym. He said that since I was hurt he was going to try to make up for all those times when he never got to be there for me. Trust me, he was making up for it big time. It seemed like ever since I let Hayden in my life, everything was getting better.  My dad was more involved in my life, my brother and I were getting along, I had a friend, and I wasn't always focusing on fighting. Everything was getting better.

I leaned against Hayden as he still had his arms around me. Hayden was like super strong. When he wanted to, he was as tough as a brick wall.  I liked that about him. He could be able to pick me up or let me sit on him without it effecting him. I thought that was cool.

"You know, I should let my dad show you how strong he really is." Hayden said.

"Yea, right." I replied.

"You have no idea how strong I am." His father cut in.

"You wanna go then?" I asked.

"No, I'd rather not. I don't want to beat a girl, especially a teenager who has fighting skills." 

 All three of us busted out laughing. Hayden kept his arms around me. I settled in. For a werewolf being so brick hard, he was like a big pillow.

Just as we all stopped laughing, Matthew, Adam, and Nathan appeared out of the woods.

"What's so funny?" Adam asked.

"Nothing." Hayden answered.


For the rest of the time there, we just hung out and we acted stupid around each other. I thought it was funny how all of them were so comfortable around me.  Sometimes I had to get Matthew and Nathan to lighten up and stop being so serious about everything but after a while they warmed up and started being just as stupid as Hayden, Adam, and I were.

Around two o'clock, we all decided that we wanted to go to the lake. I let Hayden change into his swimming clothes(which was a black tanktop and navy blue swim trunks) and then he drove me home to change. I ended up putting on a black bikini top that hooked in the neck and black booty shorts.  About a month ago, we were at the lake and I had no intention of getting into the water, but Adam was being stupid and pushed me in. I had to hurry to get out because i couldn't get my cast wet and I didn't have any extra clothes with me. Hayden had let me borrow a black shirt that was extremely big on me and let's just say, I kept it. He didn't mind. So I slipped on that black shirt and tied it on the side so it wouldn't be too big. You could barely tell that I had shorts on under these.

When I went outside to get on the back of Hayden's motorcycle he was leaning against the side of the house.

A smile spread across his face as i came up to him.

"You okay?" i asked.

"You got shorts on under them?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered pulling the shirt up to reveal my shorts.

"Just making sure." He answered smiling.

"You are such an idiot sometimes." I joked.

"So are you." He replied as we made our way over to the bike. I put on my helmet as he put on his. We hopped on the bike and headed towards our private lake.


The lake that we always went to was in the middle of the woods. The boys had told me that they had found it when they were younger. It was beautiful. There were big boulders on the right side of it that you could  jump off. The water itself was about seven feet deep. The water was crystal blue and it seemed like no matter how much the wind blew, no leaves ever landed in it. I loved that lake. I loved it so much that the boys had named it Lee-Lee Lake. For Alesia. Adam had gave the name of Lee-Lee after he had gotten to know me. He told me that for being a brunette, I was the biggest blonde he had ever met. And keep in mind he was blonde. I thought it was hilarious and I always took that as a compliment.

Hayden had parked his bike at his house before him and I started walking in the woods to the lake. I had been in these woods so much in the past four months that I knew my way around it like the back of my hand.

"So," Hayden said. He was holding my hand to make sure that I didn't fall. Hayden was so protective of me and sometimes it was annoying but other times I thought it was funny.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He replied.

"Okay.  Oh, you should have seen the look on Andrew's face as I walked out of the door a couple minutes ago. i thought he was going to have a heart attack." I said.

"did you tell him you had shorts on?" He asked.

"Yupp." i answered. Both of us busted out laughing.

We reached the pool about five minutes later. All the other guys were already there. I would admit that all of the guys are cute. The cutest one had to be Hayden but still they had to be cute. A couple months ago, If i would have admitted that Hayden was cute, i might have mentally gave myself a lecture.

Now, it wasn't really that hard to admit it. There was no way that I was going to tell him that but still, I could think it all I wanted.

"What's up??? Time to get Wet!" Adam screamed jumping into the water.

"Sometimes I think he's gone insane." I whispered in Hayden's ear.

"Trust me, we all do." He replied.

Hayden finally let go of my hand when he was sure that I wasn't going to fall. Knowing him, he was probably going to be the one to throw me into the water. 

Matthew and Nathan were sitting over on top of the boulders.

"You think they're going to get in the water?" I asked looking over to Hayden.

"If they don't, then we'll make them." Hayden smiled as he slipped off his tank top to reveal his six pack abs. Most girls would think i'm pretty lucky to be hanging around all these cute guys that are shirtless like 80% of the time. It was just something normal for me.

I quickly removed my big shirt because i knew if i took my time then someone would end up throwing me into the water as a joke.

I laid the shirt next to Hayden's tank top.

"Hey! Slow pokes. Come on." Adam yelled from the water.

"You heard him." Hayden whispered in my ear before he picked me up by the waste and he forced both of us to plunge into the water.

This is what I get for hanging out with guys.

But I have to say it's not that bad.


Here's the next chapter. I might be uploading the second part to this in the next couple days so if you support this story then be looking out for that.

Love you!!!

Mean it!!!!!!!!!!!


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