Battle Scars

By tsphanie

53.7K 1.4K 212

The blossoming of Lexa’s relationship with Clarke, and also the events that falls in between. More

twenty one


1.4K 45 4
By tsphanie

The people of the Ark were enthusiastic about moving into the Capitol. Rumours have gotten around that Polis looked like a gigantic forest with tree-houses, or some fantasize it to be just a big land with many tents surrounded by trees. Clarke almost laughed when she heard it herself while walking in the corridor. That would have been her before she visited Polis, and now that she have seen the Capitol, she cannot imagine it to be woodland. But she didn't correct them. She allowed their imagination to run wild.

The Commander had personally come down to Camp Jaha to escort all of them to the Capitol together with some Grounders. Clarke was happy to see her lover again, after being apart for nine days. When she received the message on the third day that the proposal for the Sky peoples can live among them has been approved, she squealed in delight and called for her people to gather.

"You can't seem to hide your emotion well," Lexa teased, walking towards her. When their distance was close enough, she planted a kiss on her girlfriend's forehead. Clarke only beamed further, pleased with the affection. She tipped on her toe and crashes her own lips with Lexa. The brunette smiled into the kiss approvingly. Apparently, Clarke isn't the only who misses their lack of physical intimacy over the last couple of days. They only pulled away when they heard someone cleared their throat behind them. Clarke could see Abby from where she is standing while Lexa had to turn around.

"I don't know what to feel about this," the Chancellor confessed. "The Council would like a word with you, Commander. Though I will leave it to Kane to do the talking."

"Then I'm sure it is more than just a word," Lexa joked, leaving a bemused Abby. The older woman was definitely relatively new to the playful side of the Commander. Clarke felt more proud than ever. "I'll be back for you," Lexa winked before making her way out.

When it became two instead of three, Abby shot Clarke a skeptical look and the blonde-haired girl felt the heat rushing into her cheeks. She hasn't actually told her mother about her relationship with Lexa though she wasn't subtle about it, dropping clues whenever she felt like it. And obviously, mother knows best. In hopes of getting Abby to like Lexa, she revealed that Lexa never betrayed them and explained to her what truly happened. She begged her mom not to tell anyone, but wouldn't be surprised if a Council member knew - and especially Kane.

She also didn't wave off the fact that Kane might possibly have feelings for her mom. Or her mom might possibly have feelings for Kane. At least they no longer disagree with one another, and if they did, it might be considered a banter instead. Though she felt kind of sad for her dad, she knows that her mom had to move on eventually and there wouldn't be a better man for her if it's not Kane.

"- hear me?"

"Huh?" Clarke muttered, embarrassed that she didn't catch her mom's question. Abby shook her head, obviously knowing that the blonde-haired girl had drifted to her own thoughts. Clarke frowned when her mom didn't say anything and merely walked out of the room, leaving her more confused than ever. Then she remembered that Abby was not particularly fond of repeating the things she said unless she wanted to make a point.


"Octavia, no!" Clarke screamed when she jumped into the water. "Do you not remember what happened the last time you wanted to take a swim?"

"For goodness sake, Clarke, it's a swimming pool. There's only water," Raven rolled her eyes. Clarke was worried still. The ground is still a very confusing place to be in. Raven jumped into the pool next and Clarke gasped dramatically when the water splashes her face.

"We are fine, see!" Octavia exclaimed, her expression was bright when she lifted the water into her hands and pressed it to her face. "Just jump, you coward!"

Clarke refused. She didn't know how to swim and no matter how much her friends assured her that the water wasn't deep, she still had her own reservation. She remembered the time when she almost drowned. She felt like she was on the verge of death and there was no way she would want to put herself on danger again. And now that Octavia's body from shoulder down is submerged in the water, she was not exactly encouraged.

Raven was already swimming to the opposite end of the pool. Which was definitely terrifying. She continued to stare at the girls playing in the pool. It bothered her that they were having so much fun. As time passes by, they caught on that Clarke actually wanted to be in the pool. Raven and Octavia made their way to the surface where Clarke stood.

"You have to get over your fears," Raven stated the obvious, which caused Clarke to roll her eyes. "Okay, how about you sit here?" She patted on the edge. "And then slowly come into the water? We will be here in case anything happens, which I doubt would."

Clarke settled herself on the edge and she shivered when she felt the cold water against the lower half of her leg. Raven held her right hand while Octavia held her left as she slowly slip into the water. She was almost butt in when a voice suddenly appeared, stopping her from going in entirely. And Raven looks pissed.

"What do you need, boy?" Raven snapped, seeing Bellamy walking over. Clarke would have almost successfully entered the pool if it wasn't for his interruption. Octavia chuckled, releasing her hold on Clarke's hand, and the blonde-haired girl carefully stood up from the water and met Bellamy's eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asked but as far as she knows, his eyes were trailing her semi-naked body and she was flustered. "Bellamy?" She called, snapping him out of his trance. Raven gave him a look of disapproval and got out of the water. Octavia following closely behind.

"There's another fight between a Grounder and a Sky boy," Bellamy broke the news.

"And you didn't think you could have told Kane?" Raven huffed. "Goodness gracious. What are the adults doing?"

Octavia offered to follow her brother and Clarke while Raven opted to go back to her apartment. Along the way to the scene, Bellamy couldn't help but voiced out Raven's disliking towards him. Clarke and Octavia didn't offer any explanation, both also unsure of why Raven acted that way towards him. They just know that Raven wasn't very fond of him due to some reason. Even his own sister didn't try to get it out of her.

When they arrived, the crowd was starting to disperse and Clarke could recognise a familiar figure anytime. She sauntered towards the Commander, who hadn't noticed her arrival. "Good day, Heda." She called, and all heads turned. Lexa spoke something in Trigedasleng before dismissing them.

"What brings you here?" The brunette asked as she lessened the distance between them. Clarke explains that Bellamy informed her about another fight that had occurred between a Grounder and a Sky boy, which worries her.

It has only been three weeks since they started living in Polis among the residents and the disputes are getting more frequent. She was afraid that they would never get along well with one another. Lexa calmed her down, telling her that changes doesn't happen overnight and things will get better. There were more laws in Polis now than before. An old building was turned into a prison for people who did a mild crime - like rioting. The Council and Assembly had come to the point of an agreement whereby not one person can be of higher ranking than the Queen. And a leader can be picked out for the Sky people and the appointed leader will be of equivalence rank, if not lower, than the Commander. The Council had trusted Clarke to take the position, seeing how she had lead her people well.

When the first fight started and eventually balled into a second one, they came up with new rules and punishments together. None of them were used to each other's ideas but they had to try.

"I guess it's time to go back then?" Lexa asked. Clarke nodded.

"You know, you could have gotten here before me if you could drive."

"D-Drive?" Clarke stuttered. There is no way she would maneuver that four-wheeled thing. She didn't even know how to swim. But then again, swimming and driving are two different things. Lexa grinned widely, holding her girlfriend's hand. "Let's learn how to drive."

And that's what they did the entire day. Lexa had brought them to an empty land and taught her how to drive. Clarke was grateful to be a fast learner and catch on things fast. By eight o'clock, she had mastered the art of driving and Lexa applauded her for setting a record. However, just because she mastered it in less than a day meant that she already knew how to drive. She knows the basic, but overnight, she might just forget about it. Lexa promised her that they will come everyday to practice until she perfects it.


Raven was sitting in the living room, eating a chicken wing that Aria had brought home. It is delicious, she thought. She cringed at the thought of the food she might have missed out on in the Ark. But they were probably not as delicious as the food on the Ground. There are more varities down here and the stocks are unlimited.

Clarke shook her head from afar, unsure why she'd agreed to let Raven stay with them. "Why do you dislike Bellamy so much?" She asked, taking a seat near the older girl. Raven looked at the blonde-haired girl, and Clarke could see the oily stains on the older girl's lips.

"Not exactly," Raven tried to avoid the question, but when she caught Clark's frown, she sighed and answered the question honestly. "We did it again. And he pretended like it was nothing. Who does he think he is?"

"Oh my god, wait. When did this happen?"

"A couple of days back. We were talking and then suddenl- Ugh, you know. We didn't mean to."

"What about Wick?"

"We are going through hard times now," Raven responded. "It's a really huge misunderstanding. And the fact that I slept with Bellamy just... it stresses me more."


"Sorry, I shouldn't have vented it out on him. I'm just really tired of being a girl that someone just wants to sleep with you know? I want to feel loved."

Clarke sighed in understanding. She grabs a chicken wing from the plate and joined Raven so that she wouldn't feel so lonely eating alone, especially since she was having a one of a kind emotional roller coaster.

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