twisted // tyler seguin

By defendamalie

247K 3.6K 350

When Savannah Whitfield is dragged by her sister to a Dallas Stars game against her will on her birthday, her... More

twenty one
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forty one
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fifty two
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part two
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eighty one
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eighty five

fifty one

1.9K 38 1
By defendamalie

Tyler came home, and surprisingly didn't pull the usual "I'm tired" speech that deterred me from bothering him. It was good he picked this day out of all of the other days to not be tired, especially since Cash and Marshall turned into barking banshees the moment he walked into the door. I was in the mood to talk to Tyler anyways, which it made it all the better.

Tyler came in the door with his luggage and a beautiful face that flashed me a smile when he saw me sprawled out on the couch. I instantly got up, and jumped into his arms that had no choice but to wrap around me as I placed a thousand kisses all over his flawless face.

"I missed you Tyler," I mumbled in between the kisses that were now being placed on his lips. "I missed you a lot."

Tyler chuckled and gave me his cheesy smile, returning my kisses. "I missed you more babe," He went for my neck unexpectedly which sent a wave of chills and pleasure down my spine. "I missed kissing your soft skin over and over, and running my hand through that blonde hair of yours. I missed you period."

He managed to sit me down on the kitchen counter, his arms gripping the ledge next to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him closer so I could caress his bare face. "You didn't rehearse that did you?"

Tyler rolled his eyes and smiled. "Shut up," He laughed out. His chocolate eyes met mine before leaning in for another kiss. "How was it while I was gone? Specifically," He eyed the two Labs panting with smiling faces at our feet. "How were these guys?" Tyler dropped down and petted them at last, granting them their wishes.

"They were good." I said, watching them lick Tyler senseless. "They hung out with me most of the time, and occasionally yanked me down the street a little too hard when I walked them, but they're dogs so it's nothing to complain about." Cash gave me a goofy look with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, before jumping onto my legs as if he were thanking me for the good review. I rubbed the top of his head, babying him. "Isn't that right boy? Who's a good boy? You are!" I cooed.

"And I see you bonded with them too. That's cute." Tyler joked. I rolled my eyes and kicked his thigh, which didn't do too much damage.

"How was LA?" I asked, watching as he got settled onto the couch.

Tyler sighed before stretching. "It was good," He breathed out heavily. "It wasn't anything special, like you said."

"I never said it wasn't anything special," I moaned out, rolling my eyes. "I said it was pointless to go. Stop misquoting me."

"Yeah, yeah, same thing." He called from the couch. I made my way over to towards his suitcase, which was left untouched.

"Do you want me to unpack this for you? I have nothing better to do." I extended the handle and got it in position to roll it up the stairs with me.

Tyler glanced at me and gave me a puzzled look. "Yeah, if you want to, I don't care. I wasn't expecting you to."

"I'll take that as a yes." I said, yanking the suitcase with me. Cash quickly got on his feet and trotted after me, still panting. "Aw, you're coming with me little guy?" I asked him. He breathed loudly with excitement which I took as an exuberant 'Yes'.

I wheeled the suitcase into Tyler's room and unzipped it as Cash slumped next to it, his large eyes watching me. His clothes were horribly folded, if folded at all, and seemed to just be thrown into an unorganized pile of fabric. I shouldn't have been so surprised, since this was Tyler's stuff I was unpacking. Not only were there tons of shirts and pants shoved into the suitcase, but a couple of his boxers laid underneath of his clothes. I've heard of unorganized, but this was on a whole new level. Something white and small towards the bottom of his suitcase caught my eyes, and I pulled a couple of his clothes out to see what it actually was.

When I picked up the thin garment, I noticed a piece of paper was pinned to it with a bobby pin. I yanked the piece of paper out and read a note written in elegant, loopy penmanship.


Next time you're out in L.A, give me a call. It was nice meeting you, and you surely won't be forgotten.

- Megan xo

What? I straightened the garment out frantically, and it turned out to be a lace thong. My heart dropped, and an overwhelming sense of numb dread spread throughout my body like a type of snake venom. "That sleazy, son of a bitch." I mumbled out. Cash poked his head up, sniffing the thong before sneezing and laying back down. This couldn't be happening- not for a second time. Tyler wouldn't do this. He couldn't do this.

This Megan girl left her phone number, so I decided to give her a call. The anger pumping through my body in strong intervals was too powerful to care or plan what I was going to say. I couldn't let this happen again. I wasn't going to let-

"Hello?" A charming, deep yet girly voice chimed out on the other line.

"Hi," I spat out. "Is this.. Megan?"

"Yeah, who is this?" She asked hesitantly.

My tongue rubbed throughout my mouth out of anger and irritation. "Yeah, um, by any chance, did you meet someone named Tyler over the past couple of days?"

There was an awkward pause and an incoherent mumble. "Yeah, Seguin. Why?"

My level of anger was rising to the point where I thought every thing the skeevy bitch said was funny. It was a joke. A cruel joke that was getting a bit old. "Okay, well I don't know if he told you or not, but he has a girlfriend. And that girl is me. So I don't appreciate you leaving your skanky thongs around in his luggage, with cheap little love letters pinned to them with even cheaper bobby pins. It's tacky, and quite frankly, I don't want you calling him, and I'm sure he doesn't want you calling him."

"That's funny, that's not what he said the other night though."

Excuse me?

I let out a chuckle as I felt the fuming steam that was beginning to fuel my sporadic, barbarian behavior flow and exit throughout my body. "Nice attempt at being quirky Megan, but that was fucking weak. Which probably described the way you claim you 'fucked' him. He could scream out your name sweetheart, but I promise you, it will never, ever be as loud as he cries out mine. And if it is, it's probably out of pity for you for even having the worthless thought of believing that you will ever amount to anything more than an immoral, lard brained piece of shit, that he can stick his dick into. You're foolish for even-"

"Sav, are you okay up there?" Tyler called out, walking up the steps. My fingers flew to the end button and snatched the thong and note as fast as possible, shoving it into the pocket of my sweatpants."I heard you from downstairs. Are you talking to yourself?"

I shrugged, giving him a confused face. My face was burning, which had to mean it was glowing red. "No, I was singing to myself." I lied. Tyler raised an eyebrow as I smiled. "I was probably a bit too loud."

"That didn't sound like singing to me." He said walking over towards his bed, eyeing the wrinkled clothes that were sprawled out. "You sure you wanted to 'unpack', and not just go through my belongings?" Tyler flashed me a grin that made my stomach churn.

I shrugged again. Megan's words were still echoing in my mind, nipping at the back of my head, begging me to open my mouth and say something. My tongue was growing damp and heavy from the dread and uneasiness, so I finally decided to open my mouth. "Tyler, you love me right?"

His look made me instantly choke on my words and send a swallowing wave of regret over me. "Of course I do, what makes you say that?" His face was serious and his features were tight and clenched.

I shrugged again, opening my mouth as my brain sifted through the right words to use. "I-I-I don't know." I was stuttering horribly, and Megan's words were growing louder and louder. That's not what he said the other night though. The room suddenly increased in temperature by what felt like 50 degrees, as the smallest bead of sweat began forming on the edge of my hairline. "Some-sometimes, I just, I just feel like, that, it-it's hard t-to.. trust-"

The doorbell rang and a loud banging at the door downstairs sent Cash and Marshall into a frenzy. Cash bolted downstairs and joined his brother in the loud noises that drove me crazy. I jumped at the sudden noise which didn't help to sooth me at all. "I'll get it," I mumbled inaudibly, racing down the steps to escape the stuffy atmosphere I created. Cash and Marshall were still barking and making my nerves jittery as I swung open the front door. My sister and her boyfriend was there to greet me, her eyes big and shiny.

"Oh Sav," She cried out, gripping me tightly. Her boyfriend Brandon stood behind her with a genuine smile on his face that I returned. "You won't believe what just happened."

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