The Feelings (A Frexy Fanfic)

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At Freddy's, Foxy soon finds out that he's developing feelings for his best friend Freddy Fazbear. Confused b... Viac

Chapter 1~Falling
Chapter 2~Twist
Chapter 3~Closure
Chapter 4~ Always Alone
Chapter 5~ Jealous Bonnie
Chapter 6~ Decisions
Chapter 7~ Choosing
Chapter 8~ A New Night Guard
Chapter 9~ Outside?
Chapter 11~ Killing Sprees
Chapter 12~ New Against Old
Chapter 13~ Gold Or Mold?
Chapter 14~ Gaby's Cousin
Chapter 15~ The Date
Chapter 16~ There's No Such Thing As Magic!
Chapter 17~ Under New Management
Chapter 18~ The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 19~ Shelter
Chapter 20~ Searching For Foxy
Chapter 21~ Broken
Chapter 22~ Just A Dream
Chapter 23~ Mr.Blue Sky
Chapter 24~ Pizza Delivery
Chapter 25~ Trust Me
Chapter 26~ Forgive Me?
Chapter 27~ I Forgive You
Chapter 28~ Foxy's Day Of Creation
Chapter 29~ Foxy's Appetite
Chapter 30~ Impossible
Chapter 31~ Breaking The News
Chapter 32~ Nightmare
Chapter 33~ You Choose
Chapter 34~ An Antidote
Chapter 35~ Names
Chapter 36~ Peanut
Chapter 37~ It's Time
Chapter 38~ I.O.U
Chapter 39~ Competition
Chapter 40~ BackFire
Chapter 41~ Chains Of Love
Chapter 42~ Deadly Memories
Chapter 43~ A Second Chance
Chapter 44~ Back On Track
Chapter 45~ I'm Still Here
Chapter 46~ Separated
Chapter 47~ Help Me
New Book

Chapter 10~ I'm Here

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Od tmntyolo

Jackie's/Gaby's Pov: good! Ouch, but my tongue still sorta hurts.
I swallowed the chewiness of my burger down my throat, and looked at my phone, telling me it was 4:36am. I began to eat my fries with some ketchup, if my cousin were here she would steal all of my ketchup and use it for herself! That ketchup loving maniac. After I was done, I put the trash in the bag I was given, then threw it in the trash. I saw Bonnie asleep, Chica holding her stomach, leaning against the stage. And Bon Bon faceplanted on the stage floor, asleep? Oh tell me She's asleep!
I tip toed to where she was and gently tapped her with my shoe, waiting to see if she would react.
She shook a bit and I was more than relieved.

"So you still don't have a ride huh?" Golden said Behind me.

I turned around, and was meaning to nod, but then I knew I shouldn't because I would be lying.

"Ok got me, I just don't wanna leave right after my shift ends. I'd be too lazy to do all that. Getting up and walking to my car, then driving home." I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Yea, I noticed, since on the phone you said you couldn't go home right away because you didn't have a ride or something like that."

"Yea, just wanted to be somewhere else than home."

"It sounds like home isn't really that great."

"Its not..I mean...why am I even talking to you, you're a talking animatronic.."

"I can talk, but I can also listen."

Golden's voice was so soothing like an old grandfather that would give you candy everytime you made him laugh. I felt tears sting my cheeks, as I stared at him with watered eyes.
He reached over and wiped them away gently, stroking my cheek.

"Tell me what's on your mind little one. I will listen to you."

After explaining my whole backstory, it felt as if all the burdens I was carrying, were lifted from upon my shoulders. My chest felt lighter and my mind was once again innocent.
I looked at Golden, who had not changed his expression the entire time, making me feel like a real person.

"You may live, the way you want to live, not how others think you should, they have their lives, and you have yours. Your life is important to you, yourself, and Me. I don't like to see other people cry because of something they're going through. Things will get better. You've probably heard that before I know, but now you're hearing it from me. Believe me Gaby."

More tears streamed down my face as he said the last word. I hugged him tightly, crying muffled sounds in his shoulder, he hugged me back, rubbing my back gently.

"Thank you..." I whispered, pulling away from him, wiping my eyes.

"Any time you want to talk, I'll listen."
He said, walking away.

I nodded, watching him go away.
I looked at my phone, and it read 5:48am. I put it away, looking around to still see the rest of the animatronics still wasted.
I went to Pirate's Cove and peeked through the curtains, and saw Freddy and Foxy, sleeping in each other's arms.

"What an adorable pair.." I said, as I walked back to the stage, finding a nice spot, then laying down, taking a quick nap.

Golden Freddy's Pov:
Its almost 6:00am, almost time for her to leave, But I don't want her to, she's like my best friend. She helped us experience what Fun was like. We went through a car chase, and that was the bomb! Praise the Lord she took Mike's Job! Speaking of Mike, where is that little sucker? Did he cry all the way home just because I didn't let him out precisely at 6:00am? I hope I never see that little impatient brat again.

But I hate to admit it, if it wasn't for Mike, Gaby wouldn't be here with us now, giving us a taste of the outside world.


Oh yea, the news should be coming on soon, better check it out.

I ran to the 'employees only' room, and sat down, turning on the small tv, turning to the news channel.

"Earlier today around 2:30 to 3:40 am, Mc Donald's had a very surprising visit. Here are some of the local bystanders that were there not to long ago."


"Dude! These..costumed freaks just came strolling in up here and like were acting like crazed kids on a sugar rush! I was actually gonna join in on them too."


"It was pretty crazy, especially when the cops showed up! Like there was this yellow bear that had like powers or something. He actually stopped the bullets that were shot at him as if he was a Jedi. And then he made them expload! It blew my mind!"

"Yo that was little ol' me." I said, smirking.


"But it was pretty weird, those things look like those characters from that nearby pizza parlor. I guess those were pretty good costumes. And one of them stole my food!"

I watched as more people explained their encounters, until it went back to the news lady.

"Police are baffled of how the costumed freaks managed to escape, one of the officers said he shot two of the figures. But they didn't fall, instead they made it away to the getaway driver's vehicle and floated away. They actually flew away! Unfortunately, they didn't get to take a closer look at the vehicle they escaped in, but they do know it was a black Ferrari, driven by a female. Some people stated that they were not costumes, but the animatronic characters at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

My eyes widened, and I quickly paused the tv, yelling for everyone to get over where I was.

"What is it Golden?" Gaby asked, stretching.

"Yea, I was in the middle of a good dream." Bonnie said, yawning.

"This better be important Golden." Freddy stated, crossing his arms.

"Believe me, it's important." I said, quickly putting it on play.


"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, had a few problems before. Some that are too baffling to comprehend. Not too long ago, The animatronic character named Foxy, attacked a child. Some thought the Fox to be scrapped for good, but according to this footage seen here, apparently not. So, were the animatronic charcters responsible for the Mc Donald sabotization? Or were they actually costumes?"

I turned off the tv, and looked at their expressions.

"I don't believe it..." Bon Bon said, looking down.

"I know...-" Bonnie said, getting cut off by Bon Bon.

"Guys we're famous!" She said, excitedly.

"That's Bad!" Freddy said.

"Oh..right." Bon Bon said.

"Oh my gosh! They saw my black Ferrari! I'm doomed!" Gaby Said, putting her face in her hands.

"Aye, and they mentioned me too..and scrap..I don't like this." Foxy said, hugging himself.

"No..Foxy, I won't let anyone harm you! I promise!" Freddy said, holding him close.

Foxy's Pov:
"Ye don't have to promise...I already know ye will Freddy." I said, smiling weakly, hugging him.

"At least they can't tell if it was us or not." Chica said.

"They might not, but we can't take any chances, Gaby, I think you should go home now. Its 6:12am time to go home. Just in case if the cops show up, I don't want to see you getting arrested." Golden said, standing up from the chair he was in.

"But..I wanna stay here..with you." She Said, walking closer to him.

"Don't worry Gaby, come by later, ok?" He said, patting her head.

"Ok..later." she said.

"What do we do till then?" Bon Bon asked, rubbing her neck.

"Just act natural I guess, we could hang around." Chica said.

"Aye, we could try to have fun for the time being." I said, pulling myself away from Freddy.

"Yea, we could." Freddy added.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys later then." Gaby said, waving and leaving the room.
"Oh..hold on, if you guys I don't know, need me, You're more than welcome to call me." She said, writing her phone number down on a piece of paper, then giving it to Golden Freddy, smiling.

"Peace out, you crazy girl." Golden said, smiling.

We watched as she left the parking lot, sad that she was leaving, but happy she gave us Fun.
I still couldn't believe we were on the news, if the boss finds out then I'll definitely be scrapped! I don't want that!

Freddy's Pov:
I really don't want Foxy to be scrapped, not ever! I love him too much to let him be scrapped, if they scrape him, then they'll have to scrape me too. We just started going out too, I don't want our relationship to be cut short just because of a mishap. I just wish I would've known he loved me before, so we could've been together longer than we are now.
I walked over to Golden and he gave me the scrap of paper with Gaby's phone number on it, I walked over to the kitchen, using a magnet, I put her phone number on our refrigerator. We keep all our prized possessions on there. Like children's photos and their drawings, but I put her phone number at the top.
We usually don't keep stuff in our refrigerator, only stuff like pizza dough or some sauce, sometimes cheese and meat for the toppings.
Actually, more than that. Eggs, milk, vinegar, frosting, whipped cream, stuff like that.
After I was done admiring the fridge, I left the kitchen in search for Foxy.
I saw him talking to Bon Bon, and I smiled standing next to him and her.

"Oh, hey Freddy!" Bon Bon said, waving at me.
I waved back nodding my head.
Foxy turned to me and smiled, planting a kiss on my cheek. I blushed, and smiled even more.

"So what is it with you and soda Foxy?" I teased, nudging Foxy in the arm.

"Aye, tis be sweet! And bubbly. Just like when ye open a treasure chest under the sea, and watch the bubbles float to the top." He said, giggling.
I laughed, cuddling into his neck. Hearing him giggle was pleasurable.

"Hey guys! Wanna make some pizza?" I heard Chica say, making me interrupt my neck cuddling on Foxy to turn my attention towards her.

"Yea, sounds pretty good." I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Sure! I'm getting hungry so why not?" Bon Bon said, smiling and looking at her stomach.

I saw Bonnie walk over with an irritated look on his face, with one hand over his stomach.

"What's wrong with you?" Bon Bon asked, crossing her arms.

"I feel like I ate a bowling ball." Bonnie said, groaning.

"Probably all those French fries you ate!" Chica scolded.

"But..But they were so good! How come we don't have French Fries here!? Why must we suffer without the glorious taste of fries?!" Bonnie said, kneeling looking at the ceiling.

"Get a hold of yourself Bonnie! C'mon get up and-"

The sound of the front door being slammed interrupted my sentence.
I saw the boss, and 8 men beside him, with tool boxes in each hand.

I still had my arms around Foxy, and I wasn't just gonna un wrap them because of this.

"Ah Freddy, you told me you could handle this! Now I see why you didn't let me scrap him when I wanted to! You're in love with that scrap heape?!" He said, pointing towards me and Foxy's position.

"Not only has he screwed up, But the rest of you did! Even that new one over there! So I'm gonna scrape all of you pieces of worthless tin!" He continued, walking towards me.
I took away my arms from Foxy, and put him behind me, my left arm in front of him.

"Freddy, I'm going to scrape him and you, whether you like it or not!"

Before I could do anything, one of the men with the tool box used a device to electrocute me, causing me to fall forwards, I felt my eye lids get heavy, and I closed them, watching them close in on the others before my eyes couldn't open.

Foxy's Pov:
"Freddy! Freddy!!" I yelled, backing away from the men with an electronic device that took down Freddy.

"Foxy! C'mon we gotta go!" Bonnie said, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from them.

I looked forward and saw Bon Bon being tackled by 2 of the men, and then being electrocuted, from her back. Until her body went limp.

"Bon Bon! No!" I yelled, trying to run towards her, but Bonnie and Chica held me back. Preventing me from doing so.
"Let me go! She needs me! Lassie!!Bon Bon!" I yelled once more, trying to get out of their grip.

"No way Foxy! I'm not letting you go! I don't wanna see you being electrocuted again!" Bonnie yelled, forcing me to stare up at his determined eyes.

"We gotta hide! Somewhere!" Chica insisted, pushing me and Bonnie in front of her.

"Alright C'mon!" Bonnie said, pulling me away from the men, who started to run after us.

"Wait! Wait! Freddy! I need me Freddy!! Freddy!" I yelled.

"No Foxy! C'mon we gotta go before-"

The screaming of our friend Chica stopped him, we turned and saw Chica being held down by five men, all electrocuting her, the screams were too painful to bare.

I ran away from Bonnie, crying and screaming. I couldn't believe what was happening, it can't be real! Its not! Its not! Its just a dream it's just a dream!
Instead of going for the kitchen like We planned, I ran all over the place, trying to stay alive, as I kept running into a couple of men, carrying my friends away, I wanted to do something. I had to! But I can't do it by myself I need help! I need...

"Golden..if ye be there..I need he laddie.."I whispered, looking around.

"I'm already here buddy. Right next to you." He said, his voice suddenly next to me.

"Golden! I..these men! The boss..he he..Freddy..And Bon Bon! And Chica!! He knocked the lads out! Wh-what are we gonna do?! Oh Freddy! I need ye now!" I whispered loudly, feeling tears stream down my face quickly.

"Shhh calm down Foxy. You're gonna get us caught! What about Bonnie? Where's Bonnie?"

"I..I don't know..I ran away from the lad.."

"That's ok, we need to find the others before it's to- Duck!"

Golden quickly shoved my head down, and pulled me towards him.
I looked to where I was, and saw the boss himself with an axe, the axe landed in the wall I was standing next to. He pulled it out and walked towards me and Golden.

"Run Foxy! Go get Gaby! GET GABY!"

"B-But.. I can't just leave ye here-"

"Go! Or I'll kick your butt!"

I quickly ran, but turned around to see the boss swing at Golden, but Golden grabbed the wooden handle of it, pushing against the boss's own strength. I watched as Golden Freddy used both his hands, to push the boss backwards with the strength of himself and the axe. They both began to struggle, the boss mostly.

All of a sudden, my vision blurred. I tried to see clearly, but it only got worse. The boss was gone, replaced by a..purple figure? A purple figure, and he had white eyes. He was wearing a security guard uniform, and the walls seemed to change as well. Their design was completely different with yellow-ish green-ish color wallpaper. I looked at Golden Freddy, who looked like he was partially scrapped, but he still had his strength. In a flash, the purple man soon changed to...a golden Bunny. He looked like Bonnie, mostly scrapped over time. With only half an ear on one side, and he was smiling, he seemed life like, almost as if I've seen him before. His feet weren't like the others, but like mine. Just metal, but his were wrapped around in bulging red wires.
I looked at my hand and hook, but they weren't the same as they usually were. My hook had gotten longer, and my body had black marks, and rusted spots all over. The red paint on my body had faded completely now It looks more like a reddish-grayish. Which freaked me out a bit.
I felt my face, one of my ear's skin was ripped off, leaving just an oval like ear. And my snout, my snout was longer and had mysterious dents, and my teeth were sharper than before.

What's happening?! Where am I!?

I blinked, and suddenly everything turned back to the way it was, Golden still pushing against the boss with the same axe. I stepped back slowly, until Golden Freddy saw me.

"Foxy! I told you to get Gaby! Now Go!!" He yelled, as he pinned the boss to the wall, choking him with the wooden handle under his neck.

I ran off, trying not to get caught, but I tripped over something and made noise, then heard running that was coming towards me. I'm all alone!
I ran to the kitchen, hiding in one of the cabinets, trying to be quiet as possible. I heard footsteps, coming closer to where I was, and I prepared myself for the pain that would soon come.

But the pain never came, instead, the cabinet door opened, and I saw a figure no where near a man's.


"Yea...Foxy.. I'm here."

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