Try ❥ Twilight Fanfiction [Co...

By CreativeStoryteller

42.7K 1.6K 652

Bella; a hard working woman who's struggling to make ends meet with her college savings account for her step... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Another A/N

Chapter 1

8.2K 226 149
By CreativeStoryteller


I sit down in my small chair, rolling towards my desk where my computer sits, ready for work just as it always is. Next to it lays my latest script, from a new movie that was going to be shot soon, still flipped to the halfway mark. Just where I left it.

I shake the mouse, my computer lazily waking up from it's slumber, when my phone rings.

"This is Edward," I say to the phone as my computer slowly boots itself up, automatically logging myself in, then bringing up my desktop.

"Mr.Cullen," A deep voice says "This is Felix."

"Hey Felix, and for the last time, call me Edward."

"I don't think that'll be happening anytime soon," He says as I move the mouse around, opening up an email I read yesterday from Siobhan, my agent, regarding my latest film. "I was calling to talk about next week."

"And what's happening next week?" I inquire, reading over the email once again. It's standard issue, lists of all the actors and actresses that'll be starring in it along with me, as well as my income and expectations.

Boring stuff, really, but I'm required to read it.

"Chelsea's graduation." Felix tells me, his voice swelling with pride. "You remember her, don't you?"

"Of course." I reassure him. Chelsea is Felix's only family, his little sister he put his blood, sweat, and tears into raising. His Mom died giving birth to her, and his Dad fell into depression soon afterwards, leaving his son and newborn daughter hung out to dry. "How could I forget?"

Chelsea is nothing like her brother, not in the slightest. She's a bouncing bubble of joy and excitement, much in contrast to Felix's mellow demeanor. She's got light brown hair, unlike Felix's - which is black - and her eyes are an incredibly light blue next to Felix's sapphire colored eyes.

She's to graduate high school soon, something Felix knows both his parents didn't do. 

Felix clears his throat uncomfortably before speaking. 

"I was wondering if I could take off work--?"

"Felix, you know I know how much Chelsea means to you. Of course you can take off work, you deserve a vacation anyway. Go take a load off, understand?"

"Of course, Mr.Cullen, thank you."

"You're welcome. Say hello to her for me, alright?"

"As you wish."

With that, he hangs up, leaving me alone in my study, once again. 

I'm rereading the email once again, making sure I didn't miss anything, when I notice a certain name on the list of actresses.

Isabella Swan

The name has my thoughts spinning. It was vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. So, doing what any other person would do, I opened up Google and plugged her name into the search engine.

The result was almost instantaneous.

I took a quick glance at the pictures, a pair of chocolate brown eyes framed by long, thick lashes stared back at me, a subtle twinkle hidden in their dark depths. 

I clicked on a small article containing a small biography for Bella, after tearing my gaze away from her stare, and read this:

Isabella (Bella) Swan was born in Forks, Washington, but at 10 months her mother (Renee Dywer) walked out on her father (Charlie Swan) taking Bella with her. She lived in Phoenix until age 17, where she left her mother's residence to live with her father, back in Forks. 

The rest was useless information, half truths and gossip, as well as a bunch of virus infected ads. I hit the back arrow, staring at Goggle once again, then clicked on another article randomly. 

Jacob Black cheats on long time girlfriend Bella Swan! 

Two weeks ago Jacob Black confirmed his scandalous agenda against Bella Swan, he apparently had been sleeping with a Kate Denali for six months, leaving Bella oblivious until the couple were caught on camera. 

"I can't believe Jake would do something to me," Bella says, shaken "It can't be true. Jake said he loved me, he wouldn't do this."

I scrolled down to see pictures of, what looked to be Jake and Kate, kissing, holding hands, and then pictures of Bella.

She looked like a hot mess.

Her mahogany colored hair was all tangled up in knots, tears stained her flushed cheeks, dark circles clung to her under her eyes, she looked devoid of all color, and the subtle twinkle I saw earlier in her eyes was nowhere to be found. 

"She's not coping well," A friend of Bella tells us "She stays locked away in her father's house, all alone. She won't let anyone in, we're worried she's not getting the nutrition and things she needs. It's all his fault, she's broken her and left her mangled beyond repair."

The article was two years old.

I quickly slam down my finger on the back button, unable to read any further. I click another article, this one more recent, exactly three months ago. 

After a long 18 months, Bella finally bounces back and makes more appearances in public, accepts more interviews, and rumor has it she's going to star in a new movie.

Rumors were true, whispers of the movie that the script was for, right beside me, started about three months ago. You can't hide much from the press, can you?

"She's so forgiving, after three weeks when she figured out Jake's betrayal, she forgave him. Let her anger go, she was just sad. Jake was her best friend, and that's not easy to get over. But we're all happy she's up and running again, she cooped herself up in her father's house all this time, she hasn't left much." A source close to Bella tells

"Have you forgiven Jacob?" We ask

"No, I personally don't think I ever will. I know I'm not the only one, and no matter how hard Bella tries to convince us, the man will never be treated the same on my behalf."

"She's still vouching for him?"

"Protecting him, reassuring him, blaming his cheating on herself, the works."

With a sigh I close down the window, opening up another and retyping Bella's name. I scan the articles, skipping over the ones I read, to find someone created a full scale profile for the actress.

I hurriedly click on it.

Name : Bella Swan

DOB : September 13, 1988

Appearance : Dark hair, brown eyes, pale skin tone

Height : 5'4"

Parents : Charlie Swan, Renee Dywer 

Occupation : Actress & Model

Status : Single

Famous Quotes : "The world is a scary place, I was thrown into it with nothing to protect my back, but I think I did pretty well, all things considered."

I skipped over the bio, eager to read her small list of movies she premiered in, not interested in where she came from. I knew that already.

Movies : Descendant of the Gods, Darling, Little Lamb, and (supposedly) Pretty Popular Girl

I was aghast. Pretty Popular Girl was the new movie, but all the others were all extremely highly rated, raved by critics everywhere.

"Wow," I breathe quietly as my computer dings, a notification popping up in the far corner of the screen.

+1 Email! 

I switch over to my email, surprised when I find an message from no other than Bella herself. I open it, then quickly frown in confusion.

Phil, it says...

It's Bella. I know you don't like hearing from me, I'm not your most liked person in the world, but since I can't talk to Mom, I have to talk to you.

She tells me she's doing fine, but I know she's lying. The treatment isn't working, I'm guessing. I'll call the doctor in a few hours to double check, but I'm almost positive that this is the problem. Am I right?

The payment will be in at the end of the month as expected, no change there. She'll keep staying on the chemo as long as nothing is getting worse and if she feels up to it, I guess. How's she doing, mentally and physically? She feeling depressed, lonely, any of the like?

I'll be up there soon, you're probably on the road and don't have access to a computer so I guess I'll see then.

Let me know if you need me to watch Jane - she's always welcome - if needed. I hate knowing she's home alone most of the time, but it's not like that's inevitable. 

Charlie's doing relatively okay, all things considered, if you're curious.

Most likely not. 

I guess that's all, call me or send an email if anything changes.

Tell Mom I love her okay? She's not listening to me much anymore, maybe she's still listening to you. I hope so. She's got to know I'm still here for her even though I can't be up there 24/7.



Who's Phil? I wonder. And who's Jane?

Is Bella's Mom diagnosed with cancer? Is that why she's purchasing chemotherapy treatments? Why can't she talk with her mother? Is she out-of-state? Out of the country? 

Why did she send this to me?

All these questions are buzzing around in my head when my computer dings again, another message from Bella.


I apologize for sending you the previous email, I meant to send that to my step-father Phil. Normally I wouldn't make such a mistake, but today wasn't been going to well for me.

Again, I apologize.

Just disregard the email, nothing of significant importance - well, to you at least - is contained in there. I would very much appreciate it if you deleted it.

Thank you, and I apologize again,


My fingers are flying across the keyboard before I can stop and think.


Please, call me Edward. The formalities aren't necessary.

As for the email, it's fine, everyone slips up once in a while. I'll move it to my trash immediately, upon your request.

I hope your day gets better, I know mine has now that I got to talk to you.


I sigh, rolling my eyes at the lame line at the end before hitting the send button. The computer buzzes merrily, letting me know my message has been sent, and I bite my nails in anticipation as I wait for Bella's reply.

Why am I biting my nails?

It was a nervous habit of mine I broke three years ago. I only did it on occasion now, when I was truly nervous or excited, or sometimes both. I delete the email Bella first sent me email quickly, as if someone's going to appear and tell Bella I hadn't.

Bella's reply shows up after a few moments of dead silence, and I quickly open up the email. 

Edward, it says...

Thank you, as I said, today has not been one of my best. I'm excited to work with you, it's been a small dream of mine ever since I was cast into the world of acting and such.

An extreme downside from being famous is the crazy people that wait outside your door, trying to catch a glimpse of you with your curlers and a mug of coffee, not to mention your bathrobe, while you pick up the morning paper and mail.

Believe me, it's happened before.

I laugh out loud, it had happened to my twin sister Alice not three weeks ago. She was trying to get her mail from her apartment complex in New York, down in Manhattan specifically, and some crazy reporter snapped a picture of her with a mug of coffee, rolled up in her pink Snuggie I bought her for her birthday last year.

Not to mention her slippers that look like bright red heels.

I'd like to meet you before we have to report on set, would you like to meet somewhere?

If not, that's fine.


Meet with her? I had to admit, I was curious about this woman who had taken Hollywood by storm, despite her mother's sickness.

She doesn't know you know that.


I was also wanted to piece her together. Many aspects of her character, like pieces of a puzzle, were all jumbled up, and some seemed to be turned over so I couldn't see them because I didn't know what they were.

Yes, I think I'd meet her in person before heading to the set to begin filming.


I'd love to meet in person. What do you have in mind?

I'm free all week and open to anything.


I hit the send button, oddly eager for her response. 

She didn't disappoint, mere moments later her reply appeared.


I live in Forks, if you didn't know, and there's a little nearby town called Port Angeles, by the bay, and there's a little restaurant called La Bella Italia that I like to go to when I'm tired of sitting around the house.

Perhaps there? We could grab a bite to eat if you wanted, entirely up to you. I also enjoy waking along the boardwalk, around seven - when the sun sets - is the best time to go.

If you had any other ideas, I'm open to those as well.

Broaching the subject of time, how about...

Is tomorrow good, or is that too soon? I'm entirely free these next two weeks, I asked my manager and agent to turn down any meetings and such, I needed time to read the script.

Instead I'm staring at a bottle of Pledge wondering if I should start cleaning.

Oh well.

Let me know what works for you, 


I laughed at the Pledge comment, though the thought of eating out with Bella and walking along the boardwalk had my stomach quivering excitedly.

Would it be like a date?

Probably not, her last boyfriend cheated on her and I doubted she'd want to start a relationship that soon, especially with someone she didn't know.

Besides, it's not like I was looking to date either. I just wanted to be a friend of hers, she seemed like someone worthy of having on your team.


Bella, I type...

I'd love to go. I'm currently in Settle, so it wouldn't be any trouble at all getting there.

Tomorrow works fine, how about we meet around 6? We can eat and walk along the boardwalk, if you wish.

Can't wait to see you,


The trick was leaving it up to her so I didn't have to decide. 


Her reply appears, much quicker than the others.


Six is fine, I'll meet you there, and we can walk along the boardwalk afterwards. I'm banking on the fact that you haven't been there before, and they're a few quiet shops I think you'd like.

Of course, I'm basing this on speculation, and if you wished we wouldn't we don't have too.

Wait, you haven't been along the boardwalk have you?


I laugh a her nervousness. No, I hadn't been along the boardwalk, and the fact that she had been considering taking me there in the first place had me smiling, it wasn't a date, but I was happy she wanted to spend time with me before hand.

Maybe it was a good that she sent me the wrong email.

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