Nude » h.s (#Wattys2016)

By qveendom

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"There is a little bit of devil in her angel eyes." [Book 1] // © 2014 Qveendom. All Rights Reserved. |... More

w a r n i n g
p r o l o g u e
e p i l o g u e
r a d i s h


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By qveendom


It's hard because I want you all to myself, but there is no possible way I could. ❞

The sixteen year old boy was sitting in the corner of his bedroom with a textbook on his lap and a pencil in his hand as he listened to loud rock music. His curly hair was pushed to the side so that he could have a better view of the figure he was drawing. His head moved to the beat of the music and the pencil he was holding drew straight lines fast against the paper.

A knock was heard on the door making his head tilt up towards the direction of the sound but he decided to not reply and instead returned his gaze back to his drawing. From the corner of his eyes he saw the door open and then someone walked in calling his name.

"Harry." his father's voice reached his ear but he ignored him. Soon the music stopped and Harry let out an angry groan.

"Why did you do that?" he asked angrily standing on his feet.

"Because I want you to listen to me." his father said, Harry rolled his eyes.

"Don't you think it's too late for that?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"It's never late. Look, I'm sorry that you had to learn it that way."

"You sure as hell are. What did you think? That I would never know? Secrets can't be kept forever." Harry yelled throwing his hands in the air.

"It's not that. It's just...Harry you are my son, that will never change despite what those papers say. I love you like my true son, I have showed you that." Desmond told him reaching out for him but Harry moved backwards.

"Is that all you wanted to say?" he asked avoiding to look at him in the eyes. He knew that he loved him but he felt betrayed. Everything he thought was real was in fact a lie.

"Please Harry let's not let this ruin our relationship." Desmond pled and lowered his head walking out of the room. Harry screamed taking the pillows on his bed and throwing them at the wall.

He looked at his phone running a hand through his hair and quickly put on his jacket and green beanie and walked towards the desk taking it in his hands typing a message to his friend. Then he stepped out of his bedroom and walked downstairs.

His sister Nina was sitting on the couch watching a reality show on tv but when she heard his footsteps her head immediately snapped towards his direction and a smile formed on her round face. Harry wanted to smile at her too, he couldn't though. All he could think about was how fast things changed; a year ago they were both laughing and having fun as he played the piano for her and now he felt like he didn't know her anymore, he didn't know himself.

"Where are you going?" she asked him with a frown on her face, her brown eyes scanning his appearance. He never usually dressed like that, the shirts and sweaters were gone.

"Out with some friends, don't wait for me." he told her and rushed to the front door not waiting for her reply.He got outside the house and looked around him until his green eyes landed on the car parked next to the pavement. He waved at his friend and quickly got inside letting the warm air engulf him.

"Hey mate." the boy greeted him.

"Hey Ethan."

"I hope you are ready for some fun."

"Yes let's just go." Harry replied forcing a smile.

[Angel's POV]

"Okay, so this is your gallery?" I asked Harry as we enter the inside of the building. My lips were parted slightly as I looked around me in awe, this place is huge. The walls were all painted white making the inside look bigger than it probably was, small and big paintings that Harry had made hung on them their dark colors making a great contrast with the bright walls. The floor was made of dark brown wood, small round lights were on the grey ceiling looking like stars, the room didn't have any furniture expect from the big round glass table standing in the middle with a vase of white roses on top.

"Yes, this is it." Harry replied lowering a bit the lighting making the main room slightly darker.

"It's beautiful, really." I told him truthfully without looking at him, instead my eyes were glued on his paintings. They all looked so dark, depressing, even scary but yet they still managed to look absolutely amazing. He had portaited his emotions so nicely, I could feel the pain, the loss, everything his paintings wanted to show. I heard Harry's footsteps behind me and soon he was standing next to me with his hands in his pockets as his green eyes stared intensely at the painting in front of us.

"They are dark and scary, but I kind of like them." I confessed looking at him, he smiled a bit nodding his head.

"I'm glad you do." he simply replied.

"When did you open this gallery?" I asked.

"I had done some painting at home and my father thought that it would be the perfect present for my 18th birthday, he always liked what I drew. Everything was okay until he died and his companies passed on my hands."

"So you didn't want the company?"

"No, I liked the fame my name as an artist gave me owning a company was never my thing. That's why most people know me of my paintings." he told me, I nodded.

"Yes but now you are doing both, so it's not that bad." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Who is this woman?" I asked pointing at the pointing next to him. His head turned to look at it and he sighed biting his bottom lip. The painting showed a woman with brown long hair falling over her face, her one hand was pressed against her chest as if she was in pain and with her other arm she was holding a small figure which looked like a baby, black tears had stained her pale cheeks. The details were breathtaking, it looked so real.

"She...she is no one, she's just part of my imagination. She is a mother in pain who is crying over her dead son's body." he explained.

"Then why do I have the feeling that the woman in this painting is your real mother? Or at least how you imagined her to be when she gave you away." I asked him. Harry chucked shaking his head as his eyes met mine.

"That's another way to think of it. I just paint, the viewer can see whatever he wants to see. If that's what you see looking at this then so be it." he said and walked away towards another painting. I run behind him.

"It's not only what I see, it's also what you were thinking while making that painting."

"Maybe." he simply said. Is it really that hard to accept something for once?

"Fine." I pouted looking at him from the corner of my eye, I swear I saw him smirk.

"Moving to the next one. What do you see here?" he asked making my eyes trail to the painting. It looked like a young boy, his hair was short and black, his eyes were crystal blue and you could see them shining, his chest was bare with a few scars marking his flesh and around him a dark fog was engulfing him. He had no lips, they were smudged.

"I see a young confused boy. He looks lost and alone, he has no one to talk to, he seems despessed. He is fighting with his own demons, yet he is not winning since the dark fog is pulling him in." I said as I tilted my head to the side a bit.

"Impressive." Harry said and I looked at him deciding to change the topic a bit.

"What about my painting? Is it done yet?"

"Yeah it's almost done? I'll show it to you when we get back." Harry replied and I smiled at him hugging myself with my arms. It was kind of cold.

"Anything else you wanted to show me?" I asked hoping that he would say yes, I was actually really enjoying the time that I spend with him at the moment. I wanted it to last as much as possible.

"Yes actually-" he started to say but was interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. He took it out of his pocket and raised his finger in the air telling me to be quite. My face dropped. What if they are from the company? If he goes there this night will be ruined and I don't want that. Before he could answer it I approached him and sneakily took it from his hand.

"Hey!" he protested looking at me with wide eyes. I took a few steps back seeing that it was Louis calling. Good, I know that he won't mind if nobody answers him.

"Angelina, give it to me." Harry said sternly but I shook my head smirking playfully at him.


"Give it back."

"Alright." I said making him relax a bit, he extended his hand out. "But first you will have to catch me, Mr. Styles." I added and quickly turned around running as fast as I could, I took a turn on the right entering a long corridor and then another room. I swear this place is massive, it's like a labyrinth. I didn't look behind me cause I knew that if I did I would slow down and I didn't want him to catch me just let, I could hear him behind me and I laughed out loud throwing my head back as I kept running.

Suddenly two strong arms wrapped around my waist and Harry pulled me into his chest. "Got you, darling." he whispered in my ear, his lips brushing over my skin and I shivered breathing heavily causing him to smile. He turned my body around so that our chests touched and I pressed the palm of my hands on his shoulders as he held me close to him. His eyes trailed from my lips to my eyes and he smirked slowly walking forwards and pressing my back on the wall.

"Now give me my phone."

"No." I said confidently keeping my head high causing him to frown.

"First you will answer some of my questions." I stated. His emerald eyes studied me for a while keeping a hard face on but in the end he eventually gave up. A sigh left his lips and he pressed his back on the wall next to me before sliding down and sitting on the floor. I followed him and did the same. We were both looking at the wall opposite us which was covered by a big painting of a red rose.

"Go on." Harry was first to say and I took a deep breath preparing myself to speak.

"Let's start with a simple one. Why did you choose me as your model?" I asked playing nervously with my thumbs.

"You caught my attention, I guess. You looked different from the rest of the girls there. You had that innocent look that I was looking for."

"Okay. The girls in the Dollhouse had told me that this wasn't the first time you went there. You had been there before. Was it for the same reason?"

"Are you serious? I am not answering that."

"You will if you want your phone back." I smirked keeping my gaze still glued on the painting.

"You know I can easily get it from you."

"I know but you won't. Just answer my questions and in the end you can ask me something too."

"I went there because of my sister." he confessed making my eyes widen as I turned to look at him in shock.

"Your sister was a Doll? H-how?" I asked still trying to take in what he said. That didn't make sense Loren from the Dollhouse that night had told me that the last girl Harry took with his was found dead the morning after. But according to him the only girl he went there for was his sister. Harry would never kill her. What is happening here?

"I don't want to talk about that with you." Harry said and even though I knew that this was a sensitive subject to talk about with someone he didn't know well I couldn't help but feel slightly hurt.

"I understand let's just continue. Have you ever heard of Maxwell and Veronica Starr?" I asked. His eyebrows furrowed and his jaw tensed a bit.

"Who are they?"

"They were my parents." Harry run a hand through his hair and stared at me for a few seconds.

"I have heard of them, but I didn't know them personally. My father knew them." he replied quickly, he seemed in unease.

"Have you heard how they died?"

"No. Enough with these stupid questions."

"They are not stupid Harry. They were my parents and someone murdered them and I'll find who did it." I yelled in anger standing up immediately. Harry did the same giving me an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." he apologized. I took his phone from my pocket and handed it back to him.

"It's okay. I guess the question game is not working for us."

"Indeed it isn't." he said smiling weakly. "But I believe it's my time to ask you something."


"Have you been in contact with Alexander or Ethan since the time I took you from the Dollhouse?" he asked taking me by surprise. Lie, lie, lie Angelina.

"No. Why?"

"I just wanted to know. In order for our deal to work you will have to stay away from them. I won't be able to protect or help if you do." he explained and I nodded feeling my heart flutter. He remembers our deal and he cares. Harry glanced at his phone and then back at me.

"I think that we should go."

* * *

Once we were outside the building I moved in front of Harry making my way towards the car which was waiting for us near the entrance door. He followed behind me but as I was about to get in the car I turned around to see that he had stopped and his gaze was directed towards something else.

"Harry." I called his name trying to get his attention. He looked at our driver and slowly approached me.

"Sorry Miles but we're not leaving yet." he told him making me frown.

"Okay sir."

"Come with me." he said grabbing my wrist in his hand. We started walking and when I saw where we were heading my eyes widened.

"Wait Harry! Are we going ice-skating?" I asked a bit nervous as I looked over at the ice ring, where couples were laughing and having fun.

"Yes we are. It's going to be fun plus I want to make it up to you for being an asshole earlier." he responded pulling me with him. We entered the warm building together, the warm heat hitting our faces and making my insides warm again. Harry walked over to the counter and tapped his fingers on it impatiently as he waited for the assistant to appear.

"Hello sir. What sizes would you like?" the young boy asked him with a smile on his face.

"A size 11 for me and..." he trailed off looking at me.

"A size 8 for me." I said in a low voice. The young boy disappeared and soon came back holding our shoes in is hands. He handed them to us and I went to sit on a chair to put them on. I saw Harry pay and then he came and sat next to me. This is going to be a disaster I thought shaking my head as a small smiled appeared on my face. Oh lord, this man is so unpredictable. I quickly tied up my laces when I saw that Harry had already finished with his and stood up slowly making sure to keep my balance.

"I haven't done this before. What if I fall, that will be embarrassing Harry."

"Don't be worried, I'll help you." he smirked at me and gave me his hand to take. I exhaled deeply and tool it feeling my heart beat increase at the simple contact.

He helped me out onto the ice and when he was standing by me I squeezed his hand tighter as I moved unsteadily on the ice. All I was thinking about was the possibility of slipping and that made my heart race. Harry started moving pulling me with him and we started skating side by side slowly.

"You are doing good." I heard Harry say but I didn't look at him, my eyes were fixed on my feet as I made sure to keep myself on my feet. It's not that bad.

"Can I let you go now?" he asked and I looked around me at the now almost empty ice ring and then my eyes met his. I bit my lip and nodded my head.

"Erm... o-okay." I agreed smiling, he let go of my hand and pushed himself along the ice ahead of me. I started to panic when I saw him moving away.

"Harry wait!" I yelled reaching out for him. He turned around with grace on the ice and he looked at me with amusement. He was now standing at the opposite side of the ring.

"I can't, I'm going to fall. Harry I take it back... I need your hand. me." I was talking so quickly I couldn't even understand myself. This is the first time I do this and it's going to be the last. I tried to move and I was doing okay for about 10 seconds before I felt my foot slip on the ice and I lost my balance. I squealed and shut my eyes waiting for the impact that was going to freeze my bum but it never came.

"I have you." Harry whispered and I opened my eye to find him holding me with his hands. I blushed and grabbed his arms steadying myself up again.

"Thank you."

"How many times will I have to save to save your little bum? You really are clumsy." he stated smiling down at me, his cute dimples showing.

"Sorry." I whispered averting my eyes from him. He moved behind me and he placed his hands on my waist holding me securely and I felt his lips next to my ear.

"Let's try again. This time don't think about falling just enjoy the moment. I got you, I promise I won't let you fall." he said and moved again next to me his hand finding mine and he entwined our fingers together.

"Who taught you how to ice skate?" I asked him as we skated along the ice slowly and steadily, griping his hand tightly.

"My mother, she loved it." he replied.

"Where is she you have never talked about her?"

"After both my father's and sister's death she decide to leave. She is now in Africa providing her help to the children who need it."

"That's so nice of her. She must be a lovely woman." I stated and he smiled looking proud of her.

"Yes she is."

I sighed and started skating off in front of him taking my hand from his. You can do it. I am determined to do this.

"What are you doing?" I heard Harry ask.

"I'm going to do it myself." I exclaimed and he chuckled from behind me, as I started to move my legs quicker keeping my arms out to the side.

"How am I doing?" I asked him slowly turning my head to look at Harry over my shoulder. He stood behind me, watching with his hands over his chest as the ends of his scarf caught the wind and a smile was laced on his lips. The wind blew my hair over my face making it hard to see and I almost fell but held myself up in time. I giggled and laughed as I whisked along the ice-ring.

"You're great." Harry said approaching me. "But still not as good as me."

"Oh it's game on then Mr. Styles." I told him narrowing my eyes as a smile spred across my face.

"I can't wait to see you lose Miss Starr."

With that he winked at me and started skating leaving me behind still trying to get over his amazingly cute and carefree behavior, I have never seen him like this. I love this side of him.

"Hey, don't cheat." I exclaimed following him, moving my feet against the ice underneath my skaters.

"I'm not, you are just too slow." he laughed and that made me move faster just so I could prove him differently.

"Cheater." I squealed when I finally caught up with him and grabbed his arm pulling him back. Big mistake. He wasn't expecting me to do that and he lost his balance, his feet buckled underneath him and he feel to the ground. I gasped my hand coming immediately up to my mouth as I looked at him lying on the ice.

"I'm so sorry Harry, I didn't mean to." I apologized. He sat up, brushing the ice from his coat and rubbing his elbows soothingly.

"At least help me get up." he said and I quickly took his hand preparing myself to push him up but he did the opposite and pulled me down with him. I screamed in surprise as I fell beside him with my leg over his lap. My one hand was on the ice and the other was still on Harry's hand. The cold ground made me shiver and I looked at Harry with my lips parted.

"Why did you do that?" I yelled but he looked amused.

"You deserved it, look what you did to me. You don't take losing easily I assume." he said with a smirk and I glance at his body to see that he was still completely lying on the ice. He must be cold.

"No, you cheated." I protested making him raise him eyebrow.


"You distracted me by winking and smiling and then you skated off first." I told him and he laughed his eyes shining. I wanted to laugh with him too but stopped myself.

"How is it me smiling and winking a distraction?" he asked. Like you don't know.

"It simply is." I replied trying to take my hand from his but he wouldn't let me, he pulled me closer to him.

"And making me fall on the cold ice was your payback? You are dangerous woman." he whispered as his green eyes bored into my blue ones and he bit his lip. His other hand cupped my face, it was cold causing me gasp quietly, and I placed mine on top of his. He was going to kiss me, our noses were touching, with one simple move I could press my lips against his but I didn't. I stopped myself.

"I think we should stand up, I'm cold." I whispered moving away from him. Harry stood up with ease and held his hand out for me. He pulled me up from the ice and led up across the ice-ring, to the brenches by the counter.

"Harry?" I called and he turned his head to look at me.

"Thank you I had fun." I told him smiling and he returned it.

"No problem, darling."

Damn you Harry stop making my heart race like this.

Next chapter will be in Harry's pov too, I hope you liked this one.

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